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State of Connecticut - Average Weekly Unemployment Initial Claims Benefits
  Average Weekly Initial Claims - State of Connecticut Last Updated: October 21, 2024

Average weekly initial unemployment claims (not seasonally adjusted) for first-time filers (AWIC) in Connecticut for September 2024 were a very low 2,173. This is 607 (-21.8%) claims lower than August 2024 (2,780), and lower by 214 claims (-9.0%) than the September 2023 (2,387) level.

Download Connecticut Average Weekly Unemployment Initial Claims 12-month moving average/NSA (1982-Current)
Month 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Jan 7,394 6,135 6,571 6,616 10,344 8,854 8,967 8,395 8,070 7,363 6,620 5,702 5,849 5,306 4,697 4,181 10,334 5,111 4,215 4,239
Feb 4,296 4,555 4,771 4,820 7,845 6,256 5,804 4,916 5,186 4,173 4,226 3,865 3,438 3,739 2,785 2,708 6,856 2,611 3,249 2,847
Mar 3,627 3,340 3,293 3,375 6,305 5,107 4,247 4,168 3,794 3,491 3,290 2,935 3,602 3,222 2,501 18,646 7,634 2,247 2,898 2,525
Apr 4,412 4,439 4,453 4,801 7,066 5,666 5,540 5,134 5,182 4,673 4,248 4,170 3,774 3,760 4,628 49,471 6,158 3,283 3,610 3,324
May 2,923 3,132 2,927 3,446 5,222 4,107 4,097 3,749 3,536 3,197 2,907 3,098 3,095 2,493 2,339 22,070 6,451 2,277 3,972 2,331
Jun 4,018 4,180 4,141 4,799 6,743 5,421 5,119 5,452 4,710 4,640 4,498 5,087 4,453 3,743 4,408 12,045 5,214 2,294 7,738 4,389
Jul 4,115 4,094 4,059 4,672 6,600 5,296 5,019 4,749 5,132 4,138 3,728 3,665 3,774 3,389 2,922 10,713 3,822 9,947 6,646 3,109
Aug 3,379 3,162 3,106 4,827 5,458 5,182 4,131 4,012 3,770 3,394 3,309 3,303 2,987 2,567 2,608 7,420 3,517 5,218 3,035 2,780
Sep 2,751 2,737 2,665 3,924 4,455 3,861 4,403 3,445 3,209 2,919 2,608 2,758 2,735 2,159 2,263 5,143 2,580 2,838 2,387 2,173
Oct 3,344 3,039 3,212 4,511 4,609 4,371 4,082 3,885 3,770 3,215 2,916 3,087 2,752 2,406 2,392 5,153 2,421 2,389 2,253
Nov 3,503 3,516 3,842 5,430 4,997 4,296 7,384 6,371 4,123 3,939 3,205 3,345 3,291 3,181 3,002 6,254 2,938 3,001 2,885
Dec 6,536 6,208 6,432 8,121 7,321 6,548 6,605 6,700 7,020 6,334 5,364 5,528 4,841 6,211 6,774 8,935 5,282 5,508 5,214
Month 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
Jan 7,059 7,858 5,978 5,441 5,751 8,819 11,008 11,895 9,840 9,260 7,822 8,003 6,688 5,726 7,041 6,438 7,151 9,715 8,856 7,590
Feb 4,006 3,936 3,593 3,317 4,018 5,087 6,891 7,620 5,882 5,169 5,145 4,870 4,083 3,750 4,080 3,472 4,458 4,997 5,584 4,941
Mar 3,359 3,268 2,675 2,501 3,020 4,548 5,190 5,592 5,144 4,955 4,279 3,647 3,469 2,969 3,403 2,914 4,272 4,302 4,295 3,552
Apr 3,830 3,411 2,617 2,482 3,710 4,941 6,038 5,728 5,453 4,956 4,533 4,043 4,101 3,305 3,505 3,198 4,500 5,695 5,269 4,430
May 3,563 3,000 2,423 2,271 2,847 4,128 4,696 4,499 4,115 3,987 3,793 3,347 2,882 2,813 2,858 2,470 4,017 4,899 3,774 3,107
