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  Labor Market Information News - State of Connecticut Last Updated: February 4, 2025
February 2025  Publications  /  Data  /  Webpages  /  Updates  /  Releases PDF
February 4, 2025 Information Workforce Investment Planning
Contains a variety of data on the Eastern, North Central, Northwest, South Central and Southwest Workforce Development Areas including population and population density, labor force, employment and wages by industry sector, and new housing permits. In addition, detailed information on residents in need of workforce investment services such as high school dropouts, Medicaid recipients, adult probationers, Temporary Family Assistance (TFA) recipients, and other residents with barriers to employment.
February 4th Weekly Connecticut / WDA Initial and Continuing Unemployment Insurance Claims
Break down unemployment claims by age, education, industry, gender, and town can offer valuable insight for planning and budgeting purposes (02/03/2025).

February 4th
February 4th February 1st 2024 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending February 1st, there were 14,414 new job postings in Connecticut. This document contains new job ad counts for the seven days ending February 1st, 2024. The four data tabs contain tables with new job ads by Industry, Occupation, Employer, and a graph by week.
February 1st, 2025 HWOL (Excel) February 1st
February 3rd Febraury 2025 Connecticut Economic Digest
The Connecticut Economic Digest's purpose is to regularly provide users with a comprehensive source for the most current, up-to-date data available on the workforce and economy of the state, within perspectives of the region and nation.
February 2025 CT Economic Digest (PDF, 4.5M)

Febraury 2025 Digest article: 2025 Economic Outlook published.docx (docx)

January 2025  Publications  /  Data  /  Webpages  /  Updates  /  Releases PDF
January 30th Business Employment Dynamics 2Q 2024
Business Employment Dynamics (BED) data published quarterly by the Bureau of Labor Statistics tracks employment change at the establishment level and reveals the underlying dynamics of net employment change. The data include gross employment change, business expansion/contraction, establishment birth/death, and is available at sector level.

From April 2024 to June 2024 gross job gains from opening and expanding private sector establishments in Connecticut was 84,522, a 2,131 job increase from the previous quarter. Over this period, gross job losses from closing and contracting private sector establishments was 81,499, an increase of 5,869 from the previous quarter.

During the first quarter of 2024, the difference between gross job gains and gross job losses yielded a net employment increase of 3,023 jobs in the private sector. This net increase follows a 6,761 net increase during the fourth quarter of 2023

Net employment change reached a low of -203,996 during the second quarter of 2020. The combined net change for the sixteen quarters of subsequent data through the second quarter of 2024 is 197,565 jobs.

2Q 2024 Connecticut Business Employment Dynamics PDF

2Q 2024 Connecticut Business Employment Dynamics (Word Doc)

2Q 2024
January 22nd Weekly Connecticut / WDA Initial and Continuing Unemployment Insurance Claims
Break down unemployment claims by age, education, industry, gender, and town can offer valuable insight for planning and budgeting purposes (01/27/2025).

January 27
December 27 Business and Employment Changes Announced in the News Media
Lists start-ups, expansions, recruitments, career fairs, staff reductions, and layoffs reported by the media, both current and future. The report provides company name, the number of workers involved, date of the action, the principal product or service of the company, a brief synopsis of the action, and the source and date of the media article.
January 2025 Connecticut Business and Employment Changes Announced in the News Media PDF January
January 27, 2024 Local Area Unemployment Statistics
The Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS) program produces monthly employment, unemployment, and labor force data for Census regions and divisions, States, counties, metropolitan areas, and many cities, by place of residence.
December 2024 Local Area Unemployment Towns Statistics (PDF)
December 2024 CT LAUS (xlsx)
January 27th Connecticut Labor Situation
Connecticut’s added 5,100 jobs (0.3%) in December 2024 to a level of 1,715,900 while the unemployment rate was stable at 3.0% for the third month in a row (preliminary data, seasonally adjusted). Statewide industry jobs are now 20,100 (1.2%) positions higher than a year ago.
November 2024 Connecticut Labor Situation PDF
December 2024 Connecticut Labor Situation (xlsx)


November 14th January Connecticut Help Wanted OnLine Data Series (HWOL)
Total postings in Connecticut was 69,388 in December 2024, down from a November 2024 posting count of 74,139.

Industry sectors with the most job postings were Health Care and Social Assistance (14,958 postings), Retail Trade (7,272 postings), Manufacturing (5,189 postings), and Professional, Scientific, & Technical Occupations (4,612 postings).

Occupations with the most postings were Registered Nurses (4,315 postings), Retail Salespersons (2,647 postings), Home Health & Personal Care Aides (1,776 postings), and Supervisors of Retail Sales Workers (1,402 postings).

January 2025 HWOL (PDF)

January 2025 HWOL (Powerpoint Doc)

January 22nd Weekly Connecticut / WDA Initial and Continuing Unemployment Insurance Claims
Break down unemployment claims by age, education, industry, gender, and town can offer valuable insight for planning and budgeting purposes (01/21/2025).

January 21
January 22nd January 2025 Connecticut Economic Digest
The Connecticut Economic Digest's purpose is to regularly provide users with a comprehensive source for the most current, up-to-date data available on the workforce and economy of the state, within perspectives of the region and nation.
January 2025 CT Economic Digest (PDF, 4.5M)

January 2025 Digest article: 2025 Economic Outlook published.docx (docx)

January 21st January 18th 2024 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending January 11th, there were 13,402 new job postings in Connecticut. This document contains new job ad counts for the seven days ending January 18th, 2024. The four data tabs contain tables with new job ads by Industry, Occupation, Employer, and a graph by week.
January 18th, 2024 HWOL (Excel) January 18th
January 15th Weekly Connecticut / WDA Initial and Continuing Unemployment Insurance Claims
Break down unemployment claims by age, education, industry, gender, and town can offer valuable insight for planning and budgeting purposes (01/13/2025).

January 13
January 14th January 11th 2024 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending January 11th, there were 12,346 new job postings in Connecticut. This document contains new job ad counts for the seven days ending January 11th, 2024. The four data tabs contain tables with new job ads by Industry, Occupation, Employer, and a graph by week.
January 11th, 2024 HWOL (Excel) January 11th
January 13, 2025 Information Workforce Investment Planning
Contains a variety of data on the Eastern, North Central, Northwest, South Central and Southwest Workforce Development Areas including population and population density, labor force, employment and wages by industry sector, and new housing permits. In addition, detailed information on residents in need of workforce investment services such as high school dropouts, Medicaid recipients, adult probationers, Temporary Family Assistance (TFA) recipients, and other residents with barriers to employment.
January 10th Weekly Connecticut / WDA Initial and Continuing Unemployment Insurance Claims
Break down unemployment claims by age, education, industry, gender, and town can offer valuable insight for planning and budgeting purposes (01/06/2025).

January 6
January 10th January 4th 2024 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending January 4th, there were 8246 new job postings in Connecticut. This document contains new job ad counts for the seven days ending January 4th, 2024. The four data tabs contain tables with new job ads by Industry, Occupation, Employer, and a graph by week.
January 4th, 2024 HWOL (Excel) January 4th
 Publications  /  Data  /  Webpages  /  Updates  /  Releases PDF
December 31st Weekly Connecticut / WDA Initial and Continuing Unemployment Insurance Claims
Break down unemployment claims by age, education, industry, gender, and town can offer valuable insight for planning and budgeting purposes (12/30/24).

December 30th
December 31st December 28th 2024 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending December 28th, there were 9,995 new job postings in Connecticut. This document contains new job ad counts for the seven days ending December 28th, 2024. The four data tabs contain tables with new job ads by Industry, Occupation, Employer, and a graph by week.
December 28th, 2024 HWOL (Excel) December 28st
December 27 Business and Employment Changes Announced in the News Media
Lists start-ups, expansions, recruitments, career fairs, staff reductions, and layoffs reported by the media, both current and future. The report provides company name, the number of workers involved, date of the action, the principal product or service of the company, a brief synopsis of the action, and the source and date of the media article.
December 2024 Connecticut Business and Employment Changes Announced in the News Media PDF December
December 27th December 27th 2024 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending December 21th, there were 11,382 new job postings in Connecticut. This document contains new job ad counts for the seven days ending December 21th, 2024. The four data tabs contain tables with new job ads by Industry, Occupation, Employer, and a graph by week.
December 21st, 2024 HWOL (Excel) December 21st
Decemberf December Connecticut Help Wanted OnLine Data Series (HWOL)
Total postings in Connecticut was 74,139 in November 2024, down from a October 2024 posting count of 78,481.

Industry sectors with the most job postings were Health Care and Social Assistance (14,902 postings), Retail Trade (8,309 posting), Manufacturing (5,918 postings), and Professional, Scientific, & Technical Occupations (4,785 postings).

Occupations with the most postings were Registered Nurses (4,094 postings), Retail Salespersons (3,164 postings), Home Health & Personal Care Aides (1,762 postings), and Supervisors of Retail Sales Workers (1,504 postings).

October 2024 HWOL (PDF)

November 2024 HWOL (Powerpoint Doc)

December 20, 2024 Local Area Unemployment Statistics
The Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS) program produces monthly employment, unemployment, and labor force data for Census regions and divisions, States, counties, metropolitan areas, and many cities, by place of residence.
November 2024 Local Area Unemployment Towns Statistics (PDF)
November 2024 CT LAUS (xlsx)
December 19th December 2024 Connecticut Economic Digest
The Connecticut Economic Digest's purpose is to regularly provide users with a comprehensive source for the most current, up-to-date data available on the workforce and economy of the state, within perspectives of the region and nation.
December 2024 CT Economic Digest (PDF, 4.5M)

December 2024 Digest article: Affordable Housing Production Incentives.docx (docx)

December 19th Connecticut Labor Situation
Connecticut’s industry payrolls added 300 jobs in November 2024 to a level of 1,709,300 as the unemployment rate held steady at 3.0% (preliminary data, seasonally adjusted). Statewide nonfarm industry payrolls are 9,600 (0.6%) positions higher than a year ago. The October 2024 Connecticut preliminary job loss of 300 (-0.02%) was not revised (unchanged) on the normal monthly revision. The November 2024 Connecticut unemployment rate is now well below a year ago (4.2%) and far below the nation (4.2%).
November 2024 Connecticut Labor Situation PDF
November 2024 Connecticut Labor Situation (xlsx)


December 18th Weekly Connecticut / WDA Initial and Continuing Unemployment Insurance Claims
Break down unemployment claims by age, education, industry, gender, and town can offer valuable insight for planning and budgeting purposes (12/16/24).

December 16th
December 17th December 14th 2024 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending December 14th, there were 11,656 new job postings in Connecticut. This document contains new job ad counts for the seven days ending December 14th, 2024. The four data tabs contain tables with new job ads by Industry, Occupation, Employer, and a graph by week.
December 14th, 2024 HWOL (Excel) December 14th
December 12th Weekly Connecticut / WDA Initial and Continuing Unemployment Insurance Claims
Break down unemployment claims by age, education, industry, gender, and town can offer valuable insight for planning and budgeting purposes (12/09/24).

December 9th
December 12th December 9th 2024 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending December 9th, there were 9,858 new job postings in Connecticut. This document contains new job ad counts for the seven days ending December 9th, 2024. The four data tabs contain tables with new job ads by Industry, Occupation, Employer, and a graph by week.
December 9th, 2024 HWOL (Excel) December 9th
December 4th November 2024 Connecticut Economic Digest
The Connecticut Economic Digest's purpose is to regularly provide users with a comprehensive source for the most current, up-to-date data available on the workforce and economy of the state, within perspectives of the region and nation.
November 2024 CT Economic Digest (PDF, 4.5M)

November 2024 Digest article: Affordable Housing Production Incentives.docx (docx)

December 3rd Weekly Connecticut / WDA Initial and Continuing Unemployment Insurance Claims
Break down unemployment claims by age, education, industry, gender, and town can offer valuable insight for planning and budgeting purposes (12/03/24).

December 3rd
December 2nd November 30th 2024 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending November 30th, there were 8,991 new job postings in Connecticut. This document contains new job ad counts for the seven days ending November 30th, 2024. The four data tabs contain tables with new job ads by Industry, Occupation, Employer, and a graph by week.
November 30th, 2024 HWOL (Excel) November 30th
December 2nd Business and Employment Changes Announced in the News Media
Lists start-ups, expansions, recruitments, career fairs, staff reductions, and layoffs reported by the media, both current and future. The report provides company name, the number of workers involved, date of the action, the principal product or service of the company, a brief synopsis of the action, and the source and date of the media article.
November 2024 Connecticut Business and Employment Changes Announced in the News Media PDF November
 Publications  /  Data  /  Webpages  /  Updates  /  Releases PDF
November 27th Weekly Connecticut / WDA Initial and Continuing Unemployment Insurance Claims
Break down unemployment claims by age, education, industry, gender, and town can offer valuable insight for planning and budgeting purposes (11/25/24).

November 25th
November 26th November 26th 2024 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending November 23rd, there were 10,936 new job postings in Connecticut. This document contains new job ad counts for the seven days ending November 23rd, 2024. The four data tabs contain tables with new job ads by Industry, Occupation, Employer, and a graph by week.
November 23rd, 2024 HWOL (Excel) November 23rd
November 20th Weekly Connecticut / WDA Initial and Continuing Unemployment Insurance Claims
Break down unemployment claims by age, education, industry, gender, and town can offer valuable insight for planning and budgeting purposes (11/18/24).

November 18th
November 20th November 20th 2024 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending November 16th, there were 11,887 new job postings in Connecticut. This document contains new job ad counts for the seven days ending November 16th, 2024. The four data tabs contain tables with new job ads by Industry, Occupation, Employer, and a graph by week.
November 16th, 2024 HWOL (Excel) November 16th
November 18th Connecticut Labor Situation
Connecticut’s unemployment rate fell another two-tenths of one percent to 3.2% while the state’s nonfarm payroll employment trimmed a small 300 positions ( 0.02%) to a level of 1,710,300 in September 2024 (preliminary data, seasonally adjusted). Connecticut’s nonfarm industry employment is 11,800 (0.7%) positions higher than a year ago. Payroll employment is 11,700 jobs above February 2020 (the last pre-pandemic month). The total August 2024 Connecticut preliminary job loss of 2,200 (-0.2%) was not revised on the normal monthly revision. The September 2024 unemployment rate is now well below a year ago (4.0%) and has dropped 1.1 percentage points since May 2024 (4.3%) and is at the lowest level since September 2001.
October 2024 Connecticut Labor Situation PDF
September 2024 Connecticut Labor Situation (xlsx)


November 18, 2024 Local Area Unemployment Statistics
The Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS) program produces monthly employment, unemployment, and labor force data for Census regions and divisions, States, counties, metropolitan areas, and many cities, by place of residence.
October 2024 Local Area Unemployment Towns Statistics (PDF)
October 2024 CT LAUS (xlsx)
November 14th Weekly Connecticut / WDA Initial and Continuing Unemployment Insurance Claims
Break down unemployment claims by age, education, industry, gender, and town can offer valuable insight for planning and budgeting purposes (11/11/24).

November 11th
November 14th November Connecticut Help Wanted OnLine Data Series (HWOL)
Total postings in Connecticut was 78,481 in October 2024, down from a September 2024 posting count of 79,160.

Industry sectors with the most job postings were Health Care and Social Assistance (15,678 postings), Retail Trade (8,910 posting), Manufacturing (6,292 postings), and Professional, Scientific, & Technical Occupations (5,071 postings).

Occupations with the most postings were Registered Nurses (4,288 postings), Retail Salespersons (3,073 postings), Home Health & Personal Care Aides (1,743 postings), and Supervisors of Retail Sales Workers (1,586 postings).

October 2024 HWOL (PDF)

October 2024 HWOL (Powerpoint Doc)

November 13th November 9th 2024 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending November 9th, there were 12,332 new job postings in Connecticut. This document contains new job ad counts for the seven days ending November 9th, 2024. The four data tabs contain tables with new job ads by Industry, Occupation, Employer, and a graph by week.
November 9yh, 2024 HWOL (Excel) November 9th
November 5th November 1st 2024 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending November 1st, there were 10,566 new job postings in Connecticut. This document contains new job ad counts for the seven days ending November 1th, 2024. The four data tabs contain tables with new job ads by Industry, Occupation, Employer, and a graph by week.
November 1st, 2024 HWOL (Excel) November 5th
November 5th Weekly Connecticut / WDA Initial and Continuing Unemployment Insurance Claims
Break down unemployment claims by age, education, industry, gender, and town can offer valuable insight for planning and budgeting purposes (11/04/24).

November 5th
 Publications  /  Data  /  Webpages  /  Updates  /  Releases PDF
Octobner 31st Business Employment Dynamics 1Q 2024
Business Employment Dynamics (BED) data published quarterly by the Bureau of Labor Statistics tracks employment change at the establishment level and reveals the underlying dynamics of net employment change. The data include gross employment change, business expansion/contraction, establishment birth/death, and is available at sector level.

From January 2024 to March 2024, gross job gains from opening and expanding private sector establishments in Connecticut was 82,391, a 464 job increase from the previous quarter. Over this period, gross job losses from closing and contracting private sector establishments was 75,630, a decrease of 7,549 from the previous quarter.

During the first quarter of 2024, the difference between gross job gains and gross job losses yielded a net employment increase of 6,761jobs in the private sector. This net increase follows a 1,252 net decrease during the fourth quarter of 2023.

Net employment change reached a low of -203,996 during the second quarter of 2020. The combined net change for the fifteen quarters of subsequent data through the first quarter of 2023 is 194,542 jobs.

1Q 2024 Connecticut Business Employment Dynamics PDF

1Q 2024 Connecticut Business Employment Dynamics (Word Doc)

1Q 2024
October 30th Weekly Connecticut / WDA Initial and Continuing Unemployment Insurance Claims
Break down unemployment claims by age, education, industry, gender, and town can offer valuable insight for planning and budgeting purposes (10/28/24).

October 30th
October 28th October 26th 2024 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending October 26, there were 11,434 new job postings in Connecticut. This document contains new job ad counts for the seven days ending October 26th, 2024. The four data tabs contain tables with new job ads by Industry, Occupation, Employer, and a graph by week.
October 26th 2024 HWOL (Excel) October 28th
October 23rd Weekly Connecticut / WDA Initial and Continuing Unemployment Insurance Claims
Break down unemployment claims by age, education, industry, gender, and town can offer valuable insight for planning and budgeting purposes.

October 23rd
October 23rd October 19th 2024 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending October 19, there were 12,750 new job postings in Connecticut. This document contains new job ad counts for the seven days ending October 19th, 2024. The four data tabs contain tables with new job ads by Industry, Occupation, Employer, and a graph by week.
October 19th 2024 HWOL (Excel) October 23rd
October 21, 2024 Local Area Unemployment Statistics
The Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS) program produces monthly employment, unemployment, and labor force data for Census regions and divisions, States, counties, metropolitan areas, and many cities, by place of residence.
September 2024 Local Area Unemployment Towns Statistics (PDF)
September 2024 CT LAUS (xlsx)
October 21st Connecticut Labor Situation
Connecticut’s unemployment rate fell another two-tenths of one percent to 3.2% while the state’s nonfarm payroll employment trimmed a small 300 positions ( 0.02%) to a level of 1,710,300 in September 2024 (preliminary data, seasonally adjusted). Connecticut’s nonfarm industry employment is 11,800 (0.7%) positions higher than a year ago. Payroll employment is 11,700 jobs above February 2020 (the last pre-pandemic month). The total August 2024 Connecticut preliminary job loss of 2,200 (-0.2%) was not revised on the normal monthly revision. The September 2024 unemployment rate is now well below a year ago (4.0%) and has dropped 1.1 percentage points since May 2024 (4.3%) and is at the lowest level since September 2001.
September 2024 Connecticut Labor Situation PDF
September 2024 Connecticut Labor Situation (xlsx)


October 17th September Connecticut Help Wanted OnLine Data Series (HWOL)
Total postings in Connecticut was 79,160 in September 2024, down from a revised August 2024 posting count of 82,219.

Industry sectors with the most job postings were Health Care and Social Assistance (15,934 postings), Retail Trade (8,639 posting), Manufacturing (6,433 postings), and Professional, Scientific, & Technical Occupations (5,026 postings).

Occupations with the most postings were Registered Nurses (4,397 postings), Retail Salespersons (3,024 postings), Home Health & Personal Care Aides (1,770 postings), and Supervisors of Retail Sales Workersv (1,607 postings).

September 2024 HWOL (PDF)

September 2024 HWOL (Powerpoint Doc)

October 15th October 15th 2024 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending October 12, there were 5,849 new job postings in Connecticut. This document contains new job ad counts for the seven days ending October 15th, 2024. The four data tabs contain tables with new job ads by Industry, Occupation, Employer, and a graph by week.
October 15th 2024 HWOL (Excel) October 15th
October 7th October 5th 2024 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending October 5th, there were 6,588 new job postings in Connecticut. This document contains new job ad counts for the seven days ending October 5th, 2024. The four data tabs contain tables with new job ads by Industry, Occupation, Employer, and a graph by week.
October 5th 2024 HWOL (Excel) October 7th
October 3rd October 2024 Connecticut Economic Digest
The Connecticut Economic Digest's purpose is to regularly provide users with a comprehensive source for the most current, up-to-date data available on the workforce and economy of the state, within perspectives of the region and nation.
October 2024 CT Economic Digest (PDF, 4.5M)

October 2024 Digest article Covered Employment and Wages: Connecticut State Economic Index Outpaces Nation in 2023 (docx)

 Publications  /  Data  /  Webpages  /  Updates  /  Releases PDF
September 30th September 28th 2024 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending September 28th, there were 7,184 new job postings in Connecticut. This document contains new job ad counts for the seven days ending September 28th, 2024. The four data tabs contain tables with new job ads by Industry, Occupation, Employer, and a graph by week.
September 28th 2024 HWOL (Excel) September 30th
September 24th Weekly Connecticut / WDA Initial and Continuing Unemployment Insurance Claims
Break down unemployment claims by age, education, industry, gender, and town can offer valuable insight for planning and budgeting purposes.

September 24th
September 20, 2024 Local Area Unemployment Statistics
The Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS) program produces monthly employment, unemployment, and labor force data for Census regions and divisions, States, counties, metropolitan areas, and many cities, by place of residence.
August 2024 Local Area Unemployment Towns Statistics (PDF)
August 2024 CT LAUS (xlsx)
September 19th Connecticut Labor Situation
Connecticut’s unemployment rate tallied another decline of two-tenths of one percent to 3.4% while the state’s nonfarm payroll employment lost 2,200 positions ( 0.1%) to a level of 1,710,600 in August 2024 (preliminary data, seasonally adjusted). Statewide nonfarm industry employment is 12,800 (0.8%) positions higher than a year ago (1,697,800). The state has now recovered 104.1% (303,100) of the 291,100 nonagricultural jobs lost during the March-April 2020 COVID lockdown period. The small July 2024 Connecticut preliminary payroll gain of 700 (0.04%) was revised lower (-1,600) on the normal monthly revision to a loss of 900. On the other hand, the August 2024 unemployment rate is now below a year ago (3.8%).
August 2024 Connecticut Labor Situation PDF
August 2024 Connecticut Labor Situation (xlsx)


September 18th Weekly Connecticut / WDA Initial and Continuing Unemployment Insurance Claims
Break down unemployment claims by age, education, industry, gender, and town can offer valuable insight for planning and budgeting purposes.

September 18th
September 18th August Connecticut Help Wanted OnLine Data Series (HWOL)
Total postings in Connecticut was 82,219 in August 2024, down from a revised July 2024 posting count of 89,159.

Industry sectors with the most job postings were Health Care and Social Assistance (16,456 postings), Retail Trade (9,132 posting), Manufacturing (6494 postings), and Finance & Insurance (5,254 postings).

Occupations with the most postings were Registered Nurses (4,439 postings), Retail Salespersons (3,264 postings), Home Health & Personal Care Aides (2,204 postings), and Supervisors of Retail Sales Workersv (1,825 postings).

August 2024 HWOL (PDF)

August 2024 HWOL (Powerpoint Doc)

September 17th September 14th 2024 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending September 14th, there were 5,477 new job postings in Connecticut. This document contains new job ad counts for the seven days ending September 14th, 2024. The four data tabs contain tables with new job ads by Industry, Occupation, Employer, and a graph by week.
September 14th 2024 HWOL (Excel) September 14th
September 17th Business and Employment Changes Announced in the News Media
Lists start-ups, expansions, recruitments, career fairs, staff reductions, and layoffs reported by the media, both current and future. The report provides company name, the number of workers involved, date of the action, the principal product or service of the company, a brief synopsis of the action, and the source and date of the media article.
September 2024 Connecticut Business and Employment Changes Announced in the News Media PDF September
September 11th Weekly Connecticut / WDA Initial and Continuing Unemployment Insurance Claims
Break down unemployment claims by age, education, industry, gender, and town can offer valuable insight for planning and budgeting purposes.

September 9th
September 9th 1Q 2024 Worksites by Size Class
Worksites is a count of firms, excluding government, that have only one location, plus a count of each location of firms that have operations in more than one location. The sum of the substate areas is less than the statewide total because some multi-location firms and others that don't have a physical location are coded as statewide and therefore have no substate area designation.
Connecticut 1Q 2024 Worksites by Size Class (xlsx) 1Q 2024
September 9th September 7th 2024 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending September 7th, there were 6,238 new job postings in Connecticut. This document contains new job ad counts for the seven days ending September 7th, 2024. The four data tabs contain tables with new job ads by Industry, Occupation, Employer, and a graph by week.
September 7th 2024 HWOL (Excel) September 7th
september 6, 2024 Connecticut Learns and Works - Fall 2024 Breakfast Symposium
Harnessing AI for Career Development: Opportunities, Risks, & Future Trends
CT State Community College Housatonic, Bridgeport, Friday, October 18, 2024
Speakers include Garrison Leykam, Dr. David Ferreira, Linda Kobylarz, Cailin Grant, and Patrick Flaherty.

Register at
September 6, 2024
September 5th Weekly Connecticut / WDA Initial and Continuing Unemployment Insurance Claims
Break down unemployment claims by age, education, industry, gender, and town can offer valuable insight for planning and budgeting purposes.

August 31th
September 3th September 2024 Connecticut Economic Digest
The Connecticut Economic Digest's purpose is to regularly provide users with a comprehensive source for the most current, up-to-date data available on the workforce and economy of the state, within perspectives of the region and nation.
September 2024 CT Economic Digest (PDF, 4.5M)

September 2024 Digest article Covered Employment and Wages: A 2023 Annual Review (docx)

September 3rd August 31st 2024 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending August 31st, there were 5,637 new job postings in Connecticut. This document contains new job ad counts for the seven days ending August 31st, 2024. The four data tabs contain tables with new job ads by Industry, Occupation, Employer, and a graph by week.
August 31st 2024 HWOL (Excel) August 31st
 Publications  /  Data  /  Webpages  /  Updates  /  Releases PDF
August 30, 2024 Information Workforce Investment Planning
Contains a variety of data on the Eastern, North Central, Northwest, South Central and Southwest Workforce Development Areas including population and population density, labor force, employment and wages by industry sector, and new housing permits. In addition, detailed information on residents in need of workforce investment services such as high school dropouts, Medicaid recipients, adult probationers, Temporary Family Assistance (TFA) recipients, and other residents with barriers to employment.
Agust 27TH Weekly Connecticut / WDA Initial and Continuing Unemployment Insurance Claims
Break down unemployment claims by age, education, industry, gender, and town can offer valuable insight for planning and budgeting purposes.

August 24th
August 27th August 24th 2024 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending August 24th, there were 6,391 new job postings in Connecticut. This document contains new job ad counts for the seven days ending August 24th, 2024. The four data tabs contain tables with new job ads by Industry, Occupation, Employer, and a graph by week.
August 24th 2024 HWOL (Excel) August 24th
August 16th Local Area Unemployment Statistics
The Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS) program produces monthly employment, unemployment, and labor force data for Census regions and divisions, States, counties, metropolitan areas, and many cities, by place of residence.
July 2024 Local Area Unemployment Towns Statistics (PDF)
July 2024 CT LAUS (xlsx)
August 15th Connecticut Labor Situation
Connecticut nonfarm industry payrolls added 700 positions (0.04%) to a level of 1,714,400 in July 2024, as the state’s jobless rate fell three-tenths of one percent to 3.6% (preliminary data, seasonally adjusted). Compared to July 2023, statewide nonfarm industry employment is 17,700 (1.0%) positions higher. The state has now recovered 105.4% (306,900) of the 291,100 nonagricultural jobs lost during the March-April 2020 COVID lockdown period. The June 2024 Connecticut preliminary payroll gains of 3,300 (0.2%) held steady (unchanged) in the normal monthly revision process. The July 2024 unemployment rate declined by a large three-tenths of one percent over-the-month to 3.6% and is now flat with a year ago.
July 2024 Connecticut Labor Situation PDF
July 2024 Connecticut Labor Situation (xlsx)


August 14th July 2024 Connecticut Help Wanted OnLine Data Series (HWOL)
Total postings in Connecticut was 89,159 in July 2024, up from a revised June 2024 posting count of 82,044.

Industry sectors with the most job postings were Health Care and Social Assistance (17,714 postings), Retail Trade (9,514 posting), Manufacturing (7,132 postings), and Finance & Insurance (5982 postings).

Occupations with the most postings were Registered Nurses (5,602 postings), Retail Salespersons (3,278 postings), Home Health & Personal Care Aides (2,071 postings), and Supervisors of Retail Sales Workersv (2,029 postings).

July 2024 HWOL (PDF)

July 2024 HWOL (Powerpoint Doc)

August 14th Business and Employment Changes Announced in the News Media
Lists start-ups, expansions, recruitments, career fairs, staff reductions, and layoffs reported by the media, both current and future. The report provides company name, the number of workers involved, date of the action, the principal product or service of the company, a brief synopsis of the action, and the source and date of the media article.
August 2024 Connecticut Business and Employment Changes Announced in the News Media PDF August
August 14th Weekly Connecticut / WDA Initial and Continuing Unemployment Insurance Claims
Break down unemployment claims by age, education, industry, gender, and town can offer valuable insight for planning and budgeting purposes.

August 12th
August 12th August 10th 2024 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending August 10th, there were 5,367 new job postings in Connecticut. This document contains new job ad counts for the seven days ending August 10th, 2024. The four data tabs contain tables with new job ads by Industry, Occupation, Employer, and a graph by week.
August 10th 2024 HWOL (Excel) August 10th
aUGUST 6TH Weekly Connecticut / WDA Initial and Continuing Unemployment Insurance Claims
Break down unemployment claims by age, education, industry, gender, and town can offer valuable insight for planning and budgeting purposes.

August 6th
July 10th August 2024 Connecticut Economic Digest
The Connecticut Economic Digest's purpose is to regularly provide users with a comprehensive source for the most current, up-to-date data available on the workforce and economy of the state, within perspectives of the region and nation.
August 2024 CT Economic Digest (PDF, 4.5M)

August 2024 Digest article Covered Employment and Wages: A 2023 Annual Review (docx)

 Publications  /  Data  /  Webpages  /  Updates  /  Releases PDF
July 23rd Weekly Connecticut / WDA Initial and Continuing Unemployment Insurance Claims
Break down unemployment claims by age, education, industry, gender, and town can offer valuable insight for planning and budgeting purposes.

July 30th
July 29th Business and Employment Changes Announced in the News Media
Lists start-ups, expansions, recruitments, career fairs, staff reductions, and layoffs reported by the media, both current and future. The report provides company name, the number of workers involved, date of the action, the principal product or service of the company, a brief synopsis of the action, and the source and date of the media article.
July 2024 Connecticut Business and Employment Changes Announced in the News Media PDF July 2024
July 29th July 2024 Connecticut Help Wanted OnLine Data Series (HWOL)
Total postings in Connecticut was 92,116 in June 2024, up from 80,551 in May 2024.

Industry sectors with the most job postings were Health Care and Social Assistance (17,978 postings), Retail Trade (8,938 posting), Manufacturing (6,784 postings), and Finance & Insurance (5,724 postings).

Occupations with the most postings were Registered Nurses (7,982 postings), Retail Salespersons (3,435 postings), Home Health & Personal Care Aides (1,910 postings), and Supervisors of Retail Sales Workersv (1,883 postings).

July 2024 HWOL (PDF)

July 2024 HWOL (Powerpoint Doc)

July 26th State of Connecticut Occupational Projections: 2022 - 2032
Every two years, the State of Connecticut's Department of Labor Office of Research economists create ten year industry employment forecasts. We examine historical trends and other people's forecasts to help project Connecticut's employment changes between 2022 and 2032. These forecasts are used in conjunction with occupational forecasts to help students decide on careers, schools decide on training programs, businesses decide on strategic plans, and governments decide on budgets and services.
State of Connecticut Occupational Projections: 2022 - 2032 (xlsx) 2022 - 2032
July 26th State of Connecticut Projections by Major Groups: 2022 - 2032
You can find detailed job descriptions for all occupations, number employed in the base year and the projected year, total job openings, openings by growth, occupations in demand, Connecticut occupational employment and wages, minimum education required plus: Search for training courses available in Connecticut using our Education & Training in Connecticut, Search employer information ~ source provided by Data Axeldata, Connecticut job search using CareerOneStop sponsored by the U.S. DOL ETA
2022 - 2032
July 26th State of Connecticut Industry Projections: 2022 - 2032
Current and Projected Employment by Industry.
State of Connecticut Occupational Projections: 2022 - 2032 (xlsx) 2022 - 2032
July 23rd Weekly Connecticut / WDA Initial and Continuing Unemployment Insurance Claims
Break down unemployment claims by age, education, industry, gender, and town can offer valuable insight for planning and budgeting purposes.

July 22nd
July 23rd Business Employment Dynamics 4Q 2023
Business Employment Dynamics (BED) data published quarterly by the Bureau of Labor Statistics tracks employment change at the establishment level and reveals the underlying dynamics of net employment change. The data include gross employment change, business expansion/contraction, establishment birth/death, and is available at sector level.

From October 2023 to December 2023, gross job gains from opening and expanding private sector establishments in Connecticut was 81,715, a 1,190 job decrease from the previous quarter. Over this period, gross job losses from closing and contracting private sector establishments was 82,942, a decrease of 6,483 from the previous quarter.

During the fourth quarter of 2023, the difference between gross job gains and gross job losses yielded a net employment decrease of 1,227 jobs in the private sector. This net decrease follows a 6,520 net decrease during the third quarter of 2023.

Net employment change reached a low of -203,916 during the second quarter of 2020. The combined net change for the fourteen quarters of subsequent data through the first quarter of 2023 is 184,584 jobs.

4Q 2023 Connecticut Business Employment Dynamics PDF

4Q 2023 Connecticut Business Employment Dynamics (Word Doc)

4Q 2023
July 19th Local Area Unemployment Statistics
The Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS) program produces monthly employment, unemployment, and labor force data for Census regions and divisions, States, counties, metropolitan areas, and many cities, by place of residence.
June 2024 Local Area Unemployment Towns Statistics (PDF)
June 2024 CT LAUS (xlsx)
July 19th Connecticut Labor Situation
Connecticut nonfarm industry payroll jobs grew 3,300 positions (0.2%) to a level of 1,713,700 in June 2024, while the state's unemployment rate dropped a statistically significant four-tenths of one percent to 3.9% (preliminary data, seasonally adjusted). Over the year, statewide nonagricultural employment is 12,000 (0.7%) positions higher than in June 2023. The state has now recovered 105.2% (306,200) of the 291,100 nonagricultural jobs lost during the March-April 2020 COVID lockdown period. The May 2024 Connecticut preliminary payroll gains of 4,700 (0.3%) were revised lower by 600 jobs to a 4,100 gain (0.2%). The June 2024 unemployment rate fell a noteworthy four-tenths of one percent over-the-month but is five-tenths of a percentage point higher than a year ago. The CT Labor Situation includes labor statistics from two different monthly surveys (workplace and residential) produced by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) in cooperation with the States.
June 2024 Connecticut Labor Situation PDF
June 2024 Connecticut Labor Situation (xlsx)


July 18th Connecticut Employment Sectors
Connecticut's Private Sector employment added 1,700 (0.1%) positions in June 2024 to 1,476,600 and is higher by 9,400 jobs (0.6%) from the June 2023 level. The state's Private Sector has fully recovered (105.7%) from the April 2020 COVID employment lockdown trough and first topped this level in January 2023. May's preliminary Private Sector job gain of 4,200 (0.3%) was revised lower to a 3,000 (0.2%) job increase. The Government supersector was up by 1,600 jobs (0.7%) in June to a level of 237,100 jobs and is higher by 2,600 (1.1%) positions from year-ago levels. The public sector is now 99.6% recovered from the overall COVID April 2020 employment low. May 2024 total Government gains of 500 (0.2%) were revised higher by 600 to 1,100 (0.5%). Connecticut's total government supersector includes all civilian federal, state, local, and tribal government employment, including public education and Native American casino jobs located on federally recognized tribal reservations.

Five of the ten major industry supersectors increased jobs in June 2024, while four declined and the Trade, Transportation, and Utilities (TTU) supersector was unchanged.

The six industry supersectors that added employment or were unchanged in June 2024 included:

The four industry supersector that lost jobs in June 2024 were:

Jan 1990 - June 2024 Nonfarm Employment - NSA

1990 - Current

July 18th CES Statewide Production Workers Hours & Earnings
The June 2024 Private Sector workweek, not seasonally adjusted, averaged 33.7 hours. This is higher by a large seven-tenths of an hour from the June 2023 average of 33.0 hours (2.1%). Average hourly earnings at $37.76 in June 2024, not seasonally adjusted, were up by $2.52 (7.2%) from the June 2023 estimate of $35.24. The June 2024 Private Sector weekly wage averaged $1,272.51, higher by $109.59 (9.42%) from a year ago.
June 2024 CES Statewide Production Workers Hours & Earnings (xls) June
July 18th Labor Market Area Employment: Charts and Trends
Four of the six major Connecticut LMAs that are seasonally adjusted by the BLS (about 92% of the coverage of the state) tallied nonfarm industry employment gains in June 2024, while two BLS regions dropped jobs. The Hartford-West Hartford-East Hartford LMA (0.4%, 589,200) led in monthly job gains adding 2,300 (magnitude) and just edged out in monthly percentage gains (0.4%) as well. The New Haven LMA (0.3%, 307,500) added 1,000 positions and the Bridgeport-Stamford-Norwalk LMA (0.2%, 412,900) contributed 900 positions. The Danbury LMA (0.4%, 78,700) increased 300 jobs too. The Waterbury LMA (-0.4%, 67,200) fell 300 jobs and the Norwich-New London-Westerly LMA (-0.1%, 127,700) was off by 100 positions.
1990 - Current
July 18th Workforce Sectors: June 2024 Connecticut Economic Scorecard Update
Levels, changes from the previous period, and year-to-year changes, in the number of  Nonfarm EmploymentResidents Employed and Residents Unemployed, the Unemployment Rate, the size of the Labor Force, and the Average Weekly Initial Claims - the number of those filing initial, new and additional, claims for unemployment. All workforce sector indicators are seasonally adjusted figures.
2024 Workforce Sector Scorecard (PDF)
Download Workforce Scorecard Data 2001 - 2024
July 18th Workforce Trends:2001 - 2024 Connecticut Economic Scorecard Update
Taken together, this group of six economic indicators presents an overall picture of the current conditions in the Connecticut labor market. Current levels and the change from the previous period, as well as the year-to-year changes in the number of Nonfarm EmploymentResidents Employed and Residents Unemployed, the Unemployment Rate, the size of the Labor Force, and the Average Weekly Initial Claims - the number of those filing initial, new and additional, claims for unemployment. See the levels, changes from the previous period, helpful graphs, year-to-year changes and downloadable data for the years 2001-2023.
June 2024 CT Economic Workforce Trends (PDF) 2001 - Current
July 18th Workforce Sector Scorecard History
Historical economic scorecard results for the last decade, includes all yearly numbers for six workforce indicators.
2001-2024 Workforce Sector Scorecard History (PDF) 2001 - Current
July 15th Connecticut's Short-Term Employment Outlook 2023-2025
The Connecticut Economy Four Years After the 2020 Recession
This annual outlook includes a review of various data sources to help contextualize the recent economic trends and the current state of our labor force. It also contains a detailed review of short-term employment projections through 2025 to help illustrate where we expect the state economy will add jobs. Additional areas of focus include a look at STEM occupational projections, the housing market, Bioscience, Current Job Ads, and Connecticut population trends.
Connecticut's Short-Term Employment Outlook 2023-2025 (PDF, 828k)
Connecticut's Short-Term Employment Outlook 2023-2025 (docx)
July 15th Weekly Connecticut / WDA Initial and Continuing Unemployment Insurance Claims
Break down unemployment claims by age, education, industry, gender, and town can offer valuable insight for planning and budgeting purposes.

July 8th
July 15th July 13th 2024 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending July 13th, there were 7,905 new job postings in Connecticut. This document contains new job ad counts for the seven days ending July 13, 2024. The four data tabs contain tables with new job ads by Industry, Occupation, Employer, and a graph by week.
July 13th 2024 HWOL (Excel) July 13th
July 11th Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U)
The Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) declined 0.1 percent on a seasonally adjusted basis, after being unchanged in May, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Over the last 12 months, the all items index increased 3.0 percent before seasonal adjustment.

The index for gasoline fell 3.8 percent in June, after declining 3.6 percent in May, more than offsetting an increase in shelter. The energy index fell 2.0 percent over the month, as it did the preceding month. The index for food increased 0.2 percent in June. The food away from home index rose 0.4 percent over the month, while the food at home index increased 0.1 percent.

The index for all items less food and energy rose 0.1 percent in June, after rising 0.2 percent the preceding month. Indexes which increased in June include shelter, motor vehicle insurance, household furnishings and operations, medical care, and personal care. The indexes for airline fares, used cars and trucks, and communication were among those that decreased over the month.

The all items index rose 3.0 percent for the 12 months ending June, a smaller increase than the 3.3-percent increase for the 12 months ending May. The all items less food and energy index rose 3.3 percent over the last 12 months and was the smallest 12-month increase in that index since April 2021. The energy index increased 1.0 percent for the 12 months ending June. The food index increased 2.2 percent over the last year.

June 2024 Consumer Price Index (PDF)
June 2024 Consumer Price Index
July 10th July 2024 Connecticut Economic Digest
The Connecticut Economic Digest's purpose is to regularly provide users with a comprehensive source for the most current, up-to-date data available on the workforce and economy of the state, within perspectives of the region and nation.
July 2024 CT Economic Digest (PDF, 4.5M) July
July 10th Bioscience Industry Employment Trends, 2001-2023 - July 2024 Economic Digest article #1
Connecticut's bioscience cluster includes advanced manufacturing and service sector Research and Development (R&D) industries focused on the design and production of pharmaceuticals and other medical equipment and technology.

Figure 1 shows annual average Bioscience employment from 2001 to 2023. Overall, Bioscience employment fell from 2001 to 2017, driven by declines in its manufacturing component industries. The combined Bioscience cluster grew 2.5% and 4.4% in 2018 and 2019. After a slight 0.3% dip from 2019 to 2020, the cluster grew by 6.2% and 5.1% in 2021 and 2022. Bioscience fell slightly in 2023, down 344 or -1.3% in 2023 but the number of establishments increased. [ read more ]

July 2024 Digest article #1 Bioscience Industry Employment Trends, 2001-2023 (PDF)

July 2024 Digest article #1 CBioscience Industry Employment Trends, 2001-2023 (docx)

Article #1
July 10th Occupational Profile: Electricians - July 2024 Economic Digest article #2
Electricians are skilled trade workers responsible for installing, maintaining, and repairing electrical wiring, equipment, and fixtures. Trained electricians ensure that electrical work is done in accordance with state and local building regulations based on the National Electrical Code. Enforced in all 50 states, NFPA 70, National Electrical Code, is the benchmark for safe electrical design, installation, and inspection to protect people and property from electrical hazards. Electricians work both indoors and outdoors at homes, businesses, factories, and construction sites. Duties may include installing electrical systems in newly constructed buildings or maintaining electrical equipment and systems. Maintenance work can include fixing or replacing parts, light fixtures, control systems and motors, or inspecting electrical components such as transformers and circuit breakers. Electricians read blueprints of electrical systems that show the location of circuits, outlets, and other equipment. They use a variety of tools to perform their jobs, such as conduit benders, wire strippers, screw drivers, pliers, and drills. Electricians also use a variety of testing equipment such as voltmeters, ohmmeters, ammeters, thermal scanners, and cable testers to identify electrical problems and ensure components are working properly.  [ read more ]
July 2024 Digest article #2 Occupational Profile: Electricians (PDF)

July 2024 Digest article #2 Occupational Profile: Electricians (docx)

Article #2
July 8th Weekly Connecticut / WDA Initial and Continuing Unemployment Insurance Claims
Break down unemployment claims by age, education, industry, gender, and town can offer valuable insight for planning and budgeting purposes.

July 1st
July 2nd July 6th 2024 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending July 6th, there were 6,415 new job postings in Connecticut. This document contains new job ad counts for the seven days ending July 6, 2024. The four data tabs contain tables with new job ads by Industry, Occupation, Employer, and a graph by week.
July 6th 2024 HWOL (Excel) July 6th
July 2nd Weekly Connecticut / WDA Initial and Continuing Unemployment Insurance Claims
Break down unemployment claims by age, education, industry, gender, and town can offer valuable insight for planning and budgeting purposes.

June 24th
July 2nd June 29th 2024 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending June 29th, there were 6,947 new job postings in Connecticut. This document contains new job ad counts for the seven days ending June 29, 2024. The four data tabs contain tables with new job ads by Industry, Occupation, Employer, and a graph by week.
June 29th 2024 HWOL (Excel) June 22nd
 Publications  /  Data  /  Webpages  /  Updates  /  Releases PDF
June 28th Labor Market Information At-A-Glance
At-A-Glance is a monthly pamphlet that contains the latest updates for data items most frequently requested by the Office of Research
May 2024 CT Labor Market Information At-A-Glance (PDF) May
June 24th Weekly Connecticut / WDA Initial and Continuing Unemployment Insurance Claims
Break down unemployment claims by age, education, industry, gender, and town can offer valuable insight for planning and budgeting purposes.

June 17th
June 24th June 22nd 2024 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending June 22nd, there were 7,015 new job postings in Connecticut. This document contains new job ad counts for the seven days ending June 22nd, 2024. The four data tabs contain tables with new job ads by Industry, Occupation, Employer, and a graph by week.
June 22nd 2024 HWOL (Excel) June 22nd
June 17th Weekly Connecticut / WDA Initial and Continuing Unemployment Insurance Claims
Break down unemployment claims by age, education, industry, gender, and town can offer valuable insight for planning and budgeting purposes.

June 10th
June 17th June 15th 2024 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending June 15th, there were 8,293 new job postings in Connecticut. This document contains new job ad counts for the seven days ending June 15th, 2024. The four data tabs contain tables with new job ads by Industry, Occupation, Employer, and a graph by week.
June 15th 2024 HWOL (Excel) June 15th
June 14th Business and Employment Changes Announced in the News Media
Lists start-ups, expansions, recruitments, career fairs, staff reductions, and layoffs reported by the media, both current and future. The report provides company name, the number of workers involved, date of the action, the principal product or service of the company, a brief synopsis of the action, and the source and date of the media article.
May 2024 Connecticut Business and Employment Changes Announced in the News Media PDF May 2024
June 12th Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U)
The Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) was unchanged in May on a seasonally adjusted basis, after rising 0.3 percent in April, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Over the last 12 months, the all items index increased 3.3 percent before seasonal adjustment.

More than offsetting a decline in gasoline, the index for shelter rose in May, up 0.4 percent for the fourth consecutive month. The index for food increased 0.1 percent in May. The food away from home index rose 0.4 percent over the month, while the food at home index was unchanged. The energy index fell 2.0 percent over the month, led by a 3.6-percent decrease in the gasoline index.

The index for all items less food and energy rose 0.2 percent in May, after rising 0.3 percent the preceding month. Indexes which increased in May include shelter, medical care, used cars and trucks, and education. The indexes for airline fares, new vehicles, communication, recreation, and apparel were among those that decreased over the month.

The all items index rose 3.3 percent for the 12 months ending May, a smaller increase than the 3.4-percent increase for the 12 months ending April. The all items less food and energy index rose 3.4 percent over the last 12 months. The energy index increased 3.7 percent for the 12 months ending May. The food index increased 2.1 percent over the last year.

May 2024 Consumer Price Index (PDF)
May 2024 Consumer Price Index
June 10th June 2024 Connecticut Help Wanted OnLine Data Series (HWOL)
Total postings in Connecticut was 80,551 in May 2024, down from 86,069 in April 2024.

Industry sectors with the most job postings were Health Care and Social Assistance (15,916 postings), Retail Trade (8,620 posting), Manufacturing (6,590 postings), and Pro., Sci., & Tech. Services (5,350 postings).

Occupations with the most postings were Registered Nurses (4,576 postings), Retail Salespersons (2,918 postings), Home Health & Personal Care Aides (1,755 postings), and Supervisors of Retail Sales Workers (1,694 postings).

June 2024 HWOL (PDF)

June 2024 HWOL (Powerpoint Doc)

June 10th June 8th 2024 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending June 8th, there were 7,447 new job postings in Connecticut. This document contains new job ad counts for the seven days ending June 8th, 2024. The four data tabs contain tables with new job ads by Industry, Occupation, Employer, and a graph by week.
June 8th 2024 HWOL (Excel) June 8th
June 4th Weekly Connecticut / WDA Initial and Continuing Unemployment Insurance Claims
Break down unemployment claims by age, education, industry, gender, and town can offer valuable insight for planning and budgeting purposes.

May 27th
June 3rd June 2024 Connecticut Economic Digest
The Connecticut Economic Digest's purpose is to regularly provide users with a comprehensive source for the most current, up-to-date data available on the workforce and economy of the state, within perspectives of the region and nation.
June 2024 CT Economic Digest (PDF, 4.5M) June
June 3rd Connecticut Housing Market Trends - June 2024 Economic Digest article #1
In the years after the brief 2020 COVID-recession, Connecticut has experienced numerous shifts that have impacted the housing market. Inventory is down, prices are increasing, and multi-unit construction has become a majority of new housing development in the state. From 2017-2019, the pre-COVID housing monthly inventory ranged between 14,000 and 20,000 units in the state. After 2020, inventories tracked downward through 2024 and reached a low of 3,071 by February 2024. Part of the inventory decline is due to the large decrease in the time that a home is on the market. The median number of days a home was on the market in Connecticut from 2017-2019 ranged between about 50 days during peak summer months to a high of over 80 days during January of those years. After 2020, the median number of days on the market reached a low of 18 in May 2022. As inventory fell, buyers had fewer options and were eager to secure a sale, which helped shorten listing duration, further reducing inventory. In April 2024, statewide inventory was 3,432 and homes were on the market for a median of 32 days. Five years earlier (April 2019), inventory was over 15,000 and homes were on the market for a median of 53 days. [ read more ]
June 2024 Digest article #1 Connecticut Housing Market Trends (PDF)

June 2024 Digest article #1 Connecticut Housing Market Trends (docx)

Article #1
June 3rd Most Towns Experienced Decreases in the Unemployment Rate in 2023 - June 2024 Economic Digest article #2
In 2023, the annual average statewide unemployment rate was 3.8%, down from 4.1% in 2022. As the labor force bounced back for the third year from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, most of the municipalities continued to experience a decrease in their unemployment rate last year.

2022 to 2023
The unemployment rate in 89% of the cities and towns in the state fell in 2023. Washington had the lowest unemployment rate of 2.3%, while the residents of Waterbury experienced the highest rate of 5.9% last year (see table on page 3 for the complete town data). Overall, a total of 131 cities and towns had jobless rates below the 2023 statewide figure of 3.8%, 30 had rates above it, and 8 had rates equal to it. By comparison, 125 cities and towns had rates below the 2022 statewide average of 4.1%, 38 above it, and 6 were the same.

Of the five largest cities in the state with a population of 100,000 or more, Stamford had the lowest unemployment rate of 3.5% in 2023. Waterbury posted the highest jobless rate among the large cities at 5.9%. All five cities experienced over-the-year unemployment rate decreases.  [ read more ]

June 2024 Digest article #2 Most Towns Experienced Decreases in the Unemployment Rate in 2023 (PDF)

June 2024 Digest article #2 Most Towns Experienced Decreases in the Unemployment Rate in 2023 (docx)

Article #2
 Publications  /  Data  /  Webpages  /  Updates  /  Releases PDF
May 28th Weekly Connecticut / WDA Initial and Continuing Unemployment Insurance Claims
Break down unemployment claims by age, education, industry, gender, and town can offer valuable insight for planning and budgeting purposes.

May 20th
May 22nd Labor Market Information At-A-Glance
At-A-Glance is a monthly pamphlet that contains the latest updates for data items most frequently requested by the Office of Research
April 2024 CT Labor Market Information At-A-Glance (PDF) April
May 22nd 3Q2023 - Employment & Wages by Industry Covered by Unemployment Insurance - Quarterly (Statewide / LMA / WIA)
The program produces a comprehensive tabulation of employment and wage information for workers covered by Connecticut Unemployment Insurance (UI) laws and Federal workers covered by the Unemployment Compensation for Federal Employees program with three digit government data added. Data on the number of establishments, employment, and wages are reported by industry for Connecticut, Labor Market Areas, Connecticut Towns and Workforce Development Areas.
May 20th Weekly Connecticut / WDA Initial and Continuing Unemployment Insurance Claims
Break down unemployment claims by age, education, industry, gender, and town can offer valuable insight for planning and budgeting purposes.

May 13th
May 20th May 18th 2024 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending May 18th, there were 6,061 new job postings in Connecticut. This document contains new job ad counts for the seven days ending May 18th, 2024. The four data tabs contain tables with new job ads by Industry, Occupation, Employer, and a graph by week.
May 18th 2024 HWOL (Excel) May 18th
May 17th 4Q2023 - Employment & Wages by Industry Covered by Unemployment Insurance - Quarterly Towns
The program produces a comprehensive tabulation of employment and wage information for workers covered by Connecticut Unemployment Insurance (UI) laws and Federal workers covered by the Unemployment Compensation for Federal Employees program with three digit government data added. Data on the number of establishments, employment, and wages are reported by industry for Connecticut, Labor Market Areas, Connecticut Towns and Workforce Development Areas.
Connecticut 4Q2023 - Employment & Wages by Industry Covered by Unemployment Insurance - Towns (xlsx) 4Q2023
May 17th 2023 - Employment & Wages by Industry Covered by Unemployment Insurance - Annual Towns
The program produces a comprehensive tabulation of employment and wage information for workers covered by Connecticut Unemployment Insurance (UI) laws and Federal workers covered by the Unemployment Compensation for Federal Employees program with three digit government data added. Data on the number of establishments, employment, and wages are reported by Connecticut Towns.
May 15th Business and Employment Changes Announced in the News Media
Lists start-ups, expansions, recruitments, career fairs, staff reductions, and layoffs reported by the media, both current and future. The report provides company name, the number of workers involved, date of the action, the principal product or service of the company, a brief synopsis of the action, and the source and date of the media article.
April 2024 Connecticut Business and Employment Changes Announced in the News Media PDF April 2024
May 15th Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U)
The Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) increased 0.3 percent in April on a seasonally adjusted basis, after rising 0.4 percent in April, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Over the last 12 months, the all items index increased 3.4 percent before seasonal adjustment.

