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Labor Market Information - Educational and Health Services Sector State of Connecticut
Last Updated: January 27, 2024
  Educational and Health Services Sector ~ State of Connecticut Select Industry  
1 Month Ago 1 Year Ago January 2010 Recession Trough March 2008 Employment Peak
Change Rate % Dec
Change Rate % Dec
Change Rate % Dec
Change Rate %
371,800 369,400 2,400 0.6% 371,800 356,500 15,300 4.3% 371,800 308,200 63,600 20.6% 371,800 299,500 72,300 24.1%
The educational and health services supersector  is made up of two parts: the educational services sector (sector 61), and the health care and social assistance sector (sector 62). Only privately-owned establishments are included in this discussion; publicly-owned establishments that provide education or health services are included in government.

The educational services sector comprises establishments that provide instruction and training in a wide variety of subjects. This instruction and training is provided by specialized establishments, such as schools, colleges, universities, and training centers.

The health care and social assistance sector comprises establishments providing health care and social assistance for individuals. The industries in this sector are arranged on a continuum starting with those establishments providing medical care exclusively, continuing with those providing health care and social assistance, and finally finishing with those providing only social assistance.

Download Educational and Health Services Employment (1990-Current) .xls
 Month  2016 Y/Y 2017 Y/Y 2018 Y/Y 2019 Y/Y 2020 Y/Y 2021 Y/Y 2022 Y/Y 2023 Y/Y 2024 Y/Y 2025 Y/Y
 Jan 335,100 342,100 343,300 346,100 351,200 329,600 336,800 353,500 360,500
 Feb 336,100 341,900 344,000 346,900 352,300 330,200 339,100 350,000 361,200
 Mar 337,600 342,500 343,900 347,600 349,100 333,400 340,800 350,800 219,700
 Apr 336,100 342,300 344,100 347,600 301,300 332,600 340,500 351,900 363,200
 May 335,500 343,700 344,700 347,800 308,100 333,300 341,000 353,600 365,300
 Jun 337,000 343,100 344,900 347,800 315,400 333,500 341,700 358,300 367,100
 Jul 340,400 342,400 344,700 347,500 319,100 334,900 343,400 355,200 368,200
 Aug 339,900 342,500 345,300 348,000 325,000 335,200 343,000 356,000 368,500
 Sep 340,300 342,800 345,200 348,600 325,700 333,100 344,300 357,200 369,000
 Oct 341,000 342,300 345,200 349,300 329,400 337,200 344,000 359,500 367,700
 Nov 341,300 342,300 344,600 350,600 328,800 336,900 344,900 361,400 369,400
 Dec 341,500 342,500 346,700 349,300 329,500 338,300 345,200 356,500 371,800
 Month  2006 Y/Y 2007 Y/Y 2008 Y/Y 2009 Y/Y 2010 Y/Y 2011 Y/Y 2012 Y/Y 2013 Y/Y 2014 Y/Y 2015 Y/Y
 Jan 280,200 287,800 296,800 305,400 308,200 317,500 320,500 324,200 328,400 334,200
 Feb 280,100 288,500 298,100 307,400 308,200 316,900 322,000 323,900 327,300 333,300
 Mar 280,900 289,200 299,500 306,000 308,800 317,600 322,500 326,100 328,500 332,900
 Apr 281,500 290,300 299,100 304,600 310,700 318,200 320,700 326,400 330,300 333,300
 May 282,100 290,600 299,800 305,600 311,000 318,700 322,300 326,100 330,300 333,600
 Jun 282,000 292,300 301,000 305,900 311,200 318,500 323,000 326,700 330,700 335,100
 Jul 283,900 292,500 301,400 307,800 312,700 319,400 323,000 327,000 332,700 334,900
 Aug 285,000 292,900 301,700 308,400 312,900 319,600 323,200 328,000 332,900 335,100
 Sep 285,300 293,700 302,300 307,900 313,400 319,700 324,300 328,300 333,300 334,200
 Oct 285,200 293,900 303,400 308,200 314,900 318,500 324,400 328,500 333,200 335,300
 Nov 285,800 294,700 305,100 308,300 315,100 318,700 324,500 329,600 333,900 335,600
 Dec 286,800 295,400 305,100 309,100 315,600 319,500 326,000 326,900 333,900 335,300
 Month  1996 Y/Y 1997 Y/Y 1998 Y/Y 1999 Y/Y 2000 Y/Y 2001 Y/Y 2002 Y/Y 2003 Y/Y 2004 Y/Y 2005 Y/Y
 Jan 228,500 236,300 238,900 243,100 248,500 253,300 260,400 266,100 269,600 274,200
 Feb 229,300 237,400 239,600 243,700 247,700 253,700 260,600 266,200 270,100 275,100
 Mar 229,300 237,800 238,500 245,100 248,800 254,200 261,500 265,800 270,200 275,100
 Apr 230,700 237,700 238,700 243,700 248,500 253,600 262,000 266,300 271,200 276,200
 May 232,300 237,400 240,200 245,100 248,700 251,300 262,400 267,100 272,500 276,300
 Jun 233,300 237,400 241,900 245,600 249,200 254,800 262,400 266,800 272,200 275,700
 Jul 233,800 236,600 241,800 247,200 250,200 255,800 262,700 267,300 271,600 276,300
 Aug 236,200 237,300 241,900 248,100 249,000 256,500 263,300 267,100 272,000 276,700
 Sep 236,500 237,500 242,300 247,200 248,500 259,000 264,000 267,000 272,700 277,400
 Oct 234,700 237,900 242,100 245,700 247,500 258,800 265,200 268,600 274,000 278,400
 Nov 235,700 238,200 242,800 246,500 247,600 259,700 266,000 269,400 274,100 278,900
 Dec 235,700 239,100 242,500 247,300 248,400 260,200 265,900 269,400 274,400 279,600
State of Connecticut Department of Labor - Office of Research, 200 Folly Brook Boulevard, Wethersfield, CT 06109
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