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Labor Market Information - Leisure and Hospitality Sector State of Connecticut
Last Updated: December 19, 2024
  Leisure and Hospitality Sector ~ State of Connecticut Select Industry  
1 Month Ago 1 Year Ago January 2010 Recession Trough March 2008 Employment Peak
Change Rate % Nov
Change Rate % Nov
Change Rate % Nov
Change Rate %
156,000 156,700 -700 -0.4% 156,000 152,100 3,900 2.6% 156,000 130,300 25,700 19.7% 156,000 138,300 17,700 12.8%
The leisure and hospitality supersector is made up of two parts: the arts, entertainment, and recreation sector (sector 71), and the accommodation and food services sector (sector 72).

The arts, entertainment, and recreation sector includes a wide range of establishments that operate facilities or provide services to meet varied cultural, entertainment, and recreational interests of their patrons. This sector comprises (1) establishments that are involved in producing, promoting, or participating in live performances, events, or exhibits intended for public viewing; (2) establishments that preserve and exhibit objects and sites of historical, cultural, or educational interest; and (3) establishments that operate facilities or provide services that enable patrons to participate in recreational activities or pursue amusement, hobby, and leisure-time interests.

The accommodation and food services sector comprises establishments providing customers with lodging and/or preparing meals, snacks, and beverages for immediate consumption. The sector includes both accommodation and food services establishments because the two activities are often combined at the same establishment.

Download Leisure and Hospitality Employment (1990-Current) .xls
 Month  2015 Y/Y 2016 Y/Y 2017 Y/Y 2018 Y/Y 2019 Y/Y 2020 Y/Y 2021 Y/Y 2022 Y/Y 2023 Y/Y 2024 Y/Y
 Jan 150,900 151,700 156,200 158,100 159,000 159,100 120,700 144,900 153,700 153,700
 Feb 150,500 152,800 156,000 157,400 158,400 158,900 122,300 146,400 153,400 154,600
 Mar 150,700 153,600 156,200 156,400 158,600 151,200 124,900 147,000 153,400 155,600
 Apr 151,200 153,100 155,700 156,600 158,300 67,200 127,000 148,100 152,500 155,100
 May 152,000 153,900 155,800 157,100 157,800 75,700 130,500 148,500 153,200 156,300
 Jun 151,400 153,800 156,800 158,100 157,300 89,300 133,100 148,500 154,200 157,800
 Jul 150,900 154,300 157,200 157,500 157,400 108,300 140,400 150,300 153,200 157,000
 Aug 150,300 154,300 156,900 157,800 156,300 113,800 140,600 150,700 153,700 156,400
 Sep 151,300 154,600 156,400 158,100 156,300 121,200 141,700 150,500 153,100 156,200
 Oct 151,800 154,900 156,700 158,900 157,000 123,400 144,100 150,200 151,700 156,700
 Nov 151,600 155,300 157,700 158,000 156,900 122,100 144,500 150,800 152,100 156,000
 Dec 151,700 155,800 156,800 159,600 157,600 118,100 145,200 150,900 153,300
 Month  2005 Y/Y 2006 Y/Y 2007 Y/Y 2008 Y/Y 2009 Y/Y 2010 Y/Y 2011 Y/Y 2012 Y/Y 2013 Y/Y 2014 Y/Y
 Jan 128,100 131,300 134,900 137,400 134,300 130,300 134,400 140,600 144,300 149,800
 Feb 128,700 131,200 134,600 137,900 134,300 130,700 135,500 141,100 143,000 149,000
 Mar 129,000 132,500 134,300 138,300 133,900 131,200 135,000 141,700 145,200 150,000
 Apr 130,200 132,200 134,500 137,900 132,700 133,400 136,200 140,900 146,700 149,700
 May 129,700 131,800 134,800 138,400 134,200 133,400 135,800 141,400 147,100 149,600
 Jun 129,700 132,700 135,400 138,300 133,700 132,600 135,900 142,100 147,400 149,600
 Jul 129,300 132,600 136,300 137,200 133,300 134,000 137,800 141,800 147,500 149,700
 Aug 129,800 132,700 137,100 137,300 133,200 134,500 138,000 142,400 147,800 149,800
 Sep 129,600 132,300 136,100 137,000 134,200 135,400 139,000 142,400 147,700 150,200
 Oct 129,200 133,500 136,300 136,700 133,500 135,600 139,300 143,200 147,700 150,400
 Nov 130,000 133,500 137,700 136,000 133,500 136,000 139,000 143,200 148,500 150,700
 Dec 130,100 134,600 136,900 135,300 133,100 135,800 139,700 144,800 148,500 150,700
 Month  1995 Y/Y 1996 Y/Y 1997 Y/Y 1998 Y/Y 1999 Y/Y 2000 Y/Y 2001 Y/Y 2002 Y/Y 2003 Y/Y 2004 Y/Y
 Jan 109,200 111,600 113,400 116,000 117,400 120,500 119,700 121,600 123,400 126,700
 Feb 109,200 112,200 113,600 116,500 118,600 120,500 119,700 121,900 123,600 126,600
 Mar 109,700 112,400 113,900 117,000 118,700 121,100 119,700 122,100 123,700 126,600
 Apr 111,000 112,000 113,800 115,400 119,600 120,300 118,000 123,100 123,800 126,700
 May 110,500 112,400 114,100 117,000 119,600 119,900 119,800 123,100 124,400 127,200
 Jun 110,200 113,500 115,100 116,800 120,300 121,400 119,400 123,200 124,600 127,500
 Jul 110,400 111,600 113,500 116,900 120,500 121,100 119,700 123,300 125,900 127,700
 Aug 110,400 112,200 113,500 117,500 120,500 121,000 120,100 122,900 125,900 128,000
 Sep 109,900 112,300 114,500 117,400 120,000 121,500 118,800 122,700 126,100 128,900
 Oct 111,800 113,400 114,100 116,200 120,300 121,800 119,700 123,700 126,800 128,200
 Nov 112,500 113,100 114,800 117,200 120,400 121,900 119,900 123,100 127,000 127,900
 Dec 112,200 113,200 115,100 117,900 120,500 122,300 120,200 123,400 126,500 128,400
State of Connecticut Department of Labor - Office of Research, 200 Folly Brook Boulevard, Wethersfield, CT 06109
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