The index for shelter rose in April, as did the index for gasoline. Combined, these two indexes contributed over seventy percent of the monthly increase in the index for all items. The energy index rose 1.1 percent over the month. The food index was unchanged in April. The food at home index declined 0.2 percent, while the food away from home index rose 0.3 percent over the month.

The index for all items less food and energy rose 0.3 percent in April, after rising 0.4 percent in each of the 3 preceding months. Indexes which increased in April include shelter, motor vehicle insurance, medical care, apparel, and personal care. The indexes for used cars and trucks, household furnishings and operations, and new vehicles were among those that decreased over the month.

The all items index rose 3.4 percent for the 12 months ending April, a smaller increase than the 3.5-percent increase for the 12 months ending April. The all items less food and energy index rose 3.6 percent over the last 12 months. The energy index increased 2.6 percent for the 12 months ending April. The food index increased 2.2 percent over the last year.

April 2024 Consumer Price Index (PDF)
April 2024 Consumer Price Index
May 14th May 2024 Connecticut Help Wanted OnLine Data Series (HWOL)
Total postings in Connecticut was 86,069 in April 2024, up from 85,892 in April 2024.

Industry sectors with the most job postings were Health Care and Social Assistance (16,956 postings), Retail Trade (8,769 posting), Manufacturing (6,332 postings), and Pro., Sci., & Tech. Services (5,725 postings).

Occupations with the most postings were Registered Nurses (5,280 postings), Retail Salespersons (3,045 postings), Supervisors of Retail Sales Workers (1,757 postings), Home Health & Personal Care Aides (1,724 postings), and Customer Service Representatives (1,304 postings).

May 2024 HWOL (PDF)

May 2024 HWOL (Powerpoint Doc)

May 13th May 11th 2024 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending May 11th, there were 7,359 new job postings in Connecticut. This document contains new job ad counts for the seven days ending May 11th, 2024. The four data tabs contain tables with new job ads by Industry, Occupation, Employer, and a graph by week.
May 11th 2024 HWOL (Excel) May 11th
May 13th 4Q 2023 Worksites by Size Class
Worksites is a count of firms, excluding government, that have only one location, plus a count of each location of firms that have operations in more than one location. The sum of the substate areas is less than the statewide total because some multi-location firms and others that don't have a physical location are coded as statewide and therefore have no substate area designation.
Connecticut 4Q 2023 Worksites by Size Class (xlsx) 4Q 2023
May 6th May 4th 2024 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending May 4th, there were 7,588 new job postings in Connecticut. This document contains new job ad counts for the seven days ending May 4th, 2024. The four data tabs contain tables with new job ads by Industry, Occupation, Employer, and a graph by week.
May 4th 2024 HWOL (Excel) May 4th
May 2nd May 2024 Connecticut Economic Digest
The Connecticut Economic Digest's purpose is to regularly provide users with a comprehensive source for the most current, up-to-date data available on the workforce and economy of the state, within perspectives of the region and nation.
May 2024 CT Economic Digest (PDF, 4.3m) May
May 2nd Short-Term Employment Projected to Grow Modestly Through 2025 - May 2024 Economic Digest
Connecticut's economy is projected to add almost 30,000 jobs through the end of the short-term projections period (2nd quarter 2025). In addition to that net increase, the state is projected to have over 425,000 openings across all occupational categories and every educational level. The industries driving this growth include Health Care, Educational Services, Manufacturing, and Transportation & Warehousing. Through 2025Q2, we project overall employment in Connecticut to increase by 1.6% from 1,824,865 to 1,854,557 including self-employment and unpaid family workers (UFW). The Goods-Producing sector is projected to grow by 2.1% and the Service-Providing sector is projected to grow by 1.5% over two years. This latter sector represents 86.6% of industry employment in the state. The current projections round spans the second quarter of 2023 to the second quarter of 2025.

Projections by Industry
Each year, the Office of Research at the Connecticut Department of Labor produces short-term employment projections by industry and occupation. Among the 20 industry groups shown in Figure 1 (page 3), 16 are projected to increase over two years and 4 are projected to decline. The largest increases are expected in Health Care (+9,255), Educational Services (+2,954), Manufacturing (+2,787), and Transportation & Warehousing (+2,692). [ read more ]

May 2024 Digest article Short-Term Employment Projected to Grow Modestly Through 2025 (PDF)

May 2024 Digest article Short-Term Employment Projected to Grow Modestly Through 2025 (docx)

 Publications  /  Data  /  Webpages  /  Updates  /  Releases PDF
April 29, 2024 April 27th 2024 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending April 27th, there were 7,675 new job postings in Connecticut. This document contains new job ad counts for the seven days ending April 27th, 2024. The four data tabs contain tables with new job ads by Industry, Occupation, Employer, and a graph by week.
April 27th 2024 HWOL (Excel) April 27th
April 25, 2024 Business Employment Dynamics 3Q 2023
Business Employment Dynamics (BED) data published quarterly by the Bureau of Labor Statistics tracks employment change at the establishment level and reveals the underlying dynamics of net employment change. The data include gross employment change, business expansion/contraction, establishment birth/death, and is available at sector level.

From July 2023 to September 2023, gross job gains from opening and expanding private sector establishments in Connecticut was 82,905, a 9,699 job decrease from the previous quarter. Over this period, gross job losses from closing and contracting private sector establishments was 89,425, an increase of 6,744 from the previous quarter.

During the third quarter of 2023, the difference between gross job gains and gross job losses yielded a net employment decrease of 6,520 jobs in the private sector. This net decrease follows a 8,823 net increase during the second quarter of 2023.

Net employment change reached a low of -203,916 during the second quarter of 2020. The combined net change for the thirteen quarters of subsequent data through the first quarter of 2023 is 185,811 jobs.

3Q 2023 Connecticut Business Employment Dynamics PDF

3Q 2023 Connecticut Business Employment Dynamics (Word Doc)

3Q 2023
April 24, 2024 Business and Employment Changes Announced in the News Media
Lists start-ups, expansions, recruitments, career fairs, staff reductions, and layoffs reported by the media, both current and future. The report provides company name, the number of workers involved, date of the action, the principal product or service of the company, a brief synopsis of the action, and the source and date of the media article.
First Quarter 2024 Connecticut Business and Employment Changes Announced in the News Media PDF 1Q 2024
April 23, 2024 Weekly Connecticut / WDA Initial and Continuing Unemployment Insurance Claims
Break down unemployment claims by age, education, industry, gender, and town can offer valuable insight for planning and budgeting purposes.

April 22nd
April 22, 2024 Labor Market Information At-A-Glance
At-A-Glance is a monthly pamphlet that contains the latest updates for data items most frequently requested by the Office of Research
April 2024 CT Labor Market Information At-A-Glance (PDF) April
April 22, 2024 April 20th 2024 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending April 20th, there were 6,533 new job postings in Connecticut. This document contains new job ad counts for the seven days ending April 20th, 2024. The four data tabs contain tables with new job ads by Industry, Occupation, Employer, and a graph by week.
April 20th 2024 HWOL (Excel) April 20th
April 18, 2024 April 2024 Connecticut Help Wanted OnLine Data Series (HWOL)
Total postings in Connecticut was 85,892 in April 2024, up from 83,700 in February 2024.

Industry sectors with the most job postings were Health Care and Social Assistance (17,750 postings), Retail Trade (8,465 posting), Manufacturing (6,514 postings), and Pro., Sci., & Tech. Services (5,595 postings).

Occupations with the most postings were Registered Nurses (5,419 postings), Retail Salespersons (3,063 postings), Wholesale and Manufacturing Sales Representatives (2,067 postings), Supervisors of Retail Sales Workers (2,018 postings), and Home Health & Personal Care Aides (1,971 postings).

April 2024 HWOL (PDF)

April 2024 HWOL (Powerpoint Doc)

April 16, 2024 April 13th 2024 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending April 13th, there were 7,400 new job postings in Connecticut. This document contains new job ad counts for the seven days ending April 13th, 2024. The four data tabs contain tables with new job ads by Industry, Occupation, Employer, and a graph by week.
April 13th 2024 HWOL (Excel) April 13th
April 10, 2024 Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U)
The Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) increased 0.4 percent in April on a seasonally adjusted basis, the same increase as in February, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Over the last 12 months, the all items index increased 3.5 percent before seasonal adjustment.

The index for shelter rose in April, as did the index for gasoline. Combined, these two indexes contributed over half of the monthly increase in the index for all items. The energy index rose 1.1 percent over the month. The food index rose 0.1 percent in April. The food at home index was unchanged, while the food away from home index rose 0.3 percent over the month.

The index for all items less food and energy rose 0.4 percent in April, as it did in each of the 2 preceding months. Indexes which increased in April include shelter, motor vehicle insurance, medical care, apparel, and personal care. The indexes for used cars and trucks, recreation, and new vehicles were among those that decreased over the month.

The all items index rose 3.5 percent for the 12 months ending April, a larger increase than the 3.2-percent increase for the 12 months ending February. The all items less food and energy index rose 3.8 percent over the last 12 months. The energy index increased 2.1 percent for the 12 months ending April, the first 12-month increase in that index since the period ending February 2023. The food index increased 2.2 percent over the last year.

April 2024 Consumer Price Index (PDF)
April 2024 Consumer Price Index
April 8, 2024 April 6th 2024 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending April 6th, there were 5,481 new job postings in Connecticut. This document contains new job ad counts for the seven days ending April 6th, 2024. The four data tabs contain tables with new job ads by Industry, Occupation, Employer, and a graph by week.
April 6th 2024 HWOL (Excel) April 6th
April 4th April 2024 Connecticut Economic Digest
The Connecticut Economic Digest's purpose is to regularly provide users with a comprehensive source for the most current, up-to-date data available on the workforce and economy of the state, within perspectives of the region and nation.
April 2024 CT Economic Digest (PDF, 4.2m) April
April 4th Exports Grew for the Third Year - April 2024 Economic Digest article #1
Connecticut exports grew for the third consecutive year in 2023. Commodity exports increased 3.13% over 2022, totaling over $15.82 billion. More Connecticut companies are exporting as well. The most recent data indicates that 4,761 companies exported from Connecticut in 2021, up from 4,606 companies in 2020. 89% of these companies were small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with fewer than 500 employees. According to the most recent data, approximately 50,705 U.S. jobs were supported by Connecticut exports.

Connecticut Partner Countries
In 2023, the state's top ten commodity export destinations were Germany, Canada, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Mexico, France, China, Singapore, South Korea, and Japan. Among the top ten destinations, except for the U.K., Mexico, and France, all experienced export growth. Exports to the U.K. dropped most significantly, down 19.59% over 2022.

In 2023, there were decreases in many of the top ten Connecticut export commodity sectors to the United Kingdom, the largest being in the aircraft, spacecraft, and parts sector. A potential reason for this is continued regulatory challenges of Brexit and customs barriers. Higher inflation and rising energy prices in the United Kingdom have also shifted consumer goods spending. [ read more ]

April 2024 Digest article #1 Exports Grew for the Third Year (PDF)

April 2024 Digest article #1 Exports Grew for the Third Year (docx)

Article #1
April 4th Connecticut's Population Gains - April 2024 Economic Digest article #2
The latest population estimates from the U.S. Census Bureau show that Connecticut's population increased by 8,470 in 2023 with births outnumbering deaths by 2,115 and net migration from other states and countries totaling 6,248. While it will be some months before a breakdown by state and age will be available for 2023, the available data through 2022 show encouraging signs for Connecticut. [ read more ]
April 2024 Digest article #2 Connecticut's Population Gains(PDF)

April 2024 Digest article #2 Connecticut's Population Gains (docx)

Article #2
April 2, 2024 Information Workforce Investment Planning
Contains a variety of data on the Eastern Workforce Development Area including population and population density, labor force, employment and wages by industry sector, and new housing permits. In addition, detailed information on residents in need of workforce investment services such as high school dropouts, Medicaid recipients, adult probationers, Temporary Family Assistance (TFA) recipients, and other residents with barriers to employment.
April 2, 2024 April 30th 2024 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending April 30th, there were 7,427 new job postings in Connecticut. This document contains new job ad counts for the seven days ending April 30th, 2024. The four data tabs contain tables with new job ads by Industry, Occupation, Employer, and a graph by week.
April 30th 2024 HWOL (Excel) April 30th
April 1, 2024 Weekly Connecticut / WDA Initial and Continuing Unemployment Insurance Claims
Break down unemployment claims by age, education, industry, gender, and town can offer valuable insight for planning and budgeting purposes.

April 1st
 Publications  /  Data  /  Webpages  /  Updates  /  Releases PDF
April 26, 2024 April 23rd 2024 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending April 23rd, there were 6,675 new job postings in Connecticut. This document contains new job ad counts for the seven days ending April 23rd, 2024. The four data tabs contain tables with new job ads by Industry, Occupation, Employer, and a graph by week.
April 23rd 2024 HWOL (Excel) April 23rd
April 26, 2024 Weekly Connecticut / WDA Initial and Continuing Unemployment Insurance Claims
Break down unemployment claims by age, education, industry, gender, and town can offer valuable insight for planning and budgeting purposes.

April 25th
April 22, 2024 Local Area Unemployment Statistics
The Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS) program produces monthly employment, unemployment, and labor force data for Census regions and divisions, States, counties, metropolitan areas, and many cities, by place of residence.
February 2024 Local Area Unemployment Towns Statistics (PDF)
February 2024 CT LAUS (xlsx)
April 20, 2024 Weekly Connecticut / WDA Initial and Continuing Unemployment Insurance Claims
Break down unemployment claims by age, education, industry, gender, and town can offer valuable insight for planning and budgeting purposes.

April 18th
April 20, 2024 April 2024 Connecticut Economic Digest
The Connecticut Economic Digest's purpose is to regularly provide users with a comprehensive source for the most current, up-to-date data available on the workforce and economy of the state, within perspectives of the region and nation.
April 2024 CT Economic Digest (PDF) April
April 20, 2024 Connecticut's Economy in 2023 Shows Growth over 2022 - April 2024 Economic Digest article
Connecticut employment continued to grow for the third year in a row, nearly completely recovering to the pre-pandemic levels in 2023. (The January 2024 jobs numbers, released in April, show jobs have more than fully recovered from pandemic losses.) The revised annual average total nonfarm employment rose 1.6% to a level of 1,694,200 in 2023. Correspondingly, last year's annual average unemployment rate dropped further to 3.8% from 4.1% in 2022. Overall, the 2023 economy continued to recover moderately as per the annual diffusion index.

Nonfarm Employment
After the latest annual revision (based on annual average, not seasonally adjusted data), in 2023 Connecticut regained 26,100 jobs (1.6%), fewer than the gain of 51,800 jobs (3.2%) in 2022. In the nation employment rose 2.3% in 2023, after having increased 4.3% in 2022.

As shown in Chart 1, most of Connecticut's industry sectors continued to add jobs last year. Eight of eleven major industry sectors have gained employment over the year, while three shed jobs. The biggest job growth occurred in education and health services (13,200, +3.9%), and leisure and hospitality (4,200, +2.8%). However, information (-300, -1.0%), professional and business services (-900, -0.4%), and financial activities (-200, -0.2%) posted slight declines in employment in 2023.  [ read more ]

April 2024 Digest article Connecticut's Economy in 2023 Shows Growth over 2022 (PDF)

April 2024 Digest article Connecticut's Economy in 2023 Shows Growth over 2022 (docx)

April 19, 2024 April 16th 2024 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending April 16th, there were 6,366 new job postings in Connecticut. This document contains new job ad counts for the seven days ending April 16th, 2024. The four data tabs contain tables with new job ads by Industry, Occupation, Employer, and a graph by week.
April 16th 2024 HWOL (Excel) April 16th
April 12, 2024 Weekly Connecticut / WDA Initial and Continuing Unemployment Insurance Claims
Break down unemployment claims by age, education, industry, gender, and town can offer valuable insight for planning and budgeting purposes.

April 11th
April 12, 2024 April 2024 Connecticut Help Wanted OnLine Data Series (HWOL)
Total postings in Connecticut was 83,700 in February 2024, up from 80,776 in January 2024.

Industry sectors with the most job postings were Health Care and Social Assistance (17,526 postings), Retail Trade (7,783 posting), Manufacturing (6,764 postings), and Pro., Sci., & Tech. Services (5,423 postings).

Occupations with the most postings were Registered Nurses (5,611 postings), Retail Salespersons (2,852 postings), Home Health and Personal Care Aides (2,056 postings), Wholesale and Manufacturing Sales Representatives (1,975 postings), and Supervisors of Retail Sales Workers (1,952 postings).

April 2024 HWOL (PDF)

April 2024 HWOL (Powerpoint Doc)

April 12, 2024 April 9th 2024 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending April 9th, there were 7,234 new job postings in Connecticut. This document contains new job ad counts for the seven days ending April 9th, 2024. The four data tabs contain tables with new job ads by Industry, Occupation, Employer, and a graph by week.
April 9th 2024 HWOL (Excel) April 9th
April 12, 2024 Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U)
The Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) increased 0.4 percent in February on a seasonally adjusted basis, after rising 0.3 percent in January, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Over the last 12 months, the all items index increased 3.2 percent before seasonal adjustment.

The index for shelter rose in February, as did the index for gasoline. Combined, these two indexes contributed over sixty percent of the monthly increase in the index for all items. The energy index rose 2.3 percent over the month, as all of its component indexes increased. The food index was unchanged in February, as was the food at home index. The food away from home index rose 0.1 percent over the month.

The index for all items less food and energy rose 0.4 percent in February, as it did in January. Indexes which increased in February include shelter, airline fares, motor vehicle insurance, apparel, and recreation. The index for personal care and the index for household furnishings and operations were among those that decreased over the month.

The all items index rose 3.2 percent for the 12 months ending February, a larger increase than the 3.1-percent increase for the 12 months ending January. The all items less food and energy index rose 3.8 percent over the last 12 months. The energy index decreased 1.9 percent for the 12 months ending February, while the food index increased 2.2 percent over the last year.

February 2024 Consumer Price Index (PDF)
February 2024 Consumer Price Index
April 8, 2024 Connecticut Labor Situation
Connecticut payroll jobs increased 7,400 (0.4%) in January 2024 to a level of 1,703,200, while the state's jobless rate increased two-tenths of a percent to 4.4% (preliminary, seasonally adjusted data). Statewide nonfarm industry employment is 11,200 (0.7%) positions higher than January 2023 levels and is at a new post-COVID employment high. The state has now recovered 101.6% (295,700) of the 291,100 nonagricultural jobs lost during the April-April 2020 COVID lockdown. The preliminary December 2023 job loss of 2,500 positions was revised lower by 1,400 jobs to a 3,900 loss. January 2024 exhibited a reacceleration of job gains. Connecticut's January 2024 unemployment rate was higher by two tenths of a percentage point to 4.4%. This is eight-tenths of a percentage point rate higher than a year ago (3.6%). This release includes labor statistics from two different monthly surveys (residential and business) produced by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) in cooperation with the States and incorporates the most recent benchmark revisions and annual processing from the last year. See pages 3 and 4 for notes on the annual Connecticut labor statistic revisions.
January 2023 Connecticut Labor Situation PDF
January 2024 Connecticut Labor Situation (xlsx)


April 8, 2024 Local Area Unemployment Statistics
The Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS) program produces monthly employment, unemployment, and labor force data for Census regions and divisions, States, counties, metropolitan areas, and many cities, by place of residence.
January 2024 Local Area Unemployment Towns Statistics (PDF)
January 2024 CT LAUS (xlsx)
April 8, 2024 Connecticut Employment Sectors
Connecticut's Private Sector employment increased 6,600 (0.5%) positions in January 2024 to 1,469,100 and stands higher by 7,600 jobs (0.5%) from the January 2023 level. The state's Private Sector remains fully recovered (102.9%) from the April 2020 COVID employment lockdown trough. December's preliminary Private Sector job decline of 2,900 (-0.2%) was revised lower by 1,200 jobs to a -4,100 (-0.3%) jobs loss. The Government supersector increased by 800 jobs (0.3%) in January to a level of 234,100 jobs, 3,600 positions higher than year-ago levels. The public sector is now 86.9% recovered from the overall COVID April 2020 employment low point. The December 2023 Government gain of 400 was revised lower by 200 to +200. Connecticut's total Government supersector comprises all civilian federal, state, local, and tribal government employment, including public education and Native American casino jobs located on federally recognized tribal reservations.

Six of the ten major industry supersectors increased jobs in January 2024, and three declined, while the information supersector was unchanged.

The seven industry supersectors that increased employment or were unchanged in January 2024 included:

The three industry supersectors that decreased jobs in January 2024 were:

Jan 1990 - January 2024 Nonfarm Employment - NSA

1990 - Current

April 8, 2024 CES Statewide Production Workers Hours & Earnings
The January 2024 Private Sector workweek, not seasonally adjusted, averaged 33.3 hours. This is down two-tenths of an hour from the January 2023 average of 33.5 hours. Average hourly earnings at $37.19 in January 2024, not seasonally adjusted, were up by $1.19 (3.3%) from the January 2023 estimate of $36.00. The resulting January 2024 Private Sector weekly wage averaged $1,238.43, higher by $32.43 (2.7%) from a year ago.
January 2024 CES Statewide Production Workers Hours & Earnings (xls) January
April 8, 2024 Labor Market Area Employment: Charts and Trends
Four of the six major Connecticut LMAs that are seasonally adjusted by the BLS had nonfarm employment increases in January 2024, while two had job declines. The largest Hartford-West Hartford-East Hartford LMA (0.3%, 581,800) added 1,700 jobs. The Norwich-New London-Westerly LMA (0.7%, 127,400) and the New Haven LMA (0.3%, 303,500) both gained 900 positions while the Waterbury LMA (0.3%, 66,900) increased 200 positions. The Danbury LMA (-0.5%, 77,600) was lower by 400 and the Bridgeport-Stamford-Norwalk LMA ( 0.1%, 406,600) decreased 300 jobs.
1990 - Current
April 8, 2024 Workforce Sectors: January 2024 Connecticut Economic Scorecard Update
Levels, changes from the previous period, and year-to-year changes, in the number of  Nonfarm EmploymentResidents Employed and Residents Unemployed, the Unemployment Rate, the size of the Labor Force, and the Average Weekly Initial Claims - the number of those filing initial, new and additional, claims for unemployment. All workforce sector indicators are seasonally adjusted figures.
2024 Workforce Sector Scorecard (PDF)
Download Workforce Scorecard Data 2001 - 2024
April 8, 2024 Workforce Trends:2001 - 2024 Connecticut Economic Scorecard Update
Taken together, this group of six economic indicators presents an overall picture of the current conditions in the Connecticut labor market. Current levels and the change from the previous period, as well as the year-to-year changes in the number of Nonfarm EmploymentResidents Employed and Residents Unemployed, the Unemployment Rate, the size of the Labor Force, and the Average Weekly Initial Claims - the number of those filing initial, new and additional, claims for unemployment. See the levels, changes from the previous period, helpful graphs, year-to-year changes and downloadable data for the years 2001-2023.
January 2024 CT Economic Workforce Trends (PDF) 2001 - Current
April 8, 2024 Workforce Sector Scorecard History
Historical economic scorecard results for the last decade, includes all yearly numbers for six workforce indicators.
2001-2024 Workforce Sector Scorecard History (PDF) 2001 - Current
April 5, 2024 April 1st 2024 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending April 1st, there were 6,021 new job postings in Connecticut. This document contains new job ad counts for the seven days ending April 1st, 2024. The four data tabs contain tables with new job ads by Industry, Occupation, Employer, and a graph by week.
April 1st 2024 HWOL (Excel) April 1st
 Publications  /  Data  /  Webpages  /  Updates  /  Releases PDF
February 29, 2024 Weekly Connecticut / WDA Initial and Continuing Unemployment Insurance Claims
Break down unemployment claims by age, education, industry, gender, and town can offer valuable insight for planning and budgeting purposes.

February 26th
February 27, 2024 Connecticut Learns and Works - Spring 2024 Breakfast Symposium
Mosaic of Pathways to High-paying Jobs...
CT State Community College Naugatuck Valley, Waterbury, Friday, April 5, 2024
Keynote - Paul Lavoie, Chief Manufacturing Officer for Connecticut
Manufacturing Alternative Training Programs, Current Labor Market Information - Patrick Flaherty, Research Director, CT DOL, Health and Tech Opportunities

Register at
CT Learns and Works - Spring 2024 Breakfast Symposium (PDF) April 5, 2024
February 26, 2024 February 24th 2024 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending February 24th, there were 6,021 new job postings in Connecticut. This document contains new job ad counts for the seven days ending February 24th, 2024. The four data tabs contain tables with new job ads by Industry, Occupation, Employer, and a graph by week.
February 24th 2024 HWOL (Excel) February 24th
February 21, 2024 Weekly Connecticut / WDA Initial and Continuing Unemployment Insurance Claims
Break down unemployment claims by age, education, industry, gender, and town can offer valuable insight for planning and budgeting purposes.

February 19th
February 20, 2024 February 17th 2024 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending February 17th, there were 7,115 new job postings in Connecticut. This document contains new job ad counts for the seven days ending February 17th, 2024. The four data tabs contain tables with new job ads by Industry, Occupation, Employer, and a graph by week.
February 17th 2024 HWOL (Excel) February 17th
February 15, 2024 2Q2023 - Employment & Wages by Industry Covered by Unemployment Insurance - Quarterly (Statewide / LMA / WIA)
The program produces a comprehensive tabulation of employment and wage information for workers covered by Connecticut Unemployment Insurance (UI) laws and Federal workers covered by the Unemployment Compensation for Federal Employees program with three digit government data added. Data on the number of establishments, employment, and wages are reported by industry for Connecticut, Labor Market Areas, Connecticut Towns and Workforce Development Areas.
February 15, 2024 February 2024 Connecticut Help Wanted OnLine Data Series (HWOL)
Total postings in Connecticut was 80,776 in January 2024, up from 74,999 in December 2023.

Industry sectors with the most job postings were Health Care and Social Assistance (16,835 postings), Retail Trade (7,890 posting), Manufacturing (7,217 postings), and Pro., Sci., & Tech. Services (5,536 postings).

Occupations with the most postings were Registered Nurses (5,608 postings), Retail Salespersons (2,922 postings), Supervisors of Retail Sales Workers (1,976 postings), Home Health and Personal Care Aides (1,897 postings), and Wholesale and Manufacturing Sales Representatives (1,894 postings).

February 2024 HWOL (PDF)

February 2024 HWOL (Powerpoint Doc)

February 14, 2024 Weekly Connecticut / WDA Initial and Continuing Unemployment Insurance Claims
Break down unemployment claims by age, education, industry, gender, and town can offer valuable insight for planning and budgeting purposes.

February 12th
February 13, 2024 Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U)
The Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) increased 0.3 percent in January on a seasonally adjusted basis, after rising 0.2 percent in December, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Over the last 12 months, the all items index increased 3.1 percent before seasonal adjustment.

The index for shelter continued to rise in January, increasing 0.6 percent and contributing over two thirds of the monthly all items increase. The food index increased 0.4 percent in January, as the food at home index increased 0.4 percent and the food away from home index rose 0.5 percent over the month. In contrast, the energy index fell 0.9 percent over the month due in large part to the decline in the gasoline index.

The index for all items less food and energy rose 0.4 percent in January. Indexes which increased in January include shelter, motor vehicle insurance, and medical care. The index for used cars and trucks and the index for apparel were among those that decreased over the month.

The all items index rose 3.1 percent for the 12 months ending January, a smaller increase than the 3.4-percent increase for the 12 months ending December. The all items less food and energy index rose 3.9 percent over the last 12 months, the same increase as for the 12 months ending December. The energy index decreased 4.6 percent for the 12 months ending January, while the food index increased 2.6 percent over the last year.

January 2024 Consumer Price Index (PDF)
January 2024 Consumer Price Index
February 13, 2024 February 10th 2024 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending February 10th, there were 5,631 new job postings in Connecticut. This document contains new job ad counts for the seven days ending February 10th, 2024. The four data tabs contain tables with new job ads by Industry, Occupation, Employer, and a graph by week.
February 10th 2024 HWOL (Excel) February 10th
February 8, 2024 3Q 2023 Worksites by Size Class
Worksites is a count of firms, excluding government, that have only one location, plus a count of each location of firms that have operations in more than one location. The sum of the substate areas is less than the statewide total because some multi-location firms and others that don't have a physical location are coded as statewide and therefore have no substate area designation.
Connecticut 3Q 2023 Worksites by Size Class (xlsx) 3Q 2023
February 8, 2024 3Q2023 - Employment & Wages by Industry Covered by Unemployment Insurance - Quarterly Towns
The program produces a comprehensive tabulation of employment and wage information for workers covered by Connecticut Unemployment Insurance (UI) laws and Federal workers covered by the Unemployment Compensation for Federal Employees program with three digit government data added. Data on the number of establishments, employment, and wages are reported by industry for Connecticut, Labor Market Areas, Connecticut Towns and Workforce Development Areas.
Connecticut 3Q2023 - Employment & Wages by Industry Covered by Unemployment Insurance - Towns (xlsx) 3Q2023
February 5, 2024 Weekly Connecticut / WDA Initial and Continuing Unemployment Insurance Claims
Break down unemployment claims by age, education, industry, gender, and town can offer valuable insight for planning and budgeting purposes.

February 5th
February 1, 2024 February 2024 Connecticut Economic Digest
The Connecticut Economic Digest's purpose is to regularly provide users with a comprehensive source for the most current, up-to-date data available on the workforce and economy of the state, within perspectives of the region and nation.
February 2024 CT Economic Digest (PDF) February
February 1, 2024 Connecticut's Work-Related Fatality Rate Second Lowest in Nation for Two Years in a Row - February 2024 Economic Digest article
Connecticut lost 34 lives to work injuries in 2022, for a rate of 2.0 deaths per 100,000 full-time equivalent workers. This is an increase from 2021's 23 deaths but is below Connecticut's annual average of 38 work-related deaths (Chart 1). Only one other state - Rhode Island - recorded a rate lower than Connecticut's (Table 1).

The nation lost 5,486 lives to workplace injuries in 2022, an increase from 2021's 5,190 deaths. The fatal injury rate increased from 3.6 per 100,000 full-time equivalent workers in 2021 to 3.7 in 2022. The highest loss was seen in Texas with 578 deaths, followed by California with 504 deaths and Florida with 307 deaths. High rates were recorded in Wyoming (12.7) and North Dakota (9.8). Rhode Island had 7 deaths, the lowest recorded number for states.

Nationally, the construction industry recorded the highest number of deaths at 1,069 followed by transportation and warehousing with 1,053 deaths. Together, these two industries account for 39 percent of deaths.

The construction industry and the transportation and warehousing industry each had 9 deaths in Connecticut. Together, they accounted for 53 percent of 2022's deaths. Manufacturing came in third with 4 deaths, or 11.8 percent of total deaths (Table 2). With an overall rate of 2.0, Connecticut saw a rate of 9.4 in transportation and utilities and 6.7 in construction. Rates for other industry sectors did not meet publishing criteria.  [ read more ]

February 2024 Digest article Connecticut's Work-Related Fatality Rate Second Lowest in Nation for Two Years in a Row (PDF)

February 2024 Digest article Connecticut's Work-Related Fatality Rate Second Lowest in Nation for Two Years in a Row (docx)

 Publications  /  Data  /  Webpages  /  Updates  /  Releases PDF
January 31, 2024 January 27th 2024 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending January 27th, there were 6,630 new job postings in Connecticut. This document contains new job ad counts for the seven days ending January 27th, 2024. The four data tabs contain tables with new job ads by Industry, Occupation, Employer, and a graph by week.
January 27th 2024 HWOL (Excel) January 27th
January 29, 2024 Business Employment Dynamics 2Q 2023
Business Employment Dynamics (BED) data published quarterly by the Bureau of Labor Statistics tracks employment change at the establishment level and reveals the underlying dynamics of net employment change. The data include gross employment change, business expansion/contraction, establishment birth/death, and is available at sector level.

From April 2023 to June 2023, gross job gains from opening and expanding private sector establishments in Connecticut was 92,604, a 4,855 job increase from the previous quarter. Over this period, gross job losses from closing and contracting private sector establishments was 82,681, an increase of 7,627 from the previous quarter.

During the second quarter of 2023, the difference between gross job gains and gross job losses yielded a net employment increase of 9,923 jobs in the private sector. This net increase follows a 12,695 net increase during the first quarter of 2023.

Net employment change reached a low of -203,916 during the second quarter of 2020. The combined net change for the twelve quarters of subsequent data through the first quarter of 2023 is 192,331 jobs.

2Q 2023 Connecticut Business Employment Dynamics PDF

2Q 2023 Connecticut Business Employment Dynamics (Word Doc)

2Q 2023
January 29, 2024 Labor Market Information At-A-Glance
At-A-Glance is a monthly pamphlet that contains the latest updates for data items most frequently requested by the Office of Research
December 2023 CT Labor Market Information At-A-Glance (PDF) December
January 29, 2024 Weekly Connecticut / WDA Initial and Continuing Unemployment Insurance Claims
Break down unemployment claims by age, education, industry, gender, and town can offer valuable insight for planning and budgeting purposes.

January 29th
January 24, 2024 1Q2023 - Employment & Wages by Industry Covered by Unemployment Insurance - Quarterly (Statewide / LMA / WIA)
The program produces a comprehensive tabulation of employment and wage information for workers covered by Connecticut Unemployment Insurance (UI) laws and Federal workers covered by the Unemployment Compensation for Federal Employees program with three digit government data added. Data on the number of establishments, employment, and wages are reported by industry for Connecticut, Labor Market Areas, Connecticut Towns and Workforce Development Areas.
January 22, 2024 January 20th 2024 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending January 20th, there were 5,752 new job postings in Connecticut. This document contains new job ad counts for the seven days ending January 20th, 2024. The four data tabs contain tables with new job ads by Industry, Occupation, Employer, and a graph by week.
January 20th 2024 HWOL (Excel) January 20th
January 22, 2024 Weekly Connecticut / WDA Initial and Continuing Unemployment Insurance Claims
Break down unemployment claims by age, education, industry, gender, and town can offer valuable insight for planning and budgeting purposes.

January 22nd
January 17, 2024 2Q2023 - Employment & Wages by Industry Covered by Unemployment Insurance - Quarterly Towns
The program produces a comprehensive tabulation of employment and wage information for workers covered by Connecticut Unemployment Insurance (UI) laws and Federal workers covered by the Unemployment Compensation for Federal Employees program with three digit government data added. Data on the number of establishments, employment, and wages are reported by industry for Connecticut, Labor Market Areas, Connecticut Towns and Workforce Development Areas.
Connecticut 2Q2023 - Employment & Wages by Industry Covered by Unemployment Insurance - Towns (xlsx) 2Q2023
January 17, 2024 2Q 2023 Worksites by Size Class
Worksites is a count of firms, excluding government, that have only one location, plus a count of each location of firms that have operations in more than one location. The sum of the substate areas is less than the statewide total because some multi-location firms and others that don't have a physical location are coded as statewide and therefore have no substate area designation.
Connecticut 2Q 2023 Worksites by Size Class (xlsx) 2Q 2023
January 15, 2024 Weekly Connecticut / WDA Initial and Continuing Unemployment Insurance Claims
Break down unemployment claims by age, education, industry, gender, and town can offer valuable insight for planning and budgeting purposes.

January 15th
January 12, 2024 January 2024 Connecticut Help Wanted OnLine Data Series (HWOL)
Total postings in Connecticut was 74,999 in December 2023, down from 75560 in November 2023.

Industry sectors with the most job postings were Health Care and Social Assistance (14,689 postings), Retail Trade (8,206 posting), Manufacturing (6,955 postings), and Pro., Sci., & Tech. Services (5,240 postings).

Occupations with the most postings were Registered Nurses (4,949 postings), Retail Salespersons (3,051 postings), Supervisors of Retail Sales Workers (2,040 postings), Home Health and Personal Care Aides (1,880 postings), and Wholesale and Manufacturing Sales Representatives (1,658 postings).

January 2024 HWOL (PDF)

January 2024 HWOL (Powerpoint Doc)

January 11, 2024 Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U)
The Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) increased 0.3 percent in December on a seasonally adjusted basis, after rising 0.1 percent in November, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Over the last 12 months, the all items index increased 3.4 percent before seasonal adjustment.

The index for shelter continued to rise in December, contributing over half of the monthly all items increase. The energy index rose 0.4 percent over the month as increases in the electricity index and the gasoline index more than offset a decrease in the natural gas index. The food index increased 0.2 percent in December, as it did in November. The index for food at home increased 0.1 percent over the month and the index for food away from home rose 0.3 percent.

The index for all items less food and energy rose 0.3 percent in December, the same monthly increase as in November. Indexes which increased in December include shelter, motor vehicle insurance, and medical care. The index for household furnishings and operations and the index for personal care were among those that decreased over the month.

The all items index rose 3.4 percent for the 12 months ending December, a larger increase than the 3.1-percent increase for the 12 months ending November. The all items less food and energy index rose 3.9 percent over the last 12 months, after rising 4.0 percent over the 12 months ending November. The energy index decreased 2.0 percent for the 12 months ending December, while the food index increased 2.7 percent over the last year.

December 2023 Consumer Price Index (PDF)
December 2023 Consumer Price Index
January 9, 2024 Labor Market Information At-A-Glance
At-A-Glance is a monthly pamphlet that contains the latest updates for data items most frequently requested by the Office of Research
November 2023 CT Labor Market Information At-A-Glance (PDF) November
January 9, 2024 January 6th 2024 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending January 6th, there were 4,786 new job postings in Connecticut. This document contains new job ad counts for the seven days ending January 6th, 2024. The four data tabs contain tables with new job ads by Industry, Occupation, Employer, and a graph by week.
January 6th 2024 HWOL (Excel) January 6th
January 9, 2024 Weekly Connecticut / WDA Initial and Continuing Unemployment Insurance Claims
Break down unemployment claims by age, education, industry, gender, and town can offer valuable insight for planning and budgeting purposes.

January 8th
January 5, 2024 January 2024 Connecticut Economic Digest
The Connecticut Economic Digest's purpose is to regularly provide users with a comprehensive source for the most current, up-to-date data available on the workforce and economy of the state, within perspectives of the region and nation.
January 2024 CT Economic Digest (PDF) January
January 5, 2024 2024 Economic Outlook: An Uncommonly Ordinary Year? - January 2024 Economic Digest article
The past several years have witnessed some extraordinary economic events. In 2020, a once-in-a-century virus triggered a near-collapse of the world economy. In 2021 real output grew at a breakneck pace as populations gained immunity against Covid and went back to work. In 2022 living costs jumped higher than at any time in more than a generation. Then in 2023, against all odds, price pressures were brought to heel without the feared sacrifice of high unemployment and reduced output. Now, with inflation nearly tamed, monetary authorities set to reverse rate hikes, and output and job growth on course to track closer to historical trends, 2024 is shaping up to be an uncommonly ordinary year.

The Global Economy
Following a 3.5% rise in world output in 2022, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) projects that global growth will slow to 3.0% 2023, and to 2.9% in 2024, below the 20-year annual average of 3.8%. The IMF outlook hinges on the assumptions that fuel and nonfuel commodity prices will ease in response to the slowdown in world economic activity, interest rates will peak and begin to inch downward in 2024 as major central banks begin to reduce rates, and 2024 will be a year of "fiscal consolidation" in developed and emerging economies alike, with fiscal tightening expected to be greatest among those countries that saw the largest increases in government debt in response to the pandemic. The IMF characterizes its overall outlook as consistent with a much-desired "soft landing" wherein price levels continue to ease while a major economic downturn is averted.

Beneath these topline projections, however, lies a divergence between the emerging and developed worlds. For the advanced economies, including the United States and Western Europe, output is expected to slow from 2.6% in 2022 to 1.5% in 2023 and 1.4% in 2024 (well below the 20-year annual average of more than 2%). In emerging markets and developing economies, growth is expected to largely hold steady, from 4.1% in 2022 to 4.0% in both 2023 and 2024. Even so, those rates of growth remain below the 20-year trend of over 5% annually. [ read more ]

January 2024 Digest article 2024 Economic Outlook: An Uncommonly Ordinary Year? (PDF)

January 2024 Digest article 2024 Economic Outlook: An Uncommonly Ordinary Year? (docx)

January 2, 2024 Weekly Connecticut / WDA Initial and Continuing Unemployment Insurance Claims
Break down unemployment claims by age, education, industry, gender, and town can offer valuable insight for planning and budgeting purposes.

January 1st
 Publications  /  Data  /  Webpages  /  Updates  /  Releases PDF
December 29th Information Workforce Investment Planning
Contains a variety of data on the Eastern Workforce Development Area including population and population density, labor force, employment and wages by industry sector, and new housing permits. In addition, detailed information on residents in need of workforce investment services such as high school dropouts, Medicaid recipients, adult probationers, Temporary Family Assistance (TFA) recipients, and other residents with barriers to employment.
December 27th December 23rd 2023 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending December 23rd, there were 6,071 new job postings in Connecticut. This document contains new job ad counts for the seven days ending December 23rd, 2023. The four data tabs contain tables with new job ads by Industry, Occupation, Employer, and a graph by week.
December 23rd 2023 HWOL (Excel) December 23rd
December 19th Weekly Connecticut / WDA Initial and Continuing Unemployment Insurance Claims
Break down unemployment claims by age, education, industry, gender, and town can offer valuable insight for planning and budgeting purposes.

December 18th
December 19th December 16th 2023 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending December 16th, there were 5,695 new job postings in Connecticut. This document contains new job ad counts for the seven days ending December 16th, 2023. The four data tabs contain tables with new job ads by Industry, Occupation, Employer, and a graph by week.
December 16th 2023 HWOL (Excel) December 16th
December 12th December 2023 Connecticut Help Wanted OnLine Data Series (HWOL)
Total postings in Connecticut was 75,560 in November 2023, up from 66,071 in October 2023.

Industry Sectors with the most job postings were Health Care and Social Assistance (13,758 postings), Retail Trade (8,664 posting), Manufacturing (6,827 postings), and Pro., Sci., & Tech. Services (4,688 postings).

Occupations with the most postings were Registered Nurses (4,537 postings), Retail Salespersons (3,445 postings), Supervisors of Retail Sales Workers (2,166 postings), and Home Health and Personal Care Aides (1,632 postings).

The Conference Board Help Wanted OnLine Data Series (HWOL) measures the number of new, first-time online jobs and jobs reposted from the previous month for over 16,000 Internet job boards, corporate boards and smaller job sites that serve niche markets and smaller geographic areas. The data can be used as a real-time measure of labor demand.

December 2023 HWOL (PDF)

December 2023 HWOL (Powerpoint Doc)

December 12th Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U)
The Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) increased 0.1 percent in November on a seasonally adjusted basis, after being unchanged in October, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Over the last 12 months, the all items index increased 3.1 percent before seasonal adjustment.

The index for shelter continued to rise in November, offsetting a decline in the gasoline index. The energy index fell 2.3 percent over the month as a 6.0-percent decline in the gasoline index more than offset increases in other energy component indexes. The food index increased 0.2 percent in November, after rising 0.3 percent in October. The index for food at home increased 0.1 percent over the month and the index for food away from home rose 0.4 percent.

The index for all items less food and energy rose 0.3 percent in November, after rising 0.2 percent in October. Indexes which increased in November include rent, owners' equivalent rent, medical care, and motor vehicle insurance. The indexes for apparel, household furnishings and operations, communication, and recreation were among those that decreased over the month.

The all items index rose 3.1 percent for the 12 months ending November, a smaller increase than the 3.2-percent increase for the 12 months ending October. The all items less food and energy index rose 4.0 percent over the last 12 months, as it did for the 12 months ending October. The energy index decreased 5.4 percent for the 12 months ending November, while the food index increased 2.9 percent over the last year.

November 2023 Consumer Price Index (PDF)
November 2023 Consumer Price Index
December 12th Weekly Connecticut / WDA Initial and Continuing Unemployment Insurance Claims
Break down unemployment claims by age, education, industry, gender, and town can offer valuable insight for planning and budgeting purposes.

December 11th
December 11th December 11th 2023 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending December 8th, there were 6,358 new job postings in Connecticut. This document contains new job ad counts for the seven days ending December 8th, 2023. The four data tabs contain tables with new job ads by Industry, Occupation, Employer, and a graph by week.
December 8th 2023 HWOL (Excel) December 8th
December 1st December 2023 Connecticut Economic Digest
The Connecticut Economic Digest's purpose is to regularly provide users with a comprehensive source for the most current, up-to-date data available on the workforce and economy of the state, within perspectives of the region and nation.
December 2023 CT Economic Digest (PDF) December
December 1st Summary of Boston Consulting Group's Report: "Getting Young People Back on Track" - December 2023 Economic Digest article
In October 2023, the Boston Consulting Company (BCG) released "Getting Young People Back on Track," an important blueprint for identifying and re-engaging disconnected and at-risk youth. The report was produced using data from the state's P20 WIN project and reached audiences including policymakers, youth services professionals, safety net service agencies, and media outlets. To further the efforts to reach at-risk young people, the Connecticut Department of Labor (CTDOL) presents the report's key findings followed by a synopsis of how the underlying data was compiled through the Connecticut longitudinal data system, P20 WIN. Additionally, CTDOL's Research Unit, a P20 WIN partner, offers three data-driven recommendations for future research.

At-Risk and Disconnected Young People
"Getting Young People Back on Track" concluded that during the 2021-2022 school year Connecticut had 119,000 youth between 14-26 years old who are either disconnected or at risk. Using the below definitional framework, this total is comprised of 63,000 disconnected and 56,000 at-risk youth.

On-track: young people aged 14-26 who are engaged in the educational system or on-track for gainful employment.

At-risk: three sub-populations-off-track, those students who do not meet state credit attainment requirements; at-risk due to other factors, such as absenteeism and/or behavioral issues; and severely off-track, those students are off-track and display additional risk factors. [ read more ]

December 2023 Digest article Summary of Boston Consulting Group's Report: Getting Young People Back on Track PDF)

December 2023 Digest article Summary of Boston Consulting Group's Report: Getting Young People Back on Track (docx)

 Publications  /  Data  /  Webpages  /  Updates  /  Releases PDF
November 27th November 25th 2023 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending November 25th, there were 3,368 new job postings in Connecticut. This document contains new job ad counts for the seven days ending November 25th, 2023. The four data tabs contain tables with new job ads by Industry, Occupation, Employer, and a graph by week.
November 25th 2023 HWOL (Excel) November 25th
November 21st November 18th 2023 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending November 18th, there were 6,236 new job postings in Connecticut. This document contains new job ad counts for the seven days ending November 18th, 2023. The four data tabs contain tables with new job ads by Industry, Occupation, Employer, and a graph by week.
November 18th 2023 HWOL (Excel) November 18th
November 14th November 2023 Connecticut Help Wanted OnLine Data Series (HWOL)
Total postings in Connecticut was 66,071 in October 2023, down from 74,800 in September 2023.

Industry Sectors with the most job postings were Health Care and Social Assistance (12,098 postings), Retail Trade (7,802 posting), Manufacturing (5,662 postings), and Pro., Sci., & Tech. Services (4,145 postings).

Occupations with the most postings were Registered Nurses (3,996 postings), Retail Salespersons (2,995 postings), Supervisors of Retail Sales Workers (1,869 postings), and Wholesale & Manufacturing Sales Representatives (1,498 postings).

The Conference Board Help Wanted OnLine Data Series (HWOL) measures the number of new, first-time online jobs and jobs reposted from the previous month for over 16,000 Internet job boards, corporate boards and smaller job sites that serve niche markets and smaller geographic areas. The data can be used as a real-time measure of labor demand.

November 2023 HWOL (PDF)

November 2023 HWOL (Powerpoint Doc)

November 14th Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U)
The Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) was unchanged in October on a seasonally adjusted basis, after increasing 0.4 percent in September, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Over the last 12 months, the all items index increased 3.2 percent before seasonal adjustment.

The index for shelter continued to rise in October, offsetting a decline in the gasoline index and resulting in the seasonally adjusted index being unchanged over the month. The energy index fell 2.5 percent over the month as a 5.0-percent decline in the gasoline index more than offset increases in other energy component indexes. The food index increased 0.3 percent in October, after rising 0.2 percent in September. The index for food at home increased 0.3 percent over the month while the index for food away from home rose 0.4 percent.

The index for all items less food and energy rose 0.2 percent in October, after rising 0.3 percent in September. Indexes which increased in October include rent, owners' equivalent rent, motor vehicle insurance, medical care, recreation, and personal care. The indexes for lodging away from home, used cars and trucks, communication, and airline fares were among those that decreased over the month.

The all items index rose 3.2 percent for the 12 months ending October, a smaller increase than the 3.7-percent increase for the 12 months ending September. The all items less food and energy index rose 4.0 percent over the last 12 months, its smallest 12-month change since the period ending in September 2021. The energy index decreased 4.5 percent for the 12 months ending October, and the food index increased 3.3 percent over the last year.

October 2023 Consumer Price Index (PDF)
October 2023 Consumer Price Index
November 9th November 4th 2023 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending November 4th, there were 6,987 new job postings in Connecticut. This weekly total is up 1,816 new ads from a week ago and the highest weekly level in over four months. Ninteen of twenty-one industries had over-the-week increases and two decreased. Thirty-one percent of the the over the week increase occurred in Administrative & Support Services (12%), Professional, Scientific and Technical Services (10%) and Manufacturing (9%). The employers with the most new ads in these respective industries were Actalent (62 new ads), CDM Smith (51 new ads), and Intel (93 new ads). The graph below illustrates overall new ads count statewide from July 8th Through November 4th. During that span, weekly new ads ranged from 4,820 new ads (10/14/23) and the current week of 6,897.

The 25 occupations with the most new job ads during the week ending November 4th, 2023. During that week, employers posted new job ads for over 700 specific occupations in the state. The 25 occupations account for 38% of the 6,987 new ads during the week. The three occupations with the most new ads were Registered Nurses (282 new ads), Retail Salespersons (276 new ads), and Supervisors of Retail Sales Workers (189 new ads). Employers with the most job ads for those three occupations respectively are Yale New Haven Health (87 new ads), TJX 18 new ads), and CVS Health (22 new ads). Among the 25 occupations with the most new ads, the median annual salary ranged from $34,432 (Fast Food and Counter Workers) to $135,680 (Software Devlopers).

Employers with the most new job postings during the week ending November 4th, 2023 were mostly within Retail Trade, Healthcare, and Administrative & Support. The employers with the most ads in those respective industries were Yale New Haven Health (237 new ads), Pep Boys (48 new ads), and Compass Group (23 new ads). Eightteen employers in the top 25 had over the week new ad increases, one was unchanged, and six declined. The largest over-the-week increase among the 25 employers occurred at Yale New Haven Health (+87 new ads) and the largest decrease occurred at Hartford Healthcare (-170 new ads).

November 4th 2023 HWOL (PDF)

November 4th HWOL 2023 (Word Doc)

November 4th
November 9th Business and Employment Changes Announced in the News Media
Lists start-ups, expansions, recruitments, career fairs, staff reductions, and layoffs reported by the media, both current and future. The report provides company name, the number of workers involved, date of the action, the principal product or service of the company, a brief synopsis of the action, and the source and date of the media article.
Third Quarter 2023 Connecticut Business and Employment Changes Announced in the News Media PDF
Third Quarter 2023 Connecticut Business & Employment Changes Announced in the News Media Excel
3Q 2023
November 8th November 2023 Connecticut Economic Digest
The Connecticut Economic Digest's purpose is to regularly provide users with a comprehensive source for the most current, up-to-date data available on the workforce and economy of the state, within perspectives of the region and nation.
November 2023 CT Economic Digest (PDF) November
November 8th The Evolution of Zoning - November 2023 Economic Digest article
Obnoxious sounds, smells, and danger from manufacturing, farming, and mining are high on the list of things we want to keep from our bedrooms, kitchens, and living spaces. Methods for achieving this evolved over time to be embodied in what land use planners call Euclidean zoning that is by turns confounding, controversial, mystifying, and aspirational. What follows is a brief examination of how zoning has become a useful tool even as its application can become an economic trap for real estate developers, regulators, small businesses, and residents. While the challenges of housing affordability and sprawl are daunting, the aforementioned planners, together with public officials, real estate developers, and community financial institutions, are formulating responses designed to give rise to communities of human scale that encourage interaction among their inhabitants.

As people grew accustomed to living in group settlements, the walled cities of antiquity became places in which their denizens lived, worshipped, and carried out their civic business. Land outside the walls was reserved for the slaughter and rendering of animals, waste disposal, brick firing, mining, and other forms of extraction; the aboriginal form of zoning that separated incompatible land uses as shown in illustration 1 thus came into being. As populations grew and occupied ever more land, the protozoan form of cities, suburbs, and rural areas began to take shape where earth, space, vegetation, or any combination thereof came to serve as buffers separating incompatible land uses. As most work took place within the home before the industrial revolution of 1760 to 1840, residential areas in settlements of the time were centers of labor and commerce that gave rise to an urban environment of mixed residential and commercial land uses. The industrial revolution brought with it more intensive land uses such as manufacturing that took place in single large structures, on campuses, and within interconnected complexes occupied by up to thousands of workers gathered for labor that included assembly, slaughter and rendering of animals, and the processing of sewage and storm-water runoff. The scale at which industry did its work made the separation of working and living spaces a more urgent proposition; enter the concept of Euclidean zoning. [ read more ]

November 2023 Digest article The Evolution of Zoning (PDF)

November 2023 Digest article The Evolution of Zoning (docx)

November 1st Labor Market Information At-A-Glance
At-A-Glance is a monthly pamphlet that contains the latest updates for data items most frequently requested by the Office of Research
September 2023 CT Labor Market Information At-A-Glance (PDF) September
 Publications  /  Data  /  Webpages  /  Updates  /  Releases PDF
October 31st October 28th 2023 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending October 28th, there were 5,171 new job postings in Connecticut. This total new ad count is down 932 from a week ago. Sixteen of twenty-one industries had over-the-week decreases, one was unchanged, and four increased. Some of the largest decreased include Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services (-170 new ads), Information (-59 new ads), and Educational Services (-56 new ads). The largest employer declines in those three indusutries respectively were KPMG (-17 new ads), Spectrum (-15 new ads), and Three Rivers Community College (-9 new ads). The three occupations with the largest over the week decrease were Laborers, Freight, & Material Movers (-45 new ads), Tractor-Trailer Truck Drivers (-41 new ads), and Stockers & Order Fillers (-34 new ads), all of which relate to the Transportaiton & Warehousing Industry. The graph below illustrates overall new ads count statewide from July Through October. During the four weeks ending in October, total new ads have averaged 5,663 per week and ranged between a low week of 4,820 new ads (10/14/23) and a high of 6,558 new ads (10/7/23).

