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Labor Market Information - Government Sector State of Connecticut
Last Updated: Jonathan 27, 2024
  Government Sector ~ State of Connecticut Select Industry  
1 Month Ago 1 Year Ago January 2010 Recession Trough March 2008 Employment Peak
Change Rate % Dec
Change Rate % Dec
Change Rate % Dec
Change Rate %
233,500 233,000 500 0.2% 233,500 233,300 200 0.1% 233,500 251,300 -17,800 -7.1% 233,500 259,200 -25,700 -9.9%
The government sector is made up of publicly-owned establishments. This sector includes establishments of federal, state, and local government agencies that administer, oversee, and manage public programs and have executive, legislative, or judicial authority over other institutions within a given area. These agencies also set policy, create laws, adjudicate civil and criminal legal cases, provide for public safety and for national defense. Establishments such as public schools and public hospitals also are included in government. The information presented here refers to civilian employment only. Download Government Employment (1990-Current) .xls
 Month  2016 Y/Y 2017 Y/Y 2018 Y/Y 2019 Y/Y 2020 Y/Y 2021 Y/Y 2022 Y/Y 2023 Y/Y 2024 Y/Y 2025 Y/Y
 Jan 241,300 239,600 235,600 236,100 237,200 222,200 226,300 230,500 233,300
 Feb 242,200 239,900 236,300 236,700 237,200 221,700 226,500 230,400 233,000
 Mar 242,400 239,600 237,100 236,900 235,400 223,000 226,800 231,000 78,200
 Apr 242,200 238,800 236,100 236,500 213,500 222,800 226,900 230,400 234,400
 May 244,300 239,200 236,400 236,500 210,800 222,900 227,000 232,500 235,500
 Jun 240,100 238,800 237,800 235,300 217,500 224,600 226,200 234,500 237,100
 Jul 239,800 238,500 237,200 236,000 218,700 226,100 227,200 233,100 233,700
 Aug 239,300 238,500 236,800 235,200 223,400 223,400 228,500 234,000 234,900
 Sep 239,700 237,600 236,300 236,600 226,800 226,300 227,700 232,900 235,600
 Oct 240,000 237,400 235,100 236,300 225,100 225,500 227,700 232,800 235,900
 Nov 240,700 236,800 235,700 236,500 225,000 224,800 228,800 233,100 233,000
 Dec 239,900 237,000 235,900 234,500 223,200 225,400 229,400 233,300 233,500
 Month  2006 Y/Y 2007 Y/Y 2008 Y/Y 2009 Y/Y 2010 Y/Y 2011 Y/Y 2012 Y/Y 2013 Y/Y 2014 Y/Y 2015 Y/Y
 Jan 261,900 252,100 259,000 257,900 251,300 247,300 244,400 246,200 245,100 245,200
 Feb 254,600 251,500 259,300 257,900 251,600 247,700 246,900 244,900 243,700 243,600
 Mar 253,500 251,600 259,200 257,800 251,200 247,400 246,900 245,500 244,300 243,500
 Apr 257,100 251,500 259,400 256,900 250,900 249,700 245,700 245,300 244,800 244,300
 May 260,200 250,900 259,400 257,400 256,600 248,100 244,500 245,400 245,100 243,800
 Jun 261,800 253,000 260,500 256,400 250,700 246,100 244,500 247,900 245,600 243,900
 Jul 262,900 255,300 259,100 252,800 250,800 247,900 245,800 250,500 245,100 243,600
 Aug 264,900 256,400 259,800 251,700 250,300 244,500 244,700 244,400 245,200 243,200
 Sep 254,900 256,200 259,100 252,600 248,600 247,400 246,200 243,100 244,800 243,800
 Oct 252,600 257,300 259,900 251,400 249,500 247,300 246,000 242,900 244,400 243,700
 Nov 251,900 257,600 259,700 251,700 248,300 245,900 246,200 243,400 244,500 243,700
 Dec 251,800 257,200 258,800 251,300 247,900 246,700 246,500 242,900 244,200 242,500
 Month  1996 Y/Y 1997 Y/Y 1998 Y/Y 1999 Y/Y 2000 Y/Y 2001 Y/Y 2002 Y/Y 2003 Y/Y 2004 Y/Y 2005 Y/Y
 Jan 227,000 233,200 232,300 240,100 246,200 249,300 256,100 257,300 251,300 252,000
 Feb 228,200 233,200 231,600 240,400 246,400 248,400 256,000 255,000 250,900 249,900
 Mar 228,000 233,200 232,800 241,300 247,600 248,500 256,300 254,300 251,600 249,200
 Apr 230,600 232,300 232,300 242,300 248,500 248,800 255,900 253,400 250,900 252,500
 May 230,500 231,800 232,800 242,400 253,100 249,200 256,100 253,500 250,400 252,600
 Jun 230,200 232,200 233,000 242,600 250,100 249,700 256,700 252,900 250,000 254,400
 Jul 228,900 234,100 232,900 244,000 250,700 249,800 254,800 251,700 250,000 252,700
 Aug 228,700 233,800 233,200 243,700 248,600 249,400 256,700 251,700 251,700 252,700
 Sep 227,200 234,400 237,300 244,800 248,200 253,800 256,400 250,900 249,700 252,500
 Oct 233,500 232,900 237,000 243,600 248,200 254,800 256,200 251,000 250,900 251,400
 Nov 232,700 232,700 238,400 243,500 247,600 256,100 256,700 250,500 251,100 251,200
 Dec 233,200 232,800 238,500 244,100 248,000 256,300 256,600 250,300 250,800 252,200
State of Connecticut Department of Labor - Office of Research, 200 Folly Brook Boulevard, Wethersfield, CT 06109
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