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Labor Market Information - State of Connecticut Labor Market Area Employment
  Labor Market Area Employment Historical - Current Employment Statistics Last Updated: January 27, 2024

Connecticut Labor Market Areas (LMAs): Two of the six major Connecticut LMAs that are seasonally adjusted by the BLS (about 92.3% of the state) posted nonfarm payroll job gains in November 2024 while three BLS labor markets saw monthly declines and the Danbury LMA (0.0%, 78,200) was unchanged. The New Haven LMA (307,300) led the regions in numeric (1,400) and percentage gains (0.5%) while the Hartford-West Hartford-East Hartford LMA (0.1%, 589,300) increased 800. The Bridgeport-Stamford-Norwalk LMA (-0.02%, 409,400), the Norwich-New London-Westerly LMA (-0.1%, 126,400) and the Waterbury LMA (-0.1%, 66,600) each experienced small monthly declines of 100.

Note: Six major Connecticut LMAs are estimated independently from the statewide data by the BLS and cover more than 90% of the nonfarm employment in the state. Thus, estimates will not fully sum to the statewide total.

Bridgeport-Stamford-Norwalk Labor Market Areas Towns: 
002: Ansonia 015: Bridgeport, 046: Darien, 047: Derby, 056: Easton, 061: Fairfield, 067: Greenwich, 105: Milford, 106: Monroe, 114: New Canaan, 137: Norwalk, 144: Oxford, 153: Redding, 154: Ridgefield, 161: Seymour, 163: Shelton, 167: Southbury, 172: Stamford, 178: Stratford, 185: Trumbull, 205: Weston, 206: Westport, 209: Wilton, 215: Woodbridge.
 Month  2015 Y/Y 2016 Y/Y 2017 Y/Y 2018 Y/Y 2019 Y/Y 2020 Y/Y 2021 Y/Y 2022 Y/Y 2023 Y/Y 2024 Y/Y
 Jan 410,300 412,700 411,300 409,800 408,100 406,600 376,300 396,000 408,600 407,600
 Feb 410,000 412,800 409,900 410,700 408,500 404,900 376,800 397,500 406,700 408,400
 Mar 408,800 413,200 409,500 409,800 408,000 402,100 380,400 398,700 406,800 409,800
 Apr 410,400 412,800 408,700 408,800 408,800 330,100 381,700 400,500 404,300 409,700
 May 411,600 412,400 408,800 409,400 408,300 338,600 383,800 400,200 406,400 411,700
 Jun 412,300 412,300 409,700 409,900 407,300 351,500 385,100 399,200 407,900 412,900
 Jul 410,500 412,700 409,600 409,400 406,100 360,300 388,500 402,400 407,600 411,400
 Aug 411,300 412,500 409,300 409,400 405,300 366,900 389,300 403,300 407,500 410,800
 Sep 411,300 412,000 409,100 408,900 405,700 371,900 389,100 403,400 407,500 409,900
 Oct 413,000 411,600 408,000 408,900 406,600 375,100 392,500 403,000 407,400 409,500
 Nov 413,100 410,700 408,100 409,100 405,900 376,200 393,800 403,500 407,700 409,800
 Dec 413,200 410,200 408,600 410,200 405,600 375,600 395,600 404,800 406,900 411,300
 Month  2005 Y/Y 2006 Y/Y 2007 Y/Y 2008 Y/Y 2009 Y/Y 2010 Y/Y 2011 Y/Y 2012 Y/Y 2013 Y/Y 2014 Y/Y
 Jan 402,400 409,300 411,800 415,100 402,900 387,000 393,700 399,300 402,100 405,400
 Feb 403,300 410,400 412,300 415,200 401,500 386,700 395,000 400,200 402,100 405,500
 Mar 403,400 408,200 412,200 415,600 399,700 387,900 395,000 401,200 403,000 406,200
 Apr 405,400 410,800 411,800 413,500 393,000 389,200 396,100 398,900 404,100 407,500
 May 404,600 410,300 412,400 412,700 392,100 392,300 394,700 398,900 404,300 408,000
 Jun 404,800 410,400 412,900 412,200 390,700 391,600 393,000 399,200 405,400 406,400
 Jul 405,600 409,700 415,200 410,100 388,400 393,100 394,800 399,800 405,500 407,500
 Aug 405,700 410,000 414,100 409,300 388,700 393,500 395,300 400,100 405,400 408,600
 Sep 405,200 410,000 413,100 409,300 390,000 392,100 395,700 400,300 405,800 408,800
 Oct 405,100 410,400 413,700 408,200 388,900 392,800 396,300 400,300 405,400 409,300
 Nov 405,700 410,800 413,600 407,400 389,100 392,700 396,600 400,300 405,600 410,100
 Dec 406,400 412,300 414,200 404,800 388,300 393,300 397,600 401,700 404,800 410,400
 Month  1995 Y/Y 1996 Y/Y 1997 Y/Y 1998 Y/Y 1999 Y/Y 2000 Y/Y 2001 Y/Y 2002 Y/Y 2003 Y/Y 2004 Y/Y
 Jan 386,200 385,100 401,200 409,100 412,900 415,800 419,600 410,400 405,600 402,500
 Feb 386,600 387,400 402,100 410,100 414,100 415,900 419,200 410,200 405,000 402,800
 Mar 388,000 389,300 403,400 412,200 414,600 417,300 417,500 410,500 405,100 404,300
