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Labor Market Information - Frequently Asked Questions
  Labor Market Information - Frequently Asked Questions Last Updated: June 13, 2023
About the Office of Research:
About our Data:
Our Mission
  • What is the mission of the Office of Research?
    The mission of the Office of Research is to collect, analyze and disseminate accurate occupational and economic data used to:
    • evaluate the economic health of Connecticut
    • support and promote state workforce development services
    • assist students and job seekers in making career choices

    Through the latest technological advances, the Office of Research provides labor market information data and statistics to the widest possible range of users, in the most thorough and convenient format possible.
Who We Are
  • What is the Office of Research?
    Acting as the Connecticut arm of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Office of Research is responsible for the development and publication of an array of economic data. The office serves as a data resource agency for a number of other user groups, including federal, state and local government agencies, legislators, libraries, labor and employer organizations, economists, business location firms and the public at large. The up-to-date labor force and industry employment data serve to monitor Connecticut's economy and are key measures of the health of the state's economy. Data collected are presented in state and national level publications and Web sites.
What is LMI?
  • What is Labor Market Information (LMI)?
    Labor Market Information (LMI) activities involve the collecting, analyzing, reporting and publishing of data on economic activities to describe and predict the relationship between labor demand and supply. Specifically, it can include the number of people employed, the wages they are earning, their occupations, the location of their workplace in relation to where they live, the number of people available to work in a given area, and the occupations that will be in demand in the future.
Our Role in the Workforce Investment Act (WIA)
  • What is the role of the Office of Research in the Workforce Investment Act (WIA)?
    The Office of Research provides general economic data to assist Workforce Investment Board policy staff in the development of workforce education and training needs for the state. Data include updates on employment levels, wages, occupational projections and population trends. Data also include town-level analysis on labor force, economy, and populations trends. The distribution of occupational data satisfies the needs of two sets of customers: employers seeking qualified employees, and workers and job seekers pursuing career opportunities leading to economic security

    The Information for Workforce Investment Planning publication provides state and local labor market information for each of the eight Workforce Investment Areas. Information includes data on the labor force, industry employment trends, population changes, public aid recipients, high school dropout rates, and persons with other barriers to employment. This publication provides Local Workforce Investment Board planners with labor market information for use in developing their local plans.

Our Audience
  • Who uses Labor Market Information?
    • occupational wages
    • employment levels
    • availability of workers
    • local and national economic conditions
    Job Seekers and Students:
    • jobs/occupations in demand
    • skills required for a job
    • education required for a job
    • training programs available
    • occupational wages
    • projections of growth or decline in an occupation
    • jobs/occupations in demand
    • jobs/occupations in decline
    • location of jobs
    • skills required for a job
    • occupational wages
    • training programs available
    Economic Developers:
    • occupational wages by labor market area
    • number of available workers by labor market area
    • skills of available workers
    • types of training workers need
    Policy Makers:
    • occupational and industry data for plan development and implementation
    • education and training needs
    • local economic data
Affirmative Action
  • I need to complete an Affirmative Action Plan. Where do I get the data I need to complete this report?
    The data you need can be obtained from our Web site under Connecticut Data for Affirmative Action Plans. To obtain a paper copy of the Connecticut Data for Affirmative Action Plans and the 1990 Census EEO Special File, call the Labor Market Information unit at (860) 263-6275.
Employment and Wage Reporting (Quarterly)
  • I didn't receive the Multiple Worksite Report. What should I do?
    Please call the Connecticut Department of Labor, Office of Research, at (860) 263-6300. For information on the Multiple Worksite Report (BLS3020), please visit the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Web site.

  • How can I get a copy of the UC-2/UC-5A Employer Quarterly Contribution Return/Employee Quarterly Earnings Report? Can I make a correction to a return I have filed? To request forms for the current quarter, please call (860) 263-6470. To request forms for delinquent quarters, please call (860) 263-6185. Correction forms can be downloaded from the Connecticut Department of Labor website.

  • I need a copy of the UC-2R/UC-5R Employer Wage and Research Information Report/ Employee Quarterly Earnings Report. How Can I get one?
    To request forms for the current quarter, please call (860) 263-6470. To request forms for delinquent quarters, please call (860) 263-6185. Correction forms can be downloaded from the Connecticut Department of Labor website.

  • Why do I need to complete the Industry Verification Survey?
    The accurate assignment of industrial and geographic codes from the data you supply on this form will ensure the quality of the employment data summaries that we prepare.These summaries can be used in econmic development planning, wage analyses and economic research. They are used to project emerging industries and occupations, information that is of great interest to workers, employers, guidance counselors in local schools, employment and job training organizations, and others. The Connecticut Department of Labor also uses the information you provide for program planning and statistical studies, and for informing public policy on investments in industry and workforce development. Your cooperation is critical to the decisions made in all of these areas.
Employment by Industry (Nonfarm Employment)
  • What is the difference between nonfarm employment and labor force employment? Nonfarm employment is estimated based on the Current Employment Statistics (CES) survey of business establishments, and represents a count of jobs by place of work. Labor force employment is based largely on a household survey, the Current Population Survey (CPS), and represents employed persons by place of residence.

