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Labor Market Information - Connecticut's Recessionary Job Loss and Recovery Nonfarm Employment Sectors
  Connecticut's Recessionary Job Loss and Recovery March 2008 - June 2024 Last Updated: July 19, 2024

Connecticut's Recessionary Job Loss and Recovery March 2008 - June 2024

Employment March 2008 - Feb 2010
Jan. 2010 - Jun 2024
March 2008 - Jun 2024
Job Loss
Graphs Industry Mar 2008 Jan 2010 Jun 2024
Connecticut nonfarm employment Total Nonfarm Employment 1,720.9 1,601.0 1,713.7 -119.9 -7.0% 112.7 7.0% -7.2 -0.4% 94.0%
Total Private 1,461.7 1,349.7 1,476.6 -112.0 -7.7% 126.9 9.4% 14.9 1.0% 113.3%
Goods Producing 255.2 211.5 222.4 -43.7 -17.1% 10.9 5.2% -32.8 -12.9% 24.9%
Connecticut Construction Sector Employment Construction / Mining 69.4 49.2 63.5 -20.2 -29.1% 14.3 29.1% -5.9 -8.5% 70.8%
Connecticut Manufacturing Sector Employment Manufacturing 185.8 162.3 158.9 -23.5 -12.6% -3.4 -2.1% -26.9 -14.5% -14.5%
Service Producing 1,465.7 1,389.5 1,491.3 -76.2 -5.2% 101.8 7.3% 25.6 1.7% 133.6%
Connecticut Transportation and Public Utilities Sector Employment Transportation and Public Utilities 308.6 283.4 298.0 -25.2 -8.2% 14.6 5.2% -10.6 -3.4% 57.9%
Connecticut Information Sector Employment Information 38.2 32.0 29.8 -6.2 -16.2% -2.2 -6.9% -8.4 -22.0% -35.5%
Connecticut Financial Activities Sector Employment Financial Activities 144.5 134.9 119.3 -9.6 -6.6% -15.6 -11.6% -25.2 -17.4% -162.5%
Connecticut Professional and Business Services Sector Employment Professional and Business Services 213.7 189.0 219.5 -24.7 -11.6% 30.5 16.1% 5.8 2.7% 123.5%
Connecticut Educational and Health Services Sector Employment Educational and Health Services 299.5 308.2 367.1 8.7 2.9% 58.9 19.1% 67.6 22.6% N/A *
Connecticut Leisure and Hospitality Sector Employment Leisure and Hospitality 138.3 130.3 157.8 -8.0 -5.8% 27.5 21.1% 19.5 14.1% 343.8%
Connecticut Other Services Sector Employment Other Services 63.7 60.4 62.7 -3.3 -5.2% 2.3 3.8% -1.0 -1.6% 69.7%
Connecticut Government Sector Employment Government ** 259.2 251.3 237.1 -7.9 -3.0% -14.2 -5.7% -22.1 -8.5% -179.7%
Connecticut's Seasonally Adjusted Nonfarm Employment (000's)
* N/A - not applicable; the Education and Healthcare service sector actually gained jobs over the recession.
**Government employment includes employment on Indian Reservations, i.e. tribal government, Indian casinos, and other businesses.
State of Connecticut Department of Labor - Office of Research, 200 Folly Brook Boulevard, Wethersfield, CT 06109
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