 Apr 385,600 392,100 404,200 408,800 414,500 418,600 416,800 411,400 404,500 402,100
 May 385,700 392,700 405,000 409,400 414,100 418,600 416,800 410,000 404,200 402,300
 Jun 385,500 393,800 405,600 408,900 414,400 420,700 416,600 409,100 403,200 403,000
 Jul 386,000 393,100 403,800 409,800 414,900 421,300 413,700 403,400 403,700 403,600
 Aug 387,800 395,500 405,000 410,000 415,700 421,700 413,300 404,800 402,600 404,100
 Sep 388,200 394,900 406,000 410,900 413,200 422,300 412,700 404,800 403,100 404,000
 Oct 388,100 400,100 407,000 411,100 413,600 420,700 413,000 405,100 403,300 404,200
 Nov 389,500 400,200 406,900 412,200 413,200 420,000 412,700 405,500 402,600 404,100
 Dec 389,300 400,300 409,400 412,200 414,100 420,600 410,100 405,200 401,100 404,000
Danbury Labor Market Areas Towns: 009: Bethel, 025: Bridgewater, 028: Brookfield, 044: Danbury, 115: New Fairfield, 130: New Milford, 131: Newtown, 164: Sherman
 Month  2015 Y/Y 2016 Y/Y 2017 Y/Y 2018 Y/Y 2019 Y/Y 2020 Y/Y 2021 Y/Y 2022 Y/Y 2023 Y/Y 2024 Y/Y
 Jan 78,000 78,100 78,000 78,100 78,000 77,800 72,500 74,800 77,300 77,700
 Feb 77,900 78,600 78,000 78,400 77,600 77,900 72,700 75,900 77,500 77,700
 Mar 78,200 79,000 77,800 78,200 77,800 77,400 73,100 76,000 77,600 78,200
 Apr 78,400 78,400 77,900 78,000 77,900 62,200 73,300 76,300 77,500 78,300
 May 78,600 78,200 78,100 78,000 77,800 64,200 73,400 75,700 78,000 78,400
 Jun 78,500 78,400 78,400 77,900 77,500 67,900 73,700 75,700 78,300 78,300
 Jul 78,400 78,300 78,000 78,000 77,700 69,400 74,600 76,400 78,200 78,100
 Aug 78,800 78,200 77,900 77,900 78,000 71,700 74,600 76,600 78,400 78,200
 Sep 78,200 78,200 77,900 78,000 77,700 72,400 74,700 76,700 78,300 78,300
 Oct 78,200 78,300 78,100 78,100 77,500 72,400 75,200 76,600 78,400 78,200
 Nov 78,600 78,500 77,800 78,000 77,500 72,600 75,200 76,900 78,100 78,100
 Dec 78,500 78,200 77,900 78,200 77,600 72,500 75,400 77,100 78,000 78,400
 Month  2005 Y/Y 2006 Y/Y 2007 Y/Y 2008 Y/Y 2009 Y/Y 2010 Y/Y 2011 Y/Y 2012 Y/Y 2013 Y/Y 2014 Y/Y
 Jan 76,000 76,900 77,600 78,800 75,900 71,500 73,400 75,100 76,100 76,900
 Feb 76,200 76,800 77,300 78,900 75,700 71,600 73,900 75,100 76,200 76,800
 Mar 75,900 76,900 77,400 78,800 75,000 71,600 73,800 75,200 76,400 77,200
 Apr 76,600 77,000 77,400 78,700 73,400 72,200 74,000 74,800 76,300 77,500
 May 76,700 76,900 77,800 78,600 73,100 72,200 73,800 74,600 76,500 77,600
 Jun 76,800 77,200 77,800 78,200 73,000 72,200 73,500 74,900 76,400 78,000
 Jul 76,700 77,400 78,200 77,700 72,500 73,000 74,200 75,000 76,300 77,600
 Aug 76,900 77,400 78,100 77,500 72,500 73,300 74,200 75,200 76,200 77,400
 Sep 76,900 77,400 78,400 77,200 72,600 73,200 74,900 75,500 76,200 77,500
 Oct 76,500 77,100 78,600 76,900 72,200 73,300 74,200 75,900 76,600 77,400
 Nov 76,700 77,100 78,700 76,800 71,800 73,400 74,400 75,900 76,700 77,500
 Dec 76,700 77,300 79,000 76,200 71,800 73,500 74,700 76,200 76,600 77,800
 Month  1995 Y/Y 1996 Y/Y 1997 Y/Y 1998 Y/Y 1999 Y/Y 2000 Y/Y 2001 Y/Y 2002 Y/Y 2003 Y/Y 2004 Y/Y
 Jan 74,100 74,200 74,300 76,500 77,600 77,500 78,000 77,500 76,600 76,000
 Feb 74,000 74,700 74,200 77,300 77,100 77,600 78,000 77,300 76,300 76,000
 Mar 73,800 74,300 74,200 77,200 77,200 77,700 77,700 77,200 76,400 76,400
 Apr 74,700 74,000 74,500 77,200 77,100 78,200 77,200 77,300 76,000 76,300
 May 74,500 74,000 74,400 77,200 77,200 78,500 77,200 77,200 75,800 76,100
 Jun 73,800 73,800 74,600 77,200 77,100 78,400 77,100 77,900 75,800 76,300
 Jul 74,100 73,900 74,800 77,000 77,000 78,300 76,800 77,100 76,700 76,300
 Aug 74,100 74,700 75,000 76,800 77,000 78,500 76,800 76,900 76,100 76,300
 Sep 74,400 74,600 75,400 76,700 76,700 78,500 77,000 76,800 75,900 75,800
 Oct 74,000 74,500 75,600 77,000 77,100 78,300 76,800 77,000 76,100 75,700
 Nov 74,300 74,600 76,000 77,000 77,200 78,300 76,600 76,900 76,000 75,800
 Dec 74,300 74,700 76,200 77,300 77,300 78,800 76,600 76,600 75,800 75,900
Enfield Labor Market Areas Towns:  057: East Windsor, 059: Enfield, 166: Somers, 179: Suffield, 213: Windsor Locks