  • What is the most current nonfarm employment data for Connecticut?

    The latest monthly estimates, based on the Current Employment Statistics (CES) survey, are available on our Web site.
    See statewide employment data at Connecticut Nonfarm Employment and Labor Market Area data at Connecticut Nonfarm Employment by LMA.

    Nonfarm employment estimates are also provided in The Connecticut Economic Digest publication.

  • Is nonfarm employment available for Connecticut cities and towns?
    Nonfarm employment for cities and towns is prepared once a year, using June data, and is available on our LMI Data page. There is usually a one-year time lag; for example, June 1998 data will be available in June 1999.

  • Do you provide county data?
    Connecticut and the other New England states generally do not develop current nonfarm employment and labor force data for counties. Since there is no county level government in New England and almost no other planning done on a county basis, there is not much need for county data. However, states outside New England do develop data on a county basis, so there is some expectation for data on this geography. Since we get occasional requests for county data, some is available through our Web site on the Labor Force Data by County page.
Income Data
  • Where can I find income data?
    Median family, median household, and per capita income data is available through the U.S. Census Bureau. Our office reports some Census and the latest Connecticut income data in the Connecticut Labor Market Information At-A-Glance publication. The Department of Economic and Community Development Web site also provides information on recent per capita and other income measures for Connecticut, by county and town.

  • What is the difference between family income and household income?
    The Bureau of Labor Statistics provides the following definitions: A family is a group of two or more persons residing together who are related by birth, marriage, or adoption; all such persons are considered as members of one family. A household consists of all persons - related family members and all unrelated persons - who occupy a housing unit and have no other usual address.
Jobs in Connecticut
  • What jobs are "hot" or in demand? What is the job outlook for specific occupations?
    Fastest growing occupations are available on our Web site - the latest employment projections by industry and occupation.

  • What companies are hiring?
    We cannot disclose company names and addresses for confidentiality reasons; however, you can search for job openings available in Connecticut and nationwide through CT.HIRES.
Labor Situation
  • How can I find out when the next Labor Situation will be released?
    Check our LMI News and Calendar of Events pages to find the latest release dates for many of our monthly, quarterly and annual reports and publications.
New Hire Reporting
  • How do I report new hires?
    To report online (or via FTP, for bulk filers), please visit our New Hire Reporting site.

    A copy of the CT-W4, with all employee and employer information completed can be faxed to: 1-800-816-1108 or mailed to:
    Connecticut Department of Labor
    Office of Research, ATTN: CT-W4
    200 Folly Brook Blvd.
    Wethersfield, CT 06109

  • Why must I report new hires?
    The Federal Welfare Reform Act, effective October 1, 1997, and CT General Statute 31-254(b), effective October 1, 1998, require all employers to report new hires within 20 days of the date of the hire. The purpose of this legislation is to aid in the collection of child support from delinquent parents. The hire date is the first day compensated services are performed by an employee. This is the first day any services are performed for which the employee will be paid wages, commissions, tips, or other compensation. For services based soley on commissions, this is the first day an employee working for commissions is eligible to earn commissions.

  • If a company has not reported new hires, how far back in time should the company go when reporting hires for the first time?
    There is no need to go back beyond 6 months. After 6 months, employee information is captured through quarterly Unemployment Insurance reporting.

  • What is the date of the most recent CT-W4 form, and where can I obtain copies?
    The most recent CT-W4 form is the one effective January 1, 2018. The CT-W4 (PDF) can also be downloaded from the Department of Revenue Services web site, or received by Fax from DRS TAX_FAX: Dial (860) 297-5698 from the handset attached to your fax machine.

    The CT-W4 (PDF) can also be downloaded from the Department of Revenue Services web site, or received by Fax from DRS TAX_FAX: Dial (860) 297-5698 from the handset attached to your fax machine.

  • An employee will only be employed temporarily. Does this employee have to be reported as a new hire?
    Yes. All employees must be reported as a new hire, no matter what the anticipated length of employment may be. If a worker maintains an ongoing relationship with a company and is recalled periodically, it is not necessary to report the hire each time. If, however, the employee has not worked for the company for 60 days, then the employee should be reported as a new hire.

  • I hired an independent contractor. Do I report this as a new hire?
    Effective October 1, 2003, Public Act 03-89 defines an independent contractor as an 'employee' and the company contracting as the 'employer'. Independent contractors whose services are valued at $5,000 or more and are not themselves registered with the Connecticut Department of Labor for unemployment insurance tax purposes or are not employees of a registered employer, are to be reported as a new hire by the company contracting their services.

  • Does someone under 18 or a student have to be reported? What about a household employee?
    Yes. In both situations the employee must be reported as a new hire. Neither age nor occupation is a factor in the reporting of new hires.

  • A company is based in one state but has employees working or living in other states. To which state should the company send the new hire information?
    New hires should be sent to the state where the employee is reported for unemployment insurance tax purposes.

  • Can a multi-state employer report all its new hires to one state?
    Yes, these can be reported electronically (via FTP). For information on reporting multi-state new hires to Connecticut, visit our New Hire Reporting FAQ page.