The 25 occupations with the most new job ads during the week ending October 28st, 2023. During that week, employers posted new job ads for over 700 specific occupations in the state. The 25 occupations account for 42% of the 5,171 new ads during the week. The three occupations with the most new ads were Registered Nurses (377 new ads), Retail Salespersons (191 new ads), and Supervisors of Retail Sales Workers (137 new ads). Among job ads with advertised salary information, these three occupations had respective median advertised annual incomes of $86,272 per year, $37,504 per year, and $51,968 per year. Among the 25 occupations with the most new ads, the median annual salary ranged from $33,920 (Fast Food and Counter Workers) to $170,752 (Sales Managers).

Employers with the most new job postings during the week ending October 28th, 2023 were mostly within Healthcare, Retail Trade, and Finance & Insurance. The employers with the most ads in those respective industries were Hartford Healthcare (195 new ads), CVS Health (54 new ads), and The Hartford (30 new ads). Twenty-one employers in the top 25 had over the week new ad increases and four declined. The largest over-the-week increase among the 25 employers occurred at Trinity Health (+66 new ads) and the largest decrease occurred at ASML (-13 new ads).

October 28th 2023 HWOL (PDF)

October 28th HWOL 2023 (Word Doc)

October 28th
October 30th Weekly Connecticut / WDA Initial and Continuing Unemployment Insurance Claims
Break down unemployment claims by age, education, industry, gender, and town can offer valuable insight for planning and budgeting purposes.

October 30th
October 27th Connecticut Learns and Works - Presentations from the October 2023 Breakfast Symposium
BRS Level Up Overview - Pre-Employment Transition Services | Preparing Individuals With Disabilities To Enter The Workplace | Connecticut Labor Market Update.

October 27th
October 25th Business Employment Dynamics 1Q 2023
Business Employment Dynamics (BED) data published quarterly by the Bureau of Labor Statistics tracks employment change at the establishment level and reveals the underlying dynamics of net employment change. The data include gross employment change, business expansion/contraction, establishment birth/death, and is available at sector level.

From January 2023 to April 2023, gross job gains from opening and expanding private sector establishments in Connecticut was 87,749, a 3,353 job increase from the previous quarter. Over this period, gross job losses from closing and contracting private sector establishments was 75,054, a decrease of 9,825 from the previous quarter.

During the first quarter of 2023, the difference between gross job gains and gross job losses yielded a net employment increase of 12,695 jobs in the private sector. This net increase follows a 483 net decrease during the fourth quarter of 2022.

Net employment change reached a low of -203,916 during the second quarter of 2020. The combined net change for the eleven quarters of subsequent data through the first quarter of 2023 is 182,408 jobs.

1Q 2023 Connecticut Business Employment Dynamics PDF

1Q 2023 Connecticut Business Employment Dynamics (Word Doc)

1Q 2023
October 24th October 21st 2023 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending October 21st, there were 6,103 new job postings in Connecticut. This total new ad count is up 1,283 from a week ago. Sixteen of twenty-one industries had over-the-week increases. Some of the largest include Healthcare & Social Assistance (+333 new ads) and Professional, Scientific, & Technical Services (+153 new ads). The employers with the largest increase in those two industries respectively were Yale New Haven Health (+102 new ads) and KPMG (+20 new ads). The five industries with new ad decreases fell by 24 jobs or less over the week. Manufacturing had the largest decrease, down 24 new ads from a week ago.

The 25 occupations with the most new job ads during the week ending October 21st, 2023. During that week, employers posted new job ads for over 700 specific occupations in the state. The 25 occupations account for 15% of the 6,103 new ads during the week. The three occupations with the most new ads were Registered Nurses (361 new ads), Retail Salespersons (201 new ads), and Wholesale & Manufacturing Sales Representatives (133 new ads). Among job ads with advertised salary information, these three occupations had respective median advertised annual incomes of $88,832 per year, $34,432 per year, and $60,032 per year. Among the 25 occupations with the most new ads, the median annual salary ranged from $32,640 (Fast Food and Counter Workers) to $129,792 (Software Developers).

Employers with the most new job postings during the week ending October 21st, 2023 were mostly within Healthcare, Retail Trade, and Manufacturing. These three industries The employers with the most ads in those respective industries were Hartford Healthcare (193 new ads), CVS Health (39 new ads), and ASML (30 new ads). Seventeen employers in the top 25 had over the week new ad increases and eight declined. The largest over-the-week increase among the 25 employers occurred Yale New Haven Health System (+102 new ads) and the largest decrease occurred at Lumen Technologies (-46 new ads).

October 21st 2023 HWOL (PDF)

October 21st HWOL 2023 (Word Doc)

October 21st
October 17th October 14th 2023 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending October 14th, there were 4,820 new job postings in Connecticut. This total new ad count is down 1,738 new ads from a week ago. Every industry shown below was down over the week. A majority had over the week drops of less than 100 new ads. Among the eight that decreased by more than 100 new ads, the largest occurred in Health Care & Social Assistance (-309 new ads) and Retail Trade (-202 new ads). Across all industries, 2,131 of 4,820 new job ads during the week ending October 14th had salary information. These 2,131 new ads had an annual median advertised salary of $52,096. The industries with the highest and lowest advertised median annual salaries respectively were Pro., Sci., & Tech. Services ($104,320) and Accommodation & Food Services ($35,456).

The 25 occupations with the most new job ads during the week ending October 14th, 2023. During that week, employers posted new job ads for over 700 specific occupations in the state. The 25 occupations account for 38% of the 4,820 new ads during the week. The three occupations with the most new ads were Registered Nurses (205 new ads), Retail Salespersons (184 new ads), and Supervisors of Retail Sales Workers (136 new ads). Among job ads with advertised salary information, these three occupations had respective median advertised annual incomes of $102,144 per year, $36,992 per year, and $42,112 per year. Among the 25 occupations with the most new ads, the median annual salary ranged from $32,640 (Fast Food and Counter Workers) to $132,608 (Software Developers).

Employers with the most new job postings during the week ending October 14th, 2023 were mostly within Retail Trade, Health Care, and Manufacturing. The employers with the most ads in those respective industries were Walgreens (39 new ads), Hartford Healthcare (33 new ads), and Pratt & Whitney (19 new ads). Nineteen employers in the top 25 had over the week new ad declines and six increased. The largest over the week decline among the 25 employers occurred at Trinity Health (71 new ads) and the largest increase occurred at Lumen Technologies (+43 new ads).

October 14th 2023 HWOL (PDF)

October 14th HWOL 2023 (Word Doc)

October 14th
October 11th October 2023 Connecticut Help Wanted OnLine Data Series (HWOL)
Total postings in Connecticut was 74,800 in September 2023, down from 77,738 in August 2023.

Industry Sectors with the most job postings were Health Care and Social Assistance (14,749 postings), Retail Trade (8,021 posting), Manufacturing (5,963 postings), and Pro., Sci., & Tech. Services (4,482 postings).

Occupations with the most postings were Registered Nurses (4,259 postings), Retail Salespersons (3,339 postings), Supervisors of Retail Sales Workers (2,105 postings), and Wholesale & Manufacturing Sales Representatives (1,557 postings).

The Conference Board Help Wanted OnLine Data Series (HWOL) measures the number of new, first-time online jobs and jobs reposted from the previous month for over 16,000 Internet job boards, corporate boards and smaller job sites that serve niche markets and smaller geographic areas. The data can be used as a real-time measure of labor demand.

October 2023 HWOL (PDF)

October 2023 HWOL (Powerpoint Doc)

October 11th Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U)
The Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) rose 0.4 percent in September on a seasonally adjusted basis, after increasing 0.6 percent in August, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Over the last 12 months, the all items index increased 3.7 percent before seasonal adjustment.

The index for shelter was the largest contributor to the monthly all items increase, accounting for over half of the increase. An increase in the gasoline index was also a major contributor to the all items monthly rise. While the major energy component indexes were mixed in September, the energy index rose 1.5 percent over the month. The food index increased 0.2 percent in September, as it did in the previous two months. The index for food at home increased 0.1 percent over the month while the index for food away from home rose 0.4 percent.

The index for all items less food and energy rose 0.3 percent in September, the same increase as in August. Indexes which increased in September include rent, owners' equivalent rent, lodging away from home, motor vehicle insurance, recreation, personal care, and new vehicles. The indexes for used cars and trucks and for apparel were among those that decreased over the month.

The all items index increased 3.7 percent for the 12 months ending September, the same increase as the 12 months ending in August. The all items less food and energy index rose 4.1 percent over the last 12 months. The energy index decreased 0.5 percent for the 12 months ending September, and the food index increased 3.7 percent over the last year.

September 2023 Consumer Price Index (PDF)
September 2023 Consumer Price Index
October 9th Weekly Connecticut / WDA Initial and Continuing Unemployment Insurance Claims
Break down unemployment claims by age, education, industry, gender, and town can offer valuable insight for planning and budgeting purposes.

October 9th
October 9th Connecticut Learns and Works - Fall 2023 Breakfast Symposium
Transitions: Support, Resources, and Opportunities for Individuals with Disabilities.
Manchester Community College, Great Path Academy Community Commons, Friday, October 27, 2023
Keynote - Laura Albee, Visiting Assistant Professor of Social Work & Equitable Community Practice at The University of Saint Joseph Supporting Special Needs Individuals in Academic and Professional Settings

Register at
CT Learns and Works - Fall 2023 Breakfast Symposium (PDF) October 27, 2023
October 4th September 30th 2023 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending September 30th, there were 5,946 new job postings in Connecticut. This total new ad count is up 136 new ads from a week ago. Fifteen of Twenty-one industries increased over the week. The largest increases occurred in Retail Trade (+227 new ads) and Accommodation & Food Services (+159 new ads). Among the 10 decreasing industries, the largest declines occurred within Health Care & Social Assistance (-257 new ads) and Administrative & Support (-84 new ads). The occupations with the largest increase over the week include Retail Salespersons (+95 new ads) and Home Health & Personal Care Aides (+90 new ads).

The 25 occupations with the most new job ads during the week ending September 30th, 2023. During that week, employers posted new job ads for over 700 specific occupations in the state. The 25 occupations account for 40% of the 5,946 new ads during the week. The three occupations with the most new ads were Retail Salespersons (311 new ads), Registered Nurses (261 new ads), and Home Health & Personal Care Aides (194 new ads). Among job ads with advertised salary information, these three occupations had respective median advertised annual incomes of $35,456 per year, $100,608 per year, and $35,456 per year. Among the 25 occupations with the most new ads, the median annual salary ranged from $33,408 (Fast Food and Counter Workers) to $144,896 (Software Developers).

Employers with the most new job postings during the week ending September 30th, 2023 were mostly within Retail Trade, Finance & Insurance, and Health Care. The employers with the most ads in those respective industries were Target (69 new ads), The Hartford (33 new ads), and Hartford Healthcare (120 new ads). The Largest over the week increase among the top 25 employers occurred at Marrakech (+172 new ads) and the largest decreases occurred at Hartford Healthcare (-304). Twenty-one of the top 25 employers increased over the week and four decreased.

September 30th 2023 HWOL (PDF)

September 30th HWOL 2023 (Word Doc)

September 30th
October 3th October 2023 Connecticut Economic Digest
The Connecticut Economic Digest's purpose is to regularly provide users with a comprehensive source for the most current, up-to-date data available on the workforce and economy of the state, within perspectives of the region and nation.
October 2023 CT Economic Digest (PDF) October
October 3th All State Economic Indexes Rose Again in 2022 - October 2023 Economic Digest article
For the second year in a row, all state economic indexes increased last year. Connecticut had the twelfth-highest 2022 growth in the nation at 17.8%, exceeding the nation's 17.6% increase. Rhode Island, Colorado, Missouri, and New Jersey grew the most in 2022 while Washington, Kentucky, Nebraska, and Utah were the slowest.

SEI: Methodology
Applying the same components and methodology of the Connecticut Town Economic Indexes (See September 2023 issue), the Connecticut Department of Labor's Office of Research also developed the State Economic Indexes for all 50 states and DC. With recently available annual average data from the Quarterly Census Employment and Wages (QCEW) program, along with the revised annual average unemployment rate from Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS), annual SEI is reestimated for the 2010-2022 period.

These indexes provide a measure of the overall economic strength of each state that can be compared and ranked. Four annual average state economic indicators were used as components: 1. the number of the total covered business establishments, 2. total covered employment, 3. real covered wages, and 4. the unemployment rate. [ read more ]

October 2023 Digest article All State Economic Indexes Rose Again in 2022 (PDF)

October 2023 Digest article All State Economic Indexes Rose Again in 2022 (docx)

Download SEI 2010-2022 data.xlsx

October 2nd Information Workforce Investment Planning
Contains a variety of data on the Eastern Workforce Development Area including population and population density, labor force, employment and wages by industry sector, and new housing permits. In addition, detailed information on residents in need of workforce investment services such as high school dropouts, Medicaid recipients, adult probationers, Temporary Family Assistance (TFA) recipients, and other residents with barriers to employment.
 Publications  /  Data  /  Webpages  /  Updates  /  Releases PDF
September 26th September 23rd 2023 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending September 23rd, there were 5,810 new job postings in Connecticut. This total new ad count is down 376 new ads from a week ago. This top line change overlays varied industry level shifts. Fifteen industries had over the week decreases totaling a combined -633 new ads and six industries grew by a combined 257 ads. The largest industry decrease was Finance & Insurance (-136 new ads) and the largest industry increase was Health Care & Social Assistance (+134 new ads). During the past week, 2,471 of the 5,810 new job ads had salary information. Those ads had a median advertised salary of $50,048. Utilities had the had the highest advertised median income ($111,872) and Accommodations & Food Service had the lowest ($34,688).

The 25 occupations with the most new job ads during the week ending September 23rd, 2023. During that week, employers posted new job ads for over 700 specific occupations in the state. The 25 occupations account for 42% of the 5,810 new ads during the week. The three occupations with the most new ads were Registered Nurses (518 new ads), Retail Salespersons (216 new ads), and Supervisors of Retail Sales Workers (156 new ads). Among job ads with advertised salary information, these three occupations had respective median advertised annual incomes of $103,4,704 per year, $35,968 per year, and $45,696 per year. Among the 25 occupations with the most new ads, the median advertised annual salary ranged from $33,408 (Fast Food and Counter Workers) to $138,752 (Software Developers).

Employers with the most new job postings during the week ending September 23rd, 2023 were mostly within Retail Trade, Finance & Insurance, and Health Care. The employers with the most ads in those respective industries were CVS Health (45 new ads), Travelers (28 new ads), and Hartford Healthcare (424 new ads). The Largest over the week increase among the top 25 employers occurred at Hartford Healthcare (+283 new ads) and the largest decreases occurred at CVS Health and Capital One, both down 69 new ads over the week. Fifteen of the top 25 employers increased over the week and ten decreased.

September 23rd 2023 HWOL (PDF)

September 23rd HWOL 2023 (Word Doc)

September 23rd
September 13th Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U)
The Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) rose 0.6 percent in August on a seasonally adjusted basis, after increasing 0.2 percent in July, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Over the last 12 months, the all items index increased 3.7 percent before seasonal adjustment.

The index for gasoline was the largest contributor to the monthly all items increase, accounting for over half of the increase. Also contributing to the August monthly increase was continued advancement in the shelter index, which rose for the 40th consecutive month. The energy index rose 5.6 percent in August as all the major energy component indexes increased. The food index increased 0.2 percent in August, as it did in July. The index for food at home increased 0.2 percent over the month while the index for food away from home rose 0.3 percent in August.

The index for all items less food and energy rose 0.3 percent in August, following a 0.2-percent increase in July. Indexes which increased in August include rent, owners' equivalent rent, motor vehicle insurance, medical care, and personal care. The indexes for lodging away from home, used cars and trucks, and recreation were among those that decreased over the month.

The all items index increased 3.7 percent for the 12 months ending August, a larger increase than the 3.2-percent increase for the 12 months ending in July. The all items less food and energy index rose 4.3 percent over the last 12 months. The energy index decreased 3.6 percent for the 12 months ending August, and the food index increased 4.3 percent over the last year.

August 2023 Consumer Price Index (PDF)
August 2023 Consumer Price Index
September 12th September 9th 2023 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending September 9th, there were 6,235 new job postings in Connecticut. This total new ad count is up 1,086 new ads from a week ago. Seventy-nine percent of this overall increase occurred in Retail Trade (+362 new ads), Health Care & Social Assistance (+304 new ads), and Manufacturing (+126 new ads). Sixteen of twenty-one industries had over-the-week increases and five decreased. During the past week, 2,572 of the 6,235 new job ads had salary information. Those ads had a median advertised salary of $48,000 across all industries. Finance & Insurance had the highest advertised median income ($121,600) and Arts, Entertainment & Recreation had the lowest ($34,944).

The 25 occupations with the most new job ads during the week ending September 12th, 2023. During that week, employers posted new job ads for over 700 specific occupations in the state. The 25 occupations account for 41% of the 6,235 new ads during the week. The three occupations with the most new ads were Registered Nurses (346 new ads), Retail Salespersons (269 new ads), and Supervisors of Retail Sales Workers (216 new ads). Among job ads with advertised salary information, these three occupations had respective median advertised annual incomes of $33,920 per year, $86,272 per year, and $40,832 per year. Among the 25 occupations with the most new ads, the median advertised annual salary ranged from $31,200 (Cashiers) to $150,272 (Computer Occupations). Within the 25 specific occupations shown above, the largest increase occurred in Retail Salespersons (+80 new ads) and the largest decrease occurred in Secretaries and Administrative Assistants (-28 new ads).

Employers with the most new job postings during the week ending September 9th, 2023 were mostly within Retail Trade, Health Care, and Finance & Insurance. The employers with the most ads in those respective industries were Burlington (82 new ads), Yale New Haven Health (167 new ads), and Capital One (34 new ads). The Largest over the week increase among the top 25 employers occurred at Yale New Haven Health (+101 new ads) and the largest decrease occurred at Raytheon (-12 new ads). Nineteen of the top 25 employers increased over the week and six decreased.

September 9th 2023 HWOL (PDF)

September 9th HWOL 2023 (Word Doc)

September 9th
September 1st September 2023 Connecticut Economic Digest
The Connecticut Economic Digest's purpose is to regularly provide users with a comprehensive source for the most current, up-to-date data available on the workforce and economy of the state, within perspectives of the region and nation.
September 2023 CT Economic Digest (PDF) September
September 1st All of Connecticut Town Economic Indexes Recover in 2022 - September 2023 Economic Digest article
Connecticut's overall economy bounced back last year, as all municipalities' indexes rose in 2022, a recovery for all 169 cities and towns that fell in 2020 from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. The indexes on page 3 give a broad measure of business and resident economic well-being of each town, allowing comparisons among them.

The CTEI Methodology
The Connecticut Town Economic Indexes (CTEI) were introduced in 2015 and are released annually. The Connecticut Department of Labor's Office of Research developed the composite indexes of all 169 municipalities in the state to measure each town or city's overall economic health, which then can be ranked and compared to others to gain perspective. The four annual average town economic indicators used as components are total covered business establishments, total covered employment, inflation-adjusted covered annual average wages, and the unemployment rate.

Establishments are the physical work units located in the municipality. Employment is the number of payroll employees in establishments that are located in the town. Wages are the aggregate payroll pay divided by the total average employment. These three measures come from the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW) program and include all those who are covered under the unemployment insurance law, thus capturing nearly 100 percent of all payroll employees in each town. [ read more ]

September 2023 Digest article CAll of Connecticut Town Economic Indexes Recover in 2022 (PDF)

September 2023 Digest article All of Connecticut Town Economic Indexes Recover in 2022 (docx)

Download CTEI 2005-2022 data.xlsx

 Publications  /  Data  /  Webpages  /  Updates  /  Releases PDF
August 29th August 26th 2023 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending August 26th, there were 6,447 new job postings in Connecticut. This total new ad count is up 1,489 new ads from a week ago. Thirty-nine percent of this overall increase occurred in Health Care & Social Assistance (+274 new ads), Retail Trade (+166 new ads), or Administrative and Support (+138 New Ads). Seventeen of twenty-one industries had over-the-week increases, one was unchanged, and three decreased. During the past week, 1,947 of the 6,447 new job ads had salary information. Those ads had a median advertised salary of $49,536, down slightly from last week's median of $50,048. Finance & Insurance had the highest advertised median income ($107,264) and Accommodations & Food Service had the lowest ($36,480).

The 25 occupations with the most new job ads during the week ending August 26thth, 2023. During that week, employers posted new job ads for over 700 specific occupations in the state. The 25 occupations account for 35% of the 6,447 new ads during the week. The three occupations with the most new ads were Registered Nurses (338 new ads), Retail Salespersons (288 new ads), and Supervisors of Retail Sales Workers (134 new ads). Among job ads with advertised salary information, these three occupations had respective median advertised annual incomes of $103,168 per year, $33,408 per year, and $46,976 per year. Across all occupations, 1,947 of 6,447 new job ads had salary information during the week ending 8/26/23, and the median salary across those ads was $49,536 per year. Among the 25 occupations with the most new ads, the median advertised annual salary ranged from $33,408 (Retail Salespersons) to $145,920 (Software Developers).

Employers with the most new job postings during the week ending August 19th,2023 were mostly within Health Care, Retail Trade, and Finance & Insurance. The employers with the most ads in those respective industries were Hartford Healthcare (191 new ads), Panera Bread (84 new ads), and Webster Bank (38 new ads). The Largest over the week increase among the top 25 employers occurred at Pantera Bread (+84 new ads) and the largest decrease occurred at Yale New Haven Health (-129 new ads). Nineteen of the top 25 employers increased over the week, one was unchanged, and five decreased.

August 26th 2023 HWOL (PDF)

August 26th HWOL 2023 (Word Doc)

August 26th
August 25th 1Q2023 - Employment & Wages by Industry Covered by Unemployment Insurance - Quarterly Towns
The program produces a comprehensive tabulation of employment and wage information for workers covered by Connecticut Unemployment Insurance (UI) laws and Federal workers covered by the Unemployment Compensation for Federal Employees program with three digit government data added. Data on the number of establishments, employment, and wages are reported by industry for Connecticut, Labor Market Areas, Connecticut Towns and Workforce Development Areas.
Connecticut 1Q2023 - Employment & Wages by Industry Covered by Unemployment Insurance - Towns (xlsx) 1Q2023
August 25th 1Q 2023 Worksites by Size Class
Worksites is a count of firms, excluding government, that have only one location, plus a count of each location of firms that have operations in more than one location. The sum of the substate areas is less than the statewide total because some multi-location firms and others that don't have a physical location are coded as statewide and therefore have no substate area designation.
Connecticut 1Q 2023 Worksites by Size Class (xlsx) 1Q 2023
August 23rd Connecticut Occupational Employment & Wage Statistics by State / LMA / WDA - 2023
Provides accurate and meaningful wage information to employers, job seekers, counselors, students, planners of vocational education programs, economic developers, Regional Workforce Development Boards, and others.
Connecticut Occupational Employment & Wage Statistics - 2023 (xlsx) 1Q 2023
August 23rd State of Connecticut NAICS Industry - Occupational Employment and Wages (OEWS)- 2023
Provides accurate and meaningful wage information to employers, job seekers, counselors, students, planners of vocational education programs, economic developers, Regional Workforce Development Boards, and others.
Connecticut Occupational Employment & Wage Statistics - 2023 (xlsx) 1Q 2023
August 22nd August 19th 2023 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending August 19th, there were 4,958 new job postings in Connecticut. This total new ad count is down 750 new ads from a week ago. Thirteen of twenty-one industries had over-the-week decreases and eight increased. Most of the overall drop occurred in Health Care & Social Assistance (-192 new ads) and Retail Trade (-102 new ads). During the past week, 2,002 of the 4,958 new job ads had salary information. Those ads had a median advertised salary of $50,048, down slightly from last week's median of $51,072. Finance & Insurance had the highest advertised median income ($112,512) and Arts, Entertainment, & Recreation had the lowest ($34,176).

The 25 occupations with the most new job ads during the week ending August 19th, 2023. During that week, employers posted new job ads for over 700 specific occupations in the state. The 25 occupations account for 37% of the 4,958 new ads during the week. The three occupations with the most new ads were Registered Nurses (259 new ads), Retail Salespersons (157 new ads), and Supervisors of Retail Sales Workers (157 new ads). Among job ads with advertised salary information, these three occupations had respective median advertised annual incomes of $83,200 per year, $33,920 per year, and $49,024 per year. Across all occupations, 2,002 of 4,958 new job ads had salary information during the week ending 8/19/23, and the median salary across those ads was $50,048 per year. Among the 25 occupations with the most new ads, the median advertised annual salary ranged from $33,128 (Fast Food & Counter Workers) to $144,896 (Software Developers).

Employers with the most new job postings during the week ending August 19th,2023 were mostly within Finance & Insurance, Health Care, and Retail Trade. The employers with the most ads in those respective industries were Travelers (30 new ads), Yale New Haven Health (177 new ads), and Walgreens (25 new ads). The Largest over the week increase among the top 25 employers occurred at Yale New Haven Health (+108 new ads) and the largest decrease occurred at Hartford Healthcare (-128 new ads). Nineteen of the top 25 employers increased over the week and six decreased.

August 19th 2023 HWOL (PDF)

August 19th HWOL 2023 (Word Doc)

August 19th
August 15th Weekly Connecticut / WDA Initial and Continuing Unemployment Insurance Claims
Break down unemployment claims by age, education, industry, gender, and town can offer valuable insight for planning and budgeting purposes.

August 14th
August 15th August 12th 2023 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending August 12th, there were 5,708 new job postings in Connecticut. This total new ad count is down 795 new ads from a week ago. Sixteen of twenty-one industries had over-the-week decreases and five increased. A third of the total new ad decrease occurred in Health Care & Social Assistance (-195 new ads) or Educational Services (-72 new ads). During the past week, 2,390 of the 5,708 new job ads had salary information. Those ads had a median advertised salary of $51,072. Finance & Insurance had the highest advertised median income ($104,192) and Accommodation & Food Services had the lowest ($32,128).

The 25 occupations with the most new job ads during the week ending August 12th, 2023. During that week, employers posted new job ads for over 700 specific occupations in the state. The three occupations with the most new ads were Registered Nurses (351 new ads), Retail Salespersons (254 new ads), and Supervisors of Retail Sales Workers (134 new ads). Among job ads with advertised salary information, these three occupations had respective median advertised annual incomes of $98,560 per year, $36,480 per year, and $50,048 per year. Across all occupations, 2,390 of 5,708 new job ads had salary information during the week ending 8/12/23, and the median salary across those ads was $51,072 per year. Among the 25 occupations with the most new ads, the median advertised annual salary ranged from $33,408 (Fast Food & Counter Workers) to $140,032 (Software Developers).

Employers with the most new job postings during the week ending August 12th,2023 were mostly within Retail Trade, Health Care & Social Assistance, and Finance & Insurance. The employers with the most ads in those respective industries were Autozone (42 new ads), Hartford Healthcare (263 new ads), and Travelers (48 new ads). Within the 25 employers with the most new ads during the week ending 8/12/23, nineteen increased from a week ago, one was unchanged, and five decreased. The largest increase occurred at Hartford Healthcare (+125 new ads) and the largest decrease occurred at Yale New Haven Health (-135 new ads).

August 12th 2023 HWOL (PDF)

August 12th HWOL 2023 (Word Doc)

August 12th
August 15th August 2023 Connecticut Help Wanted OnLine Data Series (HWOL)
Total postings in Connecticut was 89,208 in July 2023, up slightly from 89,167 in June 2023.

Industry Sectors with the most job postings were Health Care and Social Assistance (16,964 postings), Retail Trade (8,886 posting), Manufacturing (6,788 postings), and Pro., Sci., & Tech. Services (5,525 postings).

Occupations with the most postings were Registered Nurses (5,216 postings), Retail Salespersons (3,391 postings), Supervisors of Retail Sales Workers (2,391 postings), and Wholesale & Manufacturing Sales Representatives (1,707 postings).

The Conference Board Help Wanted OnLine Data Series (HWOL) measures the number of new, first-time online jobs and jobs reposted from the previous month for over 16,000 Internet job boards, corporate boards and smaller job sites that serve niche markets and smaller geographic areas. The data can be used as a real-time measure of labor demand.

August 2023 HWOL (PDF)

August 2023 HWOL (Powerpoint Doc)

August 8th August 5th 2023 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending August 5th, there were 6,503 new postings in Connecticut. This total new ad count is up 973 new ads from a week ago. Fifteen of twenty-one industries had over-the-week increases, two were unchanged, and four decreased. Thirty-eight percent of that overall increase occurred in Health Care & Social Assistance (+369 new ads). The largest industry decrease occurred in Accommodation & Food Services (-157 new ads). The Largest Health Care & Social Assistance employer increase was Yale New Haven Health (+158 new ads), and the largest Accommodation & Food Service decrease occurred was Sodexo (-19 new ads). During the past week, 2,612 of the 6,503 new job ads had salary information. Those ads had a median advertised salary of $51,584. Finance & Insurance had the highest advertised median income ($120,704) and Accommodation & Food Services had the lowest ($38,016).

The 25 occupations with the most new job ads during the week ending August 5th, 2023. During that week, employers posted new job ads for over 700 specific occupations in the state. The three occupations with the most new ads were Registered Nurses (378 new ads), Retail Salespersons (231 new ads), and Software Developers (151 new ads). Twenty of the twenty-five occupations had over-the-week increases and five decreased. The occupation with the largest increase within the top 25 was Registered Nurses (+106 new ads) and the occupation with the largest decrease was Home Health & Personal Care Aides (-81 new ads). Among all occupations, 2,612 of the 6,503 new ads during the week ending 8/05/23 contained salary information, and the median annual advertised salary across those ads was $51,584. Among the 25 occupations with the most new ads, the median advertised annual incomes ranged from Waiters and Waitresses ($33,408) to Marketing Managers ($142,848).

Employers with the most new job postings during the week ending August 5th,2023 were mostly within Health Care & Social Assistance, Retail Trade, and Finance & Insurance. Eleven of the twenty-five employers with the most ads were in Health Care and Social Assistance. The largest healthcare employers were Yale New Haven Health (204 new ads), Hartford Healthcare (138 new ads), and Community Health Center (133 new ads). Across the top-25 employers, 22 had over-the-week increases, one was unchanged, and two decreased. The largest over-the-week increase occurred at Yale New Haven Health (+158 new ads), and the largest decrease occurred at Hartford Healthcare (-249 new ads).

August 5th 2023 HWOL (PDF)

August 5th HWOL 2023 (Word Doc)

August 5th
August 3rd Information Workforce Investment Planning
Contains a variety of data on the Eastern Workforce Development Area including population and population density, labor force, employment and wages by industry sector, and new housing permits. In addition, detailed information on residents in need of workforce investment services such as high school dropouts, Medicaid recipients, adult probationers, Temporary Family Assistance (TFA) recipients, and other residents with barriers to employment.
August 2nd July 29th 2023 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending July 29th, there were 5,530 new postings in Connecticut. This total new ad count is largely unchanged from a week ago, which had 5,528 new ads. Despite this flat overall new ad count, eleven industries increased over the week and ten decreased. The largest increases occurred within Accommodation & Food Services (+205 new ads) and Professional, Scientific, & Technical Services (+72 new ads). The largest decreases occurred within Finance & Insurance (-89 new ads) and Retail Trade (-86 new ads). During the past week, 2,332 of the 5,528 new job ads had salary information. Those ads had a median advertised salary of $52,608. Finance & Insurance had the highest advertised median income ($126,336) and Accommodation & Food Services the lowest ($34,32).

The 25 occupations with the most new job ads during the week ending July 29th, 2023. During that week, employers posted new job ads for over 700 specific occupations in the state. The three occupations with the most new ads were Registered Nurses (272 new ads), Retail Salespersons (175 new ads), and Home Health & Personal Care Aides (172 new ads). Fifteen of the twenty-five occupations had over-the-week increases, one was unchanged, and nine decreased. The occupation with the largest increase within the top 25 was Home Health & Personal Care Aides (+95 new ads) and the two occupations with the largest decrease were Supervisors of Retail Sales Workers and Software Developers, both down thirty-eight ads. Among all occupations, 2,332 of the 5,530 new ads during the week ending 7/29/23 contained salary information, and the median annual advertised salary across those ads was $52,608. Among the 25 occupations with the most new ads, the median advertised annual incomes ranged from Fast Food & Counter Workers ($33,408) to Software Developers ($156,160).

Employers with the most new job postings during the week ending July 29th were mostly within Health Care & Social Assistance, Retail Trade, and Finance & Insurance. The employers with the most new ads in these three respective industries were Marrakech (193 new ads), Walmart (55 new ads), and Travelers (39 new ads). Overall, the 25 employers with the most ads account for a combined 21 percent of total new ads. Among the 25 employers with the most ads, the largest over-the-week increase occurred at Marrakech (+192 new ads) and the largest decrease occurred at Hartford Healthcare (-136 new ads).

July 29th 2023 HWOL (PDF)

July 29th HWOL 2023 (Word Doc)

July 29th
August 1st Labor Market Information At-A-Glance
At-A-Glance is a monthly pamphlet that contains the latest updates for data items most frequently requested by the Office of Research
June 2023 CT Labor Market Information At-A-Glance (PDF) June
August 1st August 2023 Connecticut Economic Digest
The Connecticut Economic Digest's purpose is to regularly provide users with a comprehensive source for the most current, up-to-date data available on the workforce and economy of the state, within perspectives of the region and nation.
August 2023 CT Economic Digest (PDF) August
August 1st Covered Employment and Wages: A 2022 Annual Review - August 2023 Economic Digest article
According to the most recent data published by the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW) program, the number of jobs in Connecticut increased by 3.2 percent during 2022.1 A combination of employment returning from pandemic losses and a strong job market contributed to this increase. Total private industry employment, constituting 86.9 percent of the state's employment total, increased by 3.4 percent. Total government employment increased slightly by 1.6 percent. Since the economic shutdown in April 2020, Connecticut has recovered nearly all the jobs lost, though some sectors have understandably fared better than others.

Average annual wages for all Connecticut jobs increased by 4.4 percent, to $81,241. In 2022, private sector wages increased by 4.5 percent to $82,373; government wages increased 3.2 percent to $73,754.

Like 2021, new business establishment creation was up significantly compared to pre-pandemic, as new firms continue to explore new opportunities. New business starts were 16,459 in 2022, compared to 16,978 (revised) in 2021. Overall, establishments rose to 142,858 in 2022, an increase of 6.7 percent over 2021. Total private establishments represented nearly all of the increase, reaching 139,442 in 2022. Government worksites increased 1.5 percent in the state, from 3,374 in 2021 to 3,424 in 2022. [ read more ]

August 2023 Digest article Covered Employment and Wages: A 2022 Annual Review (PDF)

August 2023 Digest article Covered Employment and Wages: A 2022 Annual Review (docx)

 Publications  /  Data  /  Webpages  /  Updates  /  Releases PDF
July 31st Weekly Connecticut / WDA Initial and Continuing Unemployment Insurance Claims
Break down unemployment claims by age, education, industry, gender, and town can offer valuable insight for planning and budgeting purposes.

July 31st
July 31st 2022 Covered Employment and Wages by Industry - Annual Averages (Statewide / County / LMA / WDA / Town)
Employment and wage information for workers covered by Connecticut Unemployment Insurance (UI) laws and Federal workers covered by the Unemployment Compensation for Federal Employees (UCFE) program.(three digit government data added)
July 26th 3Q2022 / 4Q2022 - Employment & Wages by Industry Covered by Unemployment Insurance - Quarterly (Statewide / LMA / WIA / Towns)
The program produces a comprehensive tabulation of employment and wage information for workers covered by Connecticut Unemployment Insurance (UI) laws and Federal workers covered by the Unemployment Compensation for Federal Employees program with three digit government data added. Data on the number of establishments, employment, and wages are reported by industry for Connecticut, Labor Market Areas, Connecticut Towns and Workforce Development Areas.
July 26th Business Employment Dynamics 4Q2022
Business Employment Dynamics (BED) data published quarterly by the Bureau of Labor Statistics tracks employment change at the establishment level and reveals the underlying dynamics of net employment change. The data include gross employment change, business expansion/contraction, establishment birth/death, and is available at sector level.

From October 2022 to December 2022, gross job gains from opening and expanding private sector establishments in Connecticut was 83,780, a decrease of 5,687 jobs from the previous quarter. Over this period, gross job losses from closing and contracting private sector establishments was 84,460, a decrease of 3,100 from the previous quarter.

During the fourth quarter of 2022, the difference between gross job gains and gross job losses yielded a net employment decrease of 680 jobs in the private sector. This net increase follows a 1,907 net increase during the second quarter of 2022.

Net employment change reached a low of -204,996 during the second quarter of 2020. The combined net change for the ten quarters of subsequent data through the fourth quarter of 2022 is 164,431 jobs.

4Q2022 Connecticut Business Employment Dynamics PDF

4Q2022 Connecticut Business Employment Dynamics (Word Doc)

4Q 2022
July 25th July 22nd 2023 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending July 22nd, there were 5,528 new postings in Connecticut. This total new ad count is down 438 new ads or -7% from a week ago. Eleven industries had over the week new ad decreases, one was unchanged, and nine had increases. The largest industry new ad decrease occurred in Educational Services, down 115 new ads and the largest industry increase occurred in Finance & Insurance, up 139 new ads. (+139 new ads). During the week ending July 22nd, 2,388 of the 5,528 new job ads had salary information. Those ads had a median advertised salary of $52,096. Finance & Insurance had the highest advertised median income ($120,576), and Agriculture had the lowest ($33,408). The HWOL series recently migrated to a new data platform that has resulted in adjustments to its deduplication process. Due to this, comparison to weeks before the week ending June 3rd may be impacted by methodology differences.

The 25 occupations with the most new job ads during the week ending July 22nd, 2023. During that week, employers posted new job ads for over 700 specific occupations in the state. The three occupations with the most new ads were Registered Nurses (266 new ads), Retail Salespersons (198 new ads), and Supervisors of Retail Sales Workers (144 new ads). Among the new ads that week, 2,388 (43% of total new ads) had salary info for over 300 specific occupations. Those new ads with salary info had a median advertised salary of $52,096 per year or $25.05 per hour. Among the 25 occupations with the most new ads, five had advertised annual medians of over $100,000. These include Software Developers ($139,776), Computer Occupations ($135,936), and General & Operations Managers ($116,992). The occupations with the lowest median income in the top 25 include Hotel, Motel, & Resort Desk Clerks ($30,080), Fast Food & Counter Workers ($33,408), and Retail Salespersons ($34,432).

Employers with the most new job postings during the week ending July 22nd were mostly within Health Care & Social Assistance, Retail Trade, and Finance & Insurance. The employers with the most new ads in these three respective industries were Hartford Healthcare (178 new ads), Walgreens (34 new ads), and Travelers (92 new ads). Overall, the 25 employers with the most ads account for a combined 22 percent of total new ads.

July 22nd 2023 HWOL (PDF)

July 22nd HWOL 2023 (Word Doc)

July 22nd
July 18th July 15th 2023 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending July 15th, there were 5,966 new postings in Connecticut. This total new ad count is down 6% over the week. Thirty-one percent of those new postings occurred in three industries: Health Care & Social Assistance (861 new ads or 14%), Retail Trade (548 new ads or 9%), and Pro., Sci., & Tech. Services (424 new ads or 7%). These three industries respectively had 212, 156, and 216 employers postings new ads. Among job ads with advertised salary information within those three industries, Health Care job ads had a median annual income of $43,392, Retail Trade ads had a median of $41,600, and Pro., Sci., & Tech. had a median of $65,408. The industry with the highest advertised median income within its new job ads was Finance & Insurance ($94,464) and the lowest was Accommodation & Food Services ($35,968). The HWOL series recently migrated to a new data platform that has resulted in adjustments to its deduplication process. Due to this, comparison to weeks before the week ending June 3rd may be impacted by methodology differences.

The 25 occupations with the most new job ads during the week ending July 15th, 2023. During that week, employers posted new job ads for over 700 specific occupations in the state. The three occupations with the most new ads were Registered Nurses (276 new ads), Retail Salespersons (247 new ads), and Supervisors of Retail Sales Workers (166 new ads). Among the new ads that week, 2,452 (41% of total new ads) had salary info for over 300 specific occupations. Those new ads with salary info had a median advertised salary of $49,792 per year or $23.94 per hour. Among the 25 occupations with the most new ads, three had advertised annual medians of over $100,000. These were Computer Occupations ($129,792), Software Developers ($129,536), and Medical & Health Service Managers ($128,256). The occupations with the lowest median income in the top 25 include Fast Food & Counter Workers ($32,640), Retail Salespersons ($35,456), and Stockers & Order Fillers ($36,480).

Employers with the most new job postings during the week ending June 24th were mostly within Retail Trade, Health Care & Social Assistance, and Educational Services. The employers with the most new ads in these three respective industries were Child Guidance Center Of Southern CT (122 new ads), CVS Health (30 new ads), and Yale University (35 new ads). Overall, the 25 employers with the most ads account for a combined 16 percent of total new ads.

July 15th 2023 HWOL (PDF)

July 15th HWOL 2023 (Word Doc)

July 15th
July 17th Connecticut's Short-Term Employment Outlook 2022-2024
The Connecticut Economy Three Years After the 2020 Recession
This annual outlook includes a review of various data sources to help contextualize the recent economic trends and the current state of our labor force. It also contains a detailed review of shortterm employment projections through 2024 to help illustrate where we expect the state economy will add jobs. Additional areas of focus include a look at STEM occupational projections, the housing market, and the impact of COVID on the Connecticut labor force.
Connecticut's Short-Term Employment Outlook 2022-2024 (PDF, 742k) 2022-2024
July 13th July 2023 Connecticut Help Wanted OnLine Data Series (HWOL)
Total postings in Connecticut was 89,167 in June 2023, down 1.3% from May 2023.

Industry Sectors with the most job postings were Health Care and Social Assistance (15,284 postings), Retail Trade (9,136 posting), Manufacturing (7,510 postings), and Pro., Sci., & Tech. Services (5,453 postings).

Occupations with the most postings were Registered Nurses (5,159 postings), Retail Salespersons (3,245 postings), Supervisors of Retail Sales Workers (2,319 postings), and Wholes & Manufacturing Sales Representatives (1,758 postings).

The Conference Board Help Wanted OnLine Data Series (HWOL) measures the number of new, first-time online jobs and jobs reposted from the previous month for over 16,000 Internet job boards, corporate boards and smaller job sites that serve niche markets and smaller geographic areas. The data can be used as a real-time measure of labor demand.

July 2023 HWOL (PDF)

July 2023 HWOL (Powerpoint Doc)

July 12th Labor Market Information At-A-Glance
At-A-Glance is a monthly pamphlet that contains the latest updates for data items most frequently requested by the Office of Research
May 2023 CT Labor Market Information At-A-Glance (PDF) May
July 12th Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U)
The Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) rose 0.2 percent in June on a seasonally adjusted basis, after increasing 0.1 percent in May, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Over the last 12 months, the all items index increased 3.0 percent before seasonal adjustment.

The index for shelter was the largest contributor to the monthly all items increase, accounting for over 70 percent of the increase, with the index for motor vehicle insurance also contributing. The food index increased 0.1 percent in June after increasing 0.2 percent the previous month. The index for food at home was unchanged over the month while the index for food away from home rose 0.4 percent in June. The energy index rose 0.6 percent in June as the major energy component indexes were mixed.

The index for all items less food and energy rose 0.2 percent in June, the smallest 1-month increase in that index since August 2021. Indexes which increased in June include shelter, motor vehicle insurance, apparel, recreation, and personal care. The indexes for airline fares, communication, used cars and trucks, and household furnishings and operations were among those that decreased over the month.

The all items index increased 3.0 percent for the 12 months ending June; this was the smallest 12-month increase since the period ending April 2021. The all items less food and energy index rose 4.8 percent over the last 12 months. The energy index decreased 16.7 percent for the 12 months ending June, and the food index increased 5.7 percent over the last year.

June 2023 Consumer Price Index (PDF)
June 2023 Consumer Price Index
July 11th Weekly Connecticut / WDA Initial and Continuing Unemployment Insurance Claims
Break down unemployment claims by age, education, industry, gender, and town can offer valuable insight for planning and budgeting purposes.

July 10th
July 7th Connecticut Career Paths
Your personal guide to career decision-making. This publication is created to provide you the information about the skills and training to prepare yourself for a successful career in one of over 360 occupations in the state.

56-page guide is well organized for quick references that include the locations and contact information for the American Job Centers, Labor Department's Job, Career and Educational Resources, and Government Resources in Connecticut. Articles in the guide also provide information on advanced manufacturing, apprenticeship, core components of student success plans, employment of minors, resume design basics, and steps to become a teacher. It also contains data on more than 360 occupations in the state, including narrative descriptions, number of individuals currently employed, annual job openings, salary information, required training and basic skills sought by employers.

Connecticut Career Paths: 2023 (PDF) 2023
July 7th State of Connecticut Occupational Projections: 2020 - 2030 by Workforce Investment Areas
Every two years, the State of Connecticut's Department of Labor Office of Research economists create ten year industry employment forecasts. We examine historical trends and other people's forecasts to help project Connecticut's employment changes between 2020 and 2030. These forecasts are used in conjunction with occupational forecasts to help students decide on careers, schools decide on training programs, businesses decide on strategic plans, and governments decide on budgets and services.

Occupational employment projections give a broad view of future employment conditions. They show job growth and decline in various occupations over the entire decade; they do not intend to imply a smooth trend between the start and end of this period.

2020 - 2030
July 6th July 2023 Connecticut Economic Digest
The Connecticut Economic Digest's purpose is to regularly provide users with a comprehensive source for the most current, up-to-date data available on the workforce and economy of the state, within perspectives of the region and nation.
July 2023 CT Economic Digest (PDF, 4.1M) July
July 6th Improved Trade Momentum Continues into 2022 - July 2023 Economic Digest article #1
Improved trade momentum coming out of 2021 carried into 2022. Geopolitical issues influenced the global trade scene, namely the Russian war on Ukraine, as sanctions were imposed, supply chains disrupted, and countries looked to purchase more energy from the U.S. Rising interest rates, inflation, higher energy prices, labor shortages, and increased transportation and logistics costs continued to impact supply and demand conditions as well as consumer spending. With this background in mind, the following is a review of the state's 2022 export performance.

Annual Export Figures
In Annual 2022, Connecticut commodity exports increased 5.47% over 2021, totaling over $15.34 billion. Please refer to the associated tables for greater detail on the state's export composition. Although Connecticut continues to recover from the pandemic and there are encouraging signs of growth and momentum, state commodity exports have not returned to pre-pandemic levels nor the high of $17.4 billion recorded in 2018.

Due to the unavailability of data, we are unable to ascertain the differential between the number of companies that exported pre- and post-COVID-19. The most recent data indicates that 4,606 companies exported from Connecticut in 2020. 89% of these companies were small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with fewer than 500 employees. In 2019, approximately 63,000 U.S. jobs were supported by Connecticut exports. [ read more ]

July 2023 Digest article #1 Improved Trade Momentum Continues into 2022 (PDF)

July 2023 Digest article #1 Improved Trade Momentum Continues into 2022 (docx)

Article #1
July 6th Solving the Office to Residential Conversion Puzzle - July 2023 Economic Digest article #2
With almost a quarter of Hartford's available office space lying fallow as the city's residential vacancy rate hovers near two percent, shrinking office footprints suggest an obvious solution to the capital region's housing shortage. While the Capital Region Development Authority (CRDA) and state agencies work with real estate developers to turn the office glut into housing opportunity, an examination of office to residential conversion feasibility illustrates the complexity of achieving the office to residential space balance that can make the long-held vision of Hartford as a vibrant 24-hour city a reality. Examples from Philadelphia (1600 Arch Street) and Manhattan (180 Water Street) illustrate the challenges and opportunities for converting office space into desirable dwelling units.

A building envelope's shape, along with the placement of its structural columns, elevator shafts, and stairwells, constitutes the geometry within which an apartment's living, sleeping, and workspace areas are laid out. Developers, architects, and designers must solve for the adequacy of light and air movement that make a dwelling unit livable. The building's location and proximity to public amenities completes the value proposition of conversion versus demolition and new construction. [ read more ]

July 2023 Digest article #2 Solving the Office to Residential Conversion Puzzle (PDF)

July 2023 Digest article #2 Solving the Office to Residential Conversion Puzzle (docx)

Article #2
July 3rd Weekly Connecticut / WDA Initial and Continuing Unemployment Insurance Claims
Break down unemployment claims by age, education, industry, gender, and town can offer valuable insight for planning and budgeting purposes.

July 3rd
 Publications  /  Data  /  Webpages  /  Updates  /  Releases PDF
June 28th June 24th 2023 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending June 24th, 2023, there were 5,003 new postings in Connecticut. This total new ad count is down 27% from two weeks prior during the week ending June 10th. Thirty-two percent of those postings occurred in three industries: Health Care & Social Assistance (787 new ads or 16%), Retail Trade (439 new ads or 9%), and Manufacturing (386 new ads or 8%). These three industries respectively had 211, 129, and 163 employers postings new ads. Among job ads with advertised salary information, Health Care job ads had a median annual income of $42,112, Retail Trade ads had a median of $39,552, and Manufacturing had a median of $46,464. The industry with the highest advertised median income within its new job ads was Professional, Scientific, & Technical Services ($92,544) and the lowest was Accommodation & Food Services ($35,968). The HWOL series recently migrated to a new data platform that has resulted in adjustments to its deduplication process. Due to this, comparison to weeks before the week ending June 3rd may be impacted by methodology differences.

25 occupations with the most new job ads during the week ending June 24rd, 2023. During that week, employers posted new job ads for over 700 specific occupations in the state. The three occupations with the most new ads were Registered Nurses (271 new ads), Retail Salespersons (143 new ads), and Supervisors of Retail Sales Workers (130 new ads). Among the new ads that week, 1,897 had salary info for over 300 specific occupations. Those new ads with salary info had a median advertised salary of $48,000 per year or $23.08 per hour. Among the 25 occupations with the most new ads, five had advertised annual medians of over $100,000. The largest being Computer Occupations ($139,776), Sales Managers ($126,720), and Software Developers ($125,184). The occupations with the lowest median income in the top 25 include Fast Food & Counter Workers ($33,408), Retail Salespersons ($35,456), and Home Health & Personal Care Aides ($35,968).

Employers with the most new job postings during the week ending June 24th were mostly within Health Care & Social Assistance, Retail Trade, and Finance & Insurance. The employers with the most new ads in these three respective industries were Child Guidance Center Of Southern CT (200 new ads), AutoZone (46 new ads), and State Farm (18 new ads). Overall, the 25 employers with the most ads account for a combined 20 percent of total new ads.

June 24th 2023 HWOL (PDF)

June 24th HWOL 2023 (Word Doc)

June 24th
June 14th June 2023 Connecticut Help Wanted OnLine Data Series (HWOL)
Total postings in Connecticut was 90,202 in May 2023, down 13% from April 2023.

Industry Sectors with the most job postings were Health Care and Social Assistance (23,055 postings), Finance & Insurance (11,612 posting), Retail Trade (10,936 postings), and Professional, Scientific, & Technical Services (10,446 postings).

Occupations with the most postings were Registered Nurses (5,780 postings), Retail Salespersons (3,079 postings), Supervisors of Retail Sales Workers (2,232 postings), and Wholes & Manufacturing Sales Representatives (1,851 postings).

The Conference Board Help Wanted OnLine Data Series (HWOL) measures the number of new, first-time online jobs and jobs reposted from the previous month for over 16,000 Internet job boards, corporate boards and smaller job sites that serve niche markets and smaller geographic areas. The data can be used as a real-time measure of labor demand.

June 2023 HWOL (PDF)

June 2023 HWOL (Powerpoint Doc)

June 13th Labor Market Information At-A-Glance
At-A-Glance is a monthly pamphlet that contains the latest updates for data items most frequently requested by the Office of Research
April 2023 CT Labor Market Information At-A-Glance (PDF) April
June 13th Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U)
The Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) rose 0.1 percent in May on a seasonally adjusted basis, after increasing 0.4 percent in April, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Over the last 12 months, the all items index increased 4.0 percent before seasonal adjustment.

The index for shelter was the largest contributor to the monthly all items increase, followed by an increase in the index for used cars and trucks. The food index increased 0.2 percent in May after being unchanged in the previous 2 months. The index for food at home rose 0.1 percent over the month while the index for food away from home rose 0.5 percent. The energy index, in contrast, declined 3.6 percent in May as the major energy component indexes fell.

The index for all items less food and energy rose 0.4 percent in May, as it did in April and April. Indexes which increased in May include shelter, used cars and trucks, motor vehicle insurance, apparel, and personal care. The index for household furnishings and operations and the index for airline fares were among those that decreased over the month.

The all items index increased 4.0 percent for the 12 months ending May; this was the smallest 12-month increase since the period ending April 2021. The all items less food and energy index rose 5.3 percent over the last 12 months. The energy index decreased 11.7 percent for the 12 months ending May, and the food index increased 6.7 percent over the last year.

May 2023 Consumer Price Index (PDF)
May 2023 Consumer Price Index
June 12th June 3rd 2023 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending June 3rd, 2023, there were 5,841 new postings in Connecticut. 31% of those postings occurred in three industries; Health Care & Social Assistance (778 new ads or 13%), Retail Trade (586 new ads or 10%), and Manufacturing (445 new ads or 8%). These three industries also had the largest number of employers posting ads. Of the 3,201 employers that posted ads during the week, 229 were in Health Care & Social Assistance, 157 were in Retail Trade, and 198 were in Manufacturing. The Employers that posted the most ads in those three respective industries were the Child Guidance Center of Southern Connecticut (195 new ads), Walmart (108 new ads), and Stanley Black & Decker (25 new ads). The table below includes weekly new ads for the week ending June 3rd and total monthly ads for May 2023. The HWOL series recently migrated to a new data platform that has resulted in adjustments to its deduplication process. Due to this, comparison to weeks before the week ending June 3rd may be impacted by methodology differences.

25 occupations with the most new job ads during the week ending June 3rd, 2023. During that week, employers posted new job ads for over 400 specific occupations in the state. The three occupations with the most ads were Registered Nurses (289 new ads), Retail Salespersons (174 new ads), and Supervisors of Retail Sales Workers (171 new ads). Across all occupations, 2,345 new ads contained salary info. The median advertised salary among those ads was $23.32 per hour or $48,512 annually. Among the top 25 occupations shown above, the median advertised salary ranged from a low of $17.05 per hour for Home Health & Personal Care Aides to a high of $77.05 per hour for Computer Occupations, All Other.