 Month  2015 Y/Y 2016 Y/Y 2017 Y/Y 2018 Y/Y 2019 Y/Y 2020 Y/Y 2021 Y/Y 2022 Y/Y 2023 Y/Y 2024 Y/Y
 Jan 44,900 44,900 44,900 44,400 44,200 44,500 41,300 40,700 42,600 42,800
 Feb 44,700 44,900 44,800 44,100 43,800 44,400 41,200 41,000 42,100 42,500
 Mar 44,800 44,700 44,600 44,400 44,100 44,000 41,200 41,400 42,200 42,600
 Apr 46,100 45,500 45,500 44,900 44,700 37,400 40,700 41,500 42,600 42,800
 May 46,000 45,000 45,100 45,000 44,500 38,600 41,400 42,000 43,200 43,200
 Jun 45,800 44,700 45,100 44,800 45,200 39,500 41,500 42,700 43,500 43,600
 Jul 45,600 44,500 44,400 44,700 44,300 40,500 41,600 42,200 42,600 42,700
 Aug 45,300 44,400 44,400 45,100 44,500 40,700 41,600 42,200 42,600 42,600
 Sep 45,600 44,500 44,900 45,300 44,700 41,500 41,400 42,400 43,200 43,000
 Oct 45,600 44,700 44,900 45,100 44,800 41,900 41,700 42,700 43,200 43,100
 Nov 45,700 45,100 45,200 45,600 45,100 42,200 41,900 42,800 43,400 43,300
 Dec 45,700 45,300 45,500 45,500 45,200 42,200 41,900 42,800 43,300 43,300
 Month  2005 Y/Y 2006 Y/Y 2007 Y/Y 2008 Y/Y 2009 Y/Y 2010 Y/Y 2011 Y/Y 2012 Y/Y 2013 Y/Y 2014 Y/Y
 Jan 47,600 48,900 49,000 47,700 46,100 43,500 44,100 44,600 44,200 43,900
 Feb 47,600 48,300 48,200 47,300 45,500 43,200 44,100 44,200 44,600 43,900
 Mar 47,700 48,700 48,300 47,300 45,700 43,500 43,800 45,100 44,000 43,900
 Apr 48,400 49,500 48,700 48,500 46,200 44,600 45,200 46,000 45,200 45,500
 May 48,300 48,900 49,000 48,100 45,400 44,100 44,500 45,000 44,600 45,100
 Jun 48,900 49,800 49,200 48,800 45,900 44,500 44,700 45,700 44,800 45,200
 Jul 48,400 48,900 47,900 47,700 44,600 44,000 44,600 45,100 43,800 44,800
 Aug 48,100 48,800 47,800 47,300 44,500 43,900 44,600 44,800 44,000 44,900
 Sep 48,100 48,700 47,900 47,800 44,700 44,400 45,400 45,200 44,000 45,200
 Oct 49,000 48,900 47,900 47,600 44,700 44,600 45,200 45,000 44,400 45,100
 Nov 49,300 49,600 48,200 47,600 45,100 44,800 45,600 45,100 44,800 45,600
 Dec 49,300 50,100 48,800 47,300 44,800 45,100 45,500 45,100 45,100 45,600
 Month  1995 Y/Y 1996 Y/Y 1997 Y/Y 1998 Y/Y 1999 Y/Y 2000 Y/Y 2001 Y/Y 2002 Y/Y 2003 Y/Y 2004 Y/Y
 Jan 45,700 44,600 47,500 48,600 48,700 49,500 48,400 48,600 47,400 47,300
 Feb 45,400 45,100 47,700 48,500 48,500 49,000 47,800 48,300 47,500 47,300
 Mar 44,800 46,700 48,100 48,700 48,700 49,100 48,200 48,600 47,200 47,700
 Apr 45,100 46,500 48,200 47,600 48,900 49,600 48,600 48,300 47,300 48,100
 May 45,400 47,100 48,600 48,100 48,600 49,600 48,700 48,900 47,800 48,400
 Jun 45,700 47,900 49,300 48,300 49,300 50,200 48,900 49,200 48,200 48,600
 Jul 44,400 46,800 48,300 48,700 49,300 48,600 48,300 48,600 47,800 48,800
 Aug 44,600 47,700 48,500 48,800 49,700 48,700 48,000 48,200 47,500 48,700
 Sep 45,000 48,500 49,000 49,200 49,500 49,100 48,200 48,600 47,700 48,800
 Oct 45,300 48,800 49,500 50,100 49,800 49,500 49,100 48,600 48,300 48,500
 Nov 45,700 49,100 50,100 50,500 50,100 49,800 49,600 48,800 48,900 48,800
 Dec 46,500 49,600 50,300 50,800 50,700 50,000 49,500 48,600 49,000 48,700
Hartford Labor Market Areas Towns:
001: Andover, 003: Ashford, 004: Avon, 005: Barkhamsted, 007: Berlin, 011: Bloomfield, 012: Bolton, 026: Bristol, 030: Burlington, 033: Canton, 034: Chaplin, 038: Colchester, 040: Columbia, 042: Coventry, 043: Cromwell, 050: East Granby, 051: East Haddam, 052: East Hampton, 053: East Hartford, 058: Ellington, 062: Farmington, 064: Glastonbury, 066: Granby,072: Haddam, 075: Hartford, 085: Hartland, 086: Harwinton, 087: Hebron, 091: Lebanon, 097: Manchester, 098: Mansfield, 099: Marlborough, 104: Middletown, 110: New Britain, 116: New Hartford, 127: Newington, 146: Plainville, 147: Plymouth, 149: Portland, 155: Rocky Hill, 160: Scotland, 165: Simsbury, 168: Southington, 169: South Windsor, 171: Stafford, 180: Thomaston, 182: Tolland, 186: Union, 187: Vernon, 202: West Hartford, 207: Wethersfield, 208: Willington, 211: Windham, 212: Windsor
 Month  2015 Y/Y 2016 Y/Y 2017 Y/Y 2018 Y/Y 2019 Y/Y 2020 Y/Y 2021 Y/Y 2022 Y/Y 2023 Y/Y 2024 Y/Y
 Jan 575,000 577,900 580,600 582,800 586,400 591,900 553,500 567,600 579,300 582,100