  • I received a letter from the Superior Court Support Enforcement Division and I have a question on the wage garnishment. Who should I talk to?
    The phone number of the Automated Enforcement Unit should be listed on the letter you received. Please call that number. If the phone number is not on the letter, please call the Problem Resolution Unit at 1-800-228-5437.

  • Where can I obtain information about garnishing/withholding an employee's wages?
    The Superior Court Problem Resolution Unit at 1-800-228-5437 should be able to answer questions about wage attachment/garnishment and withholding wages.
Occupational Employment Statistics (OEWS) Survey
  • Do small companies need to complete this survey?
    Yes, it is important to include both large and small businesses. Three-fourths of the companies in Connecticut employ fewer than ten people, so small companies play a major role in our economy.

  • Should part-time employees be included in the survey?
    Yes, but their wages should be reported under their corresponding hourly rate.

  • Do I need to complete the one-page short form along with the survey?
    No - complete either one or the other - whichever is easier for you. Some people prefer to use the survey form that has a list of pre-printed occupational titles; others prefer the short form so they can write in the names of the occupations that are applicable. When you submit the short form, please tear off the top page of the survey which has your address label on it, and mail both pages back to us in the return envelope.

  • Must I complete the survey form? Is there any other way to provide the information?
    Instead of completing the survey form, you may also elect to send in a computer printout that includes job titles and wages, if that is easier. We do not require names of employees and all the information you provide is held confidential.

  • What is done with the information collected from the survey?
    Data from the survey is compiled and used to identify emerging and declining occupations and their corresponding average wages. Published annually, survey results are available for Connecticut as well as by Labor Market Area in our Connecticut Occupational Employment and Wages publication. The information is also available on our Web site under Connecticut Occupational Employment and Wages.

  • Do you automatically send the survey results to all companies who participated?
    No. Call our office at 860-263-6285.
Report on Payroll, Hours and Earnings (Monthly)
  • I employ only a few workers. Is the data I report important?
    Yes, our sample includes small and large employers, all equally important in helping us to accurately estimate employment, hours and wage data for their respective industries.

  • Do I report payroll and hours data for the whole month?
    No. We need employment, wage and hours data only for the payroll period that includes the 12th day of the month. This can be a weekly, bi-weekly, semi-monthly or monthly period, depending on how your business prepares its payroll.

  • How is the data I report used?
    The information you and other employers provide is used to develop estimates of employment data for Connecticut's industries, as well as hours and earnings data for manufacturing industries. These estimates are regarded as important economic indicators and are used by economists and planners.

  • Why is Indian casino employment counted in Government?
    The federal Office of Management and Budget ruled that tribal councils are sovereign nations and that employees of tribal governments, and businesses operated by tribal governments, should be included in the Government sector.
Unemployment Insurance
  • What is the average weekly unemployment insurance benefit amount?
    For the latest Unemployment Benefits data, please see our Web site.

  • What is the average duration for which claimants receive unemployment insurance benefits?
    For the latest Unemployment Benefits data, please see our Web site.
Unemployment Statistics
  • What is the current unemployment rate?
    The Office of Research produces the latest labor force estimates, including the unemployment rate, for Connecticut, its ten Labor Market Areas, and 169 cities and towns. These can be found on the Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS) page under Most Recent Data.

  • Is unemployment data for Connecticut available by age, race and sex?
    Demographic data on Connecticut's labor force are available decennially from the U.S. Bureau of the Census, and annually from the Bureau of Labor Statistics' Geographic Profile of Employment and Unemployment.
Wage Information
  • What is the minimum wage? What is the minimum wage for waiters and waitresses?
    Information on the minimum wage, including the one for waiters and waitresses, can be found on the Workplace Standards pages of the Connecticut Department of Labor's Wage and Workplace Standards. See Wage and Hour Compliance FAQs.

  • Where do I get posters?
    Minimum wage Occupational Safety & Health (OSHA) Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)
    (available in both English and Spanish)
    Wage and Workplace Standards Write to:
    38 Wolcott Hill Road
    Wethersfield, CT 06109
    Or call: (860) 566-4550
    Write to:
    EEO Unit
    Connecticut Department of Labor
    200 Folly Brook Boulevard
    Wethersfield, CT 06109

  • Where do I get a prevailing wage rate request form for alien labor certification?
    You can call the Connecticut Department of Labor's Alien Labor Certification Unit at (860) 263-6020.

  • What is the average hourly rate for a specific occupation in Connecticut?
    Connecticut wages for specific occupations, statewide or by Labor Market Area, are based on the Occupational Employment Statistics (OEWS) survey, and can be found in our Connecticut Occupational Employment and Wages publication.

  • Where can I get the prevailing wage for construction workers involved in government projects?
    The prevailing wages for workers involved in State or municipal construction projects are established by the federal government and maintained by Connecticut Departments of Labor's Wage and Workplace Standards division. You can contact them at 860-263-6790 or visit Prevailing Wage Information.
State of Connecticut Department of Labor - Office of Research, 200 Folly Brook Boulevard, Wethersfield, CT 06109
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