Jun 4,468 3,853 2,971 3,063 4,299 5,116 6,236 6,035 5,049 4,667 5,237 4,085 3,994 3,995 3,941 3,788 4,976 5,880 4,982 4,247
Jul 6,679 5,084 4,442 5,267 5,833 6,398 7,772 6,808 5,530 5,515 5,581 4,843 4,042 4,143 3,830 3,379 5,388 5,212 5,034 3,968
Aug 4,115 3,490 2,736 3,039 4,013 4,446 6,785 5,077 4,136 3,913 3,823 3,399 3,059 3,424 3,128 3,074 4,306 4,072 3,904 3,220
Sep 2,666 2,362 1,803 1,928 2,952 4,136 4,429 4,130 3,506 3,236 3,226 2,814 2,430 3,407 2,653 2,246 4,007 3,701 3,347 2,865
Oct 3,547 2,599 1,940 2,681 3,546 4,681 4,783 4,442 4,149 3,636 3,818 3,272 2,728 2,724 2,608 2,577 4,626 4,304 3,565 3,148
Nov 3,460 3,094 2,343 2,667 3,890 5,088 6,522 4,933 5,073 3,859 4,207 3,290 3,110 3,379 2,936 3,077 4,958 4,332 3,799 3,583
Dec 6,693 6,176 5,325 6,277 6,915 7,742 9,729 6,373 6,137 6,820 6,078 6,529 6,240 5,283 4,698 4,476 6,477 7,444 6,799 5,889
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Month 2007 Y/Y 2008 Y/Y 2009 Y/Y 2010 Y/Y 2011 Y/Y 2012 Y/Y 2013 Y/Y 2014 Y/Y 2015 Y/Y 2016 Y/Y 2017 Y/Y 2018 Y/Y 2019 Y/Y 2020 Y/Y 2021 Y/Y 2022 Y/Y 2023 Y/Y 2024 Y/Y
 Jan 4,081 4,126 5,256 6,290 5,423 5,402 5,054 4,733 4,228 3,833 3,891 3,671 3,464 3,400 13,241 4,832 3,819 4,011
 Feb 4,099 4,130 5,508 6,157 5,385 5,328 5,077 4,649 4,232 3,803 3,855 3,696 3,384 3,394 13,587 4,478 3,872 3,977
 Mar 4,095 4,137 5,752 6,057 5,314 5,322 5,045 4,623 4,215 3,774 3,911 3,664 3,324 4,739 12,669 4,029 3,926 3,946
 Apr 4,096 4,166 5,941 5,941 5,303 5,288 5,049 4,581 4,180 3,767 3,878 3,663 3,397 8,476 9,060 3,790 3,954 3,922
 May 4,079 4,210 6,089 5,848 5,303 5,259 5,032 4,553 4,156 3,783 3,878 3,613 3,384 10,120 7,758 3,442 4,095 3,785
 Jun 4,076 4,264 6,251 5,738 5,277 5,286 4,970 4,547 4,144 3,832 3,825 3,554 3,439 10,757 7,189 3,198 4,549 3,506
 Jul 4,073 4,315 6,411 5,629 5,254 5,264 5,002 4,464 4,110 3,827 3,834 3,522 3,400 11,406 6,614 3,709 4,274 3,211
 Aug 4,068 4,459 6,464 5,606 5,167 5,254 4,982 4,433 4,103 3,827 3,808 3,487 3,404 11,807 6,289 3,851 4,092 3,190
 Sep 4,062 4,564 6,508 5,556 5,212 5,174 4,962 4,409 4,077 3,839 3,806 3,438 3,412 12,047 6,076 3,872 4,054 3,172
 Oct 4,077 4,672 6,516 5,537 5,188 5,158 4,953 4,362 4,052 3,853 3,778 3,410 3,411 12,277 5,848 3,870 4,043
 Nov 4,104 4,804 6,480 5,478 5,445 5,073 4,765 4,347 3,991 3,865 3,773 3,400 3,396 12,548 5,572 3,875 4,033
 Dec 4,123 4,945 6,414 5,414 5,450 5,081 4,792 4,290 3,910 3,879 3,716 3,515 3,443 12,728 5,267 3,894 4,009
NOTE:  Average weekly initial claims are calculated by dividing the total number of new claims for unemployment insurance received in the month by the number of weeks in the month. A minor change in methodology took effect with data published in the March 1997 issue of the DIGEST. Data have been revised back to January 1980.