 Feb 574,800 578,100 580,200 583,200 586,400 589,200 553,900 571,000 578,500 583,300
 Mar 575,500 579,000 580,700 583,300 586,600 585,700 555,400 572,100 579,000 582,900
 Apr 576,700 577,500 580,700 582,700 587,500 500,400 556,000 571,700 578,600 583,800
 May 577,100 577,800 581,500 584,300 587,200 507,800 555,900 571,300 580,700 586,800
 Jun 577,800 577,100 582,200 586,200 586,700 523,900 557,000 570,300 581,400 590,200
 Jul 576,500 579,700 581,300 586,000 588,000 534,400 561,400 572,300 581,500 589,100
 Aug 576,500 578,400 581,400 586,800 586,500 542,500 560,400 572,500 582,300 589,200
 Sep 577,200 578,500 582,700 586,200 587,400 548,600 561,300 572,900 581,300 588,500
 Oct 578,300 578,400 580,700 586,400 587,100 551,300 564,700 571,500 582,800 588,000
 Nov 578,300 579,100 580,900 586,000 588,300 552,700 565,200 571,800 581,500 589,400
 Dec 577,500 579,300 581,600 586,600 586,800 552,500 567,000 571,800 580,100 591,100
 Month  2005 Y/Y 2006 Y/Y 2007 Y/Y 2008 Y/Y 2009 Y/Y 2010 Y/Y 2011 Y/Y 2012 Y/Y 2013 Y/Y 2014 Y/Y
 Jan 556,500 567,000 565,900 576,700 566,900 545,100 554,800 556,600 564,100 567,500
 Feb 556,600 565,200 567,700 577,800 564,800 545,900 556,000 559,400 564,200 567,900
 Mar 555,700 565,100 568,500 579,400 562,400 547,700 555,700 560,300 565,300 568,300
 Apr 558,900 567,900 567,700 577,700 557,300 549,500 557,700 558,100 564,900 570,300
 May 559,100 568,000 568,800 576,500 556,500 550,400 555,700 557,700 565,600 571,000
 Jun 560,200 568,000 571,200 578,800 554,200 549,000 553,900 558,500 567,000 570,800
 Jul 559,300 570,400 571,900 577,400 553,000 550,800 556,000 560,000 566,100 571,400
 Aug 560,300 571,100 572,600 576,700 553,000 551,800 555,200 560,700 566,400 571,900
 Sep 559,500 567,200 574,000 576,100 552,300 553,500 556,900 562,600 565,600 572,600
 Oct 558,100 568,400 574,800 575,900 551,700 554,900 555,100 563,700 564,500 573,600
 Nov 559,100 567,100 576,600 572,500 550,400 555,000 553,500 564,400 565,600 573,600
 Dec 560,000 567,400 576,100 569,600 549,600 555,300 556,400 564,400 566,100 574,800
 Month  1995 Y/Y 1996 Y/Y 1997 Y/Y 1998 Y/Y 1999 Y/Y 2000 Y/Y 2001 Y/Y 2002 Y/Y 2003 Y/Y 2004 Y/Y
 Jan 548,800 539,100 551,900 557,400 564,200 568,900 573,800 564,000 555,700 550,000
 Feb 548,200 542,900 553,800 557,700 564,900 570,400 572,100 564,300 553,500 550,500
 Mar 547,600 542,700 554,200 559,100 565,600 572,200 571,500 564,500 551,500 550,800
 Apr 547,300 545,400 548,100 552,900 565,700 571,100 570,800 562,700 550,900 551,800
 May 546,900 547,000 549,300 556,800 566,400 571,000 569,200 562,900 551,200 552,300
 Jun 546,500 548,200 550,300 555,700 567,600 571,900 570,000 562,100 549,500 552,700
 Jul 548,000 542,200 550,000 560,500 567,800 575,800 571,600 560,100 549,200 553,800
 Aug 549,000 548,500 552,500 561,300 568,400 572,200 571,100 559,700 548,800 553,600
 Sep 548,000 549,200 554,200 560,600 567,900 573,600 567,800 558,400 548,100 554,200
 Oct 546,700 553,600 557,200 561,400 568,600 574,000 566,500 557,200 550,600 554,500
 Nov 546,900 554,100 555,900 562,100 568,400 573,700 565,500 556,800 549,800 554,900
 Dec 546,700 554,300 557,300 562,000 569,200 574,500 564,400 555,800 548,500 555,200
New Haven Labor Market Areas Towns:
008: Bethany, 014: Branford, 035: Cheshire, 036: Chester, 037: Clinton, 048: Durham, 054: East Haven, 060: Essex, 071: Guilford, 073: Hamden, 090: Killingworth, 096: Madison, 103: Middlefield, 117: New Haven, 133: North Branford, 135: North Haven, 142: Old Saybrook, 143: Orange, 159: Deep River, 189: Wallingford, 201: Westbrook, 203: West Haven
 Month  2015 Y/Y 2016 Y/Y 2017 Y/Y 2018 Y/Y 2019 Y/Y 2020 Y/Y 2021 Y/Y 2022 Y/Y 2023 Y/Y 2024 Y/Y
 Jan 282,600 283,000 288,300 288,600 289,600 295,800 281,300 294,100 300,700 304,300
 Feb 282,300 284,500 288,000 289,400 290,300 295,900 281,500 296,600 299,900 304,600
 Mar 282,700 286,900 288,300 289,200 290,000 293,200 283,200 297,400 299,400 305,800
 Apr 282,600 284,900 288,400 289,200 290,600 250,100 283,500 299,000 298,900 306,400
 May 283,100 285,800 288,600 290,200 290,900 257,600 285,000 298,300 300,600 306,400