Seventeen of the twenty-five occupations shown above fall within the following five major occupational groups; Management (SOC 11), Healthcare Practitioners (SOC 29), Healthcare Support (SOC 31), Sales & Related Occupations (SOC 41), Office & Admin. Support (SOC 43), and Transportation & Material Moving Occupations (SOC 53).

Employers with the most new job postings during the week ending June 3rd were mostly within Health Care & Social Assistance, Retail Trade, and Finance & Insurance. The employers with the most new ads in these three respective industries were Child Guidance Center of Southern Connecticut (195 new ads), Walmart (108 new ads), and Travelers Insurance (39 new ads). Overall, the 25 employers with the most ads account for a combined 20 percent of total new ads

June 3rd 2023 HWOL (PDF)

June 3rd HWOL 2023 (Word Doc)

June 3rd
June 1st June 2023 Connecticut Economic Digest
The Connecticut Economic Digest's purpose is to regularly provide users with a comprehensive source for the most current, up-to-date data available on the workforce and economy of the state, within perspectives of the region and nation.
June 2023 CT Economic Digest (PDF, 4.4M) June
June 1st How COVID has changed the Labor Market - June 2023 Economic Digest article #1
In 2021, the annual average statewide unemployment rate was 6.3%, down from 7.8% in 2020. As the labor force bounced back from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, all 169 municipalities experienced a decrease in their unemployment rate last year.

2020 to 2021
The unemployment rate in all 169 cities and towns in the state fell in 2021. Cornwall had the lowest unemployment rate of 3.7%, while the residents of Hartford experienced the highest rate of 11.0% last year (see table on page 3 for the complete town data). Overall, a total of 134 cities and towns had jobless rates below the 2021 statewide figure of 6.3%, 31 had rates above it, and 4 had rates equal to it. By comparison, 127 cities and towns had rates below the 2020 statewide average of 7.8%, 39 above it, and 3 were the same.

Of the five largest cities in the state with a 2010 Census population of 100,000 or more, Stamford had the lowest unemployment rate of 5.7% in 2021. Hartford posted the highest jobless rate among the large cities at 11.0%. All five cities experienced over-the-year unemployment rate decreases. [ read more ]

June 2023 Digest article #1 How COVID has changed the Labor Market (PDF)

June 2023 Digest article #1 How COVID has changed the Labor Market (docx)

Article #1
June 1st The Unemployment Rate of All Towns Fell in 2022 - June 2023 Economic Digest article #2
In 2022, the annual average statewide unemployment rate was 4.2%, down from 6.3% in 2021. As the labor force bounced back for the second year from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, all 169 municipalities experienced a decrease in their unemployment rate last year.

2021 to 2022
The unemployment rate in all 169 cities and towns in the state fell in 2022. Roxbury had the lowest unemployment rate of 2.5%, while the residents of Hartford experienced the highest rate of 6.5% last year (see table on page 3 for the complete town data). Overall, a total of 128 cities and towns had jobless rates below the 2022 statewide figure of 4.2%, 37 had rates above it, and 4 had rates equal to it. By comparison, 134 cities and towns had rates below the 2021 statewide average of 6.3%, 30 above it, and 5 were the same.

Of the five largest cities in the state with a 2010 Census population of 100,000 or more, Stamford had the lowest unemployment rate of 3.9% in 2022. Hartford posted the highest jobless rate among the large cities at 6.5%. All five cities experienced over-the-year unemployment rate decreases.  [ read more ]

June 2023 Digest article #2 The Unemployment Rate of All Towns Fell in 2022 (PDF)

June 2023 Digest article #2 The Unemployment Rate of All Towns Fell in 2022 (docx)

Article #2
 Publications  /  Data  /  Webpages  /  Updates  /  Releases PDF
May 29th Weekly Connecticut / WDA Initial and Continuing Unemployment Insurance Claims
Break down unemployment claims by age, education, industry, gender, and town can offer valuable insight for planning and budgeting purposes.

May 29th
May 26th May 20th 2023 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending May 20th, 2023, there were 6,766 new postings, down 11% or -805 new ads from a week ago. Most of that overall decline occurred in three industries Educational Services, Manufacturing, and Professional, Scientific, & Technical Services. The three employers with the largest decline over the week were Yale-New Haven Health System (-86 new ads), Raytheon (-55 new ads), and Wheeler Clinic (-52new ads). The largest occupational declines over the week were Registered Nurses (-81 new ads), Personal Service Managers (-55 new ads), and Fast Food & Counter Workers (-52 new ads). The graph below includes total weekly new ads for Connecticut and the United States. During the week ending May 13th, Connecticut"s total ads decline of 11% was larger than the 8% decline experienced by the United States overall. The most recent week in Connecticut is down sharply from three weeks ago during the week ending May 6th, which had 7,854 total new ads.

During the week ending May 20th, 19 of 21 industries decreased. The largest industry decreases occurred in Educational Services (-155 new ads), Manufacturing (-148 new ads), and Pro., Sci., & Tech. Services (-78 new ads). These three industries accounted for 47% of the total decline across all industries. The largest over-the-week employer declines in these three industries were Middletown Public Schools (-29 new ads), Raytheon (-55 new ads), and Lumen Technologies (-42 new ads) respectively. 12 industries had over the week decreases between -21% and 43%. The only industry with a large over-the-week increase was Retail Trade (+130 new ads). Total ads were down 1,644 new ads from four weeks ago. The largest four-week industry declines occurred in Manufacturing (-428 new ads), Retail Trade (-200 new ads), and Finance & Insurance (-193 new ads).

Employers with the most new job postings during the week ending May 20th were mostly within Health Care & Social Assistance, Retail Trade, and Educational Services. The employers with the most new ads in these three respective industries were Hartford Healthcare (191 new ads), Walgreens Boots Alliance (145 new ads), and the University of New Haven (71 new ads). Overall, the 25 employers with the most ads account for a combined 25 percent of total new ads. Among the 25 employers shown above, 19 increased, one was unchanged, and 5 decreased.

May 20th 2023 HWOL (PDF)

May 20th HWOL 2023 (Word Doc)

May 20th
May 24th 2022 Worksites by Size Class
Worksites is a count of firms, excluding government, that have only one location, plus a count of each location of firms that have operations in more than one location. The sum of the substate areas is less than the statewide total because some multi-location firms and others that don't have a physical location are coded as statewide and therefore have no substate area designation.
May 24th 2Q2022 - Employment & Wages by Industry Covered by Unemployment Insurance - Quarterly Towns
The program produces a comprehensive tabulation of employment and wage information for workers covered by Connecticut Unemployment Insurance (UI) laws and Federal workers covered by the Unemployment Compensation for Federal Employees program with three digit government data added. Data on the number of establishments, employment, and wages are reported by industry for Connecticut, Labor Market Areas, Connecticut Towns and Workforce Development Areas.
May 22nd Weekly Connecticut / WDA Initial and Continuing Unemployment Insurance Claims
Break down unemployment claims by age, education, industry, gender, and town can offer valuable insight for planning and budgeting purposes.

May 22nd
May 19th May 13th 2023 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending May 13th, 2023, there were 7,571 new postings, down 14% or -1,247 new ads from a week ago. Most of that overall decline occurred in three industries, Health Care & Social Assistance, Retail Trade, and Accommodation & Food Services. These three industries had a combined over-the-week decline of 908 new ads. The three employers with the largest decline over the week were Hartford Healthcare (-130 new ads), the YMCA (-77 new ads), and Burlington Stores (-70 new ads). Six industries increased over the week, with the largest gain occurring in Real Estate (+38 new ads). The graph below includes total weekly new ads for Connecticut and the United States. During the week ending May 13th, Connecticut's total ads decline of 14% was larger than the 9% decline experienced by the United States overall. From mid-April until the first week of May, the two geographies had diverged, with the state showing gains as the nation declined. This recent weekly statewide level is the lowest since early April.

During the week ending May 13th, 15 industries decreased and 6 increased. The overall decrease of 1,247 new ads across all industries was driven by declines in Health Care & Social Assistance (-377 new ads), Retail Trade (-277 new ads and Accommodation & Food Services (-254 new ads). The largest employer declines in those three respective industries were Hartford Healthcare (-130 new ads), Burlington Stores (-70 new ads), and Dunkin' Donuts (-23 new ads). Over Four weeks, total ads were largely unchanged, down 20 new ads overall or -0.3%. The largest four-week industry decline was Retail Trade (-169 new ads) and the largest increase was Health Care & Social Assistance (+136 new ads).

Employers with the most new job postings during the week ending May 13th were mostly within Health Care & Social Assistance, Finance & Insurance, and Educational Services. The employers with the most new ads in these three respective industries were Yale-New Haven Health System (192 new ads), Cigna Corporation (74 new ads), and Yale University (43 new ads). Overall, the 25 employers with the most ads account for a combined 19 percent of total new ads. Among the 25 employers shown above, 19 increased over the week and 6 decreased.

May 13th 2023 HWOL (PDF)

May 13th HWOL 2023 (Word Doc)

May 13th
May 12th May 6th 2023 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending May 6th, 2023, there were 8,818 new postings, up 424 new ads or +5% from a week ago. Over the past week, much of this increase can be attributed to growth in Educational Services (+378 new ads), Accommodation & Food Services (+122 new ads), and Retail Trade (+104 new ads). In total, 13 industries grew by a combined 816 new ads over the week and 8 industries fell by a combined 392 ads. The largest industry decrease occurred in Health Care & Social Assistance, down 132 new ads. Employers with large over-the-week increases include Walmart (+282 new ads), Globe Companies LLC (+131 new ads), and the YMCA (+80 new ads). The three occupations with the largest over-the-week increase were Registered Nurses (+163 new ads), Postsecondary Teachers (+136 new ads), and Automotive Service Technicians and Mechanics (+71 new ads). The overall increase in Connecticut new ads is shown below to trend differently than the U.S. in recent weeks. From April to early April, both geographies exhibited similar week-to-week total new ad change. In recent weeks the US has trended downward while Connecticut has seen relatively consistent weekly new ad increases, up from 7,591 new ads during the week ending April 15th through the week ending May 6th.

During the week ending May 6th, 13 industries decreased and 8 increased. Growing industries include Educational Services, Accommodation & Food Services, and Retail Trade. Among the three increasing industries, the largest employer gains were respectively had at East Hartford Public Schools (+54 new ads), Barcelona Wine Bar (+23 new ads), and Walmart (+282 new ads). Decreasing industries include Health Care & Social Assistance, Wholesale Trade, and Finance & Insurance. The largest respective employer new ad losses in those industries occurred at Hartford Healthcare (-106 new ads), Crossmark (-33 new ads), and Humana (-53 new ads). Over four weeks, 13 industries are down, and total ads are down by 844 new ads. Four weeks ago had the highest overall ad count since June 2022.

Employers with the most new job postings during the week ending May 6th were mostly within Retail Trade, Health Care & Social Assistance, and Finance & Insurance. The employers with the most new ads in these three respective industries were Walmart (287 new ads), Hartford Healthcare (321 new ads), and UnitedHealth Group (83 new ads). Overall, the 25 employers with the most ads account for a combined 25 percent of total new ads. Among the 25 employers shown above, 17 increased over the week and 8 decreased.

May 6th 2023 HWOL (PDF)

May 6th HWOL 2023 (Word Doc)

May 6th
May 11th Connecticut Learns and Works - Presentations from the May 2023 Conference
Apprenticeship The Other 4 Year Degree | Autism and Work | Building Meaningful School/Business and Industry Partnerships in CTE | CareerConneCT and Industry Sector Partnerships | Connecticut Labor Market Update | Designing a Quality Health Science Pathway | Early College Advanced Manufacturing Program (ECAMP) | Skills21/Ed Advance Project-based CTE Learning | Students First Initiative: CT State Community College | Turning Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion into Action.

May 10th May 2023 Connecticut Help Wanted OnLine Data Series (HWOL)
Total postings in Connecticut was 103,262 in April 2023, up 23% from April 2023.

Industry Sectors with the most job postings were Health Care and Social Assistance (24,582 postings), Retail Trade (9,726 posting), Manufacturing (8,379 postings), and Finance & Insurance (8,021 postings).

Occupations with the most postings were Registered Nurses (6,856 postings), Retail Salespersons (3,321 postings), Supervisors of Retail Sales Workers (2,392 postings), and Managers (2,364 postings).

The Conference Board Help Wanted OnLine Data Series (HWOL) measures the number of new, first-time online jobs and jobs reposted from the previous month for over 16,000 Internet job boards, corporate boards and smaller job sites that serve niche markets and smaller geographic areas. The data can be used as a real-time measure of labor demand.

May 2023 HWOL (PDF)

May 2023 HWOL (Powerpoint Doc)

May 10th Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U)
The Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) rose 0.4 percent in April on a seasonally adjusted basis, after increasing 0.1 percent in April, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Over the last 12 months, the all items index increased 4.9 percent before seasonal adjustment.

The index for shelter was the largest contributor to the monthly all items increase, followed by increases in the index for used cars and trucks and the index for gasoline. The increase in the gasoline index more than offset declines in other energy component indexes, and the energy index rose 0.6 percent in April. The food index was unchanged in April, as it was in April. The index for food at home fell 0.2 percent over the month while the index for food away from home rose 0.4 percent.

The index for all items less food and energy rose 0.4 percent in April, as it did in April. Indexes which increased in April include shelter, used cars and trucks, motor vehicle insurance, recreation, household furnishings and operations, and personal care. The index for airline fares and the index for new vehicles were among those that decreased over the month.

The all items index increased 4.9 percent for the 12 months ending April; this was the smallest 12-month increase since the period ending April 2021. The all items less food and energy index rose 5.5 percent over the last 12 months. The energy index decreased 5.1 percent for the 12 months ending April, and the food index increased 7.7 percent over the last year.

April 2023 Consumer Price Index (PDF)
April 2023 Consumer Price Index
May 5th April 29th 2023 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending April 29th, 2023, there were 8,394 new postings, down 16 new ads or 0.2% from a week ago. This last week in April results in that month averaging 8,272 new ads per week. The monthly averages of weekly new ads have experienced five months of continued increases since December 2022, which had a monthly average of 5,818 new ads per week. The table below illustrates this and the larger week-to-week shifts that have occurred during the past two months. When compared to a year ago, April 2023 is up slightly from April 2022, which had a weekly average of 8,118 new ads per week. Across all employers, the largest increase over the week occurred at Hartford Healthcare (+411 new ads) and the largest decrease occurred at Raytheon (-338 new ads). While the state had little change over the week, the U.S. was down 10% or 74,000 new ads as is shown in the graph below.

During the week ending April 29th, 12 industries decreased and 9 increased. The 12 decreasing industries fell by a combined 880 ads. The three largest decreasing industries were Manufacturing (-301 new ads), Retail Trade (-157 new ads), and Educational Services (-148 new ads). Within these three industries, the largest respective employer decreases occurred at Raytheon (-338 new ads), Tractor Supply Company (-41 new ads), and Hartford Public Schools (-25 new ads). The 9 increasing industries grew by a combined 864 new ads, with more than half of that occurring within Healthcare & Social Assistance (+467 new ads). Most of that industry increase occurred at Hartford Healthcare (+411 new ads). Other industries with some of the highest over-the-week increases include Other Services (+97 new ads) and Accommodation & Food Service (+69 new ads).

Employers with the most new job postings during the week ending April 29th were mostly within Health Care & Social Assistance, Retail Trade, and Finance & Insurance. The employers with the most new ads in these three respective industries were Hartford Healthcare (427 new ads), The Home Depot (103 new ads), and Humana (82 new ads). Overall, the 25 employers with the most ads account for a combined 22 percent of total new ads. Among the 25 employers shown above, 17 increased over the week and 8 decreased.

April 29th 2023 HWOL (PDF)

April 29th HWOL 2023 (Word Doc)

April 29th
May 2nd Weekly Connecticut / WDA Initial and Continuing Unemployment Insurance Claims
Break down unemployment claims by age, education, industry, gender, and town can offer valuable insight for planning and budgeting purposes.

May 1st
May 2nd May 2023 Connecticut Economic Digest
The Connecticut Economic Digest's purpose is to regularly provide users with a comprehensive source for the most current, up-to-date data available on the workforce and economy of the state, within perspectives of the region and nation.
May 2023 CT Economic Digest (PDF) May
May 2nd How Does Connecticut's Economic Growth Stack Up Against the Recent Budget Surpluses? - May 2023 Economic Digest article
There is a common adage that a strong stock market does not necessarily indicate a strong underlying economy, that the stock market is not the economy. What about budget surpluses - do year upon year of budget surpluses indicate a strong underlying economy?

Connecticut (CT) has shifted from ongoing budget deficits during the 2010s following the Great Recession to budget surpluses, including billion plus dollar surpluses more recently. There are multiple factors responsible for these budget surpluses. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the federal government stepped in with financial assistance including the Paycheck Protection Program and Enhanced Unemployment Insurance. In addition, the pandemic-mandated work from home policy (where possible) reduced state office expenses while waivers and other safety-oriented accommodations reduced the level of interactions with the public and hence expenses. And finally, certain tax revenue sources have continued to outperform and come in above projections. What do these strong revenues indicate regarding CT's economy, have CT's economic indicators similarly outperformed? Let's find out. [ read more ]

May 2023 Digest article How Does Connecticut's Economic Growth Stack Up Against the Recent Budget Surpluses? (PDF)

May 2023 Digest article How Does Connecticut's Economic Growth Stack Up Against the Recent Budget Surpluses? (docx)

May 1st 2Q2022 - Employment & Wages by Industry Covered by Unemployment Insurance - Quarterly (Statewide / LMA / WIA / Towns)
The program produces a comprehensive tabulation of employment and wage information for workers covered by Connecticut Unemployment Insurance (UI) laws and Federal workers covered by the Unemployment Compensation for Federal Employees program with three digit government data added. Data on the number of establishments, employment, and wages are reported by industry for Connecticut, Labor Market Areas, Connecticut Towns and Workforce Development Areas.
 Publications  /  Data  /  Webpages  /  Updates  /  Releases PDF
April 28th April 22nd 2023 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending April 22nd, 2023, there were 8,410 new postings, up 819 new ads or +11% over the week. This over-the-week 11% increase continues total ad count volatility that began in April. From early April to the week ending April 22nd, over the week change has ranged from -22% to +52%. The graph below illustrates the pronounced week-to-week shifts. Amid this top line volatility, most industries saw their share of total ads stay relatively consistent over those 8 weeks. Two industries that have seen large share shifts are Retail Trade and Manufacturing. In early April those two industries respectively were 9% and 8% of total ads. By the week ending April 22nd, they were 12% and 11% respectively. Employers in Retail Trade that have had the largest increases over that time include Chico's, Macy's, BJ's Wholesale Clubs, and Walgreens. Within Manufacturing, most of the industry Increase from early April to present is due to job ad increases at Raytheon.

During the week ending April 22nd, 12 of 21 industries had over-the-week increases. Most of the overall 819 new ad increase across all industries occurred in Manufacturing (+263 new ads), Health Care & Social Assitance (+178 new ads), and Retail Trade (+161 new ads). The employers with the largest increases within three respective industries were Raytheon (+334 new ads), Yale-New Haven Health System (+139 new ads), and Chico's (+45 new ads). The 12 increasing industries grew by a combined 982 new ads. The 9 industries with over the week decreases fell by a combined 163 new ads and the largest industry decrease occurred within Accommodation & Food Services (-82 new ads). The largest employer decrease within Accommodation & Food Services was Dunkin' (-27 new ads).

Employers with the most new job postings during the week ending April 15th, were mostly within Health Care & Social Assistance, Retail Trade, and Finance & Insurance. The employers with the most new ads in these three respective industries were Yale-New Haven Health System (205 new ads), Walgreens (67 new ads), and Raytheon (398 new ads). Overall, the 25 employers with the most ads account for a combined 26 percent of total new ads. Among the 25 employers shown above, 22 increased over the week and 3 decreased.

April 22nd 2023 HWOL (PDF)

April 22nd HWOL 2023 (Word Doc)

April 22nd
April 26th Business Employment Dynamics 3Q2022
Business Employment Dynamics (BED) data published quarterly by the Bureau of Labor Statistics tracks employment change at the establishment level and reveals the underlying dynamics of net employment change. The data include gross employment change, business expansion/contraction, establishment birth/death, and is available at sector level.

From July 2022 to September 2022, gross job gains from opening and expanding private sector establishments in Connecticut was 89467, an increase of 14 jobs from the previous quarter. Over this period, gross job losses from closing and contracting private sector establishments was 87,560, a decrease of 5,551 jobs from the previous quarter.

During the third quarter of 2022, the difference between gross job gains and gross job losses yielded a net employment gain of 1,907 jobs in the private sector. This net increase follows a 3,658 net decrease during the second quarter of 2022.

Net employment change reached a low of -204,996 during the second quarter of 2020. The combined net change for the nine quarters of subsequent data through the third quarter of 2022 is 165,111 jobs.

3Q2022 Connecticut Business Employment Dynamics PDF

3Q2022 Connecticut Business Employment Dynamics (Word Doc)

3Q 2022
April 21st April 15th 2023 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending April 15th, 2023, there were 7,591 new postings, down 2,071 new ads or -21% over the week. This over-the-week drop follows a new ad jump of 2,395 new ads during the prior week. The table below illustrates the volatile top-line shifts over the past few months at both the state and national levels. All but three industries had over the week decreases. Health Care & Social Assistance had the largest decrease, down 605 new ads which account for 29% of the total ad drop over the week. Other industries with large shifts include Retail Trade, down 343 new ads, and Manufacturing, down 189 new ads. These industry shifts correspond with occupational new ad shifts, the three occupations with the most ads, Registered Nurses, Retail Salespersons, and Supervisors of Retail Sales Workers were down 31%, 18%, and 16% respectively. Despite the recent increased volatility, the past two weeks have seen four-week moving averages above 8,000 ads per week for the first time since early October 2022.

During the week ending April 15th, 18 of 21 industries had over-the-week declines. Among those decreasing industries, three were down by over 50%, three were down between 30%-49%, and nine were down between 20%-29%. A combined 55% of the 2,071 new ad decline occurred in Health Care & Social Assistance (-605 new ads), Retail Trade (-343 new ads), and Finance & Insurance (-181 new ads). Employers with the largest over-the-week declines in these three respective industries were Yale-New Haven Health System (-295 new ads), UnitedHealth Group (-125 new ads), and The Home Depot (-113 new ads). Among the three increasing industries, the largest was Educational Services, up 129 new ads or +32%. Educational Service employers with the largest over-the-week increases include Stratford Public Schools (+43 new ads), Bridgeport Public Schools (+37 new ads), and New Haven Public Schools (+16 new ads).

Employers with the most new job postings during the week ending April 15th, were mostly within Health Care & Social Assistance, Retail Trade, and Educational Services. The employers with the most new ads in these three respective industries were Hartford Healthcare (147 new ads), CVS Health (46 new ads), and Stratford Public Schools (45 new ads). Overall, the 25 employers with the most ads account for a combined 18 percent of total new ads. Among the 25 employers shown above, 12 decreased over the week, one was unchanged, and 12 increased. Among decreasing employers, the largest drops occurred at Yale-New Haven Health System (-295 new ads), UnitedHealth Group (-125 new ads), and The Home Depot (-113 new ads). The 9 other decreasing employers had new ad declines of 58 ads or less. The largest employer increases occurred at Cigna Corporation (+66 new ads) and KPMG (+66 new ads).

April 15th 2023 HWOL (PDF)

April 15th HWOL 2023 (Word Doc)

April 15th
April 14th April 8th 2023 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending April 8th, 2023, there were 9,662 new postings, up 2,395 new ads or 33% over the week. This over-the-week jump positions the most recent week of total new ads as the second-highest level in over a year. The 12-month high of 9,921 weekly new ads occurred during the week ending June 11th, 2022. The five largest industry increases over the week were up between 140 and 572 new ads and grew between 24%-90%. The largest industry increase was Retail Trade, up 572 new ads or +90% over a week ago. The Home Depot was the largest Retail Trade employer increase, up 162 new ads over the week. Other employers with large increases include Yale-New Haven Healthcare (+211 new ads), UnitedHealth Group (+163 new ads), and Hartford Healthcare (+162 new ads). The pronounced increases over the past few weeks are shown in the graph below and occurred at both the statewide and U.S. levels. Systems issues have affected the quality of the data over the past few weeks

During the week ending April 8th, 2023, nineteen of twenty-one industries had over-the-week increases. More than half of the 2,395 new ad total increase occurred in one of three industries; Retail Trade (+572 new ads), Health Care & Social Assitance (+436 new ads), and Finance & Insurance (+379 new ads). These three industries represented a combined 58% of over-the-week change and 45% of new ads during the current week. The employers with the most ads within those three industries respectively were The Home Depot (154 new ads), Yale-New Haven Health System (361 new ads), and UnitedHealth Group (192 new ads). Total new ads are up 3,359 from four weeks ago. All but two industries had four-week increases. The three largest were Health Care & Social Assitance (+790 new ads), Retail Trade (+671), and Finance & Insurance (+437 new ads).

Employers with the most new job postings during the week ending April 8th, were mostly within Health Care & Social Assistance, Retail Trade, and Finance & Insurance. Health Care & Social Assistance accounted for eight of the top 25 employers and seven were in Retail Trade. The 25 employers shown above combined account for 2,151 of total job ads or 22 percent of all new ads. The four employers with the most new ads during the week had between 152 and 211 more new ads than a week ago. Twenty-three of twenty-five employers had over-the-week increases, the two down over-the-week were Keystone Human Services (-31 new ads) and Masonicare Corp. (-26 new ads)

April 8th 2023 HWOL (PDF)

April 8th HWOL 2023 (Word Doc)

April 8th
April 12th April 2023 Connecticut Help Wanted OnLine Data Series (HWOL)
Total postings in Connecticut was 83,808 in April 2023, up 18% from February 2023.

Industry Sectors with the most job postings were Health Care and Social Assistance (20,782 postings), Retail Trade (7,187 posting), Manufacturing (7,168 postings), and Finance & Insurance (6,280 postings).

Occupations with the most postings were Registered Nurses (5,557 postings), Retail Salespersons (2,457 postings), Managers (2,002 postings), and Wholesale & Manufacturing Sales Reps (1,875 postings).

The Conference Board Help Wanted OnLine Data Series (HWOL) measures the number of new, first-time online jobs and jobs reposted from the previous month for over 16,000 Internet job boards, corporate boards and smaller job sites that serve niche markets and smaller geographic areas. The data can be used as a real-time measure of labor demand.

April 2023 HWOL (PDF)

April 2023 HWOL (Powerpoint Doc)

April 12th Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U)
The Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) rose 0.1 percent in April on a seasonally adjusted basis, after increasing 0.4 percent in February, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Over the last 12 months, the all items index increased 5.0 percent before seasonal adjustment.

The index for shelter was by far the largest contributor to the monthly all items increase. This more than offset a decline in the energy index, which decreased 3.5 percent over the month as all major energy component indexes declined. The food index was unchanged in April with the food at home index falling 0.3 percent.

The index for all items less food and energy rose 0.4 percent in April, after rising 0.5 percent in February. Indexes which increased in April include shelter, motor vehicle insurance, airline fares, household furnishings and operations, and new vehicles. The index for medical care and the index for used cars and trucks were among those that decreased over the month.

The all items index increased 5.0 percent for the 12 months ending April; this was the smallest 12-month increase since the period ending May 2021. The all items less food and energy index rose 5.6 percent over the last 12 months. The energy index decreased 6.4 percent for the 12 months ending April, and the food index increased 8.5 percent over the last year.

April 2023 Consumer Price Index (PDF)
April 2023 Consumer Price Index
April 11th Business and Employment Changes Announced in the News Media
Lists start-ups, expansions, recruitments, career fairs, staff reductions, and layoffs reported by the media, both current and future. The report provides company name, the number of workers involved, date of the action, the principal product or service of the company, a brief synopsis of the action, and the source and date of the media article.
First Quarter 2023 Connecticut Business and Employment Changes Announced in the News Media PDF
First Quarter 2023 Connecticut Business & Employment Changes Announced in the News Media Excel
1Q 2023
April 10th Weekly Connecticut / WDA Initial and Continuing Unemployment Insurance Claims
Break down unemployment claims by age, education, industry, gender, and town can offer valuable insight for planning and budgeting purposes.

April 10th
April 4th April 2023 Connecticut Economic Digest
The Connecticut Economic Digest's purpose is to regularly provide users with a comprehensive source for the most current, up-to-date data available on the workforce and economy of the state, within perspectives of the region and nation.
April 2023 CT Economic Digest (PDF, 409K) April
April 4th Short-Term Employment Projections Through 2024 - April 2023 Economic Digest article #1
Connecticut's economy is projected to add jobs through the end of the short-term projections period. Each year, the Office of Research at the Connecticut Department of Labor produces short-term employment projections by industry and occupation. The current round spans the second quarter of 2022 to the second quarter of 2024. Through 2024Q2, we project overall employment in Connecticut to increase by 2.5% from 1,800,395 to 1,845,444 including self-employment and unpaid family workers (UFW). The Goods-Producing sector is projected to grow by 3.7% and the Service-Providing Sector is projected to grow by 2.2% over two years. This latter sector represents 86.7% of industry employment in the state.

Projections by Industry
Among the 20 industry groups shown in figure 1, 16 are projected to increase over two years and 4 are projected to decline. The largest increases are expected in Health Care (+6,156), Accommodation & Food Services (+5,493), Manufacturing (+5,478), and Transportation & Warehousing (+4,643). These four industries account for more than half of the projected overall growth across all industries. The projected Health Care growth will bring that industry to early 2020 pre-pandemic employment levels. Accommodation & Food Services was one of the hardest hit industries during the COVID-19 lockdown and fell by almost 50% during the first half of 2020 from 134,000 to 71,000. That industry is projected to increase to almost 138,000 workers by the second quarter of 2024, exceeding 2020 pre-pandemic levels but still down from a series high of 144,000 reached in late 2019. The gains in Manufacturing are driven in large part by Transportation Equipment Manufacturing (NAICS 336), which is projected to account for 2,957 of the 5,478 job increase projected for the overall sector. Transportation & Warehousing quickly rebounded from the COVID-19 lockdown and added jobs throughout the recovery. The industry was up 14,500 jobs or 25% from 2020Q2 to 2022Q2 and is expected to continue to grow by 7% through 2024Q2. [ read more ]

April 2023 Digest article #1 Short-Term Employment Projections Through 2024 (PDF)

April 2023 Digest article #1 Short-Term Employment Projections Through 2024 (docx)

Article #1
April 4th The Provision State - Connecticut's Private Defense-Related Employment into the 21st Century - April 2023 Economic Digest article #2
The Office of Research at the Connecticut Department of Labor has been documenting and tracking industry employment in the state with our federal partners, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), since at least the late 1930's. Since the statistics began (and we have employment data back to 1939) defense-related manufacturing has been of interest to policymakers and the public. Tracking employment was a necessary endeavor during WW II for the planning of defense production in the war effort. Office of Research folklore has it rumored that future Governor Ella Grasso worked together with our office when she was assistant state director of research of the Federal War Manpower Commission during WW II.1 Consequently, the first Cold War end was expedited by a major U.S. defense industry build-up in the 1980's and supported strong statewide employment growth during that decade. Connecticut's aerospace and shipbuilding industry employment amongst other industry sectors helped the U.S. end the Cold War. [ read more ]
April 2023 Digest article #2 The Provision State - Connecticut's Private Defense-Related Employment into the 21st Century (PDF)

April 2023 Digest article #2 The Provision State - Connecticut's Private Defense-Related Employment into the 21st Century (docx)

Article #2
 Publications  /  Data  /  Webpages  /  Updates  /  Releases PDF
April 31, 2023 Labor Market Information At-A-Glance
At-A-Glance is a monthly pamphlet that contains the latest updates for data items most frequently requested by the Office of Research
January/February 2023 CT Labor Market Information At-A-Glance (PDF) January/February
April 31, 2023 Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS) Benchmarked 2022
The Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS) program produces monthly employment, unemployment, and labor force data for Census regions and divisions, States, counties, metropolitan areas, and many cities, by place of residence.
April 31, 2023 Information Workforce Investment Planning
Contains a variety of data on the Eastern Workforce Development Area including population and population density, labor force, employment and wages by industry sector, and new housing permits. In addition, detailed information on residents in need of workforce investment services such as high school dropouts, Medicaid recipients, adult probationers, Temporary Family Assistance (TFA) recipients, and other residents with barriers to employment.
April 21, 2023 April 2023 Connecticut Economic Digest
The Connecticut Economic Digest's purpose is to regularly provide users with a comprehensive source for the most current, up-to-date data available on the workforce and economy of the state, within perspectives of the region and nation.
April 2023 CT Economic Digest (PDF) April
April 21, 2023 Connecticut's Economy Recovers to its Pre-Pandemic Level in 2022 - April 2023 Economic Digest article
Connecticut employment continued to improve for the second year in a row, nearly completely recovering to the pre-pandemic levels. The revised annual average total nonfarm employment rose 3.1% to a level of 1,665,600 in 2022. Correspondingly, last year's annual average unemployment rate dropped significantly to 4.2% from 6.3% in 2021. In fact, 2022 economy recovered the strongest over the last nine years as per annual diffusion index.

Nonfarm Employment
After the latest annual revision (based on annual average, not seasonally adjusted data), in 2022 Connecticut regained 49,300 jobs (3.1%), more than the gain of 45,600 jobs (2.9%) in 2021. In the nation employment rose faster at 4.3% in 2022, after having increased 2.9% in 2021.

As shown in Chart 1, all but one of Connecticut's industry sectors bounced back last year. Ten of eleven major industry sectors have added jobs back over the year, while mining was unchanged. The biggest recovery occurred in leisure and hospitality (10.9%), other services (4.8%), and information (3.7%). Leisure and hospitality was also the biggest job gainer (14,700), followed by education and health services (8,300). Financial activities (0.2%) and government (1.3%) posted the slowest job growth in 2022. [ read more ]

April 2023 Digest article Connecticut's Economy Recovers to its Pre-Pandemic Level in 2022 (PDF)

April 2023 Digest article Connecticut's Economy Recovers to its Pre-Pandemic Level in 2022(docx)

April 20, 2023 Weekly Connecticut / WDA Initial and Continuing Unemployment Insurance Claims
Break down unemployment claims by age, education, industry, gender, and town can offer valuable insight for planning and budgeting purposes.

April 20th
April 17, 2023 April 11th 2023 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending April 11th, there were 6,287 new postings, up 487 new ads or 8% over the week. The industries with the largest over-the-week increases include Health Care, Educational Services, and Professional, Scientific, & Technical Services. Occupations with the largest over-the-week new ad increases include Registered Nurses (+61 new ads), Retail Salespersons (+41 new ads), and Wholesale & Manufacturing Sales Representatives (+37 new ads). This recent weekly rebound follows a two-week drop of over 1,100 new ads from 6,977 new ads during the week ending February 18th to 5,800 new ads during the week ending April 4th. The graph shown below illustrates total weekly new ad counts for Connecticut and the United States. Two weeks ago, the U.S. had total new ads fall by 19% and increase by 12% over the past week. These U.S. shifts are larger than the state, which was down 16% two weeks ago and up 8% over the past week.

During the week ending April 11th, 2023, fourteen of twenty-one industries had over-the-week increases. The largest increases occurred within Healthcare & Social Assistance (+139 new ads), Educational Services (+60 new ads), and Professional, Scientific, & Technical Services (+50 new ads). The largest employer increases within those three industries respectively were the Child Guidance Center of Southern Connecticut (+47 new ads), the University of Connecticut (+11 new ads), and Quest Global (+15 new ads). Among the seven decreasing industries, the largest was Accommodation & Food Services (-105 new ads). The remaining six industries with over-the-week decreases fell by fewer than 34 new ads.

Employers with the most new job postings during the week ending April 11th were mostly within Health Care & Social Assistance, Retail Trade, and Finance & Insurance. Health Care & Social Assistance accounted for eight of the top 25 employers. The 25 employers shown above combined account for 846 of total job ads or 13 percent of all new ads. They were up a combined 222 new ads from a week ago. The largest over-the-week increases occurred at Child Guidance Center of Southern CT (+47 new ads) and Travelers (+44 new ads). The largest over-the-week declines among the top 25 employers were Yale-New Haven Health System (-35 new ads) and the State of Connecticut (-30 new ads).

April 11th 2023 HWOL (PDF)

April 11th HWOL 2023 (Word Doc)

April 11th
April 15, 2023 April 2023 Connecticut Help Wanted OnLine Data Series (HWOL)
Total postings in Connecticut was 70,915 in February 2023, down 5% from January 2023.

Industry Sectors with the most job postings were Health Care and Social Assistance (18,363 postings), Manufacturing (6,251 posting), Retail Trade (6,060 postings), and Finance & Insurance (5,512 postings).

Occupations with the most postings were Registered Nurses (4,680 postings), Retail Salespersons (1,927 postings), Managers (1,694 postings), and Wholesale & Manufacturing Sales Reps. (1,555).

The Conference Board Help Wanted OnLine Data Series (HWOL) measures the number of new, first-time online jobs and jobs reposted from the previous month for over 16,000 Internet job boards, corporate boards and smaller job sites that serve niche markets and smaller geographic areas. The data can be used as a real-time measure of labor demand.

April 2023 HWOL (PDF)

April 2023 HWOL (Powerpoint Doc)

April 10, 2023 April 4th 2023 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending April 4th, there were 5,800 new postings, down 29 new ads or 0.5% from a week ago. This slight topline shift is the net result of 10 industries decreasing by a combined 379 new ads and 11 industries increasing over the week by a combined 350 new ads. The three industries with the largest decreases were Health Care & Social Assistance (-129 new ads or -24%), Construction (-50 new ads or -54%), and Finance & Insurance (-46 new ads or -9%). Employers with the largest over-the-week decreases include The Travelers (-187 new ads), Hartford Healthcare (-99 new ads), and Dunkin' (-64 new ads). Employers with the largest increases include Trinity Health (+63 new ads), Restaurant Depot (+52 new ads), and The Greater Hartford YMCA (+36 new ads). The graph below illustrates total new ads nationwide and within Connecticut. The current week is shown below to be the lowest of 2023 for the state, while the U.S. had an increase of 4.9% from a week ago.

During the week ending April 4th, 2023, the slight overall new ad decrease overlays larger shifts within specific industries in the state. Eleven industries had over-the-week increases and ten had decreases, the largest of each respectively were Accommodation & Food Services (+83 new ads) and Health Care & Social Assitance (-129 new ads). Over four weeks, total ads are down 13%, with 15 of 21 industries showing declines. The largest four-week decline occurred in Health Care & Social Assistance, down 410 new ads. Among the six industries with four-week increases, the largest was Other Services, up 41 new ads.

Employers with the most new job postings during the week ending April 4th were mostly within Retail Trade, Health Care & Social Assistance, and Finance & Insurance. Retail Trade accounted for seven of the top 25 employers. The 25 employers shown above combined account for 956 of total job ads or 16 percent of all new ads. A week ago, the top 25 employers accounted for 1,356 job ads, or 23 percent of all new ads. Sixteen employers in the top 25 increased over the week, two were unchanged, and seven decreased. Among the 25 employers with the most ads, the largest increase occurred at Trinity Health (+63 new ads) and the largest decrease occurred at Hartford Healthcare (-99 new ads).

April 4th 2023 HWOL (PDF)

April 4th HWOL 2023 (Word Doc)

April 4th
April 6, 2023 Weekly Connecticut / WDA Initial and Continuing Unemployment Insurance Claims
Break down unemployment claims by age, education, industry, gender, and town can offer valuable insight for planning and budgeting purposes.

April 6th
April 6, 2023 February 25th 2023 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending February 25th, there were 5,829 new postings, down 1,148 new ads or -16% from a week ago. Most of this decline occurred in Health Care & Social Assistance (-273 new ads), Professional, Scientific, & Technical Services (-238 new ads), and Manufacturing (-157 new ads). Employers with the largest over-the-week declines in those respective industries were Aya Healthcare (-34 new ads), General Dynamics (-33 new ads), and Accenture (-12 new ads). Occupations with the largest decreases over the week were Registered Nurses (-143 new ads), Wholesale & Manufacturing Sales Representatives (-55 new ads), and Software Developers, Applications (-47 new ads). The most recent week of new ads is the lowest level of 2023, the -16% over-the-week change is the largest drop since the end of December 2023, which had a -40% over-the-week change. Nationally, total new ads were down 19% over the week.

During the week ending February 25th, 2023, the 1,148 new ad decrease is the net result of industry-level declines in 17 of 21 industries. More than half the overall decrease occurred in Health Care & Social Assistance (-273 new ads), Pro., Sci., & Tech. Services (-161 new ads), and Manufacturing (-157 new ads). The over-the-week drop to 5,829 new ads is the lowest level of 2023. The most recent week of new ads was the lowest level of 2023 for 7 out of 10 industries with the most ads.

Employers with the most new job postings during the week were mostly within Health Care & Social Assistance, Finance & Insurance, and Education. Healthcare & Social Assistance accounted for eleven of the top 25 employers. The 25 employers shown above combined account for 1,356 job ads or 23 percent of all new ads. Thirteen employers in the top 25 had over the week increases, the largest occurred at Travelers (+187 new ads), Hartford Healthcare (+104 new ads), and Cigna (+68 new ads). Among the 25 employers with the most ads during the week ending February 25th, the largest over the week declines occurred at Lumen Technologies (-181 new ads).

February 25th 2023 HWOL (PDF)

February 25th HWOL 2023 (Word Doc)

February 25th
April 6, 2023 2023 Connecticut Learns and Works Conference
Return to Water's Edge for a dynamic All-Day Conference for educators, workforce development professionals and employers. Keynote speaker: Dr. Chaka Felder-McEntire is a 20-year education leader. How to connect education systems and the labor market to support a diverse and inclusive workforce. How to prepare students to succeed in a diverse economy what can leaders do to ensure that diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging is happening in schools and organizations.
2023 Connecticut Learns and Works Conference, Friday, May 5, 2023, 7:30 am - 3:00 pm, The Water's Edge Resort Conference Center, PO Box 688, 1525 Boston Post Road, Westbrook, CT, Details and registration information are available at
May 5th
 Publications  /  Data  /  Webpages  /  Updates  /  Releases PDF
February 14, 2023 Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U)
The Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) rose 0.5 percent in January on a seasonally adjusted basis, after increasing 0.1 percent in December, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Over the last 12 months, the all items index increased 6.4 percent before seasonal adjustment.

The index for shelter was by far the largest contributor to the monthly all items increase, accounting for nearly half of the monthly all items increase, with the indexes for food, gasoline, and natural gas also contributing. The food index increased 0.5 percent over the month with the food at home index rising 0.4 percent. The energy index increased 2.0 percent over the month as all major energy component indexes rose over the month.

The index for all items less food and energy rose 0.4 percent in January. Categories which increased in January include the shelter, motor vehicle insurance, recreation, apparel, and household furnishings and operations indexes. The indexes for used cars and trucks, medical care, and airline fares were among those that decreased over the month.

The all items index increased 6.4 percent for the 12 months ending January; this was the smallest 12-month increase since the period ending October 2021. The all items less food and energy index rose 5.6 percent over the last 12 months, its smallest 12-month increase since December 2021. The energy index increased 8.7 percent for the 12 months ending January, and the food index increased 10.1 percent over the last year.

January 2023 Consumer Price Index (PDF)
January 2023 Consumer Price Index
February 10, 2023 February 4th 2023 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending February 4th, there were 6,662 new postings, down 942 new ads or -12% from a week ago. Most of this decline occurred in Manufacutring (-341 new ads), Professional, Scientific, & Technical Services (-93 new ads), and Retail trade (-88 new ads). The employers with the largest respective new ad declines in those three industries were Raytheon (-245 new ads), KPMG (-87 new ads), and Sherwin Williams (-21 new ads). Occupations with the largest decrease and increase over the week were Retail Salesperson (-67 new ads) and Supervisors of Food Prep & Service Workers (+63 new ads). Among the employers with the most ads, most were within Health Care & Social Assistance, which accounted for 11 of the 25 employers with the most ads. Yale-New Haven Health System (275 new ads), Community Health Center, Inc. (112 new ads), and Hartford Healthcare (89 new ads) had the most ads within that industry. During the past five weeks of 2023, total new ads in Connecticut have ranged between 5,991 and 7,604 new ads. This range is much narrower than the weeks ending in late 2022 as is shown in the graph below.

During the week ending February 4th, 2023, the 942 new ad decrease is the net result of a combined 1,065 ad decline among fourteen industries and a combined 123 ad increase among five industries. Manufacturing had a 341 new ad decrease over the week, which follows a 337 new ad increase during the prior week. Most of this can be attributed to Raytheon which was down 245 new ads over the week after having increased by 234 ads in the prior week. During the week ending February 4th, the five increasing industries grew by 72 new ads or less. Accommodation & Food Services had the largest increase (+72 new ads) and the employer with the largest increase in that industry was Starbuck's Coffee (+47 new ads).

Employers with the most new job postings during the week were mostly within Health Care & Social Assistance, Retail Trade, and Manufacturing. Healthcare & Social Assistance accounted for eleven of the top 25 employers. The 25 employers shown above combined account for 1,404 job ads or 20 percent of all new ads. Raytheon had the largest over the week decrease, down 245 ads over the week. This over the week drop at Raytheon follows a 234 ad increase during the week ending January 28th, 2023.

February 4th 2023 HWOL (PDF)

February 4th HWOL 2023 (Word Doc)

February 4th
February 9, 2023 Weekly Connecticut / WDA Initial and Continuing Unemployment Insurance Claims
Break down unemployment claims by age, education, industry, gender, and town can offer valuable insight for planning and budgeting purposes.

February 6th
February 3, 2023 January 28th 2023 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending January 28th, there were 7,604 new postings, up 1,031 new ads from a week ago. This over-the-week change follows two weeks that had total new ad counts revised down. The weeks ending January 14th and 21st were respectively revised down from 9,188 to 7,163 and 6,637 to 6,573. As a result, the graph below illustrates a much less pronounced rebound from the December 2022 new ad dip than was previously reported. The largest statewide industry over-the-week increases occurred in Manufacturing (+337 new ads), Health Care & Social Assistance (+177 new ads), and Retail Trade (+89 new ads). Employers with the largest increases over the week include Raytheon (+234 new ads), Yale-New Haven Health System (+188 new ads), and KPMG (+71 new ads). The occupations with the largest over-the-week increases are Retail Salespersons (+74 new ads), Mechanical Engineers (+38 new ads), and Supervisors of Retail Sales Workers (+32 new ads). The revised data show that the four weeks ending in January 2023 averaged 6,833 new ads per week, which is almost 1,000 ads higher than December 2022, which averaged 5,817 ads per week.

During the week ending January 28th, 2023, the 1,031 new ad increase is the net result of a combined 1,223 ad increase among 15 industries and a combined 192 ad decrease among five industries. The largest industry increases over the week were Manufacturing (+337 new ads), Health Care & Social Assistance (+177 new ads), and Retail Trade (+89 new ads). Educational Services (-90 new ads) had the largest new ad decrease. The three Manufacturing industry employers with the most ads were Raytheon (312 new ads), General Dynamics (59 new ads), and Lockheed Martin (15 new ads). The three Health Care industry employers with the most ads were Yale-New Haven Health System (222 new ads), Community Health Center (98 new ads), and Saint Francis Health System (69 new ads).

Employers with the most new job postings during the week were mostly within Health Care & Social Assistance, Manufacturing, and Retail Trade. The 25 employers shown above combined account for 1,718 job ads or 22 percent of all new ads. The largest over-the-week increases occurred at Raytheon (+234 new ads) and Yale-New Haven Health System (+188 new ads). The largest occupational increase at Raytheon was Mechanical Engineers (+35 new ads) and at Yale-New Haven Health System, the largest increase was Registered Nurses (+40 new ads).

January 28th 2023 HWOL (PDF)

January 28th HWOL 2023 (Word Doc)

January 28th
February 3, 2023 February 2023 Connecticut Economic Digest
The Connecticut Economic Digest's purpose is to regularly provide users with a comprehensive source for the most current, up-to-date data available on the workforce and economy of the state, within perspectives of the region and nation.
February 2023 CT Economic Digest (PDF) February
February 3, 2023 2023 Economic Outlook: Major Challenges After Year of Solid Growth - February 2023 Economic Digest article
As the Covid-19 pandemic moved to the back burner in 2022, the world, the country and the state of Connecticut wrestled with a new host of challenges that will continue to shape the economic outlook for 2023. Chief among them: the highest rates of inflation in over forty years, aggravated by Russia's war against Ukraine which has injected uncertainty in global commodity markets for energy and food. Meanwhile, central banks around the world are raising interest rates to tame price pressures-an effort that will inevitably chill economic growth going forward.

The Global Economy
Following a 6.0% rise in world output in 2021, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) projects that global growth will slow to 3.2% 2022, and moderate further, to 2.7% in 2023. The IMF outlook hinges on the assumptions that: inflation expectations will not become unmoored; the worst of the dislocations created by Russia's invasion of Ukraine are behind us; and monetary authorities do not tighten policy to such an extent as to engender widespread recessions and upheavals in financial markets. Though an actual decline in world output does not appear to be in the cards, IMF forecasters anticipate that more than 40 percent of the world's economies that report output data on a quarterly basis will experience a so-called "technical recession" of two or more quarters of negative GDP growth.

These topline projections, however, mask a wide gulf between the emerging and developed worlds. For the advanced economies, including the United States and Western Europe, where GDP rebounded by 5.2% in 2021 following its 4.4% plunge during the pandemic, output is expected to grow 2.4% in 2022 (slightly above its 20-year annual average of 2.1%) but by only 1.1% in 2023. High inflation will eat into purchasing power and rising interest rates will crimp consumer spending and business investment. In emerging markets, by contrast, where the toll of the pandemic was far less severe (output fell just 1.9% in 2020) and the 2021 rebound, at 6.6%, was brisker, output is expected to grow by 3.7% in 2022 and to maintain that pace in 2023. That growth rate, however, is significantly below the 20-year trend of 5.2% annually.  [ read more ]

February 2023 Digest article Connecticut's Work-Related Fatality Rate Second Lowest in Nation (PDF)

February 2023 Digest article Connecticut's Work-Related Fatality Rate Second Lowest in Nation (docx)

 Publications  /  Data  /  Webpages  /  Updates  /  Releases PDF
January 31, 2023 Weekly Connecticut / WDA Initial and Continuing Unemployment Insurance Claims
Break down unemployment claims by age, education, industry, gender, and town can offer valuable insight for planning and budgeting purposes.

January 30th
January 27, 2023 January 21st 2023 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending January 21st, there were 6,637 new postings, down 2,491 new ads from a week ago. This decline follows a 3,137 ad increase during the week ending January 14th. Though down from a week ago, total ads remain up from earlier weekly levels of 5,991 (week ending Jan. 7th) and 3,726 (week ending Dec. 31st). The graph below illustrates the large shifts in ad counts experienced in January and December. Total ads went from a two-year low to a seven-month high over a two-week span. These state-level swings echo nationwide shifts. The largest statewide industry drops occurred in Health Care & Social Assistance (-691 new ads), Retail Trade (-317 new ads), and Manufacturing (-232 new ads). Employers with the largest decreases over the week include Yale-New Haven Health System (-207 new ads), Hartford Healthcare (-87 new ads), and Wheeler Clinic (-77 new ads). The occupations with the largest over-the-week decrease are Retail Salespersons (-161 new ads), Registered Nurses (-130 new ads), and Supervisors of Retail Sales Workers (-61 new ads). Though down from last week, the weekly new ad total of 6,637 new ads for the week ending January 21st is 4% above the most recent four-week average of 6,385 new ads per week.

During the week ending January 21st, 2023, The 2,491 total decline is the net result of a combined 2,671 decrease among 18 industries and a combined 180 ad increase among three industries. The industries that declined over the week fell by between 11% and 64% while the three increasing industries grew by between 15% and 50%. Health Care & Social Assistance had the largest decrease, down 691 new ads and Educational Services had the largest increase, up 167 new ads. The largest employer decrease within Health Care & Social Assistance occurred at Yale-New Haven Health System (-207 new ads) and the largest employer increase within Educational Services occurred at Stamford Public Schools (+57 new ads).

Employers with the most new job postings during the week were mostly within Health Care & Social Assistance, Education, and Finance & Insurance. The 25 employers shown above account for 18 percent of all new ads. Fifteen employers in the top 25 increased over the week, one was unchanged, and nine decreased. Among the five employers with the most ads, the first four were all within Healthcare & Social Assistance, and Registered Nurses was the most common occupation within those employers. The fifth employer with the most ads was Raytheon and Architectural & Engineering Managers was the occupation at that employer with the most ads.

January 21st 2023 HWOL (PDF)

January 21st HWOL 2023 (Word Doc)

January 21st
January 25, 2023 Business Employment Dynamics 2Q2022
From April 2022 to June 2022, gross job gains from opening and expanding private sector establishments in Connecticut was 89,453, a decrease of 704 jobs from the previous quarter. Over this period, gross job losses from closing and contracting private sector establishments was 93,111, an increase of 18,157 jobs from the previous quarter.

During the second quarter of 2022, the difference between gross job gains and gross job losses yielded a net employment loss of 3,658 jobs in the private sector. This net decrease follows a 15,203 net increase during the first quarter of 2022.

Net employment change reached a low of -204,996 during the second quarter of 2020. The combined net change for the eight quarters of subsequent data through the second quarter of 2022 is 163,204 jobs.

Business Employment Dynamics (BED) data published quarterly by the Bureau of Labor Statistics tracks employment change at the establishment level and reveals the underlying dynamics of net employment change. The data include gross employment change, business expansion/contraction, establishment birth/death, and is available at sector level.

2Q2022 Connecticut Business Employment Dynamics PDF

2Q2022 Connecticut Business Employment Dynamics (Word Doc)

2Q 2022
January 24, 2023 Weekly Connecticut / WDA Initial and Continuing Unemployment Insurance Claims
Break down unemployment claims by age, education, industry, gender, and town can offer valuable insight for planning and budgeting purposes.

January 23rd
April 10, 2023 January 14th 2023 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending January 14th, there were 9,128 new postings, up 3,137 or +52% over the week. This 3,137 over-the-week increase follows a 2,265 increase the week before and results in the largest weekly total new ad level since June 2022. The graph below illustrates the pronounced two-week increase that followed the sharp late-December drop that occurred around the holiday season. Every industry had over-the-week increases of 23% or more. The three largest industries increases accounted for 43% of the overall increase, Health Care & Social Assistance (+674 new ads or +41%), Retail Trade (+345 new ads or +65%), and Manufacturing (+344 new ads or +77%). The largest employer increases among those three industries respectively were Yale-New Haven Health System (+201 new ads), Walmart/Sams (+83 new ads), and Lockheed Martin Corporation (+32 new ads). The occupations with the largest over-the-week increase are Retail Salespersons (+127 new ads), Registered Nurses (+77 new ads), and Wholesale & Manufacturing Sales Representatives (+53 new ads).