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Month 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Jan 4,195 4,087 4,081 4,126 5,256 6,290 5,423 5,402 5,054 4,733 4,228 3,833 3,891 3,671 3,464 3,400 13,241 4,832 3,819 4,011
Feb 4,142 4,108 4,099 4,130 5,508 6,157 5,385 5,328 5,077 4,649 4,232 3,803 3,855 3,696 3,384 3,394 13,587 4,478 3,872 3,977
Mar 4,148 4,084 4,095 4,137 5,752 6,057 5,314 5,322 5,045 4,623 4,215 3,774 3,911 3,664 3,324 4,739 12,669 4,029 3,926 3,946
Apr 4,146 4,087 4,096 4,166 5,941 5,941 5,303 5,288 5,049 4,581 4,180 3,767 3,878 3,663 3,397 8,476 9,060 3,790 3,954 3,922
May 4,131 4,104 4,079 4,210 6,089 5,848 5,303 5,259 5,032 4,553 4,156 3,783 3,878 3,613 3,384 10,120 7,758 3,442 4,095 3,785
Jun 4,112 4,117 4,076 4,264 6,251 5,738 5,277 5,286 4,970 4,547 4,144 3,832 3,825 3,554 3,439 10,757 7,189 3,198 4,549 3,506
Jul 4,124 4,116 4,073 4,315 6,411 5,629 5,254 5,264 5,002 4,464 4,110 3,827 3,834 3,522 3,400 11,406 6,614 3,709 4,274 3,211
Aug 4,137 4,098 4,068 4,459 6,464 5,606 5,167 5,254 4,982 4,433 4,103 3,827 3,808 3,487 3,404 11,807 6,289 3,851 4,092 3,190
Sep 4,128 4,096 4,062 4,564 6,508 5,556 5,212 5,174 4,962 4,409 4,077 3,839 3,806 3,438 3,412 12,047 6,076 3,872 4,054 3,172
Oct 4,144 4,071 4,077 4,672 6,516 5,537 5,188 5,158 4,953 4,362 4,052 3,853 3,778 3,410 3,411 12,277 5,848 3,870 4,043
Nov 4,138 4,072 4,104 4,804 6,480 5,478 5,445 5,073 4,765 4,347 3,991 3,865 3,773 3,400 3,396 12,548 5,572 3,875 4,033
Dec 4,192 4,045 4,123 4,945 6,414 5,414 5,450 5,081 4,792 4,290 3,910 3,879 3,716 3,515 3,443 12,728 5,267 3,894 4,009
Month 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
Jan 4,216 4,520 3,854 3,192 3,437 4,488 5,610 6,747 5,923 5,286 4,878 4,810 4,235 3,822 3,853 3,673 3,485 5,142 5,308 4,829
Feb 4,244 4,515 3,826 3,169 3,495 4,577 5,760 6,808 5,778 5,227 4,876 4,787 4,170 3,794 3,880 3,623 3,568 5,187 5,357 4,775
Mar 4,275 4,507 3,776 3,155 3,539 4,705 5,814 6,842 5,741 5,211 4,819 4,735 4,155 3,753 3,916 3,582 3,681 5,189 5,356 4,713
Apr 4,315 4,472 3,710 3,144 3,641 4,807 5,905 6,816 5,718 5,169 4,784 4,694 4,160 3,686 3,933 3,556 3,789 5,289 5,321 4,643
May 4,363 4,425 3,662 3,131 3,689 4,914 5,953 6,799 5,686 5,159 4,768 4,657 4,121 3,681 3,937 3,524 3,918 5,362 5,227 4,587
Jun 4,426 4,374 3,588 3,139 3,792 4,982 6,046 6,782 5,604 5,127 4,816 4,561 4,114 3,681 3,932 3,511 4,017 5,438 5,152 4,526
Jul 4,487 4,241 3,535 3,207 3,839 5,029 6,160 6,702 5,497 5,126 4,821 4,499 4,047 3,689 3,906 3,474 4,185 5,423 5,137 4,437
Aug 4,557 4,189 3,472 3,233 3,920 5,065 6,355 6,560 5,419 5,107 4,814 4,464 4,019 3,719 3,882 3,469 4,287 5,403 5,123 4,380
Sep 4,575 4,164 3,425 3,243 4,005 5,164 6,380 6,535 5,367 5,085 4,813 4,429 3,987 3,801 3,819 3,435 4,434 5,378 5,094 4,340
Oct 4,636 4,085 3,371 3,305 4,078 5,259 6,388 6,506 5,342 5,042 4,828 4,384 3,941 3,800 3,809 3,433 4,605 5,351 5,032 4,305
Nov 4,596 4,054 3,308 3,332 4,179 5,359 6,508 6,374 5,354 4,941 4,857 4,308 3,926 3,823 3,772 3,444 4,761 5,299 4,988 4,287
Dec 4,454 4,011 3,237 3,411 4,233 5,428 6,673 6,094 5,334 4,998 4,795 4,345 3,902 3,743 3,723 3,426 4,928 5,379 4,934 4,212
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