 Jun 283,300 285,400 289,500 290,400 290,400 267,900 286,100 297,400 301,300 307,000
 Jul 282,500 286,000 287,500 290,700 291,100 274,000 287,500 297,700 301,600 307,400
 Aug 282,700 285,800 287,800 290,100 292,400 279,200 289,300 296,700 302,100 307,700
 Sep 283,100 286,800 287,200 289,800 293,700 281,900 289,400 297,700 303,500 306,300
 Oct 284,700 287,000 287,600 289,900 294,500 281,800 291,000 297,200 302,300 306,000
 Nov 284,400 285,700 287,700 289,700 295,900 281,000 292,500 298,100 303,400 307,700
 Dec 284,500 287,700 288,600 291,700 295,600 280,900 293,600 299,200 302,600 308,800
 Month  2005 Y/Y 2006 Y/Y 2007 Y/Y 2008 Y/Y 2009 Y/Y 2010 Y/Y 2011 Y/Y 2012 Y/Y 2013 Y/Y 2014 Y/Y
 Jan 275,100 277,700 278,500 282,900 274,700 265,400 268,800 272,200 275,200 279,400
 Feb 274,900 278,500 278,600 283,000 273,700 265,600 268,600 273,900 274,300 278,800
 Mar 273,300 278,700 278,600 282,800 272,000 265,600 268,200 274,300 276,200 279,000
 Apr 276,200 279,400 279,500 281,300 269,100 266,100 270,300 274,000 277,300 280,200
 May 275,600 279,500 279,200 281,200 269,400 267,300 269,500 274,700 277,100 279,700
 Jun 275,900 279,400 280,200 280,400 268,500 267,000 269,300 274,200 278,000 279,800
 Jul 276,400 279,200 280,400 278,800 266,200 268,500 269,700 274,000 278,800 281,000
 Aug 275,600 279,100 280,600 278,400 266,900 268,500 270,300 274,100 279,000 280,800
 Sep 275,900 278,500 280,700 278,300 268,000 268,000 270,100 274,500 278,300 281,600
 Oct 275,000 278,900 281,600 278,100 267,100 268,400 270,200 274,600 278,700 281,100
 Nov 276,300 278,900 281,500 278,500 267,500 267,600 269,900 274,900 279,000 281,900
 Dec 276,600 279,300 281,600 276,900 267,600 267,100 270,000 275,600 277,400 281,900
 Month  1995 Y/Y 1996 Y/Y 1997 Y/Y 1998 Y/Y 1999 Y/Y 2000 Y/Y 2001 Y/Y 2002 Y/Y 2003 Y/Y 2004 Y/Y
 Jan 257,900 258,700 261,900 266,700 272,700 277,400 276,100 276,400 273,900 273,100
 Feb 258,700 259,900 262,900 268,700 273,200 277,800 275,700 276,000 273,700 272,400
 Mar 258,700 259,800 263,100 267,300 274,100 278,800 275,600 276,700 272,600 273,100
 Apr 259,000 258,500 265,100 267,700 274,100 277,100 276,000 277,300 271,800 272,800
 May 258,500 260,000 264,800 268,300 274,200 277,000 276,000 278,100 271,300 272,900
 Jun 257,400 261,300 264,600 269,900 274,700 276,800 276,900 279,100 269,700 272,400
 Jul 257,600 260,300 263,900 271,500 275,300 276,600 275,700 277,300 271,300 274,900
 Aug 258,000 260,800 263,200 272,300 277,300 276,500 276,200 277,500 271,300 274,600
 Sep 258,300 260,600 263,500 272,100 274,900 276,600 276,400 277,400 268,400 272,300
 Oct 257,200 261,400 263,600 272,900 276,900 276,300 275,800 275,900 271,600 275,400
 Nov 256,400 261,400 264,200 273,500 276,200 276,500 275,700 275,600 272,500 275,100
 Dec 257,700 261,600 264,600 273,500 277,100 276,700 275,400 275,300 272,200 275,500
Norwich-New London Labor Market Areas Towns:
013: Bozrah, 032: Canterbury, 055: East Lyme, 063: Franklin, 069: Griswold, 070: Groton, 092: Ledyard, 093: Lisbon, 095: Lyme, 107: Montville, 128: New London, 136: North Stonington, 139: Norwich, 141: Old Lyme, 150: Preston, 157: Salem, 170: Sprague, 177: Stonington, 188: Voluntown, 199: Waterford
 Month  2015 Y/Y 2016 Y/Y 2017 Y/Y 2018 Y/Y 2019 Y/Y 2020 Y/Y 2021 Y/Y 2022 Y/Y 2023 Y/Y 2024 Y/Y
 Jan 127,100 128,700 130,500 131,000 130,300 128,900 115,700 121,100 125,300 127,400
 Feb 126,700 128,800 130,400 131,100 130,100 128,500 115,400 121,800 125,300 127,500
 Mar 126,400 128,800 130,800 130,800 129,900 126,700 116,300 122,500 125,500 127,400
 Apr 126,900 129,200 130,700 130,200 130,800 94,200 116,800 123,800 124,900 127,000
 May 128,400 129,300 130,500 130,400 130,300 97,200 117,400 122,700 125,000 127,700
 Jun 128,900 128,600 131,000 130,700 129,400 106,400 117,900 121,400 125,700 127,400
 Jul 128,000 129,300 130,700 130,800 129,600 110,500 117,900 122,800 125,700 127,300
 Aug 128,700 128,700 131,300 130,500 129,700 112,900 117,900 123,200 126,300 126,800
 Sep 128,800 129,200 130,700 130,400 129,500 114,300 119,100 124,100 126,000 126,200
 Oct 129,100 129,100 131,200 130,400 128,900 116,100 120,600 123,800 126,300 126,700
