The professional and business services supersector is made up of three
parts: the professional, scientific, and technical services sector (sector 54), the management of companies and enterprises sector (sector 55), and the
administrative and support and waste management and remediation services sector (sector 56). The professional, scientific, and technical services sector comprises establishments that specialize in performing professional, scientific, and
technical activities for others. Activities performed include: legal advice and representation; accounting, bookkeeping, and payroll services; architectural,
engineering, and specialized design services; computer services; consulting services; research services; advertising services; photographic services;
translation and interpretation services; veterinary services; and other professional, scientific, and technical services.
The management of companies and enterprises sector comprises (1) establishments that hold the securities of (or other equity interests in)
companies and enterprises for the purpose of owning a controlling interest or influencing management decisions or (2) establishments (except government
establishments) that administer, oversee, and manage establishments of the company or enterprise and that normally undertake the strategic or
organizational planning and decisionmaking role of the company or enterprise.
The administrative and support and waste management and remediation services sector comprises establishments performing routine support activities for the
day-to-day operations of other organizations. These essential activities are often undertaken in-house by establishments in many sectors of the economy.
Activities performed include: office administration, hiring and placing of personnel, document preparation and similar clerical services, solicitation,
collection, security and surveillance services, cleaning, and waste disposal services. |