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Connecticut Labor Market Information - CES Production Workers/All Employee Hours & Earnings - Current Month
  Production Workers / All Employees Hours & Earnings Current Month - State of Connecticut Last Updated: July 18, 2024
Hours and Earnings: The June 2024 private sector workweek, not seasonally adjusted, averaged 33.7 hours. This is higher by a large seven-tenths of an hour from the June 2023 average of 33.0 hours (2.1%). Average hourly earnings at $37.76 in June 2024, not seasonally adjusted, were up by $2.52 (7.2%) from the June 2023 estimate of $35.24. The June 2024 private sector weekly wage averaged $1,272.51, higher by $109.59 (9.42%) from a year ago. Download Average Hourly/Weekly Earnings/Weekly Hours .xls
Jun CHG May             Jun CHG May               Jun CHG May
(Not seasonally adjusted) 2024 2023 Y/Y 2024 2024 2023 Y/Y 2024 2024 2023 Y/Y 2024
PRODUCTION WORKER                      
MANUFACTURING $1,213.20 $1,126.45 $86.75 $1,206.14 38.6 39.4 -0.8 38.4 $31.43 $28.59 $2.84 $31.41
 DURABLE GOODS 1,283.64 1,216.40 67.24 1,279.84 38.0 40.0 -2.0 38.0 33.78 30.41 3.37 33.68
 NON-DUR. GOODS 1,012.64 862.17 150.47 999.11 40.2 37.6 2.6 39.6 25.19 22.93 2.26 25.23
CONSTRUCTION 1,535.07 1,531.95 3.12 1,499.52 39.1 40.7 -1.6 38.4 39.26 37.64 1.62 39.05
ALL EMPLOYEES                        
TOTAL PRIVATE 1,272.51 1,162.92 109.59 1,258.51 33.7 33.0 0.7 33.4 37.76 35.24 2.52 37.68
GOODS PRODUCING 1,521.74 1,469.30 52.44 1,498.46 39.2 39.7 -0.5 38.7 38.82 37.01 1.81 38.72
   Construction 1,553.52 1,555.91 -2.39 1,533.40 37.9 39.4 -1.5 37.3 40.99 39.49 1.50 41.11
   Manufacturing 1,456.28 1,442.40 13.88 1,444.52 38.7 39.1 -0.4 38.8 37.63 36.89 0.74 37.23
SERVICE PROVIDING 1,227.56 1,108.23 119.33 1,217.45 32.7 31.8 0.9 32.5 37.54 34.85 2.69 37.46
   Trade, Transp., Utilities 984.75 895.75 89.00 968.63 31.9 31.2 0.7 31.8 30.87 28.71 2.16 30.46
   Financial Activities 2,213.14 2,016.61 196.53 2,201.63 37.6 37.2 0.4 37.5 58.86 54.21 4.65 58.71
   Prof. & Business Serv. 1,633.55 1,487.37 146.18 1,579.85 36.8 35.6 1.2 35.8 44.39 41.78 2.61 44.13
   Education & Health Ser. 1,139.37 1,091.58 47.79 1,137.74 32.6 32.8 -0.2 32.6 34.95 33.28 1.67 34.90
   Leisure & Hospitality 594.11 541.20 52.91 610.17 25.4 24.6 0.8 25.8 23.39 22.00 1.39 23.65
   Other Services 921.36 871.49 49.87 919.59 30.1 28.8 1.3 30.2 30.61 30.26 0.35 30.45
   Bridgeport-Stamford 1,299.54 1,220.18 79.36 1,280.20 32.8 31.9 0.9 32.6 39.62 38.25 1.37 39.27
   Danbury 1,193.23 1,201.09 -7.86 1,193.93 34.9 35.8 -0.9 34.9 34.19 33.55 0.64 34.21
   Hartford 1,306.96 1,237.46 69.50 1,292.17 34.0 33.7 0.3 33.8 38.44 36.72 1.72 38.23
   New Haven 1,172.95 1,096.60 76.35 1,175.23 32.6 33.2 -0.6 32.6 35.98 33.03 2.95 36.05
   Norwich-New London 1,096.96 1,005.71 91.25 1,091.08 32.0 32.6 -0.6 32.1 34.28 30.85 3.43 33.99
   Waterbury 978.20 915.09 63.11 989.40 33.5 33.0 0.5 34.0 29.20 27.73 1.47 29.10
State of Connecticut Department of Labor - Office of Research, 200 Folly Brook Boulevard, Wethersfield, CT 06109
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