 Nov 128,800 129,900 131,500 129,900 129,100 116,300 120,100 124,100 126,300 126,500
 Dec 129,100 129,700 131,100 129,800 129,200 115,600 121,000 124,400 126,500 127,000
 Month  2005 Y/Y 2006 Y/Y 2007 Y/Y 2008 Y/Y 2009 Y/Y 2010 Y/Y 2011 Y/Y 2012 Y/Y 2013 Y/Y 2014 Y/Y
 Jan 136,200 137,800 137,100 137,800 134,600 130,200 130,400 129,700 129,300 127,700
 Feb 136,700 136,900 136,800 137,600 134,200 130,100 130,900 129,900 129,000 127,900
 Mar 136,800 136,800 137,300 137,200 134,200 130,400 130,500 129,400 129,100 127,800
 Apr 137,100 137,400 135,800 138,000 132,000 130,300 131,200 128,700 129,300 128,300
 May 137,000 137,000 136,300 138,700 132,300 131,000 130,300 128,800 128,700 127,900
 Jun 136,600 136,700 136,900 138,300 131,800 130,700 130,000 128,700 128,800 128,000
 Jul 136,800 136,600 136,800 138,000 131,800 130,600 129,500 128,100 128,700 127,800
 Aug 136,900 136,800 137,700 137,700 131,200 131,000 129,400 128,100 128,700 128,000
 Sep 136,600 136,500 137,000 137,400 131,500 130,500 129,600 128,500 128,600 127,300
 Oct 136,300 136,100 137,300 137,300 131,700 130,600 129,000 128,800 127,900 127,200
 Nov 136,200 136,000 137,200 136,800 131,100 130,500 129,500 128,700 128,200 126,800
 Dec 136,600 137,000 137,000 136,100 131,100 130,600 129,100 128,800 127,900 127,300
 Month  1995 Y/Y 1996 Y/Y 1997 Y/Y 1998 Y/Y 1999 Y/Y 2000 Y/Y 2001 Y/Y 2002 Y/Y 2003 Y/Y 2004 Y/Y
 Jan 116,800 117,600 124,000 125,600 126,700 127,800 129,400 135,000 135,300 133,200
 Feb 116,800 118,000 124,100 125,800 127,100 127,900 129,700 135,200 134,500 133,900
 Mar 116,700 118,900 123,900 125,800 127,200 128,500 129,200 135,400 134,800 134,000
 Apr 117,400 118,900 124,200 124,100 128,000 128,500 129,700 134,300 134,400 134,400
 May 117,300 119,800 124,100 125,200 128,200 129,300 129,700 134,000 135,400 134,400
 Jun 117,500 120,500 124,000 125,800 128,300 129,200 130,300 133,800 135,200 135,000
 Jul 118,000 118,700 123,800 127,000 128,600 130,200 130,800 134,000 134,800 135,600
 Aug 118,600 118,500 123,800 126,500 128,500 129,100 131,200 134,500 134,600 134,900
 Sep 118,200 118,500 123,900 126,400 128,000 127,700 132,800 134,600 134,700 135,500
 Oct 117,600 125,100 124,400 125,900 128,900 128,500 134,400 134,500 134,500 135,400
 Nov 118,400 124,300 124,900 126,400 128,500 128,300 134,900 134,500 134,300 136,000
 Dec 118,000 124,500 124,500 126,500 128,700 128,700 135,000 134,100 134,100 136,000
Torrington-Northwest Labor Market Areas Towns: 031: Canaan, 039: Colebrook, 041: Cornwall, 065: Goshen, 088: Kent, 094: Litchfield, 108: Morris, 132: Norfolk, 134: North Canaan, 156: Roxbury, 158: Salisbury, 162: Sharon, 183: Torrington, 190: Warren, 191: Washington, 210: Winchester
 Month  2015 Y/Y 2016 Y/Y 2017 Y/Y 2018 Y/Y 2019 Y/Y 2020 Y/Y 2021 Y/Y 2022 Y/Y 2023 Y/Y 2024 Y/Y
 Jan 32,200 32,300 31,800 31,900 32,000 32,400 30,400 31,300 32,000 32,200
 Feb 31,800 32,000 31,900 31,700 31,900 32,200 30,400 31,400 32,100 32,300
 Mar 32,000 32,300 31,700 31,700 32,200 31,900 30,300 31,600 32,000 32,300
 Apr 32,900 32,500 32,000 32,200 32,600 27,500 30,500 32,200 32,100 32,500
 May 33,800 33,300 32,800 33,000 33,000 28,700 31,100 32,600 33,300 33,400
 Jun 34,000 33,300 33,400 33,900 33,900 29,600 31,700 33,500 33,800 34,000
 Jul 34,000 34,000 33,300 33,800 34,000 30,500 32,500 33,500 33,800 33,900
 Aug 33,500 33,500 33,200 33,100 33,500 30,300 32,000 33,100 33,600 33,800
 Sep 33,500 33,400 32,800 33,100 33,600 31,300 32,000 32,900 33,400 33,500
 Oct 33,600 33,100 32,500 33,200 33,300 31,100 32,200 32,900 33,200 34,400
 Nov 33,300 33,200 32,500 33,000 33,100 30,800 32,100 32,600 33,100 33,400
 Dec 33,100 32,800 32,600 33,100 32,700 30,700 32,000 32,400 32,800 33,300
 Month  2005 Y/Y 2006 Y/Y 2007 Y/Y 2008 Y/Y 2009 Y/Y 2010 Y/Y 2011 Y/Y 2012 Y/Y 2013 Y/Y 2014 Y/Y
 Jan 33,500 33,200 33,000 34,000 32,800 31,000 31,500 31,800 32,300 32,000
 Feb 33,500 33,300 33,100 34,000 32,500 30,800 31,300 31,600 31,700 31,600
 Mar 33,300 33,300 33,300 34,100 32,600 30,900 31,200 31,400 31,800 31,600
 Apr 34,100 34,000 34,000 34,600 32,700 31,800 32,100 32,000 32,600 32,800
