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Labor Market Information - State of Connecticut Current/Future Overall Trends
  Current / Future Overall Trends - State of Connecticut Seasonally Adjusted Last Updated: January 6, 2014
A group of indicators known as Business or Economic Indicators are composites constructed by combining several different time-series to produce a single number that provides an indication of the overall, broad activity in the economy. Two major groups of business, or economic, indicators are available: a group that measures the current state of the economy, and a group that indicates where the economy may be going in the near future.

The current-conditions group of indicators includes the Employment-Coincident Index #1, the General Drift Indicator-Coincident #2, and the Farmington Bank Business Barometer #3. In addition, there are two composite indicators that signal the near-future direction of the economy: Employment-Leading Index #4 and the General Drift Indicator-Leading #5. For charts, trends and data for the five current and future overall economic indicators and historical totals follow the column header links or "trends" buttons.

Quarter 2011 Y/Y 2012 Y/Y 2013 Y/Y 2014 Y/Y 2015 Y/Y 2016 Y/Y 2017 Y/Y 2018 Y/Y 2019 Y/Y 2020 Y/Y 2021 Y/Y 2022 Y/Y
1Q 102.60
2Q 102.60
3Q 102.20
4Q 103.60
NOTE:  The coincident employment index is a composite indicator of four individual employment-related series -- the total unemployment rate, nonfarm employment (employer survey), total employment (state residents employed measured by a household survey), and the insured unemployment rate. All data are seasonally adjusted and come from the Connecticut Labor Department, the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, and the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.
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Quarter 2012 Y/Y 2013 Y/Y 2014 Y/Y 2015 Y/Y 2016 Y/Y 2017 Y/Y 2018 Y/Y 2019 Y/Y 2020 Y/Y 2021 Y/Y 2022 Y/Y 2023 Y/Y 2024 Y/Y
1Q 111.8 111.7 113.6 116.1
2Q 112.1 112.8 114.1 116.3
3Q 112.3 113.0 114.2 117.3
4Q 113.2 112.8 115.3 117.8
NOTE:  The Connecticut Economy's General Drift Indicators are composite measures of the four-quarter change in three coincident (Connecticut Manufacturing Production Index, nonfarm employment, and real personal income) and four leading (housing permits, manufacturing average weekly hours, Hartford help-wanted advertising, and initial unemployment claims) economic variables, and are indexed so 1986 = 100.
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Quarter 2012 Y/Y 2013 Y/Y 2014 Y/Y 2015 Y/Y 2016 Y/Y 2017 Y/Y 2018 Y/Y 2019 Y/Y 2020 Y/Y 2021 Y/Y 2022 Y/Y 2023 Y/Y 2024 Y/Y
1Q 130.1 128.5 130.7 133.6
2Q 130.2 129.0 130.7 133.6
3Q 129.9 130.3 131.0 134.3
4Q 132.5 129.8 132.8 136.0
NOTE:  The Farmington Bank Business Barometer is a measure of overall economic growth in the state of Connecticut that is derived from non-manufacturing employment, real disposable personal income, and manufacturing production.
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Quarter 2011 Y/Y 2012 Y/Y 2013 Y/Y 2014 Y/Y 2015 Y/Y 2016 Y/Y 2017 Y/Y 2018 Y/Y 2019 Y/Y 2020 Y/Y 2021 Y/Y 2022 Y/Y
1Q 116.10
2Q 117.20
3Q 118.20
4Q 118.80
NOTE:  The leading employment index is a composite of six individual largely employment-related series -- the average workweek of manufacturing production and construction workers, Hartford help-wanted advertising index, short-duration (less than 15 weeks) unemployment rate, initial claims for unemployment insurance, total housing permits, and Moody's BAA corporate bond yield. While not employment-sector variables, housing permits are closely related to construction employment and the corporate bond yield adds important information about the movement in interest rates.
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Quarter 2012 Y/Y 2013 Y/Y 2014 Y/Y 2015 Y/Y 2016 Y/Y 2017 Y/Y 2018 Y/Y 2019 Y/Y 2020 Y/Y 2021 Y/Y 2022 Y/Y 2023 Y/Y 2024 Y/Y
1Q 108.7 111.1 115.5 113.9
2Q 108.5 111.1 114.0 114.2
3Q 109.0 113.8 112.5 116.5
4Q 108.8 112.4 114.9 120.7
NOTE:   The Connecticut Economy's General Drift Indicators are composite measures of the four-quarter change in three coincident (Connecticut Manufacturing Production Index, nonfarm employment, and real personal income) and four leading (housing permits, manufacturing average weekly hours, Hartford help-wanted advertising, and initial unemployment claims) economic variables, and are indexed so 1986 = 100.
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 Available Overall Scorecards  2001  •  2002  •  2003  •  2004  •  2005  •  2006  •  2007  •  2008  •  2009  •  2010  •  2011  Available Overall Scorecards 
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This workforce product was funded by a grant awarded by the U.S. Department of Labor's Employment and Training Administration. (more)
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