During the week ending January 14th, 2023, the 52% new ad total increase is the net result of increases in all twenty-one industries shown in the above table. Fifteen industries had over-the-week gains of 50% or more, and seven were up 75% or more. The largest over-the-week increase occurred in Health Care & Social Assistance (+674 new ads) and the smallest increase occurred in Mining & Extraction (+2 new ads). Compared to four weeks ago, total ads are up 33% or +2,287 new ads, and every industry other than Health Care & Social Assistance (-4 new ads) was up over four weeks.

Employers with the most new job postings during the week were mostly within Health Care & Social Assistance, Retail Trade, and Manufacturing. The 25 employers shown above account for 18 percent of all new ads. Twenty-one employers in the top 25 increased over the week and four decreased. Within the 25 largest employers, the largest increase occurred at Yale-New Haven Health System (+201 new ads) and the largest decrease occurred at Community Health Center, Inc. (-41 new ads).

January 14th 2022 HWOL (PDF)

January 14th HWOL 2022 (Word Doc)

January 14th
January 17, 2023 Weekly Connecticut Initial and Continuing Unemployment Insurance Claims
Break down unemployment claims by age, education, industry, gender, and town can offer valuable insight for planning and budgeting purposes.

January 16th
January 13, 2023 January 7th 2023 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending January 7th, there were 5,991 new postings, up 2,265 or +61% over the week. This over-the-week increase of 2,265 new ads follows a 2,460 new ad drop the week before. The graph below shows how statewide new ads dipped a week ago and have rebounded to within 7% of levels from two weeks ago. The graph also shows a more pronounced end-of-December dip at the end of 2021. Four industries accounted for half of the overall increase during the week ending January 7th, 2023. These include Healthcare & Social Assistance (+457 new ads), Retail Trade (+177 new ads), Finance & Insurance (+263 new ads), and Manufacturing (-234 new ads). Employers with the largest over-the-week increases include Hartford Healthcare (+138 new ads), Cigna (+55 new ads), and Raytheon (+43 new ads). Excluding the new ad drop to 3,726 during the last week of December, total new ads have ranged between 5,700 to 6,800 since late November.

During the week ending January 7th, 2023, the 61% new ad total increase is the net result of increases in 19 of 21 industries. Most industries had over-the-week gains of 50% or more, as overall ad levels returned to levels from two weeks ago when there were 6,410 total new ads. The largest over-the-week employer increases among the four industries with the largest new ad change include Hartford Healthcare (+138 new ads) in Health Care & Social Assistance, CVS Health (+26 new ads) in Retail Trade, Cigna (+48 new ads) in Finance & Insurance, and Raytheon (+43 new ads) in Manufacturing. Compared to four weeks ago, total ads are down 7% or -419 new ads, and 14 of 21 industries had four-week declines, the largest being Manufacturing (-124 new ads) and Professional, Scientific, & Technical Services (-110 new ads). The largest four-week increase occurred in Accommodation & Food Services (+132 new ads).

Employers with the most new job postings during the week were mostly within Health Care & Social Assistance, Retail Trade, and Finance & Insurance. The 25 employers shown above account for 17 percent of all new ads. 22 employers in the top 25 increased over the week and 3 decreased. Within the 25 largest employers, the largest increase occurred at Hartford Healthcare (+138 new ads) and the largest decrease occurred at Community Health Center, Inc. (-137 new ads).

January 7th 2022 HWOL (PDF)

January 7th HWOL 2022 (Word Doc)

January 7th
January 10, 2023 Weekly Connecticut Initial and Continuing Unemployment Insurance Claims
Break down unemployment claims by age, education, industry, gender, and town can offer valuable insight for planning and budgeting purposes.

January 9th
January 6, 2023 December 31st 2022 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending December 31st, there were 3,726 new postings, down 2,460 or 40% over the week. This over-the-week drop before New Year's Eve during the last week of December 2022 echoes the 37% drop experienced a year ago during the last week of December 2021. Two years ago during the last week of December 2020, total ads were down 15% and subsequently down -27% during the first week of January 2021. Four industries accounted for more than half of the drop during the week ending December 31st, 2022. These include Healthcare & Social Assistance (-456 new ads), Finance & Insurance (-351 new ads), Manufacturing (-280 new ads), and Educational Services (-216 new ads). Employers with the largest over-the-week drops include Hartford Healthcare (-181 new ads), Trinity Health (-98 new ads), Raytheon (-80 new ads), and Walmart/Sam's (-65 new ads). The graph below shows how new ads typically slow around the start of the year. This recent week of new job ads is the lowest level since the week ending January 2nd, 2021, which had a similar New Year's drop to 2,413 new ads.

During the week ending December 31st, 2022, the 40% new ad total decrease is the net result of decreases in every industry other than Agriculture, which had a slight increase. Decreasing industries were down between -22% (Accommodation & Food Services) and -69% (Information). The largest over-the-week employer declines among the four industries with the largest declines include Hartford Healthcare (-181 new ads) in Health Care & Social Assitance, Cigna (-52 new ads) in Finance & Insurance, Raytheon (-80 new ads) in manufacturing, and University of Connecticut ( 23 new ads) in Educational Services. Over four weeks, every industry except for Agriculture was down between -25% to -79%.

Employers with the most new job postings during the week were mostly within Health Care & Social Assistance, Retail Trade, and Manufacturing. The 25 employers shown above account for 23 percent of all new ads. 13 of 25 employers in the top 25 increased over the week and 12 decreased. Within the 25 largest employers, the largest decrease occurred ad Hartford Healthcare (-181 new ads) and the largest increase occurred at Community Health Center, Inc. (+115 new ads).

December 31st 2022 HWOL (PDF)

December 31st HWOL 2022 (Word Doc)

December 24th
January 5, 2023 January 2023 Connecticut Economic Digest
The Connecticut Economic Digest's purpose is to regularly provide users with a comprehensive source for the most current, up-to-date data available on the workforce and economy of the state, within perspectives of the region and nation.
January 2023 CT Economic Digest (PDF) January
January 5, 2023 Connecticut's Work-Related Fatality Rate Second Lowest in Nation - January 2023 Economic Digest article
Connecticut lost 23 lives to work injuries in 2021, for a rate of 1.4 deaths per 100,000 full-time equivalent workers. This is the lowest recorded number of deaths since the program began in 1992. This is a decrease from 2020's 29 deaths and is below Connecticut's annual average of 38 work-related deaths (Chart 1). Only one other state - Rhode Island - recorded a rate lower than Connecticut's (Table 1).

The nation lost 5,190 lives to workplace injuries in 2021, an increase from 2020's 4,764 deaths. The fatal injury rate increased from 3.4 per 100,000 full-time equivalent workers in 2020 to 3.6 in 2021. The highest loss was seen in Texas with 533 deaths, followed by California with 462 deaths and Florida with 315 deaths. High rates were recorded in Wyoming (10.4) and North Dakota (9.0). Rhode Island had 5 deaths, the lowest recorded number for states.

Nationally, the construction industry recorded the highest number of deaths at 986, followed by transportation and warehousing with 976 deaths. Together, these two industries account for 38 percent of deaths.

With 6 deaths, the construction industry had the highest number of deaths in Connecticut, accounting for 26.1 percent of 2021's deaths. Administrative and waste services came in second with 5 deaths, accounting for 21.7 percent of total deaths (Table 2). With an overall rate of 1.4, Connecticut saw a rate of 5.2 in construction and 2.5 in professional and business services. Rates for other industry sectors did not meet publishing criteria. [ read more ]

January 2023 Digest article Connecticut's Work-Related Fatality Rate Second Lowest in Nation (PDF)

January 2023 Digest article Connecticut's Work-Related Fatality Rate Second Lowest in Nation (docx)

 Publications  /  Data  /  Webpages  /  Updates  /  Releases PDF
December 30th December 24th 2022 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending December 24th, there were 6,186 new postings, down 655 or -10% over the week. This over-the-week drop is mostly due to shifts within Health Care & Social Assistance, which was down 679 new ads. Last week that industry was up 639 new ads. Most other industries had over the week change of +/-74 new ads. Among occupations, Registered Nurses (-287 new ads) had the largest over-the-week decline, which was over five times larger than the second largest decline, Marriage & Family Therapists (-57 new ads). Among the ten employers with the largest over-the-week declines, half were within Health Care & Social Assistance. The large one-week uptick in Health Care & Social Assistance during the week ending December 24th is larger than is typical for that industry. During the past 6 months, Health Care & Social Assistance new ads typically ranged between 1,000-1,900 per week. One year ago during the week ending December 25th, 2021, there were 5,695 total new ads and 1,313 in Health Care & Social Assistance.

During the week ending December 24th, 2022, the 10% new ad total decrease is the net result of decreases in ten industries and increases in ten industries. The decreasing industries were down a combined 969 new ads, and Health Care & Social Assitance accounted for 679 of that combined decline. This drop during the most recent week corresponds with similar gains the week before. Health Care was up 639 new ads during the week ending December 24th. The other declining industries had over the week drops of less than 75 new ads. The ten increasing industries had slight gains that were mostly less below 100 new ads.

Employers with the most new job postings during the week were mostly in Health Care & Social Assistance, Retail Trade, and Finance & Insurance. The 25 employers shown above account for 21 percent of all new ads. 15 of 25 employers in the top 25 increased over the week and 10 decreased. Seven employers were in Healthcare & Social Assistance and four of those seven had the largest over-the-week declines within the top 25. Hartford Healthcare was down the most (-208 new ads) over the week and was previously up 266 new ads during the week ending December 24th. Among the top 25 employers, the largest increase occurred at Trinity Health (+79 new ads).

December 24th 2022 HWOL (PDF)

December 24th HWOL 2022 (Word Doc)

December 24th
December 29th Information Workforce Investment Planning
Contains a variety of data on the Eastern Workforce Development Area including population and population density, labor force, employment and wages by industry sector, and new housing permits. In addition, detailed information on residents in need of workforce investment services such as high school dropouts, Medicaid recipients, adult probationers, Temporary Family Assistance (TFA) recipients, and other residents with barriers to employment.
December 28th Connecticut Career Resource Network
Provides individuals in the educational and occupational training communities with information on resources and upcoming events. Articles include reviews of new Web sites and books, occupational descriptions, announcements of conferences and job fairs, and other articles of interest.
Winter/Spring 2023 CT Career Resource Network Update (PDF, 315K) Winter/Spring
December 28th December 17th 2022 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending December 17th, there were 6,841 new postings, up 431 new ads or +7% over the week. This overall increase is the net result of nine industries that increased by a combined 941 new ads and eleven industries that decreased over the week by 510 new ads. Health Care & Social Assitance accounted for two-thirds of the gain among increasing industries and was up 639 new ads over the week. Within Health Care & Social Assistance, Registered Nurses (+374 new ads) had the largest occupational job ads increase and the employer with the largest increase was Hartford Healthcare (266 new ads). Among the eleven industries with over the week new ad decreases, Administrative & Support Services (-63 new ads) was down the most. The graph below illustrates how statewide new job ads are up 20% from the late November low of 5,722 new ads.

During the week ending December 17th, 2022, the 7% new ad total increase is the net result of increases in nine industries and decreases in eleven industries. Some of the largest percent increases include Health Care & Social Assistance (+38% or +639 new ads) and Retail Trade (+23% or -63 new ads). Over four weeks, new ads were down 12% or -932 new ads. Fifteen of twenty-one industries had four-week declines and seven had decreases of 100 new ads or more. The largest were Accommodation & Food Services (-53% or -240 new ads), Educational Services (-45% or -240 new ads), and Manufacturing (-23% or -171 new ads). Among increasing industries, Health Care & Social Assitance had a four-week increase of 42% or +685 new ads.

Employers with the most new job postings during the week were mostly in Health Care & Social Assistance, Manufacturing, and Retail Trade. The 25 employers shown above account for 28 percent of all new ads. 23 of 25 employers in the top 25 increased over the week and 2 decreased. Healthcare & Social Assistance accounted for 10 employers in the top 25. Hartford Healthcare had the largest increase over the week, up 266 new ads.

December 17th 2022 HWOL (PDF)

December 17th HWOL 2022 (Word Doc)

December 17th
December 16th December 10th 2022 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending December 10th, there were 6,410 new postings, up 491 new ads or +8% over the week. Half of this overall increase occurred in Manufacturing (+117 new ads) and Health Care & Social Assitance (+106 new ads). Within Manufacturing, the occupation with the most ads was Mechanical Engineer (36 new ads) and the employer with the most new ads was Ratheon (68 new ads). Within Health Care & Social Asistance, Registered Nurses (248 new ads) had the most new occupational job ads and the employer with the most was Community Health Center, Inc. (206 new ads). The graph below illustrates how total new ads are rebounding in Connectict and the United States from a drop that occurred last month around the Thanksgiving holiday.

During the week ending December 10th, 2022, the 8% new ad total increase is the net result of increases in twelve industries and decreases in nine industries. The twelve increasing industries grew by a combined 747 new ads and the largest industry increases occurred in Manufacturing (+117 new ads), Health Care (+106 new ads) and Administrative & Support (+65 new ads). The nine decreasing industries fell by a combined 256 new ads, Accommodation & Food Services was down the most (-136 new ads). Over four weeks, total ads were down 19% or 1,524 new ads, sixteen industries were down, one was unchanged, and four were up. Half of the overall decline occurred in Educational Services (-770 new ads). The largest four-week industry increase occurred in Health Care (+217 new ads).

Employers with the most new job postings during the week were mostly in Healthcare & Social Assistance, Manufacturing, and Retail Trade. The 25 employers shown above account for 18 percent of all new ads. 18 of 25 employers in the top 25 increased over the week, seven decreased. The top 25 employers with the largest over the week increase and decrease respectively were Hartford Healthcare. (+123 new ads) and Community Health Center, Inc. (-101 new ads).

December 10th 2022 HWOL (PDF)

December 10th HWOL 2022 (Word Doc)

December 10th
December 13th Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U)
The Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) rose 0.1 percent in November on a seasonally adjusted basis, after increasing 0.4 percent in October, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Over the last 12 months, the all items index increased 7.1 percent before seasonal adjustment.

The index for shelter was by far the largest contributor to the monthly all items increase, more than offsetting decreases in energy indexes. The food index increased 0.5 percent over the month with the food at home index also rising 0.5 percent. The energy index decreased 1.6 percent over the month as the gasoline index, the natural gas index, and the electricity index all declined.

The index for all items less food and energy rose 0.2 percent in November, after rising 0.3 percent in October. The indexes for shelter, communication, recreation, motor vehicle insurance, education, and apparel were among those that increased over the month. Indexes which declined in November include the used cars and trucks, medical care, and airline fares indexes.

The all items index increased 7.1 percent for the 12 months ending November; this was the smallest 12-month increase since the period ending December 2021. The all items less food and energy index rose 6.0 percent over the last 12 months. The energy index increased 13.1 percent for the 12 months ending November, and the food index increased 10.6 percent over the last year; all of these increases were smaller than for the period ending October.

November 2022 Consumer Price Index (PDF)
November 2022 Consumer Price Index
December 13th Conference Board Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
Total postings in Connecticut was 91,072 in November 2022, down 2% from October 2022.

Industry Sectors with the most job postings were Health Care and Social Assistance (18,481 postings), Retail Trade (9,317 posting), Finance & Insurance (8,358 postings), and Manufacturing (8,334 postings).

Occupations with the most postings were Registered Nurses (4,757 postings), Retail Salespersons (3,170 postings), Supervisors of Retail Sales Workers (1,886 postings), and Wholesale and Manufacturing Sales Representatives (1,830).

The Conference Board Help Wanted OnLine Data Series (HWOL) measures the number of new, first-time online jobs and jobs reposted from the previous month for over 16,000 Internet job boards, corporate boards and smaller job sites that serve niche markets and smaller geographic areas. The data can be used as a real-time measure of labor demand.

December 2022 HWOL (PDF)

December 2022 HWOL (Powerpoint Doc)

December 9th December 3rd 2022 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending December 3rd, there were 5,919 new postings, up 197 new ads or +3% over the week. Fourteen industries increased over the week and seven decreased. Accommodation & Food Services (+138 new ads) and Professional, Scientific, & Technical Services (+96 new ads) had the largest increases. The largest decreases occurred in Educational Services (-130 new ads) and Manufacturing (-71 new ads). The Largest employer increases in Accommodation & Food Services were Colony Grill (+20 new ads) and KFC (+10 new ads). The largest declines in Educational serices occurred at CCSU (-31 new ads) and the Norwalk Public School District (-11 new ads). The sharp new ad drop in late November corresponds with Thanksgiving and is shown in the graph below to have occurred at both the state and national levels. Prior years exhibited similar drops around the holiday and had new ad rebounds in subsequent weeks.

During the week ending December 3rd, 2022, the 3% new ad total increase is the net result of increases in fourteen industries and decreases in seven industries. The fourteen increasing industries grew by a combined 522 new ads and 45% of that combined increase occurred in Accommodation & Food Services (+138 new ads) or Professional, Scientific, & Technical Services (+96 new ads). The seven decreasing industries fell by a combined 325 new ads, Educational Services was down the most (-130 new ads). Over four weeks, total ads were down 22%, fifteen industries were down, two were unchanged, and four were up. The largest four week industry decrease was Manufacturing (-353 new ads) and the largest increase was Accommodation & Food Services (+21 new ads).

Employers with the most new job postings during the week were mostly in Healthcare & Social Assistance, Finance & Insurance, and Retail Trade. The 25 employers shown above account for 21 percent of all new ads. 21 of 25 employers in the top 25 increased over the week, one was unchanged and three decreased. The top 25 employers with the largest over the week increase and decrease respectively were Community Health Center, Inc. (+192 new ads) and Yale-New Haven Health System (-38 new ads).

December 3rd 2022 HWOL (PDF)

December 3rd HWOL 2022 (Word Doc)

December 3rd
December 8th Connecticut Learns and Works - 2023 Breakfast Symposium
Engaging Educators, Employers and the Workforce Development Community - Symposium for educators, counselors, employment and training specialists, and business persons interested in career and workforce development issues. 2023 Connecticut Learns and Works Conference, Friday, May 5, 2023, 7:30 am - 3:00 pm, The Water's Edge Resort Conference Center, PO Box 688, 1525 Boston Post Road, Westbrook, CT, Details and registration information are coming up soon...
December 8th 2023 Labor Market Information for the State of Connecticut Calendar of Events
2023 Labor Market Information for the State of Connecticut release dates including the Connecticut Economic Digests, CPI, Labor Situations, LAUS, LMI At-A-Glances, Business Employment Dynamics, Labor Force Data for Affirmative Action Plans, Business & Employment Changes Announced in the News Media, Connecticut Help Wanted OnLine Data Series (HWOL).
Please use the following address to access this calendar from other applications

Please use the following address to access the calendar in any web browser
December 1st December 2022 Connecticut Economic Digest
The Connecticut Economic Digest's purpose is to regularly provide users with a comprehensive source for the most current, up-to-date data available on the workforce and economy of the state, within perspectives of the region and nation.
December 2022 CT Economic Digest (PDF) December
December 1st STEM To Grow Faster Than Overall Occupations Through 2030 - December 2022 Economic Digest article
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) occupations are projected to grow faster than all occupations in Connecticut through 2030. These high-growth, good-paying occupations are distributed throughout most major industries in the state and include a variety of career opportunities for Connecticut workers.

The Connecticut Department of Labor discussed our 2020-2030 long-term projections in the September 2022 edition of the Connecticut Economic Digest. That article noted expectations of employment increasing by 201,000 jobs in Connecticut from 2020 to 2030. The industries projected to drive this overall growth include Accommodation & Food Services, Health Care, Transportation & Warehousing, and Professional, Scientific, & Technical Services. The long-term projections are conducted every two years by all 50 states and major territories at the industry and occupational level. This article focuses on STEM occupations within the long-term projections to illustrate employment expectations for this important segment of the Connecticut economy.

Top Ten STEM Occupations in CT
The ten largest STEM occupations account for 57% of overall STEM employment in the state. Among these ten occupations, four are computer occupations (SOC-15), three are engineering (SOC-17), two are management (SOC-11), and one involves sales (SOC-41). The largest STEM occupation in the state, Software Developers & Analysts (15-1256) had 2020 employment of 19,130 and is expected to grow by 5,280 or 28% to 24,410 by 2030. The other STEM occupations in Figure 1 are projected to grow between 8% and 22% through 2030. These occupations have annual average wages of between $63,380 (Computer User Support Specialist) and $150,629 (Computer & Information Systems Managers). STEM occupations earned an average of $103,214 overall in 2021, which compares favorably to $67,169 earned on average for all employment in the state [ read more ]

December 2022 Digest article STEM To Grow Faster Than Overall Occupations Through 2030 (PDF)

December 2022 Digest article STEM To Grow Faster Than Overall Occupations Through 2030 (docx)

 Publications  /  Data  /  Webpages  /  Updates  /  Releases PDF
November 28th November 25th 2022 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending November 19th, there were 7,773 new postings, down 161 new ads or -2% over the week. Eleven industries declined and nine increased. Educational Services had the largest decline, down 550 new ads. The over the week decline in this industry was the result of new ad drops in many school districts in the state, the largest being New Haven Public Schools (-120 new ads), Bridgeport Public Schools (-80 new ads), and Stamford Public Schools (-80 new ads). Among the nine increasing industries, Retail Trade had the largest over-the-week increase, up 197 new ads. The largest retail trade employer increases occurred at Gap Inc. (+39 new ads) and TJX (+36 new ads). Health Care & Social Assistance was up 171 new ads over the week, the largest gains occurred at Community Health Center, Inc. (+156 new ads). The graph below illustrates weekly total change for Connecticut and the United States. During the week ending November 19th, Connecticut's 2% drop was half the 4% drop experienced by the United States overall.

During the week ending November 19th, 2022, the 2% new ad total decrease is the net result of declines in 9 industries, increases in 11 industries, and one unchanged industry. The 9 decreasing industries fell by a combined 744 new ads and two-thirds of that combined drop occurred in Educational Services (-550 new ads). The increasing industries grew by a combined 583 new ads with most of that occurring in Retail Trade (+197 new ads). Over four weeks, new ads were up 7% or +486 new ads. 13 industries were up and 8 were down. Large four-week increases occurred in Educational Services (+255 new ads) and Health Care & Social Assistance (+199 new ads). The largest four-week industry declines occurred in Professional, Scientific, & Technical Services (-130 new ads) and Finance & Insurance (-70 new ads).

Employers with the most new job postings during the week were mostly in Healthcare & Social Assistance, Finance & Insurance, and Retail Trade. The 25 employers shown above account for 18 percent of all new ads. 19 of 25 employers in the top 25 increased over the week and 6 decreased. The top 25 employers with the largest over the week increase and decrease respectively were Community Health Center, Inc. (+156 new ads) and Yale-New Haven Health System (-75 new ads).

November 25th 2022 HWOL (PDF)

November 25th HWOL 2022 (Word Doc)

November 25th
November 10th November 5th 2022 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending November 5th, there were 7,550 new postings, up 216 new ads or +3% over the week. 10 industries had over the week increases and 11 had decreases. Manufacturing had the largest increase, up 115 new ads (+17%) and Educational Services had the largest decrease, down 65 new ads (-17%). Within Manufacturing, the employers with the largest new ad increases were Boehringer Ingelheim (+70 new ads) and Eaton (+48 new ads). The graph below shows top line counts for Connecticut and the US, the US was up 4% over the week. Adjacent states of New York, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island had over the week shifts of -5%, -3%, and +1% respectively. Note: The Help Wanted Online data series was revised last month to better reflect job posting behavior on some of its source job board websites. This revision resulted in lower total counts for May-August 2022.

During the week ending November 5th, 2022, the 3% new ad total increase is the net result of increases in 10 industries and declines in 11. The 10 increasing industries grew by a combined 429 new ads and most of that increase occurred in Manufacturing (+115 new ads) and Finance & Insurance (+97 new ads). The decreasing industries fell by a combined 213 new ads with most of that occurring in Educational Services (-65 new ads) and Arts, Entertainment, & Recreation (-41 new ads). Over four weeks, new ads were down 4% or -317 new ads. 12 industries were down and 9 were up. Large four-week declines occurred in Retail Trade (-143 new ads) and Accommodation & Food Services (-67 new ads). The 9 industries with four-week increases grew by a combined 252 new ads. Manufacturing (+115 new ads) had the largest four-week increase.

Employers with the most new job postings during the week were mostly in Healthcare & Social Assistance, Finance & Insurance and Retail Trade. The 25 employers shown above account for 19 percent of all new ads. 15 of 25 employers in the top 25 had over-the-week increases, one was unchanged, and 9 had decreases. The top 25 employers with the largest over the week increase and decrease were ATX Learning (+79 new ads) and the State of Connecticut and Community Health Center Inc., both down 35 new ads.

November 5th 2022 HWOL (PDF)

November 5th HWOL 2022 (Word Doc)

November 5th
November 10th Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U)
The Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) rose 0.4 percent in October on a seasonally adjusted basis, the same increase as in September, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Over the last 12 months, the all items index increased 7.7 percent before seasonal adjustment.

The index for shelter contributed over half of the monthly all items increase, with the indexes for gasoline and food also increasing. The energy index increased 1.8 percent over the month as the gasoline index and the electricity index rose, but the natural gas index decreased. The food index increased 0.6 percent over the month with the food at home index rising 0.4 percent.

The index for all items less food and energy rose 0.3 percent in October, after rising 0.6 percent in September. The indexes for shelter, motor vehicle insurance, recreation, new vehicles, and personal care were among those that increased over the month. Indexes which declined in October included the used cars and trucks, medical care, apparel, and airline fares indexes.

The all items index increased 7.7 percent for the 12 months ending October, this was the smallest 12-month increase since the period ending January 2022. The all items less food and energy index rose 6.3 percent over the last 12 months. The energy index increased 17.6 percent for the 12 months ending October, and the food index increased 10.9 percent over the last year; all of these increases were smaller than for the period ending September.

October 2022 Consumer Price Index (PDF)
October 2022 Consumer Price Index
November 9th November 2022 Connecticut Economic Digest
The Connecticut Economic Digest's purpose is to regularly provide users with a comprehensive source for the most current, up-to-date data available on the workforce and economy of the state, within perspectives of the region and nation.
November 2022 CT Economic Digest (PDF) November
November 9th 2021 Economic Indexes Rebounded in All States - November 2022 Economic Digest article
Economic indexes bounced back last year in all states after having fallen in 2020. Forty-nine states (including Connecticut) had faster growth in 2021 than in 2019 - the last pre-pandemic year while one state matched the 2019 pace.

SEI: Methodology
Applying the same components and methodology of the Connecticut Town Economic Indexes (See October 2022 issue), the Connecticut Department of Labor's Office of Research also developed the State Economic Indexes for all 50 states and DC. With recently available annual average data from the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW) program, along with the revised annual average unemployment rate from Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS), annual SEI is reestimated for the 2010-2021 period.

These indexes provide a measure of the overall economic strength of each state. Four annual average state economic indicators were used as components: 1. the number of the total covered business establishments, 2. total covered employment, 3. real covered wages, and 4. the unemployment rate. [ read more ]

November 2022 Digest article 2021 Economic Indexes Rebounded in All States (PDF)

November 2022 Digest article Nearly All of Connecticut Town Economic Indexes Recover in 2021 (docx)

November 4th October 29th 2022 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending October 29th, there were 7,334 new postings, up 47 new ads or +0.6% over the week. 12 industries had over the week increases and 9 had decreases. Accommodation & Food Services had the largest increase, up 104 new ads (+36%) and Finance & Insurance had the largest decrease, down -93 new ads (-12%). Within Accommodation & Food Services, the largest employer increase occurred at Chili's (+24 new ads) over the week and in Finance & Insurance, the largest decreasing employer was Marcum LLP (-26 new ads). The graph below illustrates how the state is down 17% from four weeks ago, which was the highest new ad count since June 2022. Note: The Help Wanted Online data series was revised last month to better reflect job posting behavior on some of its source job board websites. This revision resulted in lower total counts for May-August 2022.

During the week ending October 29th, 2022, the slight 0.6% new ad total increase is the net result of increases in 12 industries and declines in 9. The 12 increasing industries grew by a combined 393 new ads and most of that increase occurred in Accommodation & Food Services (+104 new ads) and Educational Services (+97 new ads). The decreasing industries fell by a combined 346 new ads with most of that occurring in Finance & Insurance (-93 new ads) and Pro., Sci., & Tech. Services (-63 new ads). Over four weeks, new ads were down 18% or -1,556 new ads. 15 industries were down, one was unchanged and 5 were up. More than a third of the total four-week decline occurred in Retail Trade (-563 new ads). The industries with the largest four week increases were Public Administration and Other Services, both up 23 new ads.

Employers with the most new job postings during the week were mostly in Healthcare & Social Assistance, Manufacturing, and Finance & Insurance. The 25 employers shown above account for 19 percent of all new ads. 14 of 25 employers in the top 25 had over-the-week increases and 11 had decreases. The top 25 employers with the largest over the week increase and decreases were Gartner Incorporated. (+80 new ads) and Yale-New Haven Health System (-61 new ads) respectively.

October 29th 2022 HWOL (PDF)

October 29th HWOL 2022 (Word Doc)

October 29th
November 1st 1Q2022 - Employment & Wages by Industry Covered by Unemployment Insurance - Quarterly (Statewide / LMA / WIA / Towns)
The program produces a comprehensive tabulation of employment and wage information for workers covered by Connecticut Unemployment Insurance (UI) laws and Federal workers covered by the Unemployment Compensation for Federal Employees program with three digit government data added. Data on the number of establishments, employment, and wages are reported by industry for Connecticut, Labor Market Areas, Connecticut Towns and Workforce Development Areas.
 Publications  /  Data  /  Webpages  /  Updates  /  Releases PDF
October 28th Business Employment Dynamics 1Q2022
Business Employment Dynamics (BED) data published quarterly by the Bureau of Labor Statistics tracks employment change at the establishment level and reveals the underlying dynamics of net employment change. The data include gross employment change, business expansion/contraction, establishment birth/death, and is available at sector level.

From January 2022 to April 2022, gross job gains from opening and expanding private sector establishments in Connecticut was 90,157, a decrease of 5,854 jobs from the previous quarter. Over this period, gross job losses from closing and contracting private sector establishments was 74,954, an increase of 522 jobs from the previous quarter.

During the first quarter of 2022, the difference between gross job gains and gross job losses yielded a net employment gain of 15,203 jobs in the private sector. This net increase follows a 21,579 net increase during the fourth quarter of 2021.

Net employment change reached a low of -204,996 during the second quarter of 2020. The combined net change for the seven quarters of subsequent data through the first quarter of 2022 is 166,862 jobs.

1Q2022 Connecticut Business Employment Dynamics PDF

1Q2022 Connecticut Business Employment Dynamics (Word Doc)

1Q 2022
October 28th October 22nd 2022 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending October 22nd, there were 7,287 new postings, down 595 new ads or -8% over the week. 8 industries had over the week increases and 13 had decreases. Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services had the largest increase, up 90 new ads (+7%) and Health Care & Social Assistance had the largest decrease, down -552 (-28%). Most of the Pro., Sci., & Tech. Services Increase occurred at KPMG (+30 new ads over the week) and the largest decline within Health Care occurred at the Saint Francis Health System (-236 new ads over the week). The graph below illustrates the 8% statewide decline and corresponding -1% US level shift. Note: The Help Wanted Online data series was revised last month to better reflect job posting behavior on some of its source job board websites. This revision resulted in lower total counts for May-August 2022.

During the week ending October 22nd, 2022, the -8% new ad total decrease is the net result of increases in 8 industries and declines in 13. The 8 increasing industries grew by a combined 335 new ads and most of that increase occurred in Professional, Scientific, & Technical Services (+57 new ads). The decreasing industries fell by a combined 930 new ads with most of that occurring in Health Care & Social Assistance (-552 new ads). Over four weeks, new ads were up 8% or up 512 new ads. 11 industries were up and 10 decreased. The largest four week increase occurred in Health Care and Social Assistance (+345 new ads) and the largest decrease occurred in Real Estate (-91 new ads).

Employers with the most new job postings during the week were mostly in Healthcare & Social Assistance, Retail Trade, and Finance & Insurance. The 25 employers shown above account for 20 percent of all new ads. 18 of 25 employers in the top 25 had over-the-week increases, one was unchanged, and 6 had decreases. The top 25 employers with the largest over the week increase and decreases were Community Health Center, Inc. (+135 new ads) and Hartford Healthcare (-152 new ads) respectively.

October 22nd 2022 HWOL (PDF)

October 22nd HWOL 2022 (Word Doc)

October 22nd
October 21st October 15th 2022 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending October 15th, there were 7,882 new postings, down 15 new ads or 0.2% over the week. This largely unchanged top line overlays larger industry-level shifts. 8 industries had over the week increases, one was unchanged, and 12 had decreases. Health Care and Social Assistance had the largest increase, up 431 new ads (+28%) and Retail Trade had the largest decrease, down 132 (-15%). Forty-five percent of the Health Care Increase occurred at Yale-New Haven Hospital (+198 new ads over the week) and the Retailer with the largest decline was The Home Depot (-180 new ads over the week). The graph below illustrates how the flat state level change contrasts the U.S., which was down 1.2 percent. Note: The Help Wanted Online data series was revised last month to better reflect job posting behavior on some of its source job board websites. This revision resulted in lower total counts for May-August 2022.

During the week ending October 15th, 2022, the slight 0.2% new ad total increase is the net result of increases in 8 industries and declines in 12. The 8 increasing industries grew by a combined 578 new ads and most of that increase occurred in Healthcare and Social Assistance (+431 new ads). The decreasing industries fell by a combined 563 new ads with most of that occurring in Retail Trade (-132 new ads). Over four weeks, new ads were up 11% or up 786 new ads. 11 industries were up, one was unchanged, and 9 decreased. The largest four week increase occurred in Health Care and Social Assistance (+767 new ads) and the largest decrease occurred in Utilities (-169 new ads).

Employers with the most new job postings during the week were mostly in Healthcare & Social Assistance, and Manufacturing. The 25 employers shown above account for 18 percent of all new ads. 17 of 25 employers in the top 25 had over-the-week increases and 8 had decreases. The top 25 employers with the largest over the week increase and decreases were Yale-New Haven Health System (+198 new ads) and UnitedHealth Group (-54 new ads) respectively.

October 15th 2022 HWOL (PDF)

October 15th HWOL 2022 (Word Doc)

October 15th
October 14th Conference Board Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
Total postings in Connecticut was 89,181 in September 2022, down 1% from August 2022.

Industry Sectors with the most job postings were Health Care and Social Assistance (17,079 postings), Retail Trade (9,453 posting), Manufacturing (8,426 postings), and Finance & Insurance (8,008 postings).

Occupations with the most postings were Registered Nurses (4,208 postings), Retail Salespersons (2,711 postings), Supervisors of Retail Sales Workers (2,068 postings), and Wholesale and Manufacturing Sales Representatives (1,846).

The Conference Board Help Wanted OnLine Data Series (HWOL) measures the number of new, first-time online jobs and jobs reposted from the previous month for over 16,000 Internet job boards, corporate boards and smaller job sites that serve niche markets and smaller geographic areas. The data can be used as a real-time measure of labor demand.

October 2022 HWOL (PDF)

October 2022 HWOL (Powerpoint Doc)

October 14th October 8th 2022 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending October 8th, there were 7,867 new postings, down 1,023 new ads or 12% over the week. About 60 percent of the overall weekly decrease occurred in either Retail Trade (-374 new ads) or Professional, Scientific, & Technical Services (-242 new ads). Employers with the largest over the week ad decreases include Amazon (-511 new ads), Trinity Health (-173 new ads), and Icon Medical Imaging (-136 new ads). The occupations with the largest weekly decrease include Laborers and Material Movers (-310 new ads), Real Estate Agents (-81 new ads), and Supervisors of Retail Sales Workers (-49 new ads). This most recent weekly decline follows a 2,115 new ad increase during the week ending October 1st, which was the highest weekly new ad level since January 2022. Note: The Help Wanted Online data series was recently revised to better reflect job posting behavior on some of its source job board websites. This revision resulted in lower total counts for May-August 2022.

During the week ending October 8th, 2022, the total ad decrease of 1,023 new ads or -12% is the net result of decreases in 16 of 21 industries. The 16 decreasing industries fell by a combined -1,207 new ads and the increasing industries grew by 184. Seventy-two percent of the total decline occurred in three industries; Retail Trade (-374 new ads), Professional, Scientific, & Technical Services (-242 new ads), and Manufacturing (-124 new ads). The over the week drop in Retail Trade follows a prior week gain of 537 new ads. Over four weeks, 17 industries were up, two were unchanged, and two were down. The largest four-week increase occurred in Health Care & Social Assistance (+529 new ads) and the largest decrease occurred in Manufacturing (-35 new ads).

Employers with the most new job postings during the week were mostly in Retail Trade, Healthcare & Social Assistance, and Finance & Insurance. The 25 employers shown above account for 19 percent of all new ads. 18 of 25 employers in the top 25 had over-the-week increases and seven had decreases. The top 25 employers with the largest over the week increase and decreases were The Home Depot (+174 new ads) and Amazon (-511 new ads) respectively. At the Home Depot, more than half of that new ad increase was due to postings for five occupations: Interior Designers (+25 new ads), Supervisors of Office & Admin. Support Workers (+22 new ads), Cashiers (+19 new ads), Stock Clerks (+18 new ads), and Retail Loss Prevention Specialists (+17 new ads). Most of the over the week ad decline at Amazon was due to a drop in ads for Laborers, Freight, & Material Movers (-353 new ads).

October 8th 2022 HWOL (PDF)

October 8th HWOL 2022 (Word Doc)

October 8th
October 13th Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U)
The Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) rose 0.4 percent in September on a seasonally adjusted basis after rising 0.1 percent in August, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Over the last 12 months, the all items index increased 8.2 percent before seasonal adjustment.

Increases in the shelter, food, and medical care indexes were the largest of many contributors to the monthly seasonally adjusted all items increase. These increases were partly offset by a 4.9-percent decline in the gasoline index. The food index continued to rise, increasing 0.8 percent over the month as the food at home index rose 0.7 percent. The energy index fell 2.1 percent over the month as the gasoline index declined, but the natural gas and electricity indexes increased.

The index for all items less food and energy rose 0.6 percent in September, as it did in August. The indexes for shelter, medical care, motor vehicle insurance, new vehicles, household furnishings and operations, and education were among those that increased over the month. There were some indexes that declined in September, including those for used cars and trucks, apparel, and communication.

The all items index increased 8.2 percent for the 12 months ending September, a slightly smaller figure than the 8.3-percent increase for the period ending August. The all items less food and energy index rose 6.6 percent over the last 12 months. The energy index increased 19.8 percent for the 12 months ending September, a smaller increase than the 23.8-percent increase for the period ending August. The food index increased 11.2 percent over the last year.

September 2022 Consumer Price Index (PDF)
September 2022 Consumer Price Index
October 12th Business and Employment Changes Announced in the News Media
Lists start-ups, expansions, recruitments, career fairs, staff reductions, and layoffs reported by the media, both current and future. The report provides company name, the number of workers involved, date of the action, the principal product or service of the company, a brief synopsis of the action, and the source and date of the media article.
Third Quarter 2022 Connecticut Business and Employment Changes Announced in the News Media PDF
Third Quarter 2022 Connecticut Business & Employment Changes Announced in the News Media Excel
3Q 2022
October 7th October 1st 2022 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending October 1st, there were 8,890 new postings, up 2,115 new ads or 31% over the week. Industries with the largest over the week increases were Retail Trade (+537 new ads), Health Care & Social Assistance (+520 new ads) and Professional, Scientific, & Technical Services (+314 new ads). Occupations with the largest over-the-week increases include Laborers & Material Movers (+308 new ads), Registered Nurses (+193 new ads) and Natural Sciences Managers (+57 new ads). The three employers with the largest new ad growth account for a combined 35% of the total increase; Amazon (+472 new ads), Trinity Health (+203 new ads), and Hartford Healthcare (+69 new ads). The large job ad increases for the Retail Trade industry and Laborers & Material Movers occupation both reflect the large over the week increase at Amazon. The graph below illustrates that total new ads are at their highest level since January and that Connecticut's over the week growth rate of 31% is more than double the 14% that occurred Nationwide. Note: The Help Wanted Online data series was recently revised to better reflect job posting behavior on some of its source job board websites. This revision resulted in lower total counts for May-August 2022.

During the week ending October 1st, 2022, the total ad increase of 2,115 new ads or +31% is the net result of decreases in 15 of 21 industries. The 15 increasing industries grew by a combined 2,162 new ads and the 6 decreasing industries fell by 47. Half of the overall increase occurred in Retail Trade (+537 new ads) and Health Care & Social Assistance (+520 new ads). The 537 new ad jump in Retail Trade represents the largest one week increase for that industry since January 2022. Almost all of the over-the-week Retail Trade increase can be attributed to Amazon, which increased by 472 to 540 new ads. Over four weeks, total ads were up 1,902 new ads or +27%.

Employers with the most new job postings during the week were mostly in Healthcare & Social Assistance, Finance & Insurance, and Manufacturing. The 25 employers shown above account for 22 percent of all new ads. 19 of 25 employers in the top 25 had over-the-week increases, one was unchanged and five had decreases. The top 25 employers with the largest over the week increase include Amazon (+472 new ads), Trinity Health (+203 new ads) and Hartford Healthcare (+69 new ads). The five employers in the top 25 that fell over the week include the State of Connecticut (-65 new ads) and Travelers (-17 new ads).

October 1st 2022 HWOL (PDF)

October 1st HWOL 2022 (Word Doc)

October 1st
October 3rd Information Workforce Investment Planning
Contains a variety of data on the Eastern Workforce Development Area including population and population density, labor force, employment and wages by industry sector, and new housing permits. In addition, detailed information on residents in need of workforce investment services such as high school dropouts, Medicaid recipients, adult probationers, Temporary Family Assistance (TFA) recipients, and other residents with barriers to employment.
October 3rd October 2022 Connecticut Economic Digest
The Connecticut Economic Digest's purpose is to regularly provide users with a comprehensive source for the most current, up-to-date data available on the workforce and economy of the state, within perspectives of the region and nation.
October 2022 CT Economic Digest (PDF) October
October 3rd Nearly All of Connecticut Town Economic Indexes Recover in 2021 - October 2022 Economic Digest article
Connecticut's overall economy bounced back last year, as 99% of municipalities' indexes rose in 2021, after all of 169 cities and towns having fallen in 2020 from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. The indexes on page 3 give a broad measure of business and resident economic well-being of each town, allowing comparisons among them.

The CTEI Methodology
The Connecticut Town Economic Indexes (CTEI) were introduced in 2015 and are released annually. The Connecticut Department of Labor's Office of Research developed the composite indexes of all 169 municipalities in the state to measure each town or city's overall economic health, which then can be ranked and compared to others to gain perspective. The four annual average town economic indicators used as components are total covered business establishments, total covered employment, inflation-adjusted covered annual average wages, and the unemployment rate.

Establishments are the physical work units located in the municipality. Employment is the number payroll employees in establishments that are located in the town. Wages are the aggregate payroll pay divided by the total average employment. These three measures come from the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW) program and include all those who are covered under unemployment insurance law, thus capturing nearly 100 percent of all payroll employees in each town. [ read more ]

October 2022 Digest article Nearly All of Connecticut Town Economic Indexes Recover in 2021 (PDF)

October 2022 Digest article Nearly All of Connecticut Town Economic Indexes Recover in 2021 (docx)

 Publications  /  Data  /  Webpages  /  Updates  /  Releases PDF
September 30th September 24th 2022 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending September 24th, there were 6,775 new postings, down 321 or -5% over the week. Three industries with the largest over the week declines were Finance & Insurance (-208 new ads), Health Care & Social Assistance (-130 new ads), and Utilities (-121 new ads). Occupations with the largest over-the-week drops include Registered Nurses (-56 new ads), Technical & Scientific Products Sales Representatives (-31 new ads), Janitors & Cleaners (-30 new ads), and Electrical Engineers (-30 new ads). Employers with the largest over the week declines include Yale-New Haven Health System (-151 new ads), PNC Financial Services (-113 new ads), and Trinity Health (-52 new ads). Total weekly new ads in Connecticut and the United States were both down 5% over the week, after increasing by 14% and 7% respectively during the prior week. Note: The Help Wanted Online data series was recently revised to better reflect job posting behavior on some of its source job board websites. This revision resulted in lower total counts for May-August 2022.

During the week ending September 24th, 2022, the total ad decreases of 321 new ads or -5% is the net result of decreases in 10 of 21 industries. The 10 decreasing industries fell by a combined 589 new ads and the 11 increasing industries grew by 268. The three industries with the largest over the week declines were Finance & Insurance (-208 new ads), Health Care & Social Assistance (-130 new ads), and Utilities (-121 new ads). Over four weeks, total ads were down 1,436 new ads or -17%. More than half of this overall decline occurred in Health Care & Social Assistance (-744 new ads) and 13 of 21 industries had four-week declines. The largest four week increase among the seven increasing industries occurred in Retail Trade (+92 new ads).

Employers with the most new job postings during the week were mostly in Healthcare & Social Assistance, Finance & Insurance, and Manufacturing. The 25 employers shown above account for 17 percent of all new ads. 19 of 25 employers in the top 25 had over-the-week increases. The largest increases in the top 25 include TJX Companies, Inc. (+103 new ads), State of Connecticut (+73 new ads), and Amazon (+52 new ads). The largest one-week decreases in the top 25 include Yale-New Haven Health System (-151 new ads) and Trinity Health (-52 new ads). Over four weeks, 17 employers in the top 25 increased and 8 decreased. The largest four-week increase occurred at TJX Companies, Inc. (+94 new ads) and the largest four-week decrease occurred at Community Health Center, Inc. (-64 new ads).

September 24th 2022 HWOL (PDF)

September 24th HWOL 2022 (Word Doc)

September 24th
September 28th 1Q2022 - Employment & Wages by Industry Covered by Unemployment Insurance - Quarterly (STATEWIDE ONLY)
The program produces a comprehensive tabulation of employment and wage information for workers covered by Connecticut Unemployment Insurance (UI) laws and Federal workers covered by the Unemployment Compensation for Federal Employees program with three digit government data added. Data on the number of establishments, employment, and wages are reported by industry for Connecticut, Labor Market Areas, Connecticut Towns and Workforce Development Areas.
1Q2022 - Employment & Wages by Industry Covered by Unemployment Insurance - Quarterly (Statewide) (xlsx) 1Q2022
September 28th 2021 Worksites by Size Class
Worksites is a count of firms, excluding government, that have only one location, plus a count of each location of firms that have operations in more than one location. The sum of the substate areas is less than the statewide total because some multi-location firms and others that don't have a physical location are coded as statewide and therefore have no substate area designation.
September 28th 2021 Annual Averages - Employment & Wages by Industry (Town)
The program produces a comprehensive tabulation of employment and wage information for workers covered by Connecticut Unemployment Insurance (UI) laws and Federal workers covered by the Unemployment Compensation for Federal Employees program with three digit government data added. Data on the number of establishments, employment, and wages are reported by industry for Connecticut, Labor Market Areas, Connecticut Towns and Workforce Development Areas.
September 23rd September 17th 2022 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending September 17th, there were 7,096 new postings, up 893 or +14% over the week. Some of the largest industry increases occurred in Finance & Insurance (+300 new ads), Health Care & Social Assistance (+193 new ads), and Utilities (+158 new ads). Occupations with the largest over-the-week increases include Wholesale & Manufacturing Sales Representatives (+76 new ads), Supervisors of Retail Sales Workers (+36 new ads), and Retail Salespersons (+33 new ads). Employers with the largest over-the-week increases include Yale-New Haven Health System (+177 new ads), Target (+59 new ads), and Trinity Health (+42 new ads). The total new ad count for the week ending September 17th represents a rebound from last week, which was a 16-week low. Note: The Help Wanted Online data series was recently revised to better reflect job posting behavior on some of its source job board websites. This revision resulted in lower total counts for May-August 2022.

During the week ending September 17th, 2022, the total ad increases of 893 new ads or +14% is the net result of increases in 13 of 21 industries. The 13 increasing industries grew by a combined 1,018 new ads and the 7 decreasing industries fell by 125. Three industries accounted for more than two-thirds of the increase: Finance & Insurance (+300 new ads), Health Care & Social Assistance (+193 new ads) and Utilities (+158 new ads). The seven decreasing industries fell by a combined 125 new ads. The largest over the week drop occurred in Accommodation & Food Services (-67 new ads). Over 4 weeks, total new ads were down 256 new ads or -3%. 14 of 21 industries had 4-week declines, the largest occurred in Health Care & Social Assistance (-213 new ads), Accommodation & Food Services (-150 new ads), and Educational Services (-129 new ads). Utilities (+196 new ads) had the largest four-week gain.

Employers with the most new job postings during the week were mostly in Healthcare & Social Assistance, Retail Trade, and Finance & Insurance. The 25 employers shown above account for 18 percent of all new ads. 20 of 25 employers in the top 25 had over-the-week increases. The largest increases in the top 25 include Yale-New Haven Health System (+177 new ads) and Target (+59 new ads). The largest one-week decrease in the top 25 occurred at Aya Healthcare (-61 new ads). Over four weeks, 18 employers in the top 25 increased and 7 decreased. The largest four-week increase occurred at Yale-New Haven Health System (+69 new ads) and the largest four-week decrease occurred at Aya Healthcare (-46 new ads).

September 17th 2022 HWOL (PDF)

September 17th HWOL 2022 (Word Doc)

September 17th
September 16th September 10th 2022 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending September 10th, there were 6,203 new postings, down 785 or -11% over the week. Some of the largest industry percent dops occurred in Professional, Scientific, & Technical Services (-27%), Finance & Insurance (-22%), and Health Care & Social Assistance (-19%). Occupations with the largest over-the-week decline include Registered Nurses (-59 new ads or -19%), Medical & Health Service Managers (-46 new ads or -41%), and Pharmacy Technicians (-38 new ads or -76%). Employers with the largest over-the-week decrease include Yale-New Haven Health System (-108 new ads), Walmart / Sam's (-108 new ads), and BJ's Wholesale Clubs (-49 new ads). The total new ad count for the week ending September 10th was the lowest level since the first week of June, which had 5,610 new ads. Note: The Help Wanted Online data series was recently revised to better reflect job posting behavior on some of its source job board websites. This revision resulted in lower total counts for May-August 2022.

During the week ending September 10th, 2022, the total ad decreases of -785 new ads or -11% is the net result of decreases in 15 of 21 industries. The 15 decreasing industries fell by a combined 871 new ads and the 6 increasing industries grew by 86. Three industries accounted for almost two-thirds of the drop over the week: Health Care & Social Assistance (-234 new ads or -19%), Finance & Insurance (-146 new ads or - 22%), and Professional, Scientific, & Technical Services (-136 new ads or -27%). The six increasing industries grew by 34 or fewer ads over the week. Over 4 weeks, total new ads were down 1,116 new ads or -15%. 16 of 21 industries had 4-week declines, the largest occurred in Health Care & Social Assistance (-306 new ads), Finance & Insurance (-178 new ads), and Professional, Scientific, & Technical Services (-157 new ads). Manufacturing (+121 new ads) had the largest four-week gain.

Employers with the most new job postings during the week were mostly in Healthcare & Social Assistance, Retail Trade, and Finance & Insurance. The 25 employers shown above account for 17 percent of all new ads. 17 of 25 employers in the top 25 had over-the-week increases. The largest increases in the top 25 include Gap Inc. (+46 new ads), Walgreens Boots Alliance (+35 new ads), and Hartford Public Schools (+33 new ads). The largest one-week decrease in the top 25 occurred at Yale-New Haven Health System (-108 new ads). Over four weeks, 15 employers in the top 25 increased, one was unchanged, and 9 decreased. The largest four-week increase occurred at Aya Healthcare (+65 new ads) and the largest four-week decrease occurred at Trinity Health (-80 new ads).

September 10th 2022 HWOL (PDF)

September 10th HWOL 2022 (Word Doc)

September 10th
September 13th Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U)
The Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) rose 0.1 percent in August on a seasonally adjusted basis after being unchanged in July, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Over the last 12 months, the all items index increased 8.3 percent before seasonal adjustment.

Increases in the shelter, food, and medical care indexes were the largest of many contributors to the broad-based monthly all items increase. These increases were mostly offset by a 10.6-percent decline in the gasoline index. The food index continued to rise, increasing 0.8 percent over the month as the food at home index rose 0.7 percent. The energy index fell 5.0 percent over the month as the gasoline index declined, but the electricity and natural gas indexes increased.

The index for all items less food and energy rose 0.6 percent in August, a larger increase than in July. The indexes for shelter, medical care, household furnishings and operations, new vehicles, motor vehicle insurance, and education were among those that increased over the month. There were some indexes that declined in August, including those for airline fares, communication, and used cars and trucks.

The all items index increased 8.3 percent for the 12 months ending August, a smaller figure than the 8.5-percent increase for the period ending July. The all items less food and energy index rose 6.3 percent over the last 12 months. The energy index increased 23.8 percent for the 12 months ending August, a smaller increase than the 32.9-percent increase for the period ending July. The food index increased 11.4 percent over the last year, the largest 12-month increase since the period ending May 1979.

August 2022 Consumer Price Index (PDF)
August 2022 Consumer Price Index
September 12th Conference Board Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
Total postings in Connecticut was 90,482 in August 2022, down 5% from July 2022.

Industry Sectors with the most job postings were Health Care and Social Assistance (17,883 postings), Retail Trade (8,532 posting), Manufacturing (8,401 postings), and Finance & Insurance (8,236 postings).

Occupations with the most postings were Registered Nurses (5,548 postings), Retail Salespersons (3,321 postings), Supervisors of Retail Sales Workers (2,860 postings), and Wholesale and Manufacturing Sales Representatives (2,559).

The Conference Board Help Wanted OnLine Data Series (HWOL) measures the number of new, first-time online jobs and jobs reposted from the previous month for over 16,000 Internet job boards, corporate boards and smaller job sites that serve niche markets and smaller geographic areas. The data can be used as a real-time measure of labor demand.

September 2022 HWOL (PDF)

September 2022 HWOL (Powerpoint Doc)

September 9th September 3rd 2022 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending September 3rd, there were 6,988 new postings, down 1,223 or -15% over the week. Fifteen of twenty-one industries had decreases over the week, The largest decreases occurred in Health Care & Social Assistance (-573 new ads), Pro., Sci., & Tech. Services (-121 new ads), and Educational Services (-98 new ads). Occupations with the largest over the week decreases include Registered Nurses (-137 new ads), Secretaries & Administrative Assistants (-57 new ads) and Heavy & Tractor-Trailer Truck Drivers (-53 new ads). The Help Wanted Online data series was recently adjusted from May 2022 to present, which resulted in lower total job ad counts.