 May 34,500 34,800 34,600 35,300 33,700 32,800 32,700 32,900 33,100 33,300
 Jun 35,100 35,600 35,300 35,800 33,800 33,400 33,200 33,300 33,500 33,800
 Jul 34,800 35,200 35,200 35,400 33,300 33,300 33,600 33,300 34,100 34,100
 Aug 34,800 35,300 35,000 35,400 33,000 33,100 33,300 33,400 33,400 33,900
 Sep 34,900 35,100 35,100 35,300 32,800 32,900 33,100 33,100 33,200 33,400
 Oct 34,100 34,900 34,900 34,800 32,800 32,500 33,000 33,300 33,200 33,400
 Nov 34,000 34,600 34,800 34,700 32,800 32,500 32,300 33,200 32,900 33,100
 Dec 34,000 34,600 34,700 34,600 32,600 32,500 32,700 33,100 33,000 33,100
 Month  1995 Y/Y 1996 Y/Y 1997 Y/Y 1998 Y/Y 1999 Y/Y 2000 Y/Y 2001 Y/Y 2002 Y/Y 2003 Y/Y 2004 Y/Y
 Jan 31,900 32,300 33,200 33,700 33,900 33,700 33,500 33,400 33,300 33,500
 Feb 31,800 32,500 33,100 33,500 34,000 33,500 33,300 33,400 32,700 33,000
 Mar 32,000 32,600 33,100 34,000 34,200 34,100 33,500 33,400 32,800 33,300
 Apr 33,000 33,200 33,300 34,500 35,500 34,600 34,100 34,000 33,700 33,800
 May 33,100 33,700 33,900 35,000 35,800 35,200 34,500 34,500 34,200 34,800
 Jun 33,800 34,400 34,300 35,700 36,500 35,800 35,200 35,000 34,600 35,300
 Jul 33,100 33,200 33,600 34,800 35,700 35,000 34,500 34,300 34,600 35,200
 Aug 33,700 33,800 34,100 34,900 35,300 34,900 34,300 34,300 34,500 35,000
 Sep 33,700 33,800 34,000 34,700 35,300 34,800 34,200 34,400 34,500 34,800
 Oct 33,500 34,600 34,600 34,800 35,200 34,500 34,600 34,500 35,000 34,800
 Nov 33,500 34,500 34,500 35,000 35,000 34,500 34,300 34,200 34,500 34,800
 Dec 33,600 34,500 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,100 34,400 34,300 34,500 34,300
Waterbury Labor Market Areas Towns: 006: Beacon Falls, 010: Bethlehem, 102: Middlebury, 109: Naugatuck, 151: Prospect, 192: Waterbury, 200: Watertown, 214: Wolcott, 216: Woodbury
 Month  2015 Y/Y 2016 Y/Y 2017 Y/Y 2018 Y/Y 2019 Y/Y 2020 Y/Y 2021 Y/Y 2022 Y/Y 2023 Y/Y 2024 Y/Y
 Jan 68,100 68,600 68,200 69,400 69,300 68,400 63,900 65,600 66,800 66,800
 Feb 68,000 68,400 68,200 69,700 69,500 68,400 63,500 65,800 66,600 66,700
 Mar 67,800 68,600 68,400 70,000 69,400 67,800 63,800 65,900 66,700 66,600
 Apr 67,400 68,800 68,400 69,300 69,300 55,400 64,100 65,900 66,300 67,200
 May 68,000 69,000 68,400 69,600 69,100 57,500 64,100 65,900 66,500 67,200
 Jun 67,900 68,500 68,800 69,800 68,800 59,700 64,200 65,500 66,400 66,800
 Jul 68,000 68,500 68,800 69,600 69,100 61,100 65,700 66,100 65,700 66,800
 Aug 68,100 68,400 68,800 69,300 69,000 62,800 65,200 66,200 66,500 66,800
 Sep 67,900 68,000 68,900 69,700 68,800 63,400 65,100 66,400 66,500 66,900
 Oct 68,400 68,200 68,900 69,300 68,600 64,000 65,500 66,200 66,900 66,900
 Nov 68,700 68,100 68,800 69,500 68,900 63,800 65,500 66,200 66,600 66,600
 Dec 68,500 68,300 68,800 69,600 68,600 64,000 65,700 66,600 66,700 66,900
 Month  2005 Y/Y 2006 Y/Y 2007 Y/Y 2008 Y/Y 2009 Y/Y 2010 Y/Y 2011 Y/Y 2012 Y/Y 2013 Y/Y 2014 Y/Y
 Jan 73,100 71,800 72,900 72,100 68,200 65,200 65,500 67,400 67,800 67,900
 Feb 73,300 72,100 72,700 72,000 68,100 64,900 65,700 67,700 67,400 67,700
 Mar 73,600 72,900 72,500 71,600 67,300 65,100 65,900 67,900 67,800 67,500
 Apr 72,900 72,700 72,500 71,300 66,900 65,500 66,200 66,500 67,700 67,600
 May 72,800 72,800 72,100 70,900 66,900 65,500 65,900 66,700 67,400 68,300
 Jun 72,600 73,000 72,100 70,400 66,400 65,600 65,900 66,800 67,800 68,400
 Jul 72,300 72,100 72,100 70,600 66,300 65,900 66,100 67,100 68,300 68,100
 Aug 71,800 72,200 71,600 70,600 65,500 65,700 66,200 67,100 67,900 68,300
 Sep 72,100 72,600 71,700 70,300 65,700 65,200 66,400 67,300 68,000 67,900
 Oct 71,800 72,600 72,200 69,600 66,000 65,100 66,400 67,200 68,200 67,900
 Nov 71,600 72,900 72,300 69,100 66,600 65,500 66,400 67,300 67,900 68,200
 Dec 71,800 73,000 71,800 69,000 66,000 65,300 66,500 67,500 67,400 68,100
 Month  1995 Y/Y 1996 Y/Y 1997 Y/Y 1998 Y/Y 1999 Y/Y 2000 Y/Y 2001 Y/Y 2002 Y/Y 2003 Y/Y 2004 Y/Y
 Jan 70,400 71,000 73,000 74,200 74,900 75,200 74,600 73,300 72,800 72,300
 Feb 70,500 71,300 73,400 74,500 74,500 74,900 74,700 73,100 72,200 72,300
