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Labor Market Information - Trade, Transportation and Utilities Sector State of Connecticut
Last Updated: December 19, 2024
  Trade, Transportation and Utilities Sector ~ State of Connecticut Select Industry  
1 Month Ago 1 Year Ago January 2010 Recession Trough March 2008 Employment Peak
Change Rate % Dec
Change Rate % Dec
Change Rate % Dec
Change Rate %
299,000 297,000 2,000 0.7% 299,000 299,200 -200 -0.1% 299,000 283,400 15,600 5.5% 299,000 308,600 -9,600 -3.1%
The trade, transportation and utilities sector includes industries providing transportation of passengers and cargo, warehousing and storage for goods, scenic and sightseeing transportation, and support activities related to modes of transportation. Establishments in these industries use transportation equipment or transportation related facilities as a productive asset. The type of equipment depends on the mode of transportation. The modes of transportation are air, rail, water, road, and pipeline. The utilities sector comprises establishments engaged in the provision of the following utility services: electric power, natural gas, steam supply, water supply, and sewage removal. Within this sector, the specific activities associated with the utility services provided vary by utility: electric power includes generation, transmission, and distribution; natural gas includes distribution; steam supply includes provision and/or distribution; water supply includes treatment and distribution; and sewage removal includes collection, treatment, and disposal of waste through sewer systems and sewage treatment facilities. Download Trade, Transportation and Utilities Employment (1990-Current) .xls
 Month  2016 Y/Y 2017 Y/Y 2018 Y/Y 2019 Y/Y 2020 Y/Y 2021 Y/Y 2022 Y/Y 2023 Y/Y 2024 Y/Y 2025 Y/Y
 Jan 297,200 297,100 296,700 293,100 293,500 288,600 294,100 296,100 297,600
 Feb 297,500 296,800 296,900 292,500 293,300 288,700 299,500 297,100 297,200
 Mar 298,500 296,700 297,200 292,200 292,800 288,800 299,600 297,800 297,600
 Apr 297,500 296,800 295,800 292,100 240,300 288,100 300,400 294,900 297,600
 May 297,400 297,000 297,200 291,600 248,400 288,700 298,700 298,700 298,000
 Jun 296,300 297,400 297,800 290,300 266,700 288,900 298,700 299,400 298,000
 Jul 297,800 296,700 297,000 291,100 273,800 291,900 298,900 301,500 297,900
 Aug 297,900 296,700 296,400 291,500 278,300 291,700 298,200 300,300 297,300
 Sep 297,200 297,500 296,200 292,200 283,100 290,600 298,000 301,100 295,700
 Oct 297,000 296,700 295,600 293,300 285,500 292,600 297,700 301,400 296,100
 Nov 296,300 296,600 295,700 294,400 286,700 293,500 296,900 300,000 297,000
 Dec 296,500 296,600 294,700 295,400 287,300 294,100 298,000 299,200 299,000
 Month  2006 Y/Y 2007 Y/Y 2008 Y/Y 2009 Y/Y 2010 Y/Y 2011 Y/Y 2012 Y/Y 2013 Y/Y 2014 Y/Y 2015 Y/Y
 Jan 306,800 306,400 309,600 296,000 283,400 286,300 290,100 291,000 294,400 295,400
 Feb 306,100 306,300 309,000 294,100 282,700 287,500 290,400 291,100 294,200 294,900
 Mar 306,700 306,500 308,600 292,000 283,200 287,200 291,100 292,200 294,700 295,300
 Apr 308,100 306,000 307,900 287,300 283,100 290,800 289,300 293,400 295,500 295,200
 May 306,200 307,400 306,400 288,600 285,100 288,400 290,300 292,700 294,800 296,200
 Jun 306,000 307,600 305,000 287,600 285,500 288,100 290,300 293,400 294,600 297,400
 Jul 305,500 307,600 304,900 286,300 286,600 288,600 289,800 293,600 295,000 295,900
 Aug 305,700 306,900 304,100 285,900 286,700 288,700 289,900 294,300 294,900 296,300
 Sep 305,100 306,800 303,500 286,100 285,800 288,500 290,600 293,800 295,000 297,000
 Oct 305,600 307,100 301,400 285,200 286,900 287,500 291,400 294,100 295,000 297,500
 Nov 305,800 307,400 299,700 285,000 286,500 286,900 291,800 293,800 295,200 298,100
 Dec 306,200 308,200 298,000 284,100 287,100 288,400 291,000 294,200 295,200 297,300
 Month  1996 Y/Y 1997 Y/Y 1998 Y/Y 1999 Y/Y 2000 Y/Y 2001 Y/Y 2002 Y/Y 2003 Y/Y 2004 Y/Y 2005 Y/Y
 Jan 292,000 294,300 301,700 306,900 310,000 309,500 304,900 302,400 300,700 305,100
 Feb 294,100 293,800 303,100 306,900 311,900 307,700 305,300 301,600 301,300 306,500
 Mar 292,900 294,400 303,900 307,400 312,300 306,500 305,000 302,100 301,700 305,900
 Apr 293,700 295,400 302,200 307,200 313,300 307,600 306,500 300,200 302,800 307,900
 May 293,800 296,400 303,800 305,400 312,900 308,100 306,100 300,200 302,400 305,900
 Jun 293,800 296,900 303,900 306,000 313,000 307,800 306,500 300,200 302,300 305,400
 Jul 294,800 297,400 304,600 306,400 312,700 309,100 305,200 299,700 303,500 305,400
 Aug 294,900 296,300 304,600 308,300 312,800 308,100 304,600 299,600 303,200 305,600
 Sep 294,700 300,400 304,400 307,100 313,300 306,200 304,900 300,100 303,900 305,800
 Oct 294,900 301,200 303,600 308,900 312,700 307,300 302,200 302,000 304,700 304,600
 Nov 295,700 301,400 305,000 309,100 313,200 305,900 301,700 301,200 305,600 304,900
 Dec 296,100 302,400 305,600 309,900 313,900 305,800 302,000 299,500 305,400 305,700
State of Connecticut Department of Labor - Office of Research, 200 Folly Brook Boulevard, Wethersfield, CT 06109
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