During the week ending September 3rd, 2022, the total ad decrease of -1,223 new ads or -15% is the net result of decreases in 15 of 21 industries. More than half of the overall decline occurred in Health Care & Social Assistance (-573 new ads) and Professional, Scientific, & Technical Services (-121 new ads). Over 4 weeks, total new ads were down 1,134 new ads or -14%. 13 of 21 industries had 4-week declines, the largest occurred in Health Care & Social Assistance (-343 new ads), Retail Trade (-160 new ads), and Educational Services (-128 new ads).

Employers with the most new job postings during the week were mostly in Healthcare & Social Assistance, Retail Trade, and Finance & Insurance. The 25 employers shown above account for 19 percent of all new ads. 18 of 25 employers in the top 25 had over the week increases. The largest increases in the top 25 include Yale-New Haven Health System (+85 new ads), Aya Healthcare (+61 new ads), and Walmart / Sam's (+53 new ads). The largest one-week decrease occurred at Hartford Hospital (-126 new ads). Over four weeks, 16 employers in the top 25 had increases, one was unchanged, and 8 had decreases. The largest four-week increase occurred at Parexel (+94 new ads), and the largest four-week decrease occurred at Yale-New Haven Health System (-97 new ads).

September 3rd 2022 HWOL (PDF)

September 3rd HWOL 2022 (Word Doc)

September 3rd
September 2nd August 27th 2022 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending August 27th, there were 8,211 new postings, up 2,253 or +38% over the week. The Help Wanted Online data series was recently revised beginning in May 2022. The graph below illustrates the 12 months of new revised job ad totals (green line) and the old totals which were discontinued after the week ending August 20th, 2022 (shaded blue). Nineteen of twenty-one industries had increases over the week, The largest increases occurred in Health Care & Social Assistance (+660 new ads), Pro., Sci., & Tech. Services (+249 new ads), and Finance & Insurance (+228 new ads). Occupations with the largest over the week decreases include Registered Nurses (+223 new ads), Electrical Engineers (+61 new ads), and Statisticians (+59 new ads). The newly revised weekly job ads shows that the month of August averaged 7,626 new ads per week, which is above the July 2022 weekly average of 7,377 new ads.

During the week ending August 27th, 2022, the total ad increase of +2,253 new ads or +38% is the net result of increases in 19 of 21 industries. Half of the weekly increase occurred in Health Care & Social Assistance (+660 new ads), Pro., Sci., & Tech. Services (+249 new ads), and Finance & Insurance (+228 new ads). Over 4 weeks, total new ads were down 308 new ads or -4%. 13 of 21 industries had 4-week declines, the largest occurred in Retail Trade (-111 new ads), Manufacturing (-100 new ads), and Administrative & Support (-58 new ads).

Employers with the most new job postings during the week were mostly in Healthcare & Social Assistance, Finance & Insurance, and Retail Trade. The 25 employers shown above account for 18 percent of all new ads. 12 of 25 employers in the top 25 had over the week increases. The largest increases in the top 25 include Hartford Healthcare (+174 new ads), The Staff Pad (+156 new ads), and Parexel (+107 new ads). Over four weeks, 15 employers in the top 25 had increases and 10 had decreases. The largest four-week increase occurred at The Staff Pad (+156 new ads) and Parexel (+114 new ads), the largest four-week decrease occurred at Hartford Healthcare (-110 new ads).

August 27th 2022 HWOL (PDF)

August 27th HWOL 2022 (Word Doc)

August 27th
September 1st September 2022 Connecticut Economic Digest
The Connecticut Economic Digest's purpose is to regularly provide users with a comprehensive source for the most current, up-to-date data available on the workforce and economy of the state, within perspectives of the region and nation.
September 2022 CT Economic Digest (PDF) September
September 1st Long Term Industry and Occupational Projections: 2020-2030 - September 2022 Economic Digest article
Connecticut's employment is projected to increase by more than 201,000 jobs over the ten-year period ending in 2030. This 12% increase is 4.3 percentage points above the U.S. projection of 7.7%. Every two years, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics produces 10-year projections of the U.S. labor force and employment by industry and occupation. This process is replicated at the state level to produce a detailed overview of the expected direction of the labor market in Connecticut.

Effects of COVID-19 on the 2020-30 Projections
The COVID-19 pandemic triggered a steep and short U.S. recession from February to April 2020.1 The impact of this translates to lower base-year values than earlier rounds of long-term projections. This results in higher projected employment growth, particularly in the industries and occupations that had the largest COVID-19 declines.2 These projections assume a full-employment economy, and many industries heavily impacted by COVID-19 are projected to have higher growth than would occur if the base year was not so low due to the recession.

In addition, some industries and occupations have seen a change in long-term demand as a result of the pandemic. Industries that are expected to see long-term increased growth include computer-related occupations such as those that relate to telework computing infrastructure and IT security. On the other hand, Retail Trade is expected to experience an amplification of its long-term declines due to changes in consumer behavior that will outlast the pandemic. [ read more ]

September 2022 Digest article Long Term Industry and Occupational Projections: 2020-2030 (PDF)

September 2022 Digest article Long Term Industry and Occupational Projections: 2020-2030 (docx)

 Publications  /  Data  /  Webpages  /  Updates  /  Releases PDF
August 26th August 20th 2022 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending August 20th, there were 8,072 new postings, down 1,687 new ads or -17% over the week. This top line over the week decline is the result of employment declines across 19 of 21 industries. 14 industries were down 17% or more and 8 were down 25% or more. Occupations with the largest over the week decreases include Customer Service Representatives (-115 new ads), Registered Nurses (-105 new ads), and Wholesale & Manufacturing Sales Representatives (-69 new ads). This recent week of new ads is the lowest level since early June. The graph below shows that the statewide over the week declines echoes the U.S. level shifts. Though down over the past two weeks, Connecticut's overall new ad count is 16% above levels from 52 weeks ago.

During the week ending August 20th, 2022, the total ad decrease of -1,687 new ads or -17% is the net result of decreases in 19 of 21 industries. More than half of the weekly decline occurred in five industries: Health Care & Social Assistance (-299 new ads), Finance & Insurance (-190 new ads), Retail Trade (-153 new ads), Accommodation & Food Service (-140 new ads), and Educational Services (-133 new ads). Over 4 weeks, total new ads were down 1,969 new ads or -20%%. 18 of 21 industries had 4-week declines, the largest decrease occurred in Professional, Scientific, & Technical Services (-458 new ads), Health Care & Social Assistance (-384 new ads), and Accommodation & Food Services (-181 new ads).

Employers with the most new job postings during the week were mostly in Healthcare & Social Assistance, Finance & Insurance, and Manufacturing. The 25 employers shown above account for 16 percent of all new ads. 13 of 25 employers in the top 25 had over the week increases. The largest increases in the top 25 include Parexel (+121 new ads), Walmart / Sam's (+66 new ads), and United States Xpress Enterprises Inc. (+53 new ads). The largest weekly declines among the 14 decreasing employers include Yale-New Haven Health System (-87 New Ads), Trinity Health (-65 new ads), and Cigna Corp. (-52 new ads). Over four weeks, 16 employers in the top 25 had increases, one was unchanged, and 8 had decreases. The largest four-week increase occurred at Parexel (+74 new ads) and the largest decrease occurred at KPMG (-59 new ads).

August 20th 2022 HWOL (PDF)

August 20th HWOL 2022 (Word Doc)

August 20th
August 19th August 13th 2022 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending August 13th, there were 9,759 new postings, down 2,604 new ads or -21%% over the week. Employers with large over the week increases include Yale-New Haven Health System (-183 new ads), PricewaterhouseCoopers (-115 new ads), and Deloitte (-109 new ads). Occupations with the largest over the week decreases include Heavy & Tractor-Trailer Truck Drivers (-155new ads), Registered Nurses (-110 new ads), and Retail Salespersons (-86 new ads). This recent week of new ads is the lowest level in 6 weeks and follows the highest on record. Though down from recent weeks, the week ending August 13th, 2022 is up 44% from 52 weeks ago.

During the week ending August 13th, 2022, the total ad decrease of -2,604 new ads or -21% is the net result of decreases in 14 of 21 industries. More than Half of the weekly decrease occurred in three industries: Health Care & Social Assistance (-764 new ads), Pro., Sci., & Tech. Services (-362 new ads), and Retail Trade (-294 new ads). The 7 increasing industries grew by a combined 138 new ads, with the largest occurring at Accommodation & Food Services (+54 new ads), Educational Services (-32 new ads), and Arts, Entertainment & Recreation (+25 new ads). Over 4 weeks, total new ads were down 1,347 new ads or -12%. 20 of 25 industries had 4 week declines, the largest decrease occurred in Professional, Scientific, & Technical Services (-366 new ads). The largest 4 week industry increase occurred in Educational Services (+107 new ads).

Employers with the most new job postings during the week were mostly in Healthcare & Social Assistance, Finance & Insurance, and Retail Trade. The 25 employers shown above account for 16 percent of all new ads. 14 of 25 employers in the top 25 had over the week increases. The largest increases in the top 25 include Trinity Health (+64 new ads), Aya Healthcare (+46 new ads), and Lincoln Financial Group (+37 new ads). The 14 increasing employers in the top 25 grew by a combined 395 new ads, one was unchanged, and the 10 decreasing ads fell by a combined 588 new ads. The largest decreases over the week include Yale-New Haven Health System (-183 new ads) and PricewaterhouseCoopers (-115 new ads). Over four weeks, 20 employers in the top 25 had increases, one was unchanged, and 4 had decreases. The largest four-week increase occurred at Fidelity Brokerage Services (+101 new ads) and the largest decrease occurred at CVS Health (-58 new ads).

August 13th 2022 HWOL (PDF)

August 13th HWOL 2022 (Word Doc)

August 13th
August 16th State of Connecticut Occupational Projections: 2020 - 2030
Every two years, the State of Connecticut's Department of Labor Office of Research economists create ten year industry employment forecasts. We examine historical trends and other people's forecasts to help project Connecticut's employment changes between 2020 and 2030. These forecasts are used in conjunction with occupational forecasts to help students decide on careers, schools decide on training programs, businesses decide on strategic plans, and governments decide on budgets and services.
2020 - 2030
August 16th State of Connecticut Projections by Major Groups: 2020 - 2030
You can find detailed job descriptions for all occupations, number employed in the base year and the projected year, total job openings, openings by growth, occupations in demand, Connecticut occupational employment and wages, minimum education required plus: Search for training courses available in Connecticut using our Education & Training in Connecticut, Search employer information ~ source provided by Data Axeldata, Connecticut job search using CareerOneStop sponsored by the U.S. DOL ETA
2020 - 2030
August 16th State of Connecticut Industry Projections: 2020 - 2030
Current and Projected Employment by Industry.
2020 - 2030
August 12th Conference Board Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
Total postings in Connecticut was 120,008 in July 2022, Up 10% from June 2022.

Industry Sectors with the most job postings were Health Care and Social Assistance (23,055 postings), Finance and Insurance (11,612 posting), Retail Trade (10,936 postings), and Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services (10,446 postings).

Occupations with the most postings were Registered Nurses (5,548 postings), Retail Salespersons (3,321 postings), Supervisors of Retail Sales Workers (2,860 postings), and Wholesale and Manufacturing Sales Representatives (2,559).

The Conference Board Help Wanted OnLine Data Series (HWOL) measures the number of new, first-time online jobs and jobs reposted from the previous month for over 16,000 Internet job boards, corporate boards and smaller job sites that serve niche markets and smaller geographic areas. The data can be used as a real-time measure of labor demand.

August 2022 HWOL (PDF)

August 2022 HWOL (Powerpoint Doc)

August 12th August 6th 2022 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending August 6th, there were 12,363 new postings, up 1,223 new ads or +11%% over the week. Employers with large over the week increases include Yale-New Haven Health System (+169 new ads), Fidelity Brokerage Services (+92 new ads), and CVS Health (+83 new ads). Occupations with the largest over the week increases include Heavy & Tractor-Trailer Truck Drivers (+174 new ads), Childcare Workers (-85 new ads), Statisticians (+80 new ads), and Pharmacists (+80 new ads). This recent week of new ads is the highest on record, narrowly surpassing the previous high of 12,336 that occurred the week ending May 7th, 2022.

During the week ending August 6th, 2022, the total ad increase of 1,223 new ads or +11% is the net result of increases in 14 of 21 industries. Half of the weekly increase occurred in three industries: Finance & Insurance (+227 new ads), Retail Trade (+213 new ads), and Transportation & Warehousing (+156 new ads). Some of the largest percent increases include Real Estate (+78% or +100 new ads), Transportation & Warehousing (+60% or +156 new ads), and Information (+41% or +95 new ads). During this week of overall gain, 7 industries had new ad decreases. These ranged from a 15 ad decline in both Pro., Sci., & Tech. Services and Health Care & Social Assistance, to a 60 ad decline in Arts, Entertainment, & Recreation.

Employers with the most new job postings during the week were mostly in Healthcare & Social Assistance, Finance & Insurance, and Retail Trade. The 25 employers shown above account for 18 percent of all new ads. 20 of 25 employers in the top 25 had over the week increases. The largest increases in the top 25 include Yale-New Haven Health System (+169 new ads), Fidelity Brokerage Services (+92 new ads), and CVS Health (+83 new ads). The largest decreases over the week include Hartford Healthcare (-203 new ads) and Deloitte (-137 new ads). Over four weeks, 24 employers in the top 25 had increases, the only decline was at Deloitte (-177 new ads). The largest four week increases occurred at Yale-New Haven Health System (+295 new ads) and PricewaterhouseCoopers (+127 new ads).

August 6th 2022 HWOL (PDF)

August 6th HWOL 2022 (Word Doc)

August 6th
August 10th Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U)
The Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) was unchanged in July on a seasonally adjusted basis after rising 1.3 percent in June, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Over the last 12 months, the all items index increased 8.5 percent before seasonal adjustment.

The gasoline index fell 7.7 percent in July and offset increases in the food and shelter indexes, resulting in the all items index being unchanged over the month. The energy index fell 4.6 percent over the month as the indexes for gasoline and natural gas declined, but the index for electricity increased. The food index continued to rise, increasing 1.1 percent over the month as the food at home index rose 1.3 percent.

The index for all items less food and energy rose 0.3 percent in July, a smaller increase than in April, May, or June. The indexes for shelter, medical care, motor vehicle insurance, household furnishings and operations, new vehicles, and recreation were among those that increased over the month. There were some indexes that declined in July, including those for airline fares, used cars and trucks, communication, and apparel.

The all items index increased 8.5 percent for the 12 months ending July, a smaller figure than the 9.1-percent increase for the period ending June. The all items less food and energy index rose 5.9 percent over the last 12 months. The energy index increased 32.9 percent for the 12 months ending July, a smaller increase than the 41.6-percent increase for the period ending June. The food index increased 10.9 percent over the last year, the largest 12-month increase since the period ending May 1979.

July 2022 Consumer Price Index (PDF)
July 2022 Consumer Price Index
August 8th 2021 Covered Employment and Wages by Industry - Annual Averages (Statewide / County / LMA / WDA / Town)
Employment and wage information for workers covered by Connecticut Unemployment Insurance (UI) laws and Federal workers covered by the Unemployment Compensation for Federal Employees (UCFE) program.(three digit government data added)
August 5th Connecticut Occupational Employment & Wage Statistics by State / LMA / WDA - 2022
Provides accurate and meaningful wage information to employers, job seekers, counselors, students, planners of vocational education programs, economic developers, Regional Workforce Development Boards, and others.
Connecticut Occupational Employment & Wage Statistics - 2022 (xlsx) 1Q 2022
August 5th State of Connecticut NAICS Industry - Occupational Employment and Wages (OEWS)- 2022
Provides accurate and meaningful wage information to employers, job seekers, counselors, students, planners of vocational education programs, economic developers, Regional Workforce Development Boards, and others.
Connecticut Occupational Employment & Wage Statistics - 2022 (xlsx) 1Q 2022
August 1st August 2022 Connecticut Economic Digest
The Connecticut Economic Digest's purpose is to regularly provide users with a comprehensive source for the most current, up-to-date data available on the workforce and economy of the state, within perspectives of the region and nation.
August 2022 CT Economic Digest (PDF) August
August 1st Covered Employment and Wages: A 2021 Annual Review - August 2022 Economic Digest article
According to the most recent data published by the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW) program, the number of jobs in Connecticut increased by 3.0 percent during 2021. The return of employees to work after the COVID shutdowns of 2020 was the primary cause for the increase. Total private industry employment, constituting 86.7 percent of the state's employment total, increased by 3.5 percent. Total government employment was relatively flat, declining 0.3 percent. It is important to note that this is a historical look at 2021 and it paints a less rosy picture of the economy than we know to be true based on 2022 data.

Average annual wages for all Connecticut jobs increased by 3.2 percent, to $77,839. Given the nation experienced a non-seasonally adjusted annual inflation rate of 4.7 percent in the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers: All Items (CPIAUCNS), most employees lost purchasing power even with the nominal wage increase. In 2021, private sector wages increased by 3.2 percent to $78,820; government wages increased 2.7 percent to $71,462.

Like 2020, new business establishment creation was up significantly compared to pre-pandemic, as new firms continue to explore new opportunities. New business starts were 15,292 in 2021, compared to 12,747 in 2020. Overall, establishments rose to 133,921 in 2021, an increase of 5.4 percent over 2020. Total private establishments represented nearly all of the increase, reaching 130,547 in 2021. Government worksites increased 0.2 percent in the state, from 3,368 in 2020 to 3,374 in 2021 [ read more ]

August 2022 Digest article Covered Employment and Wages: A 2020 Annual Review (PDF)

August 2022 Digest article Covered Employment and Wages: A 2021 Annual Review (docx)

 Publications  /  Data  /  Webpages  /  Updates  /  Releases PDF
July 29th Business Employment Dynamics 4Q2021
Business Employment Dynamics (BED) data published quarterly by the Bureau of Labor Statistics tracks employment change at the establishment level and reveals the underlying dynamics of net employment change. The data include gross employment change, business expansion/contraction, establishment birth/death, and is available at sector level.

From October 2021 to December 2021, gross job gains from opening and expanding private sector establishments in Connecticut was 96,125, an increase of 2,373 jobs from the previous quarter. Over this period, gross job losses from closing and contracting private sector establishments was 75,282, a decrease of 7,189 jobs from the previous quarter.

During the fourth quarter of 2021, the difference between gross job gains and gross job losses yielded a net employment gain of 20,843 jobs in the private sector. This net increase follows a 11,281 net increase during the third quarter of 2021.

Net employment change reached a low of -205,121 during the second quarter of 2020. The combined net change for the six quarters of subsequent data through the fourth quarter of 2021 is 147,825 jobs.

4Q2021 Connecticut Business Employment Dynamics PDF

4Q2021 Connecticut Business Employment Dynamics (Word Doc)

4Q 2021
July 29th July 23rd 2022 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending July 23rd, there were 10,041 new postings, down 1,065 new ads or -10% over the week. Employers with large over the week decreases include Capital One (-138 new ads), Thrieworks (-111 new ads), and ConnectRN (-92 new ads). Occupations with the largest over the week decreases include Retail Salespersons (-77 new ads), Pharmacy Technicians (-69 new ads), and Real Estate Sales Agents (-52 new ads). Though down over the week, weekly new ads have been over 10,000 for three weeks in a row. The last time the state had 3 weeks over 10,000 was May 2022. With one week to go in the month, the four weeks ending in July have averaged 10,286 new ads per week.

During the week ending July 23rd, 2022, the total ad decrease of 1,065 new ads or -10% is the net result of decreases in 15 of 21 industries. This 10% top-line decrease overlays larger industry level change. 13 industries had decreases of 12% or more and 8 had decreases of over 20%. The largest decreases occurred in Retail Trade (-309 new ads) and Health Care & Social Assistance (-178 new ads). The 6 industries with increasing ads over the week had a combined 237 new ad increase, with over half that occurring in Pro., Sci., & Tech. Services (+74 new ads) and Educational Services (+51 new ads). Over four weeks, total new ads are up 16% or +1,348 new ads. Fourteen industries had four week increases, one was unchanged, and six had decreases. The Largest four week gains include Pro., Sci., & Tech Services (+521 new ads), Accommodation & Food Services (+245 new ads), and Transportation & Warehousing (+239 new ads).

Employers with the most new job postings during the week were mostly in Healthcare & Social Assistance, Finance & Insurance, and Pro., Sci., & Tech. Services. The 25 employers shown above account for 19 percent of all new ads. 16 of 25 employers in the top 25 had over the week increases. The largest increases in the top 25 include PricewaterhouseCoopers (+133 new ads), Stamford Hospital (+94 new ads), and Starbucks Coffee Company (+88 new ads). The largest decreases over the week include Capital One (-138 new ads) and Yale-New Haven Health System (-85 new ads). Over four weeks, 16 employers in the top 25 had increases and 9 had decreases. The largest four week increase was Deloitte (+291 new ads) and the largest decreasing employer was Community Health Center (-230 new ads).

July 23rd 2022 HWOL (PDF)

July 23rd HWOL 2022 (Word Doc)

July 23rd
July 26th 4Q2021 - Employment & Wages by Industry Covered by Unemployment Insurance - Quarterly (Statewide / Towns / LMA / WDA)
The program produces a comprehensive tabulation of employment and wage information for workers covered by Connecticut Unemployment Insurance (UI) laws and Federal workers covered by the Unemployment Compensation for Federal Employees program with three digit government data added. Data on the number of establishments, employment, and wages are reported by industry for Connecticut, Labor Market Areas, Connecticut Towns and Workforce Development Areas.
July 22nd July 16th 2022 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending July 16th, there were 11,106 new postings, up 375 new ads or +3% over the week. Employers with large over the week increases include Thriveworks, Connectrn, and Yale-New Haven Health Network. Employers with the largest new ad decrease over the week include The Home Depot, Masonicare Corp., and Walmart/Sam's. Occupations with the largest over the week increases include Pharmacy Technicians (+78 new ads), Restaurant Cooks (+51 new ads), and Merchandise Displayers & Window Trimmers (+49 new ads). This weekly new ad level is the 7th week of 2022 over 10,000 new ads and over twice the level from a year ago. Compared to a year ago, the industries up the most new ads include Health Care & Social Assistance (+1,328 new ads over 52 weeks), Pro., Sci., & Tech. (+733 news over 52 weeks), and Finance & Insurance (+685 new ads over 52 weeks).

During the week ending July 16th, 2022, the total ad increase of 375 new ads or +3% is the net result of increases in 14 of 21 industries. This slight top-line gain overlays larger industry level change. The 14 increasing industries were up a combined 1,284 new ads, with the largest gains occurred in Health Care & Social Assistance (+235 new ads), Pro., Sci., & Tech., (+167 new ads) and Manufacturing (+161 new ads). The 7 decreasing industries were down a combined 909 new ads, with most of that occurring in Accommodation & Food Services (-381 new ads) and Retail Trade (-375 new ads). Over four weeks, total new ads are up 17% or +1,605 new ads. Half of the four-week increase occurred in Pro., Sci., & Tech. (+347 new ads), Transportation & Warehousing (+238 new ads), and Accommodation & Food Services (+236 new ads).

Employers with the most new job postings during the week were mostly in Healthcare & Social Assistance, Finance & Insurance, and Pro., Sci., & Tech. Services. The 25 employers shown above account for 19 percent of all new ads. 22 of 25 employers in the top 25 had over the week increases. The largest increases in the top 25 include Thriveworks (+104 new ads), Connectrn (+90 new ads), and Yale-New Haven Health System (+78 new ads). Over four weeks, 21 employers in the top 25 had increases and 4 had decreases. The largest four week increases include Deloitte (+342 new ads), Thriveworks (+116 new ads) and Masonic Corp. (+102 new ads).

July 16th 2022 HWOL (PDF)

July 16th HWOL 2022 (Word Doc)

July 16th
July 15th Conference Board Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
Total postings in Connecticut was 109,504 in June 2022, Up 3% from May 2022.

Industry Sectors with the most job postings were Health Care and Social Assistance (22,150 postings), Finance and Insurance (10,501 posting), Retail Trade (10,294 postings), and Manufacturing (9,044 postings).

Occupations with the most postings were Registered Nurses (4,922 postings), Retail Salespersons (3,043 postings), Wholesale & Manufacturing Sales Representatives (2,336 postings), and Supervisors of Retail Sales Workers (2,335 posting).

The Conference Board Help Wanted OnLine Data Series (HWOL) measures the number of new, first-time online jobs and jobs reposted from the previous month for over 16,000 Internet job boards, corporate boards and smaller job sites that serve niche markets and smaller geographic areas. The data can be used as a real-time measure of labor demand.

July 2022 HWOL (PDF)

July 2022 HWOL (Powerpoint Doc)

July 15th Connecticut's Short-Term Employment Outlook 2021-2023
The Connecticut Economy Two Years After the Start of the Pandemic
In much the same way that 2020 was drastically different than 2019, 2021 proved to be drastically different than 2020. The vaccine rollout and easing COVID restrictions last year helped the economy recover from the initial effects of the pandemic. Unemployment at the state and U.S. level fell precipitously, unemployment claims fell to record lows, and job openings spiked to record highs.

Amid these positive economic signals, several economic challenges persist, including geopolitical instability, the possibility of a COVID-case increase, rising energy costs, and inflation. These variables among others, both positive and negative, will all impact the continued economic recovery as we head towards 2023.

This annual outlook includes a detailed overview of the Connecticut labor market and recent economic trends. The concluding section includes a detailed review of the CT Department of Labor's employment projections through 2023.

Connecticut's Short-Term Employment Outlook 2021-2023 (PDF, 1.8M) 2021-2023
July 15th July 9th 2022 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending July 9nd, there were 10,731 new postings, up 1,459 new ads or +16% over the week. Five industries had over a thousand new ads or more, ranging between Finance & Insurance (1,001 new ads) and Health Care & Social Assistance (1,897 new ads). These five industries with over a thousand new ads accounted for 6,927 or 65% of the total new ad count for the week. Employers with large over the week increases include Deloitte, Walmart/Sam's, and McDonald's. Occupations with the largest over the week increases Supervisors of Retail Sales Workers (+381 new ads), Food Service Managers (+172 new ads), and Real Estate Sales Agents (+134 new ads).

During the week ending July 9th, 2022, the total ad increase of 1,459 new ads or +16% is the net result of increases in 12 of 21 industries. These 12 industries were up a combined 1,684 new ads, with the largest gains occurred in Accommodation & Food Services (+569 new ads), Pro., Sci., & Tech Services (+371 new ads), and Retail Trade (+261 new ads). The 9 declining industries fell by a combined 225 new ads and 8 of those 9 fell by 41 new ads or less. Over four weeks, ads were down by 1,193 new ads. The largest industry declines include Manufacturing (-385 new ads), Health Care & Social Assistance (-321 new ads), and Finance & Insurance (-310 new ads).

Employers with the most new job postings during the week were mostly in Finance & Insurance, Retail Trade, and Health Care. The 25 employers shown above account for 19 percent of all new ads. 20 of 25 employers in the top 25 had over the week increases. The largest increases in the top 25 include Deloitte (+286 new ads), Walmart / Sam's (+128 new ads), and Yellow (+120 new ads). Over four weeks, 19 employers in the top 25 had increases, two were unchanged, and 4 had decreases. The largest four week increases include Deloitte (-241 new ads), Walmart / Sam's (-129 new ads) and Yellow (-123 new ads).

July 9th 2022 HWOL (PDF)

July 9th HWOL 2022 (Word Doc)

July 9th
July 13th Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U)
The Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) increased 1.3 percent in June on a seasonally adjusted basis after rising 1.0 percent in May, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Over the last 12 months, the all items index increased 9.1 percent before seasonal adjustment.

The increase was broad-based, with the indexes for gasoline, shelter, and food being the largest contributors. The energy index rose 7.5 percent over the month and contributed nearly half of the all items increase, with the gasoline index rising 11.2 percent and the other major component indexes also rising. The food index rose 1.0 percent in June, as did the food at home index.

The index for all items less food and energy rose 0.7 percent in June, after increasing 0.6 percent in the preceding two months. While almost all major component indexes increased over the month, the largest contributors were the indexes for shelter, used cars and trucks, medical care, motor vehicle insurance, and new vehicles. The indexes for motor vehicle repair, apparel, household furnishings and operations, and recreation also increased in June. Among the few major component indexes to decline in June were lodging away from home and airline fares.

The all items index increased 9.1 percent for the 12 months ending June, the largest 12-month increase since the period ending November 1981. The all items less food and energy index rose 5.9 percent over the last 12 months. The energy index rose 41.6 percent over the last year, the largest 12-month increase since the period ending April 1980. The food index increased 10.4 percent for the 12-months ending June, the largest 12-month increase since the period ending February 1981.

June 2022 Consumer Price Index (PDF)
June 2022 Consumer Price Index
July 8th July 2nd 2022 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending July 2nd, there were 9,272 new postings, up 579 new ads or +7% over the week. The graph below illustrates the large week-to-week swings present at the U.S. and state level. Connecticut's over the week 7% increase is driven by increases Transportation & Warehousing, Retail Trade, and Information. Employers with large over the week increases include Masonicare, The Home Depot, and FedEx. Occupations with the largest over the week increases include Heavy & Tractor Trailer Truck Drivers (+201 new ads), Retail Salespersons (+146 new ads), and Licensed Practical & Licensed Vocational Nurses (+105 new ads). The most recent weekly new ads total down 7% from a year ago, the first week ending in July 2021 was one of the highest weekly counts of 2021.

During the week ending July 2nd, 2022, the total ad increase of 579 new ads or +7% is the net result of increases in 12 of 21 industries. These 12 industries were up a combined 985 new ads, with the largest gains occurred in Transportation & Warehousing (+355 new ads), Retail Trade (+218 new ads), and Information (+103 new ads). The 6 declining industries fell by a combined 406 new ads, with the largest drop occurring in Health Care & Social Assistance (-181 new ads) and Pro., Sci., & Tech. Services (-91 new ads). Over four weeks, the total increase of 2,425 new ads is the result of gains in all but 2 industries. More than half of the four-week increase occurred in four industries, Retail Trade (+377 new ads), Health Care & Social Assistance (+369 new ads), Finance & Insurance (+332 new ads), and Transportation & Warehousing (+279 new ads).

Employers with the most new job postings during the week were mostly in Health Care, Retail Trade, and Finance & Insurance. The 25 employers shown above account for 20 percent of all new ads. 15 of 25 employers in the top 25 had over the week increases, 1 was unchanged, and 9 declined. Over four weeks, 22 employers in the top 25 had increases, one was unchanged, and 2 had decreases. The employer with the largest increase over both one and four weeks was Masonicare Corp., up 201 new ads over the week and up 203 over four weeks. The top-25 employer with the largest over the week decrease was Community Health Center, down 211 new ads from a week ago.

July 2nd 2022 HWOL (PDF)

July 2nd HWOL 2022 (Word Doc)

July 2nd
July 7th Business and Employment Changes Announced in the News Media
Lists start-ups, expansions, recruitments, career fairs, staff reductions, and layoffs reported by the media, both current and future. The report provides company name, the number of workers involved, date of the action, the principal product or service of the company, a brief synopsis of the action, and the source and date of the media article.
Second Quarter 2022 Connecticut Business and Employment Changes Announced in the News Media PDF
Second Quarter 2022 Connecticut Business & Employment Changes Announced in the News Media Excel
2Q 2022
July 6th July 2022 Connecticut Economic Digest
The Connecticut Economic Digest's purpose is to regularly provide users with a comprehensive source for the most current, up-to-date data available on the workforce and economy of the state, within perspectives of the region and nation.
July 2022 CT Economic Digest (PDF, 4.3M) July
July 6th Connecticut's 2021 Housing Market: Hitting New Highs - July 2022 Economic Digest article #1
Connecticut's post-pandemic housing market momentum continued into 2021, with home sales and values continuing to rise as COVID restrictions eased. Home prices exceeded 2020 levels to reach a new high, and the number of units sold increased year over year as well. However, rising mortgage rates and low inventory may be a headwind that checks the market in 2022.

Housing Production
Census Bureau data shows that cities and towns in Connecticut authorized 4,651 single and multifamily homes with a total valuation of $1.22 billion in 2021. Despite the dynamic market, this was a 15% decline from the 5,471 units in 2020. The decrease was driven by 45% fewer permits for multifamily housing compared to 2020 levels; permits for single family structures increased by 17% over 2020, perhaps reflecting changing living preferences.

Connecticut issued 2,941 single family permits which accounted for 63% of the total number of units authorized, the highest share in ten years. Only 32% were multifamily (5 units or more), breaking the recent trend of higher production of multifamily housing. New Haven (299), Milford (199), and Darien (159) had the highest number of permits, most of which were for multifamily housing. Southington (104), Bristol (94), and Greenwich (87) led the way in single family housing authorizations. [ read more ]

July 2022 Digest article #1 Connecticut's 2021 Housing Market: Hitting New Highs (PDF)

July 2022 Digest article #1 Connecticut's 2021 Housing Market: Hitting New Highs (docx)

Article #1
July 6th Transit Bus and Rail Ridership Trends - July 2022 Economic Digest article #2
With transit bus and rail ridership nearing pre-pandemic levels, the return of passengers to Connecticut's public transportation systems is on an upward trajectory. This stands in contrast to ridership trends from 2017 to 2020 shown in Charts 1 and 2. Chart 1 shows the number of unlinked passenger trips1 for each of CT Transit's2 divisions. Passenger trip decreases from 2019 to 2020 range from 7.2% in Waterbury to 17% in the New Britain division. The Hartford division that operates and manages 30% of the state's transit buses experienced a 17% ridership reduction. Pandemic-induced ridership declines in the nine transit districts outside of CT Transit's divisions (Chart 2) ranged from 63.3% for the Mashantucket-Pequot system to a low of 3.9% in the Northwestern Transit District (NWCTD). The two highest ridership districts, the Greater Bridgeport Transit Authority (GBT) with 4.2 million boardings in 2020, and the Norwalk Transit District with 1.1 million boardings had 20.2% and 18.1% fewer riders than in 2019. The outlier among these regions is the Windham Region Transit District whose nearly 25% ridership increase may be attributable to its concentration of employers whose operations depend on in-person work. [ read more ]
July 2022 Digest article #2 Transit Bus and Rail Ridership Trends (PDF)

July 2022 Digest article #2 Transit Bus and Rail Ridership Trends (docx)

Article #2
July 1st June 25th 2022 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending June 25th, there were 8,693 new postings, down 808 new ads or -9% over the week. This new ad count is the lowest level since mid-April. 48 percent of the one week decline occurred in three industries: Educational Services, Health Care & Social Assistance, and Manufacturing. The largest occupational decreases occurred in Licensed Practical & Vocational Nurses (-144 new ads), Marketing Managers (-46 new ads), and Retail Salesperson (-42 new ads). Employers with the largest decrease over the week include Eversource (-96 new ads), Hartford Public Schools (-84 new ads), and ASML (-76 new ads). Though down overall, hundreds of employers in the state added new ads over the week, including Community Health Center Inc. (+287 new ads), Amazon (+129 new ads), and Anthem Blue Cross (+111 new ads). The most recent weekly new ads total is up 35% from a year ago, which had 6,435 new ads during the week ending 6/26/21.

During the week ending June 25th, the total ad decline of 808 new ads or -9% is the net result of declines in 14 of 21 industries. The largest industry declines occurred in Educational Services (-184 new ads), Health Care & Social Assistance (-104 new ads), and Manufacturing (-101 new ads). Among the five increasing industries, the largest occurred in Other Services (+110 new ads or +78%). Over four weeks, the total decline of 1,146 new ads overlays 14 industry decreases and 7 increases. The largest four week decreases occurred in Pro., Sci., & Tech Services (-237 new ads), Accommodation & Food Services (-231 new ads), and Information (-220 new ads).

Employers with the most new job postings during the week were mostly in Health Care, Finance & Insurance, and Retail Trade. The 25 employers shown above account for 22 percent of all new ads. 14 of 25 employers in the top 25 had over the week increases, 1 was unchanged, and 10 declined. Over four weeks, 18 employers in the top 25 had increases, one was unchanged, and 6 had decreases. The employer with the largest increase over both one and four weeks was Community Health Center, Inc., up 287 new ads over the week and up 299 over four weeks.

June 25th 2022 HWOL (PDF)

June 25th HWOL 2022 (Word Doc)

June 25th
 Publications  /  Data  /  Webpages  /  Updates  /  Releases PDF
June 27th Weekly Connecticut Initial and Continuing Unemployment Insurance Claims
Break down unemployment claims by age, education, industry, gender, town, RNO and wages can offer valuable insight for planning and budgeting purposes, and for developing responsible strategies for re-opening the state during the COVID-19 pandemic.

June 27th
June 24th June 18th 2022 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending June 18th, there were 9,501 new postings, down 2,423 new ads or -20% over the week. The most recent weekly new ad total drop is the fourth largest weekly drop of 2022 and follows the largest over the week increase in the graph shown below. Four Industries comprised a combined 49 percent of this overall increase; Finance & Insurance, Manufacturing, Pro., Sci. & Tech. Services, and Retail Trade. Employers with the largest over-the-week decrease include Amazon (-212 new ads), Panera Bread (-126 new ads), and Domino's Pizza (-98 new ads). Occupations with the largest ad decrease over the week include Driver/Sales Workers (-207 new ads), Wholesale & Manufacturing Sales Reps (-89 new ads), and Customer Service Representatives (-61 new ads). This most recent week though down over the week is up 46 percent from a year ago.

During the week ending June 18th, the total ad decline of 2,423 new ads or -20% is the net result of declines in all but two industries. The largest industry declines occurred in Finance & Insurance (-375 new ads), Manufacturing (-300 new ads), and Professional, Scientific, & Technical Services (-271 new ads). Over four weeks, every industry was down a combined 1,616 new ads, 16 of 21 industries decreased, and 5 increased. The most recent four-week change is a reversal of a week ago, which had 16 of 21 industries increasing and 5 decreasing over four weeks. The largest four week decreases occurred in Accommodation & Food Services (-259 new ads), Professional, Scientific, & Technical Services (-246 new ads), and Finance & Insurance (-180 new ads).

Employers with the most new job postings during the week were mostly in Health Care, Finance & Insurance, and Manufacturing. The 25 employers shown above account for 20 percent of all new ads. 16 of 25 employers in the top 25 had over the week increases, 1 was unchanged, and 8 declined. Over four weeks, 22 employers in the top 25 had increases and 3 had decreases. The largest increase over four weeks was Capital One (+153 new ads). The State of Connecticut and Walgreens both had the largest four week declines, down 13 jobs.

June 18th 2022 HWOL (PDF)

June 18th HWOL 2022 (Word Doc)

June 18th
June 20th Weekly Connecticut Initial and Continuing Unemployment Insurance Claims
Break down unemployment claims by age, education, industry, gender, town, RNO and wages can offer valuable insight for planning and budgeting purposes, and for developing responsible strategies for re-opening the state during the COVID-19 pandemic.

June 20th
June 17th June 11th 2022 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending June 11th, there were 11,924 new postings, up 5,077 new ads or +74% over the week. The most recent weekly new ad total is a rebound from the prior week, which was the lowest level since mid-April. This one-week increase shifted total new ads to the third highest level of the 2022 and 928 ads below the early May series high of 12,852 new ads. Three Industries comprised a combined 39 percent of this overall increase; Health Care & Social Assistance, Finance & Insurance, and Manufacturing. Employers with the largest over-the-week increase include Capital One (+242 new ads) and Amazon (+148 new ads). Occupations with the largest ad increase over the week include Driver/Sales Workers (+214 new ads), Wholesale & Manufacturing Sales Reps (+132 new ads), and Retail Salespersons (+128 new ads). This one week increase of just over five thousand job ads is the largest shown in the graph below. The graph also shows that the swings experienced in Connecticut echo large shifts at the US level.

During the week ending June 11th, the total ad increase of 5,077 or +74% is the net result of over the week increases in every industry and follows a total drop of 2,992 during the week ending June 4th. Every industry had over the week new ad increases of 32% or more. Some of the largest percent increases among industries with large total counts include Educational Services (+194% or +343 new ads), Finance & Insurance (+90% or +620 new ads), and Manufacturing (+79% or +475 new ads). Over four weeks, 16 of 21 industries increased and 5 decreased. The largest four week increases occurred in Finance & Insurance (+298 new ads), Manufacturing (+281 new ads), and Health Care & Social Assistance (+280 new ads). The five declining industries fell by a combined 465 new ads over four weeks, most of that drop occurred in Transportation & Warehousing (-320 new ads).

Employers with the most new job postings during the week were mostly in Health Care, Finance & Insurance, and Business Services. The 25 employers shown above account for 18 percent of all new ads. 23 of 25 employers in the top 25 had over the week increases, one was unchanged, and one declined. Over four weeks, 18 employers in the top 25 had increases and 7 had decreases. The largest of each over four weeks were Amazon (+219 new ads) and PricewaterhouseCoopers (-269 new ads).

June 11th 2022 HWOL (PDF)

June 11th HWOL 2022 (Word Doc)

June 11th
June 10th Conference Board Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
Total postings in Connecticut was 106,633 in May 2022, Up 8% from April 2022.

Industry Sectors with the most job postings were Health Care and Social Assistance (18,829 postings), Finance and Insurance (11,487 posting), Retail Trade (9,607 postings), and Manufacturing (8,750 postings).

Occupations with the most postings were Registered Nurses (4,499 postings), Retail Salespersons (2,865 postings), Wholesale & Manufacturing Sales Representatives (2,288 postings), and Heavy & Tractor-Trailer Truck Drivers (2,258 postings).

The Conference Board Help Wanted OnLine Data Series (HWOL) measures the number of new, first-time online jobs and jobs reposted from the previous month for over 16,000 Internet job boards, corporate boards and smaller job sites that serve niche markets and smaller geographic areas. The data can be used as a real-time measure of labor demand.

June 2022 HWOL (PDF)

June 2022 HWOL (Powerpoint Doc)

June 10th June 4th 2022 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending June 4th, there were 6,847 new postings, down 2,992 new ads or -30% over the week. Three Industries comprised a combined third of this overall drop; Finance & Insurance, Health Care & Social Assistance, and Accommodation & Food Services. Employers with the largest over-the-week drop include Starbucks Coffee (-136 new ads), Deloitte (-114 new ads), and Yale-New Haven Health System (-85 new ads). The most recent weekly total is the lowest level since mid-April and the 5th lowest level of 2022. The one week change of -2,992 is the largest one week drop since the last week of December 2021, which was down 3,323 from a week prior. Though down over the week, total new ads are up 9% from a year ago. During the week of June 5th 2021 there were 6,294 new ads and during the week of June 6th 2020 there were 4,326 new ads. During the pre-pandemic first week of June 2019, there were 2,760 total new ads.

During the week ending June 4th, the total ad decrease of -2,992 or -30% is the net result of declines in 20 out of 21 industries. The largest over the week drops occurred in Finance & Insurance (-438 new ads or -39%), Health Care & Soc. Asst. (-302 new ads or -18%), and Accommodation & Food Services (-262 new ads or -41%). Among the 21 industries, the only over the week increase occurred in Transportation & Warehousing (+33 new ads or +17%). Over four weeks all but one industry had declines, the largest occurred in Health Care & Social Assistance (-744 new ads or -36%) and Finance & Insurance (-718 new ads or -51%). Over four weeks the only industry without a decline was Management, which was unchanged.

Employers with the most new job postings during the week were mostly in Retail Trade, Health Care, and Finance & Insurance. The 25 employers shown above account for 19 percent of all new ads. Among the top 25 employers, 15 had over the week ad increases and 10 had decreases. The largest top 25 employer increase over the week was Trellix Incorporated (+86 new ads), Amazon (+58), and Marrakech Inc (+52 new ads). The largest decreases in the top 25 include Yale-New Haven Health System (-85 new ads), PricewaterhouseCoopers (-69 new ads), and Capital One (-51 new ads).

June 4th 2022 HWOL (PDF)

June 4th HWOL 2022 (Word Doc)

June 4th
June 10th Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U)
The Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) increased 1.0 percent in May on a seasonally adjusted basis after rising 0.3 percent in April, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Over the last 12 months, the all items index increased 8.6 percent before seasonal adjustment.

The increase was broad-based, with the indexes for shelter, gasoline, and food being the largest contributors. After declining in April, the energy index rose 3.9 percent over the month with the gasoline index rising 4.1 percent and the other major component indexes also increasing. The food index rose 1.2 percent in May as the food at home index increased 1.4 percent.

The index for all items less food and energy rose 0.6 percent in May, the same increase as in April. While almost all major components increased over the month, the largest contributors were the indexes for shelter, airline fares, used cars and trucks, and new vehicles. The indexes for medical care, household furnishings and operations, recreation, and apparel also increased in May.

The all items index increased 8.6 percent for the 12 months ending May, the largest 12-month increase since the period ending December 1981. The all items less food and energy index rose 6.0 percent over the last 12 months. The energy index rose 34.6 percent over the last year, the largest 12-month increase since the period ending September 2005. The food index increased 10.1 percent for the 12-months ending May, the first increase of 10 percent or more since the period ending April 1981.

May 2022 Consumer Price Index (PDF)
May 2022 Consumer Price Index
June 3rd May 28th 2022 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending May 28th, there were 9,839 new postings, down 1,278 new ads or -11% over the week. The largest industry decreases occurred in Health Care/Social Assistance, Educational Services, and Manufacturing. These three industries accounted for 42 percent of the overall over the week decrease. Employers with the largest decreases over the week include Panera Bread (-126 new ads), Domino's Pizza (-98 new ads), and The Home Depot (-63 new ads). Increasing employers include Starbucks (+131 new ads), Deloitte (+130 new ads), and CBRE Group (+96 new ads). The average weekly new ad count for the weeks ending in May 2022 was 10,996, which is the highest on record and 44% above the May 2021 average of weekly new ads.

During the week ending May 28th, the total ad decrease of -1,278 or -11% is the net result of change within 13 decreasing and 8 increasing industries. The largest over the week decreases among the 13 decreasing industries were Health Care & Social Assistance (-298 new ads or -15%), Educational Services (-126 new ads or -28%), and Manufacturing (-112 new ads or -13%). The two industries with the largest increase over the week were Real Estate (+128 new ads or +89%) and Information (+119 new ads or +55%). Though down over the week, the week ending May 28th is 283 ads or 3.0% higher than four weeks ago. The largest four week industry increase occurred in Retail Trade (+154 new ads or +22%) and the largest four week decrease occurred in Manufacturing (-281 new ads or -27%).

Employers with the most new job postings during the week were mostly in Finance & Insurance, Health Care, and Retail Trade. The 25 employers shown above account for 19 percent of all new ads. Last week, the top 25 employers accounted for 16 percent of all new ads. Among the top 25 employers, 20 had over the week ad increases and 5 had decreases. The largest top 25 employer increase over the week was Starbucks Coffee Company (+131 new ads), Deloitte (+130), and CBRE Group (+96 new ads). The largest decreases in the top 25 include UnitedHealth (-42 new ads), Walgreen Boots Alliance (-24 new ads), and KPMG (-20 new ads).

May 28th 2022 HWOL (PDF)

May 28th HWOL 2022 (Word Doc)

May 28th
June 1st June 2022 Connecticut Economic Digest
The Connecticut Economic Digest's purpose is to regularly provide users with a comprehensive source for the most current, up-to-date data available on the workforce and economy of the state, within perspectives of the region and nation.
June 2022 CT Economic Digest (PDF, 4.4M) June
June 1st 2021 Unemployment Rate by Town - June 2022 Economic Digest article #1
In 2021, the annual average statewide unemployment rate was 6.3%, down from 7.8% in 2020. As the labor force bounced back from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, all 169 municipalities experienced a decrease in their unemployment rate last year.

2020 to 2021
The unemployment rate in all 169 cities and towns in the state fell in 2021. Cornwall had the lowest unemployment rate of 3.7%, while the residents of Hartford experienced the highest rate of 11.0% last year (see table on page 3 for the complete town data). Overall, a total of 134 cities and towns had jobless rates below the 2021 statewide figure of 6.3%, 31 had rates above it, and 4 had rates equal to it. By comparison, 127 cities and towns had rates below the 2020 statewide average of 7.8%, 39 above it, and 3 were the same.

Of the five largest cities in the state with a 2010 Census population of 100,000 or more, Stamford had the lowest unemployment rate of 5.7% in 2021. Hartford posted the highest jobless rate among the large cities at 11.0%. All five cities experienced over-the-year unemployment rate decreases. [ read more ]

June 2022 Digest article #1 2021 Unemployment Rate by Town (PDF)

June 2022 Digest article #1 2021 Unemployment Rate by Town (docx)

Article #1
June 1st Job Openings Growth and the Tight Labor Market in Connecticut - June 2022 Economic Digest article #2
As the global economy recovers from the tumultuous impacts of COVID-19, its continued effect on labor markets is illustrated by a look at the BLS Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey (JOLTS). The JOLTS survey provides information on labor demand and turnover at the U.S., regional, and most recently at the state levels.1 This information includes estimates of job openings, new hires, layoffs, quits, and other labor market movements.

In the year before the early 2020 COVID-recession, the economy had a tight labor market. The unemployment rate was below 4% and the U.S. and Northeast both had more openings than unemployed workers throughout the year. Figure 1 shows the number of job openings per unemployed worker from early 2019 through April 2022. This ratio experienced an unprecedented decline during early 2020. In February 2020, Connecticut had 1.05 job openings per unemployed worker, a level in line with the Northeast (1.07). The U.S. rate was higher. Two months later, as COVID-related unemployment spiked, there were only 0.33 openings per unemployed worker in Connecticut and 0.20 in both the Northeast and U.S. Put another way, in April 2020, there were three unemployed workers per opening in the state, and five unemployed workers per opening in the Northeast and U.S. [ read more ]

June 2022 Digest article #2 Job Openings Growth and the Tight Labor Market in Connecticut (PDF)

June 2022 Digest article #2 Job Openings Growth and the Tight Labor Market in Connecticut (docx)

Article #2
 Publications  /  Data  /  Webpages  /  Updates  /  Releases PDF
May 31st Weekly Connecticut Initial and Continuing Unemployment Insurance Claims
Break down unemployment claims by age, education, industry, gender, town, RNO and wages can offer valuable insight for planning and budgeting purposes, and for developing responsible strategies for re-opening the state during the COVID-19 pandemic.

May 30th
May 27th May 21st 2022 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending May 21st, there were 11,117 new postings, up 947 new ads or +9% over the week. The largest industry increases occurred in Accommodation/Food Service, Finance/Insurance, and Educational Services. These three industries accounted for half of the overall over the week increase. Employers with the largest increases include Panera Bread (+123 new ads), Yale-New Haven Health System (+109 new ads) and Domino's Pizza (+98 new ads). The first three weeks ending in May have all been over 10,000 new ads per week. This is the highest sustained period of new ad counts on record.

During the week ending May 21st, the total ad increase of 974 or +9% is the net result of change within 13 increasing and 8 decreasing industries. The largest over the week increases among the 13 increasing industries were Accommodation & Food Services (+266 new ads or +60%), Finance & Insurance (+103 new ads or +10%), and Educational Services (+101 new ads or +29%). The employers with the most ads in those industries respectively were Panera Bread, UnitedHealth Group, and Yale University. The two industries with the largest declines over the week were Transportation and Warehousing (-358 new ads or -58%) and Retail Trade (-210 new ads or -19%).

Employers with the most new job postings during the week were mostly in Finance & Insurance, Health Care, and Retail Trade. The 25 employers shown above account for 16 percent of all new ads, down from 21 percent a week ago. Among the top 25 employers, 14 had over the week ad increases and 11 had decreases. The largest top 25 employer increase over the week was Panera Bread (+123 new ads), Yale-New Haven Health System (+109), and Domino's Pizza (+98 new ads). The largest decreases in the top 25 include PricewaterhouseCoopers (-286 new ads), CVS Health (-38 new ads), and Hartford Healthcare (-33 new ads).

May 21st 2022 HWOL (PDF)

May 21st HWOL 2022 (Word Doc)

May 21st
May 20th May 14th 2022 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending May 14th, there were 10,170 new postings, down 2,668 new ads or -21% over the week. This statewide decline is echoed by a comparable 20% Nationwide decline. Nearby states of New York, Rhode Island, and New York had respective declines of -12%, -41%, and -17%. Within Connecticut, the largest industry decreases occurred in Finance/Insurance, Accommodation/Food Service, and Transportation/Warehousing. These three industries accounted for 40 percent of the overall over the week decline. Employers with the largest decreases include Capital One (-364 new ads), Travelers (-161 new ads) and Great Clips (-88 new ads). These three employers with the largest over the week decline also had the largest increases a week ago. The table below shows that both the United States and Connecticut had large decreases over the week. Despite the large decline, the current statewide level is the third highest week of 2022 and 35% above levels from a year ago.

During the week ending May 14th, the total ad decrease of 2,668 or -21% is the net result of change within 18 decreasing and 3 increasing industries. Half of the decreasing industries fell by 100 or more new ads. The three industries with over the week increases grew by a combined 228 new ads, most of that occurred in Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services (+175 new ads). Over four weeks, total ads were up 51.3% and the result of gains in 17 industries and four week losses in 4 industries. The largest four week industry increases occurred in Health Care and Social Assistance (+587 new ads), Professional, Scientific, & Technical Services (+537 new ads), and Retail Trade (+523 new ads).

Employers with the most new job postings during the week were mostly in Health Care, Finance & Insurance, and Retail Trade. The 25 employers shown above account for 21 percent of all new ads. Among the top 25 employers, 16 had over the week ad increases and 9 had decreases. The largest top 25 employer increase over the week was PricewaterhouseCoopers (+292 new ads), Walmart/Sam's (+84), and Companions & Homemakers (+65 new ads). The largest decreases in the top 25 include Capital One (-364 new ads), Travelers (-161 new ads), and Raytheon (-62 new ads).

May 14th 2022 HWOL (PDF)

May 14th HWOL 2022 (Word Doc)

May 14th
May 13th Conference Board Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
Total postings in Connecticut was 98,465 in April 2022, down 13.5% from April 2022.

Industry Sectors with the most job postings were Health Care and Social Assistance (19,374 postings), Finance and Insurance (10,009 posting), Retail Trade (9,102 postings), and Manufacturing (8,088 postings).

Occupations with the most postings were Registered Nurses (5,750 postings), Retail Salespersons (2,785 postings), Wholesale & Manufacturing Sales Representatives (2,144 postings), and Supervisors of Retail Sales Workers (2,036 postings).

The Conference Board Help Wanted OnLine Data Series (HWOL) measures the number of new, first-time online jobs and jobs reposted from the previous month for over 16,000 Internet job boards, corporate boards and smaller job sites that serve niche markets and smaller geographic areas. The data can be used as a real-time measure of labor demand.