 Mar 70,800 71,400 73,500 74,400 74,800 75,200 74,200 73,100 72,400 72,200
 Apr 71,300 71,700 73,100 74,200 74,800 75,200 74,000 73,000 72,100 72,400
 May 71,400 72,100 73,800 74,400 75,000 74,600 73,900 72,900 72,700 72,500
 Jun 71,600 72,600 73,800 74,700 74,800 74,600 73,400 72,900 72,400 72,700
 Jul 70,100 71,700 73,700 74,500 75,200 74,900 73,000 71,800 72,400 72,900
 Aug 70,400 72,400 74,100 74,600 75,400 75,500 72,600 72,100 72,500 72,800
 Sep 70,200 71,700 74,500 74,800 75,000 75,100 72,700 72,400 71,900 72,700
 Oct 70,000 72,900 74,200 74,900 75,100 75,100 72,600 72,700 72,200 72,900
 Nov 70,400 73,100 74,700 74,800 75,100 75,000 72,600 72,500 72,500 73,000
 Dec 71,000 73,000 74,900 74,900 75,200 74,900 72,300 72,700 72,000 73,000
Danielson-Northeast Labor Market Areas Towns: 029: Brooklyn, 049: Eastford, 074: Hampton, 089: Killingly, 145: Plainfield, 148: Pomfret, 152: Putnam, 176: Sterling, 181: Thompson, 217: Woodstock
 Month  2015 Y/Y 2016 Y/Y 2017 Y/Y 2018 Y/Y 2019 Y/Y 2020 Y/Y 2021 Y/Y 2022 Y/Y 2023 Y/Y 2024 Y/Y
 Jan 26,500 26,700 26,700 26,400 26,900 27,000 25,400 26,200 27,200 27,100
 Feb 26,500 26,700 26,600 26,200 26,600 26,600 25,300 26,500 27,000 27,000
 Mar 26,500 26,800 26,600 26,400 26,600 26,600 25,600 26,500 27,000 27,000
 Apr 27,000 27,000 26,900 26,700 27,100 23,000 26,100 27,000 27,100 27,000
 May 27,200 27,300 27,200 27,100 27,200 24,000 26,600 27,300 27,600 27,500
 Jun 27,500 27,300 27,400 27,200 27,500 24,700 26,500 27,500 27,800 27,400
 Jul 26,800 27,100 26,900 26,800 27,300 24,500 26,500 27,000 27,100 26,600
 Aug 27,200 27,200 26,900 27,000 27,400 25,100 26,600 27,200 27,000 26,600
 Sep 27,100 27,100 27,000 27,000 27,500 25,400 26,300 27,200 27,400 26,800
 Oct 27,200 27,200 27,000 27,200 27,200 25,800 26,500 27,300 27,400 26,900
 Nov 27,200 27,000 26,900 27,100 27,400 25,900 26,800 27,200 27,400 26,900
 Dec 26,900 26,900 27,000 27,300 27,300 25,800 26,600 27,000 27,200 28,800
 Month  2005 Y/Y 2006 Y/Y 2007 Y/Y 2008 Y/Y 2009 Y/Y 2010 Y/Y 2011 Y/Y 2012 Y/Y 2013 Y/Y 2014 Y/Y
 Jan 25,700 26,700 27,000 26,900 25,800 25,000 25,100 25,300 25,700 26,900
 Feb 25,700 26,200 27,000 26,700 25,800 24,800 25,300 25,300 25,500 26,600
 Mar 25,800 26,600 27,200 27,000 25,700 24,900 25,400 25,500 25,900 26,900
 Apr 26,500 27,000 27,600 27,200 25,700 25,600 25,600 25,900 26,600 27,300
 May 26,900 27,300 27,700 27,300 26,200 26,200 26,200 26,200 27,000 27,300
 Jun 27,100 27,400 28,200 27,600 26,400 25,900 26,000 26,400 27,300 27,700
 Jul 26,600 27,200 27,400 27,300 26,100 25,600 25,800 25,900 27,000 26,900
 Aug 26,900 27,500 27,300 27,100 26,000 25,700 25,700 26,000 27,500 27,500
 Sep 27,200 27,400 27,200 27,000 26,300 26,000 26,000 26,500 26,900 27,200
 Oct 26,700 27,400 27,600 27,100 26,300 26,300 26,000 26,900 27,300 27,100
 Nov 26,800 27,100 27,500 26,800 26,200 26,200 26,800 26,400 27,500 27,400
 Dec 26,900 27,500 27,500 26,600 26,200 26,000 26,400 26,400 27,200 27,400
 Month  1995 Y/Y 1996 Y/Y 1997 Y/Y 1998 Y/Y 1999 Y/Y 2000 Y/Y 2001 Y/Y 2002 Y/Y 2003 Y/Y 2004 Y/Y
 Jan 23,900 24,500 24,600 24,600 25,200 25,500 25,700 25,500 25,200 24,900
 Feb 23,700 24,300 24,500 24,600 25,000 25,600 25,500 25,400 24,900 25,000
 Mar 23,900 24,300 24,800 24,900 25,400 25,900 25,500 25,400 25,000 25,100
 Apr 24,000 24,600 24,800 25,100 25,100 26,000 25,900 26,000 25,400 25,800
 May 24,500 25,200 24,800 25,200 25,500 26,100 26,000 26,600 25,500 26,000
 Jun 25,200 25,400 25,200 25,300 25,800 26,100 26,100 26,600 25,900 26,400
 Jul 24,400 24,500 24,100 24,800 25,400 25,800 26,000 25,400 25,600 25,600
 Aug 24,500 25,000 24,400 25,300 25,400 25,900 26,000 25,600 25,700 25,900
 Sep 25,200 25,600 24,700 25,400 25,900 26,000 26,200 25,700 25,800 26,100
 Oct 25,000 25,200 24,500 25,500 25,800 26,400 26,200 25,700 25,800 25,500
 Nov 24,900 25,300 24,600 25,500 26,100 26,300 26,100 25,700 25,600 25,800
 Dec 24,900 25,200 24,500 25,700 26,100 26,100 26,200 25,500 25,400 25,700
State of Connecticut Department of Labor - Office of Research, 200 Folly Brook Boulevard, Wethersfield, CT 06109
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