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Labor Market Information - Manufacturing Sector State of Connecticut
Last Updated: January 27, 2024
  Manufacturing Sector ~ State of Connecticut Select Industry  
1 Month Ago 1 Year Ago January 2010 Recession Trough March 2008 Employment Peak
Change Rate % Dec
Change Rate % Dec
Change Rate % Dec
Change Rate %
157,800 157,800 0 0.0% 157,800 157,900 -100 -0.1% 157,800 162,300 -4,500 -2.8% 157,800 185,800 -28,000 -15.1%
The manufacturing sector consists of establishments engaged in the mechanical, physical, or chemical transformation of materials, substances, or components into new products. Planning, managing and performing the processing of materials into intermediate or final products and related professional and technical support activities such as production planning and control, maintenance and manufacturing/process engineering. Download Manufacturing Employment (1990-Current) .xls
 Month  2016 Y/Y 2017 Y/Y 2018 Y/Y 2019 Y/Y 2020 Y/Y 2021 Y/Y 2022 Y/Y 2023 Y/Y 2024 Y/Y 2025 Y/Y
 Jan 156,400 157,700 159,900 162,200 160,800 151,700 154,400 158,800 158,400
 Feb 156,400 157,700 160,000 162,000 160,800 152,000 155,300 158,800 158,600
 Mar 156,300 158,100 159,800 162,100 160,200 152,800 155,900 158,700 158,800
 Apr 156,100 158,200 160,200 162,200 149,000 152,500 156,900 158,400 159,200
 May 156,100 158,500 160,500 162,100 151,000 152,700 156,900 158,400 158,600
 Jun 156,100 158,900 160,700 162,000 151,800 151,800 156,700 158,700 158,900
 Jul 156,400 159,000 160,900 162,200 151,900 153,200 157,500 158,400 158,500
 Aug 156,600 159,400 160,900 161,700 152,000 152,800 157,900 158,400 157,800
 Sep 156,700 158,900 160,700 161,700 152,500 153,400 158,200 158,400 158,000
 Oct 156,800 159,200 161,300 161,800 152,500 154,000 158,400 157,700 158,000
 Nov 156,700 159,400 161,500 161,700 152,100 154,500 158,500 158,100 157,800
 Dec 157,400 159,800 162,100 161,000 151,900 154,900 158,600 157,900 157,800
 Month  2006 Y/Y 2007 Y/Y 2008 Y/Y 2009 Y/Y 2010 Y/Y 2011 Y/Y 2012 Y/Y 2013 Y/Y 2014 Y/Y 2015 Y/Y
 Jan 191,700 189,600 186,700 177,500 162,300 163,200 162,800 161,200 158,500 156,700
 Feb 191,900 189,700 186,100 175,100 162,100 163,500 163,200 161,200 158,300 156,600
 Mar 188,500 189,500 185,800 173,000 162,100 163,600 162,600 161,000 157,900 156,900
 Apr 191,900 188,200 185,900 171,000 162,200 163,700 162,300 160,900 157,700 157,100
 May 191,800 188,000 185,900 169,600 162,600 163,600 162,200 160,700 157,000 157,200
 Jun 191,500 188,000 185,300 168,000 162,600 163,500 162,100 160,400 156,600 157,300
 Jul 191,600 187,800 184,800 166,100 163,200 163,600 161,600 160,400 156,600 157,100
 Aug 191,100 187,500 184,300 165,300 163,100 164,100 161,600 159,800 156,700 156,900
 Sep 190,400 187,000 183,800 165,000 163,400 163,300 161,100 159,600 156,700 157,600
 Oct 189,900 186,500 182,900 163,900 163,400 163,100 161,300 159,600 157,000 156,600
 Nov 189,800 186,400 181,600 163,300 163,300 163,100 161,200 159,000 156,900 156,600
 Dec 190,000 186,100 180,000 163,000 163,200 162,800 161,100 158,800 156,700 156,500
 Month  1996 Y/Y 1997 Y/Y 1998 Y/Y 1999 Y/Y 2000 Y/Y 2001 Y/Y 2002 Y/Y 2003 Y/Y 2004 Y/Y 2005 Y/Y
 Jan 243,900 242,500 246,800 242,500 233,900 232,600 215,600 202,500 195,200 194,400
 Feb 244,300 242,800 247,000 241,600 234,200 231,700 214,400 201,400 195,100 194,000
 Mar 243,700 242,600 247,600 241,200 233,600 230,900 213,300 200,300 195,200 193,800
 Apr 243,400 244,100 247,300 240,600 233,700 229,200 212,000 199,900 195,200 193,600
 May 243,800 244,300 247,100 239,400 233,500 227,800 211,000 198,800 194,800 193,500
 Jun 243,200 244,700 246,700 238,500 233,500 226,300 209,600 197,900 194,700 193,100
 Jul 242,300 243,000 248,600 238,700 236,000 225,000 208,300 196,600 195,400 192,600
 Aug 244,600 245,000 246,500 238,200 235,600 223,300 207,900 196,200 195,300 192,200
 Sep 243,300 243,500 246,600 236,800 235,100 221,000 206,600 195,800 195,000 191,600
 Oct 244,600 244,600 245,400 236,200 234,400 219,700 205,400 195,700 194,800 191,700
 Nov 245,400 245,300 244,200 235,800 233,900 218,200 204,200 195,600 194,800 191,400
 Dec 245,600 244,300 243,100 235,600 233,200 217,000 203,300 195,300 194,400 191,000
State of Connecticut Department of Labor - Office of Research, 200 Folly Brook Boulevard, Wethersfield, CT 06109
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