May 2022 HWOL (PDF)

May 2022 HWOL (Powerpoint Doc)

May 13th May 7th 2022 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending May 7th, there were 12,838 new postings, up 3,282 new ads or +34% over the week. This is the second highest one-week increase this year, the largest being the +3,695 or +44.9% increase during the week ending April 5th. The largest industry increase occurred in Transportation & Warehousing, up 718 to 902 new ads. Most of that industry change is due to a 661 new job ad increase for the Heavy & Tractor-Trailer Truck Drivers, which had 739 new ads, up from 78 a week ago. That occupation represents 23% of the total new ad increase for the week. Employers with the largest increases include Capital One (+122 new ads), Travelers (+92 new ads) and Great Clips (+88 new ads). The table below shows that both the United States and Connecticut had large over the week increases. This current statewide level is the highest on record and 52% higher than weekly levels from a year ago.

During the week ending May 7th, the total ad increase of 3,282 new ads or 34% is the net result of change within 16 increasing, one unchanged, and 4 decreasing industries. Among increasing industries, 9 were up 100 or more over the week and four had increases of 300 or more. The largest over the week increases occurred in Transportation & Warehousing (+718 new ads), Health Care & Social Asst. (+425 new ads), Retail Trade (+416 new ads), and Accom. & Food Services (+300 new ads). These four industries accounted for 56 percent of the total over the week increase. The employers with the most ads in those four industries respectively were United Parcel Service (96 new ads), Hartford Healthcare (93 new ads), Walmart/Sam's Club (114 new ads), and Panera Bread (72 new ads). The four decreasing industries fell by a combined 189 new ads. Manufacturing had the largest over the week decline, down 113 new ads.

Employers with the most new job postings during the week were mostly in Finance & Insurance, Healthcare, and Retail Trade. The 25 employers shown above account for 20 percent of all new ads. Among the top 25 employers, 21 had over the week ad increases and 4 had decreases. The largest top 25 employer increase over the week was Capital One (+122 new ads) and the largest decreasing employer was Yale-New Haven Health System (-77 new ads). Over four weeks, 24 of 25 employers shown above had increases, the largest being Travelers (+159 new ads), Great Clips (+91 new ads), and United Parcel Service (+89 new ads).

May 7th 2022 HWOL (PDF)

May 7th HWOL 2022 (Word Doc)

May 7th
May 11th Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U)
The Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) increased 0.3 percent in April on a seasonally adjusted basis after rising 1.2 percent in April, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Over the last 12 months, the all items index increased 8.3 percent before seasonal adjustment.

Increases in the indexes for shelter, food, airline fares, and new vehicles were the largest contributors to the seasonally adjusted all items increase. The food index rose 0.9 percent over the month as the food at home index rose 1.0 percent. The energy index declined in April after rising in recent months. The index for gasoline fell 6.1 percent over the month, offsetting increases in the indexes for natural gas and electricity.

The index for all items less food and energy rose 0.6 percent in April following a 0.3-percent advance in April. Along with indexes for shelter, airline fares, and new vehicles, the indexes for medical care, recreation, and household furnishings and operations all increased in April. The indexes for apparel, communication, and used cars and trucks all declined over the month.

The all items index increased 8.3 percent for the 12 months ending April, a smaller increase than the 8.5-percent figure for the period ending in April. The all items less food and energy index rose 6.2 percent over the last 12 months. The energy index rose 30.3 percent over the last year, and the food index increased 9.4 percent, the largest 12-month increase since the period ending April 1981.

April 2022 Consumer Price Index (PDF)
April 2022 Consumer Price Index
May 11th Weekly Connecticut Initial and Continuing Unemployment Insurance Claims
Break down unemployment claims by age, education, industry, gender, town, RNO and wages can offer valuable insight for planning and budgeting purposes, and for developing responsible strategies for re-opening the state during the COVID-19 pandemic.

May 9th
May 6th April 30th 2022 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending April 30th, there were 9,556 new postings, up 305 new ads or +3% over the week. This is the second highest level of the past 12 weeks. This top line growth was driven by large increases in Manufacturing, Health Care, and Educational Services, which had over the week gains of 119 or more new ads. The total increase was tempered by large over the week drops in Pro., Sci., & Tech. Services, Retail Trade, and Finance & Insurance. Those three industries fell by 162 or more new ads. Employers with the largest increases include Raytheon (+142 new ads), Siemens (+125 new ads) and Travelers (+97 new ads). The week ending April 30th is the fifth that ended that during that month. The April 2022 average of weekly new ads was 8,652, which is the second highest in over a year and 46% higher than corresponding April 2021 levels. The weeks in April ranged between a high of 9,556 (ending April 30th) and a low of 6,837 (ending April 16th).

During the week ending April 30th, the total ad increase of 305 new ads is the net result of change within 13 increasing and 8 decreasing. The 13 increasing industries grew by a combined 1,124 new ads. More than half of that combined increase occurred in Manufacturing (+385 new ads) and Health Care (+316 new ads). The eight decreasing industries fell by a combined 819 new ads. The largest industry decreases occurred within Professional, Scientific, & Technical Services (-419 new ads) and Retail Trade (-185 new ads). Over four weeks, new ads were up 410 postings and the result of 10 increasing and 11 decreasing industries. The largest of each over four weeks were Finance & Insurance (+348 new ads) and Health Care (-143 new ads).

Employers with the most new job postings during the week were mostly in Finance & Insurance, Healthcare, and Professional, Scientific, & Technical Services. The 25 employers shown above account for 23 percent of all new ads. Among the top 25 employers, 21 had over the week ad increases and 4 had decreases. The largest top 25 employer increase over the week was Raytheon (+142 new ads) and the largest decreasing employer was PricewaterhouseCoopers (-560 new ads). Over four weeks, 23 of 25 employers shown above had increases and 2 had decreases. The largest of each was Capital One (+343 new ads) and Yale University (-26 new ads).

April 30th 2022 HWOL (PDF)

April 30th HWOL 2022 (Word Doc)

April 30th
May 2nd May 2022 Connecticut Economic Digest
The Connecticut Economic Digest's purpose is to regularly provide users with a comprehensive source for the most current, up-to-date data available on the workforce and economy of the state, within perspectives of the region and nation.
May 2022 CT Economic Digest (PDF, 4.4M) May
May 2nd Short-Term Employment Projections Through 2023 - May 2022 Economic Digest article
The past two years have been a period of unprecedented economic change during which labor markets adapted to COVID-19 mitigation. In early 2020, the US economy had a 2-month recession, the shortest on record.1 Employment peaked in February at 152.5 million and fell by 22 million two months later. Employment began to quickly rebound and more than half of the 22 million jobs lost were recovered by September 2022. The most recent month of data marks two years from the February 2020 pre-COVID employment peak and show that the current employment level has recovered 92.8% of jobs lost nationwide during the recession.

Figure 1 shows the impact of the COVID-19 recession and recovery on northeast states through April 2022. Every northeast state had 2020 percent losses that were steeper than the U.S. Connecticut's 17% decline was the second lowest in the Northeast. Adjacent states of Massachusetts, New York, and Rhode Island had respective drops of 18.4%, 20.2%, and 21.3%. In the two years since the February 2020 peak, Connecticut has recovered 81.8% of the jobs lost during the COVID-recession, more than New York (76.4%), but less than Massachusetts (87.1%) and Rhode Island (85.1%). [ read more ]

May 2022 Digest article Short-Term Employment Projections Through 2023 (PDF)

May 2022 Digest article Short-Term Employment Projections Through 2023 (docx)

 Publications  /  Data  /  Webpages  /  Updates  /  Releases PDF
April 29th April 23rd 2022 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending April 23rd, there were 9,251 new postings, up 2,528 new ads or +38% over the week. More than half of this increase occurred in Pro., Sci., & Tech. Services (+678 new ads), Finance & Insurances (+445 new ads), and Retail Trade (+311 new ads). The employers with the most new ads include PricewaterhouseCoopers (689 new ads), Capital One (535 new ads), and Hartford Healthcare (122 new ads). This new ad increase follows a one-week dip during the week ending April 16th to 6,837 new ads. The other three weeks in April 2022 ranged between 8,488-9,251 new ads. April 2021 had a similar one-week dip. Ads reached an April 2021 low of 4,189 during the week ending April 10th, 2021 and ranged between 6,187-6,959 during the other three weeks. These dips may relate to an ad posting slowdown around major religious holidays that occur in April. The four weeks ending in April 2022 averaged 8,426 new ads and the past three months are among the top four highest monthly averages shown in the graph below.

During the week ending April 23rd, the total ad increase of 2,528 new ads is the net result of change within 14 increasing, 5 decreasing, and two unchanged industries. The 14 increasing industries grew by a combined 2,561 new ads. 44 percent of that combined increase occurred in Pro., Sci., & Tech. Services (+678 new ads) and Finance & Insurance (+445 new ads). The five decreasing industries fell by 12 new ads or less over the week. A third of industries had increases of over 50%, the largest being Pro., Sci., & Tech. Services (+142%) and Other Services (+101%). Over four weeks, new ads were up 733 postings. This top line increase overlays a combined 1,783 increase in 10 increasing industries and a combined 1,050 decrease at 11 industries. The largest of each over four weeks was +663 within Pro., Sci., & Tech. Services and -656 within Health Care & Social Assistance.

Employers with the most new job postings during the week were mostly in Healthcare, Finance & Insurance, and Retail Trade. The 25 employers shown above account for 25 percent of all new ads. Among the top 25 employers, 22 had over the week ad increases and 3 had decreases. The largest top 25 employer over the week was PricewaterhouseCoopers (+683 new ads) and the largest decreasing employer was Yale-New Haven Health System (-66 new ads). Over four weeks, 17 of 25 employers shown above had increases, one was unchanged, and 7 had decreases. The largest of each was PricewaterhouseCoopers (+682 new ads) and Hartford Healthcare (-279 new ads).

April 23rd 2022 HWOL (PDF)

April 23rd HWOL 2022 (Word Doc)

April 23rd
April 27th Business Employment Dynamics 3Q2021
Business Employment Dynamics (BED) data published quarterly by the Bureau of Labor Statistics tracks employment change at the establishment level and reveals the underlying dynamics of net employment change. The data include gross employment change, business expansion/contraction, establishment birth/death, and is available at sector level.

From July 2021 to September 2021, gross job gains from opening and expanding private sector establishments in Connecticut was 93,752, an increase of 3,368 jobs from the previous quarter. Over this period, gross job losses from closing and contracting private sector establishments was 82,471, an increase of 2,322 jobs from the previous quarter.

During the third quarter of 2021, the difference between gross job gains and gross job losses yielded a net employment gain of 11,281 jobs in the private sector. This net increase follows a 10,235 net increase during the second quarter of 2021.

Net employment change reached a low of -205,121 during the second quarter of 2020. The combined net change for the five quarters of subsequent data through the third quarter of 2021 is 126,982 jobs.

3Q2021 Connecticut Business Employment Dynamics PDF

3Q2021 Connecticut Business Employment Dynamics (Word Doc)

3Q 2021
April 22nd Information Workforce Investment Planning
Contains a variety of data on the Eastern Workforce Development Area including population and population density, labor force, employment and wages by industry sector, and new housing permits. In addition, detailed information on residents in need of workforce investment services such as high school dropouts, Medicaid recipients, adult probationers, Temporary Family Assistance (TFA) recipients, and other residents with barriers to employment.
April 22nd April 16th 2022 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending April 16th, 2022, there were 6,723 new postings, down 1,775 new ads or -21% over the week. This new ad drop is the third largest of 2022, the two larger declines occurred during the weeks ending February 19th and April 12th. Those two weeks both were adjacent to weeks with gains of 1,400 or more. This most recent over the week decline wasn't the result of shifts within Health Care & Social Assistance, the industry with the most job ads. That industry was down 18 new ads or -1%. The three largest industry declines were Finance & Insurance, Retail Trade, and Educational Services. The largest over the week employer declines in those industries were Capital One (-195 new ads), Tutored By Teachers (-100 new ads), and Walmart/Sam's (-42). At the national level, weekly new ads were down 15%. All but three U.S. states had over the week declines, the adjacent states of New York, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island fell by -4%, -11%, and -16% respectively.

During the week ending April 16th, the total ad decline of 1,775 new ads is the net result of change within 17 decreasing and 4 increasing industries. The 17 decreasing industries fell by a combined 1,842 new ads. Half of that drop occurring in four industries, Finance & Insurance (-344 new ads), Retail Trade (-255 new ads), Educational Services (-226 new ads), and Manufacturing (-97 new ads). The four increasing industries had over the week gains of 30 new ads or less. Over four weeks, new ads were down 1,917 postings. 17 industries had decreases and 4 had increases. The largest four week decrease occurred in Health Care & Social Assistance (-554 new ads) and the largest increase occurred in Finance & Insurance (+170 new ads).

Employers with the most new job postings during the week were mostly in Finance & Insurance, Healthcare Retail Trade. The 25 employers shown above account for 21 percent of all new ads. Among the top 25 employers, 12 had over the week ad increases, two were unchanged and 11 had decreases. The largest increasing top 25 employer over the week was Hartford Healthcare (+79 new ads) and the largest decreasing employer was Capital One (-195 new ads). Over four weeks, 19 of 25 employers shown above had increases and 6 had decreases. The largest of each was Capital One (+238 new ads) and Hartford Healthcare (-346 new ads).

April 16th 2022 HWOL (PDF)

April 16th HWOL 2022 (Word Doc)

April 16th
April 14th April 9th 2022 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending April 9th, 2022, there were 8,498 new postings, down 648 new ads or -7% over the week. The most recent week of new ads is down slightly over the week, but marks the 7th consecutive week above 8,200 new ads. Most industries had over the week change of under 100 new ads, the three exceptions being Finance & Insurance (+409 new ads), Accommodation & Food Services (-158 new ads), and Health Care & Social Assistance (-429 new ads). The graph below illustrates how the monthly average of weekly new ads slumped from December to January and has been stronger in subsequent months. The total count of weekly job ads for the week ending April 9nd is double corresponding levels from a year ago (4,189 new ads on 4/10/21).

During the week ending April 9th, the total ad decline of 648 new ads is the net result of change within 13 decreasing and 8 increasing industries. The 13 decreasing industries fell by a combined 1,230 new ads, with a third of that occurring in Health Care & Social Assistance (-429 new ads or -24%). The 8 increasing industries grew by a combined 582 new ads, with most of that occurring in Finance & Insurance (+409 new ads). The largest employers within the two largest decreasing and increasing industries were Yale-New Haven Health System (-64 new ads) and Capital One (+421 new ads). In Healthcare & Social Assistance, the occupation with the most ads was Registered Nurses (+222 new ads) and in Finance & Insurance, it was Bank Tellers (+24 new ads).

Employers with the most new job postings during the week were mostly in Healthcare, Finance & Insurance, and Retail Trade. The 25 employers shown above account for 21 percent of all new ads. Among the top 25 employers, 17 had over the week ad increases and 8 had decreases. The largest increasing top 25 employer over the week was Capital One (+421 new ads) and the largest decreasing employer was Raytheon (-67 new ads). Over four weeks, 18 of 25 employers shown above had increases and 7 had decreases. The largest of each was Capital One (+340 new ads and Hartford Healthcare (-485 new ads).

April 9th 2022 HWOL (PDF)

April 9th HWOL 2022 (Word Doc)

April 9th
April 13th Conference Board Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
Total postings in Connecticut was 113,542 in April 2022, up 16% from February 2022.

Industry Sectors with the most job postings were Health Care and Social Assistance (26,255 postings), Retail Trade (11,572 postings), Finance and Insurance (9,297 posting), and Manufacturing (8,031 postings).

Occupations with the most postings were Registered Nurses (9,464 postings), Retail Salespersons (3,041 postings), Wholesale & Manufacturing Sales Representatives (2,477 postings), and Heavy & Tractor-Trailer Truck Drivers (2,435 postings).

The Conference Board Help Wanted OnLine Data Series (HWOL) measures the number of new, first-time online jobs and jobs reposted from the previous month for over 16,000 Internet job boards, corporate boards and smaller job sites that serve niche markets and smaller geographic areas. The data can be used as a real-time measure of labor demand.

April 2022 HWOL (PDF)

April 2022 HWOL (Powerpoint Doc)

April 13th Connecticut Learns and Works - Spring 2022 Breakfast Symposium
Opening and Welcome Remarks, Dante Bartolomeo, Commissioner, CT Department of Labor
Labor Market Information, Patrick Flaherty | Director, Office of Research, CT DOL
Education/CTE/Tech HS, Suzanne Loud, SDE
Engaging All Students in STEAM2: Emerging Technologies & Careers, Eileen Candels | Advanced Technology Outreach Coordinator, CCAT, Inc.
Kristi Oki | Mechanical Engineer, Advanced Design, Automation & Metrology

Free registration includes breakfast and a morning of lively discussions and networking -

CT Learns and Works - Spring 2022 Breakfast Symposium (PDF)

CT Learns and Works - Spring 2022 Breakfast Symposium (Word Doc)

April 20, 2022
April 12th Business and Employment Changes Announced in the News Media
Lists start-ups, expansions, recruitments, career fairs, staff reductions, and layoffs reported by the media, both current and future. The report provides company name, the number of workers involved, date of the action, the principal product or service of the company, a brief synopsis of the action, and the source and date of the media article.
First Quarter 2022 Connecticut Business and Employment Changes Announced in the News Media PDF
First Quarter 2022 Connecticut Business & Employment Changes Announced in the News Media Excel
1Q 2022
April 12th Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U)
The Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) increased 1.2 percent in April on a seasonally adjusted basis after rising 0.8 percent in February, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Over the last 12 months, the all items index increased 8.5 percent before seasonal adjustment.

Increases in the indexes for gasoline, shelter, and food were the largest contributors to the seasonally adjusted all items increase. The gasoline index rose 18.3 percent in April and accounted for over half of the all items monthly increase; other energy component indexes also increased. The food index rose 1.0 percent and the food at home index rose 1.5 percent.

The index for all items less food and energy rose 0.3 percent in April following a 0.5-percent increase the prior month. The shelter index was by far the biggest factor in the increase, with a broad set of other indexes also contributing, including those for airline fares, household furnishings and operations, medical care, and motor vehicle insurance. In contrast, the index for used cars and trucks fell 3.8 percent over the month.

The all items index continued to accelerate, rising 8.5 percent for the 12 months ending April, the largest 12-month increase since the period ending December 1981. The all items less food and energy index rose 6.5 percent, the largest 12-month change since the period ending August 1982. The energy index rose 32.0 percent over the last year, and the food index increased 8.8 percent, the largest 12-month increase since the period ending May 1981.

April 2022 Consumer Price Index (PDF)
April 2022 Consumer Price Index
April 11th Weekly Connecticut Initial and Continuing Unemployment Insurance Claims
Break down unemployment claims by age, education, industry, gender, town, RNO and wages can offer valuable insight for planning and budgeting purposes, and for developing responsible strategies for re-opening the state during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Apr. 11th
April 8th 2021 Quarterly - Worksites/Firms by Size Class
Worksites is a count of firms, excluding government, that have only one location, plus a count of each location of firms that have operations in more than one location. The sum of the substate areas is less than the statewide total because some multi-location firms and others that don't have a physical location are coded as statewide and therefore have no substate area designation.
April 8th April 2nd 2022 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending April 2nd, 2022, there were 9,146 new postings, up 628 new ads or +7.3% over the week. Connecticut's 7.3% growth slightly outpaces the 6.6% growth nationally and was driven by increases in Accommodation & Food Services, Educational Services, and Manufacturing. These three industries grew by a combined 532 new ads. Industries that tempered overall growth with declines include Health Care & Social Assistance, Real Estate, and Transpiration & Warehousing, which respectively fell by -197, -117, and -74 new ads. Employers that added the most ads over the week include The Home Depot (+84 new ads), Masonicaire Corp. (+70 new ads), and Raytheon (+64 new ads). The total count of weekly job ads for the week ending April 2nd is 31% above corresponding levels from a year ago.

During the week ending April 2nd, the total growth of 628 new ads is the net result of change within eleven increasing and ten decreasing industries. The eleven increasing industries grew by a combined 1,192 new ads, with most of that occurring in Accommodations & Food Services (+212 new ads) and Educational Services (+178 new ads). The ten decreasing industries fell by a combined 564 new ads, with the largest drops occurring in Healthcare & Social Assistance (-197 new ads) and Real Estate (-117 new ads). All but two industries had over the week percent shifts of 10% or more, one of the largest increases occurred in Arts, Entertainment, & Recreation (+87% or +59 new ads) and the largest decrease occurred in Utilities (-65% or -64 new ads).

Employers with the most new job postings during the week were mostly in Healthcare, Finance & Insurance, and Retail Trade. The 25 employers shown above account for 16 percent of all new ads. Among the top 25 employers, 18 had over the week ad increases and 7 had decreases. The largest increasing employer over the week was The Home Depot (+84 new ads) and the largest decreasing employer was Hartford Healthcare (-311 new ads). Over four weeks, 20 of 25 employers shown above had increases and 5 had decreases. The largest of each was The Home Depot (+89 new ads and Hartford Healthcare (-1,906 new ads).

April 2nd 2022 HWOL (PDF)

April 2nd HWOL 2022 (Word Doc)

April 2nd
April 4th April 2022 Connecticut Economic Digest
The Connecticut Economic Digest's purpose is to regularly provide users with a comprehensive source for the most current, up-to-date data available on the workforce and economy of the state, within perspectives of the region and nation.
April 2022 CT Economic Digest (PDF, 4.4M) April
April 4th Connecticut Exports Rose in 2021 - April 2022 Economic Digest article #1
The impact of COVID-19 was greatly felt in 2020, marked by some of the largest reductions in trade since World War II. Economic disruptions, uncertainties, production and labor issues, supply chain reverberations, and reductions in supply and demand drove large international trade declines and increased trade costs.

With global leaders and businesses now looking to shift from a pandemic to endemic phase, new trade questions emerge. What does the post-COVID-19 trade map look like? What will be the long-term shift to mitigate risk and address supply disruptions? How will we reimagine the global economy? And importantly, have exports recovered to pre-pandemic levels?

The following is a review of the state's 2021 export performance and, where possible, pre-COVID-19 data comparisons are provided. [ read more ]

April 2022 Digest article #1 Connecticut Exports Rose in 2021 (PDF)

April 2022 Digest article #1 Connecticut Exports Rose in 2021 (docx)

Article #1
April 4th Much Ado About Traffic Safety - April 2022 Economic Digest article #2
On the fifth day of spring 2020, Connecticut's roads became nearly deserted as the governor ordered that all but essential businesses and institutions stop in-person operations as a world-wide pandemic took hold. Despite near-universal compliance with the stay-at-home order, 301 people-the most since 2016-would die in motor vehicle crashes by year's end. The upward trend shown in the Crash Data Table continued through 2021 with traffic fatalities rising to 323. Connecticut's experience reflects the national trend in which motor-vehicle crashes killed 38,680 people in 2020. While traffic deaths across the US fell by 8% in the 2010's, pedestrian fatalities spiked by 42%. [ read more ]
April 2022 Digest article #2 Much Ado About Traffic Safety (PDF)

April 2022 Digest article #2 Much Ado About Traffic Safety (docx)

Article #2
April 1st April 26th 2022 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending April 26th, 2022, there were 8,518 new postings, down 122 new ads from the week ending April 26th. This slight top-line decrease overlays larger shifts among the 21 major industry groups. 8 industries declined over the week by a combined -710 new ads, two were unchanged, and the 11 gaining industries had a combined 588 new ads increase. The largest industry decrease and increase respectively were Accommodation & Food Services (-117 new ads) and Real Estate & Rental & Leasing (+159 new ads). The largest respective employer shifts among those two industries were Domino's Pizza (-11 new ads) and Berkshire Hathaway (+119 New Ads). The four weeks ending in April 2022 went from a April 5th series high of 12,707 new ads to the most recent week's 8,518 level. This is the largest intra-month spread since July 2021. The most recent 4-week average is 9,832, the highest on record due to the series high of April 5th. Excluding that peak, the most recent 3-week average is 8,873, which is still among the top 10 three-week averages in the new ad data series. The most recent week is up 42% from a year ago. The graph below shows how monthly averages dipped in December and January but have increased over the past two months.

The most recent week saw large percent shifts for most industries. 14 out of 21 industries had shifts of over 10%, some of the largest being Real Estate (+164% or +159 new ads), Admin. & Support (+39% or +72 new ads), Wholesale Trade (+39% or +27 new ads), and Accom. & Food Service (-22% or -117 new ads). Over four weeks, total ads were up 1,596 or +23.1%, with 14 industries positive and 7 negative. The largest of each over four weeks were Health Care & Social Assistance (+768 new ads or +63% ) and Accommodation & Food Services (-134 new ads or -25%).

Employers with the most new job postings during the week were mostly in Healthcare, Finance & Insurance, and Retail Trade. The 25 employers shown above account for 20 percent of all new ads. Among the top 25 employers, 22 had over the week ad increase and 3 had decreases. The largest increasing employer over the week was Yale-New Haven Health System (+126 new ads) and the largest decreasing employer was Hartford Healthcare (-76 new ads). Over four weeks, 19 of 25 employers shown above had increases, one was unchanged, and 5 had decreases. The largest of each were Hartford Healthcare (+283 new ads) and Compass Group North America (-53 new ads).

April 26th 2022 HWOL (PDF)

April 26th HWOL 2022 (Word Doc)

April 26th
 Publications  /  Data  /  Webpages  /  Updates  /  Releases PDF
April 31st Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS) Benchmarked 2021
The Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS) program produces monthly employment, unemployment, and labor force data for Census regions and divisions, States, counties, metropolitan areas, and many cities, by place of residence.
April 25th April 19th 2022 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending April 19th, 2022, there were 8,640 new postings, down 830 new ads from the week ending April 12th. More than half of this over the week top-line decline can be attributed to drops in Health Care & Social Assistance (-353 new ads), Educational Services (-225 new ads), and Finance & Insurance (-110 new ads). Five industries increased job ads and tempered this net decline, including Retail Trade (+126 new ads), Pro., Sci., & Tech. Services (+83 new ads), and Accommodation & Food Services (+48 new ads). Employers that had the most new job ads this week include Hartford Healthcare (447 new ads), Totalmed Incorporated (+146 new ads), and Walmart/Sam's Club (117 new ads). Total job ads have fallen from the series high of over 12,000 new ads three weeks ago, but the most recent week is also up 47 percent over levels from four weeks ago. Over four weeks, 13 of 21 industries are up by 32% or more. The graph below illustrates the recent shifts in addition to how the averages of the past two months are much higher than corresponding levels from a year ago.

13 industries had job posting decreases over the week and 8 had increases. The 13 decreasing industries fell by a combined 1,170 new ads over the week and the 8 increasing industries grew by a combined 340 new ads. All but two of the 13 decreasing industries fell by 10% or more and 6 fell by 20% or more. The largest industry decrease occurred in Health Care & Social Assistance (-353 new ads) and the largest increase among the 8 increasing industries in Retail Trade (+126 new ads). Most industries had increases over four weeks, with the largest increases occurring within Health Care & Social Assistance (+808 new ads). Among the six industries with four-week decreases, the largest was Transportation & Warehousing (-131 new ads).

Employers with the most new job postings during the week were mostly in Healthcare, Finance & Insurance, and Professional, Scientific & Tech. Services. The 25 employers shown above account for 19 percent of all new ads. Among the top 25 employers, 14 had over the week ad increase and 11 had decreases. The largest increasing employer over the week was Totalmed Inc. (+137 new ads) and the largest decreasing employer was Hartford Healthcare (-60 new ads). Over four weeks, 20 of 25 employers shown above had increases and 5 had decreases. The largest of each were Hartford Healthcare (+234 new ads) and Avangrid (-85 new ads).

April 19th 2022 HWOL (PDF)

April 19th HWOL 2022 (Word Doc)

April 19th
April 21st April 2022 Connecticut Economic Digest
The Connecticut Economic Digest's purpose is to regularly provide users with a comprehensive source for the most current, up-to-date data available on the workforce and economy of the state, within perspectives of the region and nation.
April 2022 CT Economic Digest (PDF, 4.4M) April
April 21st Connecticut's Economy Rebounds in 2021 - Marxh 2022 Economic Digest article
Though not completely recovered, Connecticut employment turned around last year following the severely COVID-19 pandemic-impacted 2020. The revised annual average total nonfarm employment rose 2.7% to a level of 1,613,000. Correspondingly, last year's unemployment rate dropped to 6.3% from 7.8% in 2020. Overall, 2021 economy recovered to a similar strength of 2018, as per annual diffusion index.

Nonfarm Employment
After the latest annual revision (based on annual average, not seasonally adjusted data), in 2021 Connecticut regained 42,300 jobs (2.7%), after having lost 125,400 jobs, or -7.4% in 2020. Meanwhile in the nation employment rose 2.8% in 2021, after having shed 5.8% in 2020.

As shown in Chart 1, most of Connecticut's industry sectors partially bounced back last year. In fact, seven of eleven major industry sectors have added jobs back over the year. The biggest recovery occurred in leisure and hospitality (14.1%), construction (4.6%), and trade, transportation and utilities (4.4%). Leisure and hospitality was also the biggest job gainer (16,500), followed by trade, transportation, and utilities (12,100). On the other hand, manufacturing (-0.3%) and government (-0.3%) lost jobs over the year. The biggest job loss was in financial activities (-2,500, -2.1%). [ read more ]

April 2022 Digest article (PDF)

April 2022 Digest article (docx)

April 18th Legislative Report Card
These tables and charts show the employment and compensation experience of students who graduated from our 18 public colleges for each cohort from 2015-2016 through the 2019-2020 school years. The report also provides a summary of employment by industry sector and college degree program for the graduates of each system of education.

For each cohort we show employment and wages the third quarter after graduation and for the third quarter of each year from 2018 and for the third quarter of 2021 - the latest data available at the time this report was produced. Caution must be used when considering the earlier wages for later cohorts. For example, they might include earnings while still enrolled in school.

All the data and analyses provided in this report reflect employment in Connecticut only and exclude self-employment and federal employment. Some graduates not found to be working in Connecticut may have found employment in other states or may be continuing their education (i.e., attending graduate school). Data on employment in other states, the federal government, and self-employment are not available for this analysis.

April 18th April 12th 2022 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending April 12th, 2022, there were 9,470 new postings, down 3,239 new ads from the April 5th series high of 12,709 new ads. Though down 25% from last week, the week ending April 12th was the 8th highest new ad count during the pandemic period and 30% above a year ago. A large share of that over the week decline is the result of shifts within Health Care & Social Assistance, which accounted for over 50% of the total drop. That industry shift was heavily influenced by a one-week blip in new ads at Hartford Healthcare, which rose to almost 2,000 during the week ending April 5th or more than 34% of total new ads increase that week. During the most recent week, that employer had 537 new ads, which amounts to 45% of the 3,239 total decline over the week. Other industries with large shares of the total decline include Finance & Insurance and Retail trade, respectively with 7% and 6% of the over the week decline. The weekly swings shown below illustrate the inherent volatility of the weekly new ad series, while also showing that the monthly averages of weekly new ads have been at or above 5,900 since April 2021.

17 industries had job posting decreases over the week and 4 had increases. The 17 decreasing industries fell by a combined 3,444 new ads over the week, with half that drop occurring in Health Care & Social Assistance. That industry was driven by declines at Hartford Healthcare, which had an uncharacteristic one-week new ad increase a week ago. All but two of the 17 decreasing industries fell by 10% or more, 11 fell by 20% or more, and 5 fell by over 40%. Most industries were up over four weeks, with the largest increases occurring within Health Care & Social Assistance (+728 new ads), Educational Services (+343 new ads), and Manufacturing (+145 new ads).

Employers with the most new job postings during the week were mostly in Healthcare, Finance & Insurance, and Retail Trade. The 25 employers shown above account for 20 percent of all new ads. Among the top 25 employers, 14 had over the week ad increase and 11 had decreases. With the exception of Hartford Healthcare, most employers had over the week change of less than 100 new ads. Hartford Healthcare had an over the week decrease of 1,459 new ads from about 2,000 new ads last week to 537 during the week ending April 12th. This one-week jump is uncharacteristic for that employer, which averaged 205 new ads per week over the past year. Over four weeks, 22 of 25 employers shown above had increases. The largest over four weeks were Hartford Healthcare (+339 new ads), Aya Healthcare (+157 new ads), and Capital One (+92 new ads).

April 12th 2022 HWOL (PDF)

April 12th HWOL 2022 (Word Doc)

April 12th
April 11th April 5th 2022 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending April 5th, 2022, there were 12,709 new postings, up 5,787 new ads from the week ending February 26th. 47 percent of this increase occurred in Healthcare & Social Assistance (+2,742 new ads), with most of that increase occurring at Hartford Healthcare (+1,878 new ads). Occupations with the largest increases were Registered Nurses (1,767 new ads), Tractor-Trailer Truck Drivers (443 new ads), Driver/Sales Workers (361 new ads), and Retail Salespersons (317 new ads). This one-week blip is the fourth time during the last 12 months where total new ads approached or exceeded 10,000. In early July they reached 9,970 and fell to 5,220 by mid-month. In October they persisted near 10,000 for most of the month and in February new ads fell from similar levels to below 7,000 during the second half of the month. The overall gains in Connecticut, up 84% over the week far outpace the U.S. level increase of 31%.

18 sectors had job posting increases over the week and 3 had decreases. The 18 increasing sectors all saw double-digit percent increases, ranging from +14% in Management to +458% in Utilities. The 84% total increase was heavily influenced by Health Care & Social Assistance, which comprised about 47% of that increase (2,742 out of 5,787 new ads). There is some possibility that this Health Care & Social Assistance level is overstated, but beyond that sector, the 20 others grew by over 3,000 from a week ago. Over four weeks, every sector had new ad increases, ranging from a high of +1,084 in Health Care & Social Assistance, to single digit changes in Management and Mining/Extraction.

Employers with the most new job postings during the week were mostly in Finance & Insurance, Health Care & Social Assistance, and Business Services. The 25 employers shown above account for 29 percent of all new ads. Among the top 25 employers, 22 had over the week ad increases, one was unchanged, and 2 had decreases. Two-thirds of the top 25 increase occurred at Hartford Healthcare, which increased by almost 1,900 new ads over the week. Some of this increase my be overstated, but the large count of Hartford Healthcare job ads was also found during a review of non-HWOL data sources. More than half of the top 25 employers grew by more than double prior week levels. The two decreasing employers fell by less than 25 new ads over the week. Over four weeks, 20 employers in the current top 25 had increases and five decreased, the largest of each being Hartford Healthcare (+1,460 new ads) and Humana (-176 new ads).

April 5th 2022 HWOL (PDF)

April 5th 2022 HWOL (Word Doc)

April 5th
April 10th Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U)
The Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) increased 0.8 percent in February on a seasonally adjusted basis after rising 0.6 percent in January, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Over the last 12 months, the all items index increased 7.9 percent before seasonal adjustment.

Increases in the indexes for gasoline, shelter, and food were the largest contributors to the seasonally adjusted all items increase. The gasoline index rose 6.6 percent in February and accounted for almost a third of the all items monthly increase; other energy component indexes were mixed. The food index rose 1.0 percent as the food at home index rose 1.4 percent; both were the largest monthly increases since April 2020.

The index for all items less food and energy rose 0.5 percent in February following a 0.6-percent increase the prior month. The shelter index was by far the biggest factor in the increase, with a broad set of indexes also contributing, including those for recreation, household furnishings and operations, motor vehicle insurance, personal care, and airline fares.

The all items index rose 7.9 percent for the 12 months ending February. The 12-month increase has been steadily rising and is now the largest since the period ending January 1982. The all items less food and energy index rose 6.4 percent, the largest 12-month change since the period ending August 1982. The energy index rose 25.6 percent over the last year, and the food index increased 7.9 percent, the largest 12-month increase since the period ending July 1981.

January 2022 Consumer Price Index (PDF)
January 2022 Consumer Price Index
April 3rd 3Q2021 - Employment & Wages by Industry Covered by Unemployment Insurance - Quarterly (Statewide / LMA / Towns / WDA)
The program produces a comprehensive tabulation of employment and wage information for workers covered by Connecticut Unemployment Insurance (UI) laws and Federal workers covered by the Unemployment Compensation for Federal Employees program with three digit government data added. Data on the number of establishments, employment, and wages are reported by industry for Connecticut, Labor Market Areas, Connecticut Towns and Workforce Development Areas.
April 3rd Weekly Connecticut Initial and Continuing Unemployment Insurance Claims
Break down unemployment claims by age, education, industry, gender, town, RNO and wages can offer valuable insight for planning and budgeting purposes, and for developing responsible strategies for re-opening the state during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Feb. 28th
 Publications  /  Data  /  Webpages  /  Updates  /  Releases PDF
February 28th Connecticut Labor Force Data for Affirmative Action Plans - 4Q2021
Provides quarterly labor force information for Connecticut and its eight counties. The data presented are designed to meet the requirements of the Office of Federal Contract Compliance (OFCCP) and/or the Connecticut Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities (CHRO) for companies, State agencies, and municipalities that submit an Affirmative Action Plan. Includes statewide and county estimates of total labor force, unemployment rates, and unemployed women and minorities.
CT Labor Force Data for Affirmative Action Plans 4Q 2021 (PDF, 2.7M)
4Q 2021 Connecticut Labor Force Data for Affirmative Action Excel
4Q 2021
February 25th February 19th 2022 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending February 19th, 2022, there were 5,879 new postings, down -1,436 ads or -20% over the week. Fifty-five percent of this over the week decline occurred in two sectors, Health Care & Social Assistance and Retail Trade. Those two sectors respectively accounted for 30% and 25% of the overall decline. Large over the week employer declines occurred at Amazon (-233 new ads), Starbucks (-52 new ads), Yale-New Haven Health System (-49 new ads) among others. Employers with the largest over the week increases include Avangrid (+104 new ads), Hartford Healthcare (+45 new ads), and the University of Bridgeport (+34 new ads). Connecticut's 20% over the week decline is twice as large as the 10% U.S.-level drop. When compared to the U.S., the three sectors in Connecticut with the largest declines had proportionally larger swings than corresponding U.S. percent changes. Health Care & Social Assistance (-28% CT, -18% U.S.), Retail Trade (-43% CT, -23% U.S.), and Finance & Insurance (-35% CT, -24% U.S.). The most recent weekly new ad count is the second lowest level since the start of the year, the lowest being 5,246 during the week ending January 1st, 2022.

11 sectors had job posting increases over the week and 10 had decreases. The 11 increasing sectors grew by a combined 346 new ads and the 10 decreasing sectors fell by a combined 1,782 new ads, resulting in the net decline of 1,436 across all industries. Among the 10 declining industries, 8 had over the week declines of 100 or more. The three largest declines were Health Care & Social Assistance (-433 new ads), Retail Trade (-356 new ads), and Finance & Insurance (-271 new ads). Over Four weeks, the largest industry increase occurred within Transportation & Warehousing (+117 new ads) and the largest decrease occurred in Retail Trade (-877 new ads).

Employers with the most new job postings during the week were mostly in Health Care & Social Assistance, Retail Trade, and Finance & Insurance. The 25 employers shown above account for 20 percent of all new ads. Among the top 25 employers, 14 had over the week ad increases and 11 had decreases. The 14 increasing employers had a combined 829 new ads, and the 11 decreasing employers in the top 25 had a combined 384 new ads. The largest increasing employers over the week was Avangrid (+104 new ads), and the largest decreasing employer in the top 25 was Starbucks Coffee (-52 new ads). Over four weeks, 12 employers in the most recent top 25 had increases, one was unchanged, and 12 employers decreased, the largest increase occurred at Superior Plus Trucking (+116 new ads) and the largest four-week decrease occurred at Yale-New Haven Health System (-130 new ads).

February 19th 2021 HWOL (PDF)

February 19th HWOL (Word Doc)

February 19th
February 18th February 12th 2022 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending February 12th, 2022, there were 7,315 new postings, down -635 ads over the week. Despite this overall decline, a majority of industries added jobs over the week, the largest being Accommodation & Food Services (+168 new ads), Pro., Sci., & Tech. Services (+115 new ads), and Finance & Insurance (+115 new ads). These gains were tempered by a large -1,355 over the week decline in Health Care & Social Assistance, which resulted in the net decline across all industries. There is some indication that this Health Care drop may be overstated as the result of a job ad deduplication issue within the HWOL series and not due to a large real drop in postings. Employers with the largest new ad increase and decrease over the week include Boston Market (+89 new ads) and Hartford Healthcare (-507 new ads). The first two weeks of February have averaged higher than the monthly averages for the previous two months, which includes the December-January Omicron covid case wave. The previous two months had much larger new ad ranges, with week to week shifts as large as 3,300 new ads.

13 sectors had job posting increases over the week, two were unchanged, and 6 had decreases. The 13 increasing sectors grew by a combined 816 new ads and the 6 decreasing sectors fell by a combined 1,451 new ads. Most of that combined 6 sector decline occurred in Health Care & Social Assistance, which was down 1,355 new ads. The comparatively high Healthcare & Social Assistance levels during the week ending February 5th likely stem from a single employer deduplication issue within the HWOL database and not market shifts. Among increasing industries, the largest over the week gains occurred within Accommodation & Food Services (+168 new ads), Pro. Sci. & Tech. Services (+115 new ads), and Finance & Insurance (+52 new ads). Over Four weeks, the largest industry increase occurred within Finance & Insurance (+588 new ads) and the largest decrease occurred in Retail Trade (-210 new ads).

Employers with the most new job postings during the week were mostly in Health Care & Social Assistance, Retail Trade, and Finance & Insurance. The 25 employers shown above account for 18 percent of all new ads. Among the top 25 employers, 15 had over the week ad increases, one was unchanged, and 9 had decreases. The 15 increasing employers had a combined 374 new ads, and the 9 decreasing employers in the top 25 had a combined 658 new ads. The largest increasing employers over the week was Boston Market (+89 new ads), and the largest decreasing employer was Hartford Healthcare (-338 new ads). Over four weeks, 19 employers in the most recent top 25 had increases and 6 employers decreased, the largest increase occurred at Boston Market (+96 new ads) and the largest four-week decrease occurred at Amazon (-298 new ads).

February 12th 2022 HWOL (PDF)

February 12th 2022 HWOL (Word Doc)

February 12th
February 14th Weekly Connecticut Initial and Continuing Unemployment Insurance Claims
Break down unemployment claims by age, education, industry, gender, town, RNO and wages can offer valuable insight for planning and budgeting purposes, and for developing responsible strategies for re-opening the state during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Feb. 14th
February 10th Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U)
The Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) increased 0.6 percent in January on a seasonally adjusted basis, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Over the last 12 months, the all items index increased 7.5 percent before seasonal adjustment.

Increases in the indexes for food, electricity, and shelter were the largest contributors to the seasonally adjusted all items increase. The food index rose 0.9 percent in January following a 0.5-percent increase in December. The energy index also increased 0.9 percent over the month, with an increase in the electricity index being partially offset by declines in the gasoline index and the natural gas index.

The index for all items less food and energy rose 0.6 percent in January, the same increase as in December. This was the seventh time in the last 10 months it has increased at least 0.5 percent. Along with the index for shelter, the indexes for household furnishings and operations, used cars and trucks, medical care, and apparel were among many indexes that increased over the month.

The all items index rose 7.5 percent for the 12 months ending January, the largest 12-month increase since the period ending February 1982. The all items less food and energy index rose 6.0 percent, the largest 12-month change since the period ending August 1982. The energy index rose 27.0 percent over the last year, and the food index increased 7.0 percent.

December 2021 Consumer Price Index (PDF)
December 2021 Consumer Price Index
February 9th 3Q2021 - Employment & Wages by Industry Covered by Unemployment Insurance - Quarterly Towns
The program produces a comprehensive tabulation of employment and wage information for workers covered by Connecticut Unemployment Insurance (UI) laws and Federal workers covered by the Unemployment Compensation for Federal Employees program with three digit government data added. Data on the number of establishments, employment, and wages are reported by Connecticut Towns.
February 7th Weekly Connecticut Initial and Continuing Unemployment Insurance Claims
Break down unemployment claims by age, education, industry, gender, town, RNO and wages can offer valuable insight for planning and budgeting purposes, and for developing responsible strategies for re-opening the state during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Feb. 7th
February 4th January 29th 2022 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending January 29th, 2022, there were 6,137 new postings, down 2,413 ads over the week. This new ad change is the third largest over the week decline since July 2021 and is shown in the graph below to follow a 26.2 percent increase during the week ending Jan 22nd. Corresponding US-level shifts of the past two weeks include a 12.2% increase followed by a 12.9% decline. Half of this overall shift occurred in Health Care & Social Assistance (-582 new ads), Retail Trade (-483 new ads), or Professional, Scientific, & Recreation (-168 new ads). Employers with the largest over the week decline include Amazon, Hartford Healthcare, and Yale-New Haven Health System. Though down from levels seen during the second half of 2021, the monthly average for weeks ending in January 2022 (6,745 weekly average) is much higher than corresponding levels in January 2021 (4,206 weekly average) and January 2020 (5,073 weekly average), the month before the pandemic began to substantially impact the world economy.

18 sectors had job posting decreases over the week, one was unchanged, and 3 had increases. The 18 decreasing sectors fell by a combined 2,429 and the 3 increasing sectors grew by 7 new ads or less. The decreasing sectors all fell by 10% or more over the week, and 7 of 18 had percent declines larger than the total decline of -28%. At the three-digit industry level, the largest over the week declines occurred at NAICS 454 - Nonstore Retailers (down 217 to 433 new ads), NAICS 541 - Professional, Scientific, & Technical Services (down 211 to 241 new ads) and NAICS 622 - Hospitals (down 163 new ads to 448). The industry change over four weeks was less negative, most industries had increases from the week ending January 1st. The largest increase over four weeks occurred in Manufacturing (+228 new ads or +82%) and the largest decrease over four weeks occurred in Accommodation & Food Services (-86 new ads or -25%).

Employers with the most new job postings during the week were mostly in Health Care & Social Assistance, Finance & Insurance and Retail Trade. The 25 employers shown above account for 26 percent of all new ads. Among the top 25 employers, 13 had over the week ad decreases, 3 were unchanged, and 9 had increases. The 13 decreasing employers had a combined 1,171 new ads, and the 9 increasing employers in the top 25 had a combined 191 new ads. The largest increasing employers over the week were Boehringer Ingelheim and Lee Enterprises (both +41 new ads), and the largest decreasing employer was Amazon (-319 new ads). Over four weeks, 21 employers in the most recent top 25 had increases and 4 employers decreased, the largest increase occurred at Hartford Healthcare (+184 new ads) and the largest four-week decrease occurred at Amazon (-56 new ads).

January 29th 2022 HWOL (PDF)

January 29th 2022 HWOL (Word Doc)

January 22nd
February 1st February 2022 Connecticut Economic Digest
The Connecticut Economic Digest's purpose is to regularly provide users with a comprehensive source for the most current, up-to-date data available on the workforce and economy of the state, within perspectives of the region and nation.
February 2022 CT Economic Digest (PDF, 4.4M) February
February 1st Connecticut's Work-Related Fatalities Third Lowest in Nation - Feb 2022 Economic Digest article
Connecticut lost 29 lives to work injuries in 2020, for a rate of 1.8 deaths per 100,000 full-time equivalent workers. While this is an increase from 2019's 26 deaths, it is below Connecticut's annual average of 38 work-related deaths. Only two other states - Delaware and Rhode Island - recorded rates lower than Connecticut's

The nation lost 4,764 lives to workplace injuries in 2020, a decrease from 2019's 5,333 deaths. This is the lowest annual number since 2013. The fatal injury rate dropped from 3.5 per 100,000 full-time equivalent workers in 2019 to 3.4 in 2020. The highest loss was seen in Texas with 469 deaths, followed by California with 463 deaths and Florida with 275 deaths. High rates were recorded in Wyoming (13.0) and Alaska (10.7). Rhode Island had 5 deaths, the lowest recorded number for states.

Nationally, the construction industry recorded the highest number of deaths at 1,008, followed by transportation and warehousing with 805 deaths. Together, these two industries account for 38 percent of deaths.

With 9 deaths, the construction industry had the highest number of deaths in Connecticut, accounting for 31.0 percent of 2020's deaths. Transportation and warehousing came in second with 7 deaths, accounting for 24.1 percent of total deaths. With an overall rate of 1.8, Connecticut saw a rate of 8.3 in construction. Rates for other industry sectors did not meet publishing criteria. [ read more ]

February 2022 Digest article (PDF)

February 2022 Digest article (docx)

 Publications  /  Data  /  Webpages  /  Updates  /  Releases PDF
January 28th January 22nd 2022 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending January 22nd, 2022, there were 8,550 new postings, up 1,823 ads over the week. This 27% over the week increase continues a multi-week rebound from the sharp decline that started in mid-December. This state-level behavior corresponds with similar flows at the national level (see graph below). Both Connecticut and the United States reached a half-year low during the week ending January 1st, 2022, having respectively declined by 42 and 34 percent from the week ending December 18th, 2021. In the three weeks since that low, CT and the US are respectively up to within 5 and 10 percent of December 18th counts. The graph also illustrates how state and national new ad counts have shared similar trajectory shifts over the year. In Connecticut, roughly half the new ad growth over the week occurred in Health Care & Social Assistance, Retail Trade, and Finance & Insurance. Employers with the largest over the week increases are Hartford Healthcare (+187 new ads), Capital One (+138 new ads), and Amazon (+111 new ads).

18 sectors had job posting increases over the week and 3 had decreases. The 18 increasing sectors grew by a combined 2,124 new ads and the 3 decreasing sectors fell by a combined 301 new ads, most of that combined decline occurred in Manufacturing (-238 new ads). In percentage terms, 16 out of 21 sectors had over the week shifts of 30% or more. Over four weeks, total ads are up over 50%, and 17 sectors had increases. The 3 industries with the largest gains over four weeks include Retail Trade, Health Care & Social Assistance, and Finance and Insurance. These 3 sectors also had the largest one-week gains. The 3 four-week declining sectors include Utilities, Construction, and Information. Construction new ads are down over the week and over four weeks, which corresponds with the seasonality of that industry.

Employers with the most new job postings during the week were mostly in Health Care & Social Assistance, Retail Trade, and Finance & Insurance. The 25 employers shown above account for 27 percent of all new ads. Among the top 25 employers, 20 had over the week ad increases, one was unchanged, and 4 had decreases. The 21 increasing employers had a combined 739 new ads, and the 7 decreasing employers in the top 25 fell by a combined 198 new ads. The largest increasing employer over the week was Hartford Healthcare (+191 new ads) and the largest decreasing employer was Raytheon (-164 new ads). Over four weeks, 21 employers increased and 4 employers decreased, the largest increase occurred at Amazon (+523 new ads) and the largest four week declines occurred at Walgreens Boots Alliance and Compass Group North America, both down 10 new ads.

January 22nd 2022 HWOL (PDF)

January 22nd HWOL 2022 (Word Doc)

January 22nd
January 27th Business Employment Dynamics 2Q2021
Business Employment Dynamics (BED) data published quarterly by the Bureau of Labor Statistics tracks employment change at the establishment level and reveals the underlying dynamics of net employment change. The data include gross employment change, business expansion/contraction, establishment birth/death, and is available at sector level.

From April 2021 to June 2021, gross job gains from opening and expanding private sector establishments in Connecticut was 90,384, an increase of 4,842 jobs from the previous quarter. Over this period, gross job losses from closing and contracting private sector establishments was 80,149, an increase of 8,503 jobs from the previous quarter.

During the second quarter of 2021, the difference between gross job gains and gross job losses yielded a net employment gain of 10,235 jobs in the private sector. This net increase follows a 13,896 net increase during the first quarter of 2021.

Net employment change reached a low of -205,121 during the second quarter of 2020. The combined net change for the four quarters of subsequent data through the second quarter of 2021 is 115,701 jobs.

2Q2021 Connecticut Business Employment Dynamics PDF

2Q2021 Connecticut Business Employment Dynamics (Word Doc)

2Q 2021
January 27th Weekly Connecticut Initial and Continuing Unemployment Insurance Claims
Break down unemployment claims by age, education, industry, gender, town, RNO and wages can offer valuable insight for planning and budgeting purposes, and for developing responsible strategies for re-opening the state during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Jan. 24th
January 21st January 15th 2022 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending January 15th, 2022, there were 6,727 new postings, down 126 new ads over the week. This slight 2% over the week decrease overlays larger shifts at industry level. The largest industry increase and decrease over the week occurred in Manufacturing, up 305 new ads and Healthcare & Social Assistance, down 331 new ads. Over four weeks, new ads are down 2,313 new ads or 26%, most industries had four week shifts of less than 200, with the exception of Manufacturing, up 206 new ads and Health Care & Social Assistance, down 997 new ads. So far, the three weeks ending in January have averaged 6,287 new ads per week. This incomplete monthly average is lower than monthly levels going back to the second quarter of 2021. Though lower than the second half of last year, January 2022 is on track to exceed corresponding monthly levels for January 2021 and pre-pandemic January 2020, which respectively averaged 4,206 and 5,073 new ads per week.

Fourteen sectors had job posting decreases over the week and seven had increases. The fourteen decreasing sectors fell by a combined 836 new ads and the seven increasing sectors grew by a combined 710 new ads. Forty percent of the 14 sector decrease occurred in Health Care & Social Assistance (-331 new ads) and 43 percent of the 7 sector increase occurred in Manufacturing (+305 new ads). Over four weeks, total ads were down 2,313 new ads, representing declines across fifteen sectors and increases in six. The largest four week decrease occurred in Health Care & Social Assistance (-997 new ads or -43%) and the largest increase occurred in Manufacturing (+206 new ads or +39%).

Employers with the most new job postings during the week were mostly in Health Care & Social Assistance, Finance & Insurance, and Retail Trade. The 25 employers shown above account for 23 percent of all new ads. Among the top 25 employers, 18 had over the week ad increases and 7 had decreases. The 18 increasing employers had a combined 739 new ads, and the 7 decreasing employers in the top 25 fell by a combined 198 new ads. The largest increasing employer over the week was Amazon (+368 new ads) and the largest decreasing employer was Yale-New Haven Health System (-58 new ads).

January 15th 2021 HWOL (PDF)

January 15th HWOL (Word Doc)

January 15th
January 18th Weekly Connecticut Initial and Continuing Unemployment Insurance Claims
Break down unemployment claims by age, education, industry, gender, town, RNO and wages can offer valuable insight for planning and budgeting purposes, and for developing responsible strategies for re-opening the state during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Jan. 17th
January 14th Conference Board Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
Total postings in Connecticut was 96,597 in December 2021.

Industry Sectors with the most job postings were Health Care and Social Assistance (21,685 postings), Retail Trade (12,499 postings), Finance and Insurance (7,549 posting, and Manufacturing (6,397 postings).

Occupations with the most postings were Registered Nurses (6,248 postings), Retail Salespersons (3,308 postings), Laborers, Freight, & Material Movers (3,113 postings), Wholesale & Manufacturing Sales Representatives (2,451 postings), and Supervisors of Retail Sales Workers (1884 postings).

The Conference Board Help Wanted OnLine Data Series (HWOL) measures the number of new, first-time online jobs and jobs reposted from the previous month for over 16,000 Internet job boards, corporate boards and smaller job sites that serve niche markets and smaller geographic areas. The data can be used as a real-time measure of labor demand.

January 2022 HWOL (PDF)

January 2022 HWOL (Powerpoint Doc)

January 14th January 8th 2022 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending January 8th, 2022, there were 6,853 new postings, up 1,573 new ads over the week. This over the week increase brings weekly new ads back to levels from four weeks ago. A third of the overall increase occurred in Health Care and Social Assistance (+506 new ads or +44%) and all but two industries experienced an over-the-week increase. Other industries with large over the week gains include Finance & Insurance (+185 new ads or +69%), and Professional, Scientific & Technical Occupations (+185 new ads or +93%). Employers that saw large over the week increases include Yale-New Haven Health System (+127 new ads), The Home Depot (+84 new ads) and Hartford Healthcare (+62 new ads). The largest employer decline occurred at Amazon (-319 new ads). The occupations with the largest increases include Registered Nurses (+207 new ads) and Heavy & Tractor- Trailer Truck Drivers (+63 new ads). The largest occupational new ad decrease occurred at Laborers, Freight & Material Movers (-111 new ads).

Nineteen sectors had job posting increases over the week and two had decreases. The nineteen increasing sectors grew by a combined 1,717 new ads and the two decreasing sectors fell by a combined 144 new ads. Sixty-six percent of the overall increase occurred in four industries; Health Care & Social Assistance (32% of overall growth), Finance & Insurance (12%), Pro., Sci., & Tech Services (12%), and Manufacturing (10%). Retail Trade had the only major industry decrease, down 139 new ads over the week.

Employers with the most new job postings during the week were mostly in Health Care & Social Assistance, Finance & Insurance, and Business Services. The 25 employers shown above account for 28 percent of all new ads. Among the top 25 employers, 23 had over the week ad increases and 2 had decreases. The increasing employers had a combined 722 new ads, and the two decreasing employers in the top 25 fell by a combined 329 new ads. The largest increasing employer over the week was Yale-New Haven Health System (+127 new ads) and the largest decreasing employer was Amazon (-319 new ads).

January 8th 2022 HWOL (PDF)

January 8th HWOL 2022 (Word Doc)

January 8th
January 12th Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U)
The Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) increased 0.5 percent in December on a seasonally adjusted basis after rising 0.8 percent in November, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Over the last 12 months, the all items index increased 7.0 percent before seasonal adjustment.

Increases in the indexes for shelter and for used cars and trucks were the largest contributors to the seasonally adjusted all items increase. The food index also contributed, although it increased less than in recent months, rising 0.5 percent in December. The energy index declined in December, ending a long series of increases; it fell 0.4 percent as the indexes for gasoline and natural gas both decreased.

The index for all items less food and energy rose 0.6 percent in December following a 0.5-percent increase in November. This was the sixth time in the last 9 months it has increased at least 0.5 percent. Along with the indexes for shelter and for used cars and trucks, the indexes for household furnishings and operations, apparel, new vehicles, and medical care all increased in December. As in November, the indexes for motor vehicle insurance and recreation were among the few to decline over the month.

The all items index rose 7.0 percent for the 12 months ending December, the largest 12-month increase since the period ending June 1982. The all items less food and energy index rose 5.5 percent, the largest 12-month change since the period ending February 1991. The energy index rose 29.3 percent over the last year, and the food index increased 6.3 percent.

December 2021 Consumer Price Index (PDF)
December 2021 Consumer Price Index
January 7th January 1st 2022 Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending January 1st, 2022, there were 5,280 new postings, down 387 new ads or -7% from a week ago. This overall decline was tempered by gains in Retail Trade and driven by losses in Finance & Insurance, Health Care & Social Assistance, and Educational Services, all of which had over the week declines of 123 new ads or more. This large drop in new ads during the second half of December occurred during the uptick in omicron covid cases and echoes the large new ad drop shown below during the first half of July as the Delta variant lead to a late-summer case increase . Though the past two weeks of new ads are down over a third from four weeks ago and represent the second largest 2 week drop over the past 6 months, total new ads ending in the last week of 2021 and first week of 2022 remain substantially higher than corresponding weeks a year ago. During the weeks ending 12/26/2020 and 01/02/21, new ads were 3,283 and 2,413 respectively.

Fourteen sectors had job posting decreases over the week, one was unchanged and six had increases. The fourteen decreasing sectors fell by a combined 924 new ads and the six increasing sectors grew by a combined 537 new ads. About half of the decline among decreasing sectors occurred at Finance & Insurance (-191 new ads), Health Care & Social Assistance (-143 new ads) and Educational Services (-123 new ads). Among the combined 537 gain at the six increasing sectors, 57% occurred within Retail Trade (+309 new ads).

Employers with the most new job postings during the week were mostly in Health Care & Social Assistance, Retail Trade, and Finance & Insurance. The 25 employers shown above account for 25 percent of all new ads. Among the top 25 employers, 17 had over the week ad increases and 8 had decreases. The 17 increasing employers had a combined 763 new ads, and the eleven decreasing employers in the top 25 fell by a combined 269 new ads. The largest increasing employer over the week was Amazon (+363 new ads) and the largest decreasing employer was Hartford Healthcare (-143 new ads).

Extra Issue #89 January 1st 2022 HWOL (PDF)

Extra Issue #89 January 1st 2022 HWOL (Word Doc)

January 1st
January 6th January 2022 Connecticut Economic Digest
The Connecticut Economic Digest's purpose is to regularly provide users with a comprehensive source for the most current, up-to-date data available on the workforce and economy of the state, within perspectives of the region and nation.
January 2022 CT Economic Digest (PDF) January
January 6th 2022 Economic Outlook: The Recovery Work Goes On - January 2022 Economic Digest article
In 2021, the world, the country and the state of Connecticut continued to dig out from under the economic wreckage left by the Alpha wave of the Covid-19, even as they fended off emerging mutations of the virus. While production has largely returned to pre-pandemic levels, jobs have been slower to come back. The recovery efforts will carry on in 2022, despite the rise of new variants, the growing threat of inflation, and the hesitancy of would-be workers to fill job openings.

The Global Economy
Following a 3.1% drop in world output in 2020, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) projects that the ongoing recovery from the global coronavirus epidemic will have added 5.9% to the value of world output in 2021, boosting production above pre-pandemic levels. Assuming vaccines become widely available in emerging markets and fiscal and monetary policy support continues in the developed economies, output should expand by another 4.9% in 2022. [ read more ]

January 2022 Digest article (PDF) January
January 3rd Weekly Connecticut Initial and Continuing Unemployment Insurance Claims
Break down unemployment claims by age, education, industry, gender, town, RNO and wages can offer valuable insight for planning and budgeting purposes, and for developing responsible strategies for re-opening the state during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Jan. 3rd
January 3rd December 25th, 2021 Extra Issue #88 Conference Board Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending December 25th, there were 5,667 new postings, down 3,373 new ads or -37% from a week ago. About 48% of this overall decrease occurred in Healthcare & Social Assistance, Retail Trade, and Manufacturing, the three of which had respective decreases of 1,029, 395, and 189. The most recent week of total new ads is the lowest level since mid-July and is the second lowest level for the second half of 2021. The three occupations with the largest new ad decrease over the week were Registered Nurses (-248 new ads), Laborers and Material Movers (-171 new ads), and Medical Assistants (-112 new ads). Four employers had over the week new ad declines of over 100 new ads, Hartford Healthcare (-438 new ads), Amazon (-198 new ads), Aya Healthcare (-122 new ads), and Avangrid (-101 new ads). Three of those employers had corresponding gains in the prior week. During the week ending December 18th, Hartford Healthcare was up 494 new ads, Amazon was up 310, and Avangrid was up 103 new ads. Though down over the week, new ads are up substantially from a year ago, which saw 3,283 new ads during the week ending 12/26/20.

Eighteen sectors had job posting decreases over the week, one was unchanged and two had increases. Healthcare and Social Assistance had the largest decrease, down 1,029 ads which amounted to 31 percent of the weekly drop across all industries. Most major sectors had double-digit percent change, the exception being Public Administration, down -3% and Agriculture which was unchanged. Among industries with large new ad losses, the largest percent decreases occurred in Health Care & Social Assistance (-45%), Real Estate (-42%), and Arts, Entertainment and Recreation (-41%). New ad change over four weeks had similar industry shifts, all but four sectors declined, and the four increasing sectors grew by 33 new ads or less. Large sector losses over four weeks occurred in Educational Services (-57%), Manufacturing (-56%), and Information (-53%). There is some likelihood that the past week was impacted by holiday-related closures. A year ago, during the week ending 12/26/2020, new ads were down 15% over the week.

Employers with the most new job postings during the week were mostly in Health Care, Finance & Insurance, and Retail Trade. The 25 employers shown above account for 21 percent of all new ads. Among the top 25 employers, 14 had over the week ad increases and 11 had decreases. The 14 increasing employers had a combined 242 new ads, and the eleven decreasing employers in the top 25 fell by a combined 997 new ads. 3 employers amounted a combined 758 new ad decline, Hartford Healthcare (-438 new ads), Amazon (-198 new ads), and Aya Healthcare (-122 new ads). The remaining 8 declining employers in the top 25 had over the week losses of 68 or less. The fourteen increasing employers had much smaller increases, the largest being a 31 new ad increase over the week at Bertucci's. The largest four-week increase occurred at Dattco (+33 new ads) and the largest decrease occurred at Amazon (-351 new ads).

Extra Issue #88 December 25th 2021 HWOL (PDF)

Extra Issue #88 December 25th HWOL (Word Doc)

December 25th
January 3rd Information Workforce Investment Planning
Contains a variety of data on the Eastern Workforce Development Area including population and population density, labor force, employment and wages by industry sector, and new housing permits. In addition, detailed information on residents in need of workforce investment services such as high school dropouts, Medicaid recipients, adult probationers, Temporary Family Assistance (TFA) recipients, and other residents with barriers to employment.
 Publications  /  Data  /  Webpages  /  Updates  /  Releases PDF
December 28th 2022 Labor Market Information for the State of Connecticut Calendar of Events
2022 Labor Market Information for the State of Connecticut release dates including the Connecticut Economic Digests, CPI, Labor Situations, LAUS, LMI At-A-Glances, Business Employment Dynamics, Labor Force Data for Affirmative Action Plans, Business & Employment Changes Announced in the News Media, Connecticut Help Wanted OnLine Data Series (HWOL).
Please use the following address to access this calendar from other applications

Please use the following address to access the calendar in any web browser
December 27th December 18th, 2021 Extra Issue #87 Conference Board Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending December 18th, there were 9,040 new postings, up 2,156 new ads or +31% from a week ago. More than half of this overall increase occurred in Healthcare & Social Assistance, Retail Trade, and Educational Services, the three of which had respective increases of 654, 321, and 161. The most recent week of total new ads is a rebound from the prior week, which was the lowest level since August. New ads are up substantially from a year ago, which saw 3,863 during the week ending 12/19/20. The three occupations with the largest new ad increase over the week were Laborers and Material Movers (+244 new ads), Registered Nurses (+190 new ads), and Tractor-Trailer Truck Drivers (+105 new ads). Occupations with the largest over the week decreases were Real Estate Sales Agents (-54 new ads), Janitors and Cleaners (-20 new ads), and Retail Salespersons (-19 new ads). Employers with the largest over the week increase includes Hartford Healthcare (+494 new ads), Amazon (+310 new ads), and Avangrid (+103 new ads). The largest employer decreases occurred at Boehringer Ingelheim (-47 new ads), Verint Systems (-27 new ads), and Masonicare Corporation (-24 new ads).

Sixteen sectors had job posting increases over the week and five had decreases. The increasing sectors grew by a combined 2,282 new ads and decreasing ones fell by a combined 126 new ads. Six industries grew by over 100 new ads over the week, the largest being Health Care and Social Assistance (+654 new ads), Retail Trade (+321 new ads), and Educational Services (-161 new ads). The most recent week of new ads was 332 ads higher than four weeks ago. The largest industry increase and decrease over four weeks occurred in Health Care & Social Assistance (+668 new ads) and Retail Trade (-122 new ads).

Employers with the most new job postings during the week were mostly in Health Care, Finance & Insurance, and Retail Trade. The 25 employers shown above account for 27 percent of all new ads. Among the top 25 employers, 21 had over the week ad increases and 4 had decreases. The 21 increasing employers had a combined 1,560 new ads, and the four decreasing employers in the top 25 fell by a combined 81 new ads. The three employers with the most ad had a combined 12.5% of total ads. Over four weeks, 19 employers in the above table had increases and 6 had decreases. The largest four-week increase occurred at Aya Healthcare (+130 new ads) and the largest decrease occurred at Carvana LLC (-96 new ads).

Extra Issue #87 December 18th 2021 HWOL (PDF)

Extra Issue #87 December 18th HWOL (Word Doc)

December 18th
December 17th December 11th, 2021 Extra Issue #86 Conference Board Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending December 11th, there were 6,884 new postings, down 1,462 new ads or -18% from a week ago. This overall decline was driven by losses in the 3 industries with the most ads, which comprised combined losses of 634 new ads, or 43% of the losses across all industries. These three industries were Retail Trade (-233 over the week), Health Care & Social Assistance (-220 over the week), and Manufacturing (-181 over the week). The most recent week of total new ads is the lowest since mid August 2021. The three occupations with the largest new ad decline over the week were Retail Salespersons (-167 new ads), Laborers, Freight, & Material Movers (-97 new ads), and Tractor-Trailer Truck Drivers (-79 new ads), all three of which relate to the Retail Trade and Transportation industries. Occupations with the largest over the week increases were Licensed Practical and Vocational Nurses (+58 new ads), Real Estate Sales Agents (+39 new ads), and Sales Managers (+37 new ads). Though the most recent week is down from the series highs of October, the new ad count for week ending December 11th is 48% higher than corresponding new ad counts from the second week of December 2020.

Eighteen sectors had job posting decreases over the week, one was unchanged, and two had slight increases. The decreasing sectors fell by a combined 1,534 new ads and two increasing ones grew by a combined 72 new ads. For the 7 industries that fell by more than 100 new ads, over the week percent change ranged from -12% (Health Care & Social Assistance) to -44% (Transportation and Warehousing). The two increasing industries, Real Estate and Other Services grew respectively by 53 (+60%) and 19 (+18%) new ads. Over four weeks, the industry new ad shifts were much more tempered, with a net decline of 271 new ads or -4%. 11 industries had four week declines and 10 had increases, ranging between the -285 new ad decline in Retail Trade and the 228 new ad increase in Health Care & Social Assistance.

Employers with the most new job postings during the week were mostly in Healthcare, Finance & Insurance, and Business Services. The 25 employers shown above account for 18 percent of all new ads. Among the top 25 employers, 16 had over the week ad increases and 9 had decreases. Over the week, 23 of the employers in the top 25 had new ad shifts of fewer than 50 new ads. The two with change above 50 new ads were Masonicare Corp. (+64 new ads) and Yale-New Haven Health System (-326 new ads). The large over the week decrease at Yale-New Haven Health System follows an equivalent increase of 323 new ads during the week ending December 4th. Over four weeks, eighteen employers in the top 25 had increases and seven had decreases, the largest of each being Masonicare Corp. (+64 new ads) and Trinity Health (-34 new ads).

Extra Issue #86 December 11th 2021 HWOL (PDF)

Extra Issue #86 December 11th HWOL (Word Doc)

December 11th
December 13th Weekly Connecticut Initial and Continuing Unemployment Insurance Claims
Break down unemployment claims by age, education, industry, gender, town, RNO and wages can offer valuable insight for planning and budgeting purposes, and for developing responsible strategies for re-opening the state during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Dec. 13th
December 10th Information Workforce Investment Planning
Contains a variety of data on the Eastern Workforce Development Area including population and population density, labor force, employment and wages by industry sector, and new housing permits. In addition, detailed information on residents in need of workforce investment services such as high school dropouts, Medicaid recipients, adult probationers, Temporary Family Assistance (TFA) recipients, and other residents with barriers to employment.
December 10th Conference Board Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
Total postings in Connecticut was 105,896 in November 2021.

Industry Sectors with the most job postings were Health Care and Social Assistance (22,240 postings), Retail Trade (15,238 postings), Finance and Insurance (8,286 posting), and Manufacturing (6,717 postings).

Occupations with the most postings were Registered Nurses (6,091 postings), Retail Salespersons (3,838 postings), Laborers, Freight, & Material Movers (3,576 postings), Wholesale & Manufacturing Sales Representatives (2,525 postings), and Heavy & Tractor-Trailer Truck Drivers (2,362 postings).

December 2021 HWOL (PDF)

December 2021 HWOL (Powerpoint Doc)

December 10th December 4th, 2021 Extra Issue #85 Conference Board Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending December 4th, there were 8,346 new postings, down 202 new ads or -2% from a week ago. This overall decline was driven by losses in 8 industries, the largest being Educational Services (-281 new ads), Retail Trade (-238 new ads) and Manufacturing (-152 new ads). Among large employers, the largest over the week decrease occurred at Amazon (-353 new ads), Evolent Health (-176 new ads), and Yale University (-112 new ads). This total new ad count for the first week of December though down 2% over the week is 53 new ads above the monthly average of weeks ending in November (8,284 per week).

Thirteen sectors had job posting increases over the week and eight had decreases. The thirteen increasing sectors grew by a combined 678 new ads and the eight decreasing ones fell by a combined 880 new ads. The largest industry increases occurred in Health Care & Social Assistance (+219 new ads), Accommodation & Food Services (+174 new ads), and Finance & Insurance (+105 new ads). These three sectors accounted amounted a combined +498 new ads or 73 percent of increasing sectors. Among the eight decreasing sectors, the largest were Educational Services (-281 new ads), Retail Trade (-238 new ads), and Manufacturing (-152 new ads).

Employers with the most new job postings during the week were mostly in Healthcare, Retail Trade, and Finance & Insurance. The 25 employers shown above account for 23 percent of all new ads. Among the top 25 employers, 19 had over the week ad increases and 6 had decreases. Over the week, the largest employer increase occurred at Yale-New Haven Health System (+323 new ads) and the largest decrease occurred at Amazon (-353 new ads). Those two employers also had the largest respective increase and decrease over four weeks.

Extra Issue #85 December 4th 2021 HWOL (PDF)

Extra Issue #85 December 4th HWOL (Word Doc)

December 4th
December 10th Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U)
The Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) increased 0.8 percent in November on a seasonally adjusted basis after rising 0.9 percent in October, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Over the last 12 months, the all items index increased 6.8 percent before seasonal adjustment.

The monthly all items seasonally adjusted increase was the result of broad increases in most component indexes, similar to last month. The indexes for gasoline, shelter, food, used cars and trucks, and new vehicles were among the larger contributors. The energy index rose 3.5 percent in November as the gasoline index increased 6.1 percent and the other major energy component indexes also rose. The food index increased 0.7 percent as the index for food at home rose 0.8 percent.

The index for all items less food and energy rose 0.5 percent in November following a 0.6-percent increase in October. Along with shelter, used cars and trucks, and new vehicles, the indexes for household furnishings and operations, apparel, and airline fares were among those that increased. The indexes for motor vehicle insurance, recreation, and communication all declined in November.

The all items index rose 6.8 percent for the 12 months ending October, the largest 12-month increase since the period ending June 1982. The index for all items less food and energy rose 4.9 percent over the last 12 months, while the energy index rose 33.3 percent over the last year, and the food index increased 6.1 percent. These changes are the largest 12-month increases in at least 13 years in the respective series.

November 2021 Consumer Price Index (PDF)
November 2021 Consumer Price Index
December 6th 2Q2021 - Employment & Wages by Industry Covered by Unemployment Insurance - Quarterly (Statewide / LMA / Towns / WDA)
The program produces a comprehensive tabulation of employment and wage information for workers covered by Connecticut Unemployment Insurance (UI) laws and Federal workers covered by the Unemployment Compensation for Federal Employees program with three digit government data added. Data on the number of establishments, employment, and wages are reported by industry for Connecticut, Labor Market Areas, Connecticut Towns and Workforce Development Areas.
December 6th Weekly Connecticut Initial and Continuing Unemployment Insurance Claims
Break down unemployment claims by age, education, industry, gender, town, RNO and wages can offer valuable insight for planning and budgeting purposes, and for developing responsible strategies for re-opening the state during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Dec. 6th
December 3rd November 27th, 2021 Extra Issue #84 Conference Board Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending November 27th, there were 8,548 new postings, down 160 new ads or -2% from a week ago. This slight decrease overlays larger shifts at the industry level. Seven industries had employment change of 100 new ads or more. The largest industry increase and decrease respectively were Manufacturing (+311 new ads) and Transportation & Warehousing (-202 new ads). Among large employers, the largest over the week increase occurred at Amazon (+218 new ads) and the largest decrease occurred at Hartford Healthcare (-456 new ads). The November average of weeks that month was 8,304 new ads. The past three months have had the highest new ad average of the pandemic period.

Eleven sectors had job posting decreases over the week, one was unchanged, and eight had increases. The eleven decreasing sectors fell by a combined 895 new ads and the eight increasing ones grew by a combined 735 new ads. The largest industry decreases occurred in Transportation & Warehousing (-202 new ads), Accommodation & Food Services (-168 new ads), and Professional, Scientific, & Tech. Services (-111 new ads). These three sectors accounted amounted a combined -481 new ads or 65 percent of decreasing sectors. Among the eight increasing sectors, the largest were Manufacturing (+311 new ads), Education Services (+223 new ads), and Information (+100 new ads).

Employers with the most new job postings during the week were mostly in Healthcare, Retail Trade, and Educational Services. The 25 employers shown above account for 29 percent of all new ads. Among the top 25 employers, 22 had over the week ad increases and 3 had decreases. Over Four weeks, the largest employer new ad increases occurred at Raytheon and Hartford Healthcare, up 177 and 163 respectively. The three decreasing industries over for weeks were UnitedHealth Group (-62 new ads), Deloitte (-21 new ads), and the State of Connecticut (-5 new ads).

The Conference Board Help Wanted OnLine Data Series (HWOL) measures the number of new, first-time online jobs and jobs reposted from the previous month for over 16,000 Internet job boards, corporate boards and smaller job sites that serve niche markets and smaller geographic areas. The data can be used as a real-time measure of labor demand.

Extra Issue #84 November 27th 2021 HWOL (PDF)

Extra Issue #84 November 27th HWOL (Word Doc)

November 27th
December 1st December 2021 Connecticut Economic Digest
The Connecticut Economic Digest's purpose is to regularly provide users with a comprehensive source for the most current, up-to-date data available on the workforce and economy of the state, within perspectives of the region and nation.
December 2021 CT Economic Digest (PDF) December
December 1st LEHD: Data that Help Better Explain the Connecticut Labor Market - December 2021 Economic Digest article
Connecticut has now regained 73% of the jobs lost during the COVID-19 shutdown and the unemployment rate has fallen to 6.4% as of October 2021. These numbers give a "snapshot" of economic conditions based on the Current Employment Statistics (CES) and Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS), two surveys that provide a timely picture of Connecticut's labor market conditions.

While not as timely, more detail regarding the workings of the labor market is available through the Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics (LEHD) data published by the U.S. Census Bureau. This data is possible due to the Local Employment Dynamics (LED) partnership between the Census Bureau and state workforce agencies including the Connecticut Department of Labor. [ read more ]

December 2021 Digest article (PDF) December
 Publications  /  Data  /  Webpages  /  Updates  /  Releases PDF
November 30th Connecticut Labor Force Data for Affirmative Action Plans - 3Q2021
Provides quarterly labor force information for Connecticut and its eight counties. The data presented are designed to meet the requirements of the Office of Federal Contract Compliance (OFCCP) and/or the Connecticut Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities (CHRO) for companies, State agencies, and municipalities that submit an Affirmative Action Plan. Includes statewide and county estimates of total labor force, unemployment rates, and unemployed women and minorities.
CT Labor Force Data for Affirmative Action Plans 3Q 2021 (PDF, 2.7M)
3Q 2021 Connecticut Labor Force Data for Affirmative Action Excel
3Q 2021
November 26th November 20th, 2021 Extra Issue #83 Conference Board Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending November 20th, there were 8,708 new postings, up 1,553 new ads or +22% from a week ago. Most of this increase occurred in Health Care & Social Assistance (1,644 new ads, up 214 over the week) and Transportation & Warehousing (393 new ads, up 193 over the week). Employers within those two sectors with the most ads were Hartford Healthcare (456 new ads) and UPS (83 New Ads) respectively. The first three weeks ending in November 2021 average 8,222 new ads per week. This is down from an October monthly average of 9,533 new ads per week, the highest on record, and above the September weekly average of 8,125 per week. The complete monthly average for the four weeks ending in November will be published next Friday.

Thirteen sectors had job posting increases over the week, one was unchanged, and seven had decreases. The Thirteen increasing sectors grew by a combined 1,676 new ads and the seven decreasing ones fell by a combined 123. The largest industry increases occurred in Health Care & Social Assistance (+447 new ads), Transportation & Warehousing (+193 new ads), and Accommodation & Food Services (+184 new ads). These three sectors accounted for 35 percent of the increase experienced in increasing sectors. The seven declining sectors fell by 39 new ads or less. Over four weeks, total new ads are down 17% from 10,513 new ads during the week ending October 23rd, which was among the highest weekly new ad counts on record.

Employers with the most new job postings during the week were mostly in Healthcare, Retail Trade, and Transportation & Warehousing. The 25 employers shown above account for 26 percent of all new ads. Among the top 25 employers, 17 had over the week ad increases and 8 had decreases, the largest of each being Hartford Healthcare (+300 new ads) and Pearson (-79 new ads). The 17 increasing employers in the top 25 amounted to a combined 1,127 new ad increase over the week and the 8 decreasing employers were down a combined 171, resulting in a +956 over the week top 25 net change. Over Four weeks, the largest employer new ad increases occurred at Hartford Healthcare and CVS Health, both up 155 new ads. The largest decline over four weeks occurred at Amazon, down 721 new ads.

The Conference Board Help Wanted OnLine Data Series (HWOL) measures the number of new, first-time online jobs and jobs reposted from the previous month for over 16,000 Internet job boards, corporate boards and smaller job sites that serve niche markets and smaller geographic areas. The data can be used as a real-time measure of labor demand.

Extra Issue #83 November 20th 2021 HWOL (PDF)

Extra Issue #83 November 20th HWOL (Word Doc)

November 20th
November 19th 1Q2021 - Employment & Wages by Industry Covered by Unemployment Insurance - Quarterly (Statewide / LMA / Towns / WDA)
The program produces a comprehensive tabulation of employment and wage information for workers covered by Connecticut Unemployment Insurance (UI) laws and Federal workers covered by the Unemployment Compensation for Federal Employees program with three digit government data added. Data on the number of establishments, employment, and wages are reported by industry for Connecticut, Labor Market Areas, Connecticut Towns and Workforce Development Areas.
November 19th November 13th, 2021 Extra Issue #82 Conference Board Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending November 13th, there were 7,155 new postings, down 1,649 new ads or -19% from a week ago. Most of this decline occurred in Retail Trade, down 793 and within that sector, most of the decline occurred at Amazon (-603). Occupations with the largest over the week declines include Laborer & Freight Material Movers (-378), Registered Nurses (-372 new ads), and Tractor Trailer Truck Drivers (-107 new ads). The most recent week of new ad data is the lowest level since mid-August but still more than twice the new ad level from a year ago, which was 3,366 new ads during the second week of November 2020.

Fourteen sectors had job posting decreases over the week, one was unchanged, and six had increases. The fourteen decreasing sectors fell by a combined 1,802 new ads and the six increasing ones grew by a combined 153. The largest industry decreases occurred in Retail Trade (-793 new ads), Health Care & Social Assistance (-193 new ads), and Accommodation & Food Services (-106 new ads). These three sectors accounted for 61 percent of the losses experienced in declining sectors. The Retail Trade losses follow a 620 new ad increase over the week ending November 6th. The six increasing sectors grew by 50 new ads or less over the week, with the three largest being Finance & Insurance (+50 new ads), Manufacturing (+34 new ads), and Information (+32 new ads).

Employers with the most new job postings during the week were mostly in Retail Trade, Finance & Insurance, and Professional, Scientific, & Technical Services. The 25 employers shown above account for 23 percent of all new ads. Of the top 25, 17 had over the week ad increases and 8 had decreases, the largest of each being UKG Ultimate Kronos Group (+137 new ads) and Amazon (-603 new ads). The 17 increasing employers in the top 25 amounted to a combined 694 new ad increase over the week, and the 8 decreasing employers were down a combined 794, resulting in a -100 over the week change. Almost all of the over the week decline in the top 25 was due to Amazon, which accounted for 76% of the drop among the 8 decreasing employers.

The Conference Board Help Wanted OnLine Data Series (HWOL) measures the number of new, first-time online jobs and jobs reposted from the previous month for over 16,000 Internet job boards, corporate boards and smaller job sites that serve niche markets and smaller geographic areas. The data can be used as a real-time measure of labor demand.

Extra Issue #82 November 13th 2021 HWOL (PDF)

Extra Issue #82 November 13th HWOL (Word Doc)

November 13th
November 12th Conference Board Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
Total postings in Connecticut was 104,973 in October 2021.

Industry Sectors with the most job postings were Health Care and Social Assistance (20,754 postings), Retail Trade (16,320 postings), Finance and Insurance (7,958 posting), and Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services (7,001 postings).

Occupations with the most postings were Registered Nurses (5,572 postings), Laborers & Freight, Stock, and Material Movers (4,152 postings), Retail Salespersons (3,470 postings), Wholesale and Manufacturing Sales Representatives (2,394 postings), and Heavy & Tractor-Trailer Truck Drivers (2,173 postings).

The Conference Board Help Wanted OnLine Data Series (HWOL) measures the number of new, first-time online jobs and jobs reposted from the previous month for over 16,000 Internet job boards, corporate boards and smaller job sites that serve niche markets and smaller geographic areas. The data can be used as a real-time measure of labor demand.

November 2021 HWOL (PDF)

November 2021 HWOL (Powerpoint Doc)

November 12th November 6th, 2021 Extra Issue #81 Conference Board Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending November 6th, 2021, there were 8,804 new postings, up 664 new ads or +8% from a week ago. The industries with the largest increases over the week include Retail Trade, Health Care & Social Assistance, and Educational Services. Employers with the most ads in those three sectors include Amazon, Trinity Health, Hartford Healthcare, Yale University, and The University of Connecticut. The most recent week of new ad data is an increase over levels during the last week of October, the month with the highest average on record. The weeks ending October 9th, 16th, and 23rd all had over 10,000 new job postings. When compared to the first week of November 2020, the most recent week of new ad data is up 96%.

Twelve sectors had job posting increases over the week and nine had decreases. The twelve increasing sectors grew by a combined 990 new ads and the nine decreasing ones fell by a combined 326. The largest industry increases occurred in Retail Trade (+620 new ads), Health Care & Social Assistance (+100 new ads), and Educational Services (+75 new ads). These three industries accounted for a combined 80% of the job ad gains across the twelve increasing industries. Among the nine sectors with over the week decreases, the largest occurred in Transportation & Warehousing (+74 new ads) and Finance & Insurance (-66 new ads).

Employers with the most new job postings during the week were mostly in Retail Trade, Health Care, Finance & Insurance. The 25 employers shown above account for 27 percent of all new ads. Amazon, the employer with the most ads accounted for 9% of all new ads. Twenty of the top 25 employers had over the week increases, the largest occurring at Amazon (+384 new ads) and BJ's Wholesale Club (+118 new ads). Among the five decreasing employers in the top 25, the largest occurred at United Parcel Service (-168 new ads) and Yale-New Haven Health System (-92). Overall, the top 25 employers for the week ending November 6th had a combined 2,345 new ads, in the prior week those specific employers had a combined 1,424 new ads.

The Conference Board Help Wanted OnLine Data Series (HWOL) measures the number of new, first-time online jobs and jobs reposted from the previous month for over 16,000 Internet job boards, corporate boards and smaller job sites that serve niche markets and smaller geographic areas. The data can be used as a real-time measure of labor demand.

Extra Issue #81 November 6th 2021 HWOL (PDF)

Extra Issue #81 November 6th HWOL (Word Doc)

November 6th
November 10th Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U)
The Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) increased 0.9 percent in October on a seasonally adjusted basis after rising 0.4 percent in September, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Over the last 12 months, the all items index increased 6.2 percent before seasonal adjustment.

The monthly all items seasonally adjusted increase was broad-based, with increases in the indexes for energy, shelter, food, used cars and trucks, and new vehicles among the larger contributors. The energy index rose 4.8 percent over the month, as the gasoline index increased 6.1 percent and the other major energy component indexes also rose. The food index increased 0.9 percent as the index for food at home rose 1.0 percent.

The index for all items less food and energy rose 0.6 percent in October after increasing 0.2 percent in September. Most component indexes increased over the month. Along with shelter, used cars and trucks, and new vehicles, the indexes for medical care, for household furnishing and operations, and for recreation all increased in October. The indexes for airline fares and for alcoholic beverages were among the few to decline over the month.

The all items index rose 6.2 percent for the 12 months ending October, the large st 12-month increase since the period ending November 1990. The index for all items less food and energy rose 4.6 percent over the last 12 months, the largest 12-month increase since the period ending August 1991. The energy index rose 30.0 percent over the last 12 months, and the food index increased 5.3 percent.

October 2021 Consumer Price Index (PDF)
October 2021 Consumer Price Index
November 5th October 30th, 2021 Extra Issue #80 Conference Board Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending October 30th, 2021, there were 8,140 new postings, down 2,373 new ads or -23% from a week ago. The most recent week is the second lowest of those ending in October, a month that had the highest weekly average on record. The overall average for weeks ending in October 2021 is 9,508, up 17% from the September (8,135 weekly average) and up 71% from October 2020 (4,766 weekly average). The end of month drop during the week ending October 30th was driven by declines in Healthcare, Retail Trade, and Professional, Scientific, & Technical Services. The employers with the largest declines over the week in those three respective industries were Hartford Healthcare (-258 new ads), Amazon (-569 new ads), and Deloitte (-369 new ads).

Fifteen sectors had job posting decreases over the week and six had increases. The Fifteen increasing sectors fell by a combined 2,560 new ads and the six increasing ones grew by a combined 187. The largest industry decreases occurred in Health Care & Social Assistance (-779 new ads), Retail Trade (-737 new ads), and Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services (-417 new ads). These three industries accounted for a combined 81% of the total net losses across all industries. Among the six sectors with over the week increases, the largest occurred in Transportation & Warehousing (+81 new ads) and Accommodation & Food Services (+49 new ads).

Employers with the most new job postings during the week were mostly in Health Care, Finance & Insurance, and Retail Trade. The 25 employers shown above account for 23 percent of all new ads. The three employers with the most ads, Amazon, UPS, and Yale-New Haven Health System had a combined 9% of total ads. Fifteen of the top 25 employers had over the week increases, the largest occurring at UPS (+161 new ads). Among the ten decreasing employers in the top 25, the largest occurred at Amazon (-569 new ads) and Deloitte (-369). Travelers was unchanged at 46 new ads this week and last week. Overall, the top 25 employers for the week ending October 30th had a combined 1,834 new ads, in the prior week those specific employers had a combined 2,608 new ads.

The Conference Board Help Wanted OnLine Data Series (HWOL) measures the number of new, first-time online jobs and jobs reposted from the previous month for over 16,000 Internet job boards, corporate boards and smaller job sites that serve niche markets and smaller geographic areas. The data can be used as a real-time measure of labor demand.

Extra Issue #80 October 30th 2021 HWOL (PDF)

Extra Issue #80 October 30th HWOL (Word Doc)

October 30th
November 3rd State of Connecticut Career Posters - Job Journeys
For those seeking more information before making a career choice, the Labor Department's "Job Journeys" posters can serve as a valuable resource."We want every jobseeker, student, career counselor, teacher, education and training administrator and workforce professional in the state to know about our series of Job Journey posters," notes State Labor Commissioner Kurt Westby. "These colorful, at-a-glance illustrations of the jobs found in each of Connecticut's 16 career clusters include pay and education information, related jobs,and how they measure up as an ‘in-demand' career."
State of Connecticut Career Posters - Job Journeys 11x17 (PDF)

Job Journeys 11x17 Order form in Microsoft Word

November 3rd November 2021 Connecticut Economic Digest
The Connecticut Economic Digest's purpose is to regularly provide users with a comprehensive source for the most current, up-to-date data available on the workforce and economy of the state, within perspectives of the region and nation.
November 2021 CT Economic Digest (PDF) November
November 3rd Responding to the COVID-19 Economic Crisis: One City's Story - November 2021 Economic Digest article
As in the rest of the world, the economy in the City of New Haven has been heavily impacted by COVID 19. Quantitative data has proven to be one of our most reliable methods for understanding the development of the COVID 19 crisis and especially its impacts on our businesses. Continued unemployment claims topped out at 10,000 in April 2020, which made up over 15% of our labor force, and remained above 6,000 until July 2021. At least 66 businesses closed permanently, City parking revenues plummeted from over $100,000 per week in February 2020 to below $5,000 per week in April 2020, and downtown pedestrian counts dropped from over 65,000 per week to 11,000 during the same time span. These data points help us review the arch of the economic crisis with an added level of understanding that we did not always have as events were unfolding around us.

As the crisis hit, the City was focused on immediate response in terms of public health, the continuity of government and supporting our economy. Federal assistance programs were being created to replace income or provide temporary or permanent relief from required payments like taxes, mortgage, and loans to businesses. Local economic development activities shifted to crisis response and triage as economic impacts rolled in. In addition to assisting through locally-funded programs, like the New Haven digital marketplace and Eat New Haven marketing program, the City also became a resource center, identifying and understanding Federal and State assistance programs and connecting businesses with applications. [ read more ]

November 2021 Digest article (PDF) November
 Publications  /  Data  /  Webpages  /  Updates  /  Releases PDF
October 29th October 23rd, 2021 Extra Issue #79 Conference Board Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending October 23rd, 2021, there were 10,513 new postings, down 160 new ads or -1% from a week ago. The most recent week is the second highest level on record in Connecticut and follows a series high of 10,673 during the week ending October 16th. The October average of weeks ending this month is on tract to be the highest on record and continues a yearlong trend of new ad growth. In September, the average of weeks ending that month was 8,254, the average for October with one week left in the month is 9,540 new ads. Total new ads in recent weeks have been roughly double levels a year ago. Industries with the largest increases when compared to a year ago (the week ending 10/24/20) include Health Care & Social Assistance (+1,299 new ads or 230%), Retail Trade (+982 new ads or 209%), and Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services (+717 new ads or 395%).

Twelve sectors had job posting increases over the week and nine had decreases. The twelve increasing sectors grew by a combined 958 new ads and the nine decreasing ones fell by a combined 1,118. The largest industry increases occurred in Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services (+357 new ads), Healthcare & Social Assistance (+301 new ads), and Manufacturing (+148 new ads). Among the nine sectors with over the week declines, the largest occurred in Information (-339 new ads), Transportation & Warehousing (-228 new ads), and Retail Trade (-182 new ads). Large percent shifts occurred over the week in many sectors, fifteen had change of 10% or more. Some of the largest over the week percent gains occurred in Professional, Scientific, & Technical Services (+59% or +357 new ads) and Manufacturing (+26% or +148 new ads). Large percent declines occurred in Information (-62% or -339 new ads) and Transportation & Warehousing (-46% or -228 new ads).

Employers with the most new job postings during the week were mostly in Finance & Insurance, Retail Trade, and Healthcare. The 25 employers shown above account for 28 percent of all new ads. The three employers with the most ads, Amazon, Deloitte, and Hartford Healthcare had a combined 16% of total ads. Fifteen of the top 25 employers had over the week increases, the largest occurring at Deloitte (+316 new ads) and Hartford Healthcare (+283 new ads). Among the ten decreasing employers in the top 25, the largest occurred at Amazon (-370 new ads) and Salesforce (-315). Overall, the top 25 employers for the week ending October 23rd had a combined 2,993 new ads, in the prior week those specific employers had a combined 3,255 new ads.

The Conference Board Help Wanted OnLine Data Series (HWOL) measures the number of new, first-time online jobs and jobs reposted from the previous month for over 16,000 Internet job boards, corporate boards and smaller job sites that serve niche markets and smaller geographic areas. The data can be used as a real-time measure of labor demand.

Extra Issue #79 October 23rd 2021 HWOL (PDF)

Extra Issue #79 October 23rd HWOL (Word Doc)

October 23rd
October 28th Connecticut Labor Force Data for Affirmative Action Plans - 2Q2021
Provides quarterly labor force information for Connecticut and its eight counties. The data presented are designed to meet the requirements of the Office of Federal Contract Compliance (OFCCP) and/or the Connecticut Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities (CHRO) for companies, State agencies, and municipalities that submit an Affirmative Action Plan. Includes statewide and county estimates of total labor force, unemployment rates, and unemployed women and minorities.
CT Labor Force Data for Affirmative Action Plans 2Q 2021 (PDF, 2.7M)
2Q 2021 Connecticut Labor Force Data for Affirmative Action Excel
2Q 2021
October 27th Business Employment Dynamics 1Q2021
Business Employment Dynamics (BED) data published quarterly by the Bureau of Labor Statistics tracks employment change at the establishment level and reveals the underlying dynamics of net employment change. The data include gross employment change, business expansion/contraction, establishment birth/death, and is available at sector level.

From January 2021 to April 2021, gross job gains from opening and expanding private sector establishments in Connecticut was 85,542, a decrease of 3,088 jobs from the previous quarter. Over this period, gross job losses from closing and contracting private sector establishments was 71,646, a decrease of 7,871 jobs from the previous quarter.

During the first quarter of 2021, the difference between gross job gains and gross job losses yielded a net employment gain of 13,896 jobs in the private sector. This net increase follows a 9,113 net increase during the fourth quarter of 2020.

Net employment change reached a low of -205,121 during the second quarter of 2020. The combined net change for the three quarters of subsequent data through the first quarter of 2021 is 105,466 jobs.

1Q2021 Connecticut Business Employment Dynamics PDF

1Q2021 Connecticut Business Employment Dynamics (Word Doc)

1Q 2021
October 27th Conference Board Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
Total postings in Connecticut was 94,428 in September 2021.

Industry Sectors with the most job postings were Health Care and Social Assistance (17,038 postings), Retail Trade (15,195 postings), Finance and Insurance (7,500 posting), and Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services (6,221 postings).

Occupations with the most postings were Registered Nurses (4,016 postings), Laborers & Freight, Stock, and Material Movers (3,270 postings), Retail Salespersons (3,228 postings), Supervisors of Retail Sales Workers (2,198 postings) and Wholesale and Manufacturing Sales Representatives (2,098 postings).

The Conference Board Help Wanted OnLine Data Series (HWOL) measures the number of new, first-time online jobs and jobs reposted from the previous month for over 16,000 Internet job boards, corporate boards and smaller job sites that serve niche markets and smaller geographic areas. The data can be used as a real-time measure of labor demand.

October 2021 HWOL (PDF)

October 2021 HWOL (Powerpoint Doc)

October 26th Connecticut Learns and Works - Debunking the Mysteries of Women in Modern Manufacturing
Millie Hemming | Education & Workforce Specialist
Kristi Oki | Mechanical Engineer, Advanced Design, Automation & Metrology
CT Learns and Works - Debunking the Mysteries of Women in Modern Manufacturing (PDF) Fall
October 22nd October 16th, 2021 Extra Issue #78 Conference Board Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending October 16th, 2021, there were 10,690 new postings, up 1,252 new ads or +13% from a week ago. The most recent week is highest level on record in Connecticut and is over 600 ads higher than the previous high of 10,055 which occurred during the week ending July 3rd, 2021. Nationally, the most recent week amounted to 730,875 new ads, about ten thousand ads below peak levels reached during the week ending May 8th, 2021. In Connecticut, more than half of the over the week increase occurred in Retail Trade (+382 new ads) and Information (+308 new ads). By employer, a combined new ad increase of almost 900 occurred at Amazon (+530 new ads) and Salesforce (+359 new ads) over the week. The two occupations with the largest over the week increase, Registered Nurses and Laborers & Freight, Stock, and Material Movers both had over the week new ad increases of over 99 percent.

Ten sectors had job posting increases over the week, one was unchanged, and ten had decreases. The largest industry increases occurred in Retail Trade (+382 new ads), Information (+308 new ads), and Health Care & Social Assistance (+214 new ads). The overall Retail increase despite larger gains at Amazon reflects over the week declines at other large industry employers. Over the week, the largest Retail Trade employer declines include Target (-33 new ads), Raymour & Flanigan (-32 new ads) and BJ's Wholesale (-28 new ads). During the most recent week, the ten industries with the most job ads had between 1.4 (Manufacturing) and 6 (Information) times the job ad levels they had during a year ago during the week ending October 17th, 2020.

Employers with the most new job postings during the week were mostly in Healthcare, Business Services and Retail Trade. The 25 employers shown above account for 34 percent of all new ads. Among all employers, Amazon accounted for 13% of all new ads statewide. The top 25 new ad employers included far fewer Retail Trade employers than the prior week. During the week ending October 9th, 7 employers amounted to 26% of job ads in the top 25, during the week ending October 16th, 3 employers in that industry amounted to 37% of ads in the top 25. This is due in large part to Amazon dwarfing other employers and having the largest over the week increase. The Largest over the week employer decrease occurred at the State of Connecticut (-145 new ads to 74), which fell from the top 25.

The Conference Board Help Wanted OnLine Data Series (HWOL) measures the number of new, first-time online jobs and jobs reposted from the previous month for over 16,000 Internet job boards, corporate boards and smaller job sites that serve niche markets and smaller geographic areas. The data can be used as a real-time measure of labor demand.

Extra Issue #78 October 16th 2021 HWOL (PDF)

Extra Issue #78 October 16th HWOL (Word Doc)

October 16th
October 15th October 9th, 2021 Extra Issue #77 Conference Board Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending October 9th, 2021, there were 9,438 new postings, up 1,904 new ads or +25% from a week ago. The most recent week is second highest new ad level on record and continues an upward trend that began last winter. Since April 2021, the monthly average of weekly new ad counts has been above levels had during the April 2020-Feburary 2021 period. The over the week increase is driven by industry gains in Health Care & Social Assistance, Manufacturing, and Accommodation & Food Services. Employers with the largest increases include the State of Connecticut and Raytheon. Employers with the largest over the week decreases include The Home Depot Incorporated and Charter Communications.

Nineteen sectors had job posting increases over the week and two had decreases. The largest industry increases occurred in Health Care & Social Assistance (+689 new ads), Manufacturing (+237 new ads), and Accommodation & Food Services (+141 new ads). These three sectors accounted for roughly two thirds of total over the week new ad growth. The two decreasing industries fell by a combined 102 new ads, with most of that occurring in Retail Trade (-93 new ads).

Employers with the most new job postings during the week were mostly in Retail Trade, Healthcare, and Finance & Insurance. The 25 employers shown above account for 25 percent of all new ads. Retail Trade accounted for 7 employers and 46% of the job ads in the top 25. Of the top 25 employers, 20 had over the week increases and 5 had decreases. The largest employer increases over the week occurred at the State of Connecticut (+212 new ads) and the largest decrease occurred at Amazon (-51 new ads).

The Conference Board Help Wanted OnLine Data Series (HWOL) measures the number of new, first-time online jobs and jobs reposted from the previous month for over 16,000 Internet job boards, corporate boards and smaller job sites that serve niche markets and smaller geographic areas. The data can be used as a real-time measure of labor demand.

Extra Issue #77 October 9th 2021 HWOL (PDF)

Extra Issue #77 October 9th HWOL (Word Doc)

October 9th
October 13th Connecticut Learns and Works - Fall 2021 Breakfast Symposium
Engaging Educators, Employers and the Workforce Development Community - Symposium for educators, counselors, employment and training specialists, and business persons interested in career and workforce development issues. Tuesday, October 26, 2021, 7:30 - 11:30 am, Tunxis CC, Farmington, (Founder's Hall)
CT Learns and Works - Fall 2021 Breakfast Symposium Complete Agenda (PDF) Fall
October 8th October 2nd, 2021 Extra Issue #76 Conference Board Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending October 2nd, 2021, there were 7,534 new postings, down 1,200 new ads or -14% from a week ago. The prior week ending October 2nd was the second highest on record. The new ad decrease over the week was driven by Health Care & Social Assistance (-729 new ads). These health care losses follow new ad gains of 768 a week earlier. The declines during the most recent week were driven by decreases at Hartford Healthcare (-364 new ads), Aya Healthcare (-90 new ads), Petco (-76 new ads), and Target (-70 new ads). The most recent week is the first ending in October and follows the highest monthly average of weekly new ads in record. The month of September 2021 averaged 8,254 new ads per week, a level 76 percent higher than a year ago. New ads averaged 4,699 during September 2020.

Eighteen sectors had job posting decreases over the week and three had increases. The decreasing sectors fell by a combined 1,348 new ads while the three increasing sectors grew by 148 new ads. More than two thirds of the overall decline occurred in Health Care & Social Assistance (-729 new ads), Manufacturing (-129 new ads) and Information (-114 new ads). The three increasing sectors had much smaller gains, the largest being Educational Services +128 new ads or +60%). Though most sectors experienced over the week declines, ad counts during the week ending October 2nd are still among the highest levels in over a year, and last week was the second highest new ad count on record.

Employers with the most new job postings during the week were mostly in Finance & Insurance, Retail Trade, and Health Care. The 25 employers shown above account for 30 percent of all new ads. Retail Trade accounted for 5 employers and 51% of the job ads in the top 25. Of the top 25 employers, 16 had over the week increases and 9 had decreases. The largest employer increases over the week occurred at The Home Depot (+202 new ads) and the largest decrease occurred at Hartford Healthcare (-364 new ads). The over the week declines at Hartford Healthcare follow a week of commensurate gains, it added 381 new ads a week before.

The Conference Board Help Wanted OnLine Data Series (HWOL) measures the number of new, first-time online jobs and jobs reposted from the previous month for over 16,000 Internet job boards, corporate boards and smaller job sites that serve niche markets and smaller geographic areas. The data can be used as a real-time measure of labor demand.

Extra Issue #76 October 2nd 2021 HWOL (PDF)

Extra Issue #76 October 2nd HWOL (Word Doc)

October 2nd
October 4th Weekly Connecticut Initial and Continuing Unemployment Insurance Claims
Break down unemployment claims by age, education, industry, gender, town, RNO and wages can offer valuable insight for planning and budgeting purposes, and for developing responsible strategies for re-opening the state during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Oct. 4th
October 1st September 25th, 2021 Extra Issue #75 Conference Board Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
During the week ending September 25th, 2021, there were 8,734 new postings, up 1,213 new ads or +16% from a week ago. The new ad increase over the week was driven by Retail Trade (+768 new ads) and Health Care & Social Assistance (+631 new ads) and tempered by declines in 10 sectors including Educational Services (-116 new ads) and Accommodation & Food Services (-82 new ads). Employers with the largest increases were Amazon (+417 new ads) and Hartford Healthcare (+381 new ads). Employers with the largest over the week declines include Yale University (-43 new ads) and Deloitte (-42 new ads). Weekly new ads ending in September are on track to be the highest monthly average on record.

Eleven sectors had job posting increases over the week and ten had decreases. The increasing industries grew by a combined 1,588 new ads while the ten decreasing industries accounted for a combined 375 job ad decrease. Among increasing industries, 1,399 of the combined gains occurred in Retail Trade (+768 new ads) and Health Care & Social Assistance (+631 new ads). The largest decline over the week occurred in Educational Services, down 116 new ads. Over four weeks, total new ads were up 971 new ads or +13%. The largest industry increases over four weeks include Retail Trade (+847 new ads or +85%) and Health Care & Social Assistance (+365 new ads +25%). The largest four week decline occurred in Educational Services (-199 new ads or -48%) and Accommodation & Food Services (-104 new ads or -21%).

Employers with the most new job postings during the week were mostly in Retail Trade, Health Care, and Finance & Insurance. The 25 employers shown above account for 28 percent of all new ads. Retail Trade accounted for 10 employers and about half the job ads in the top 25. Of the top 25 employers, 18 had over the week increases and 7 had decreases. The largest employer increases over the week occurred at Amazon (+417 new ads) and Hartford Healthcare (+381 new ads). The 7 employers with over the week declines fell by 42 new ads or less, the largest being Deloitte.

The Conference Board Help Wanted OnLine Data Series (HWOL) measures the number of new, first-time online jobs and jobs reposted from the previous month for over 16,000 Internet job boards, corporate boards and smaller job sites that serve niche markets and smaller geographic areas. The data can be used as a real-time measure of labor demand.

Extra Issue #75 September 25th 2021 HWOL (PDF)

Extra Issue #75 September 25th HWOL (Word Doc)

September 25th
October 1st October 2021 Connecticut Economic Digest
The Connecticut Economic Digest's purpose is to regularly provide users with a comprehensive source for the most current, up-to-date data available on the workforce and economy of the state, within perspectives of the region and nation.
October 2021 CT Economic Digest (PDF) October
October 1st All State Economic Indexes Fell in 2020 Due to the COVID Pandemic - October 2021 Economic Digest article
Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, all state economic indexes fell over the year. After annual revisions, Connecticut ranked 35th out of the 50 states and the District of Columbia (DC) in the State Economic Indexes (SEI) in 2020, down from the 25th position in 2019.

Utah came in first in the nation with the highest index of 143.1 last year, while Hawaii placed last (103.3). Our state's index of 114.2 was below the nationwide value of 119.8

SEI: Methodology
Applying the same components and methodology of the Connecticut Town Economic Indexes (See September 2021 issue), the Connecticut Department of Labor's Office of Research also developed the State Economic Indexes for all 50 states and DC. With recently available annual average data from the Quarterly Census Employment and Wages (QCEW) program, along with the revised annual average unemployment rate from Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS), annual SEI is reestimated for the 2010-2020 period.

These indexes provide a measure of the overall economic strength of each state that can be compared and ranked. Four annual average state economic indicators were used as components: 1. the number of the total covered business establishments, 2. total covered employment, 3. real covered wages, and 4. the unemployment rate. [ read more ]

October 2021 Digest article (PDF)

Download SEI 2010-2020 data.xlsx

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September 30th Business and Employment Changes Announced in the News Media
Lists start-ups, expansions, recruitments, career fairs, staff reductions, and layoffs reported by the media, both current and future. The report provides company name, the number of workers involved, date of the action, the principal product or service of the company, a brief synopsis of the action, and the source and date of the media article.