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Labor Market Information - Information Sector State of Connecticut
Last Updated: July 18, 2024
  Information Sector ~ State of Connecticut Select Industry  
1 Month Ago 1 Year Ago January 2010 Recession Trough March 2008 Employment Peak
Change Rate % Jun
Change Rate % Jun
Change Rate % Jun
Change Rate %
29,800 30,200 -400 -1.3% 29,800 31,300 -1,500 -4.8% 29,800 32,000 -2,200 -6.9% 29,800 38,200 -8,400 -22.0%
The information sector comprises establishments engaged in the following processes: (a) producing and distributing information and cultural products, (b) providing the means to transmit or distribute these products as well as data or communications, and (c) processing data. The main components of this sector are the publishing industries, including software publishing, and both traditional publishing and publishing exclusively on the Internet; the motion picture and sound recording industries; the broadcasting industries, including traditional broadcasting and those broadcasting exclusively over the Internet; the telecommunications industries; the industries known as Internet service providers and web search portals, data processing industries, and the information services industries. Download Information Employment (1990-Current) .xls
 Month  2015 Y/Y 2016 Y/Y 2017 Y/Y 2018 Y/Y 2019 Y/Y 2020 Y/Y 2021 Y/Y 2022 Y/Y 2023 Y/Y 2024 Y/Y
 Jan 32,400 32,500 31,900 31,900 31,400 31,400 29,200 31,000 31,900 30,000
 Feb 32,400 32,600 31,700 32,000 31,400 31,300 29,300 31,100 31,400 30,000
 Mar 32,400 32,300 31,900 31,700 31,500 31,300 29,500 31,000 31,600 29,900
 Apr 32,500 32,200 31,800 31,700 31,400 28,900 29,500 31,000 31,500 29,700
 May 32,500 32,300 31,700 31,700 31,500 28,600 29,400 31,400 31,400 30,200
 Jun 32,700 32,300 31,600 31,800 31,800 28,400 29,900 31,300 31,300 29,800
 Jul 32,600 32,600 31,300 31,600 31,800 28,100 30,500 31,400 31,100
 Aug 32,500 32,900 31,400 31,600 31,700 28,400 30,500 31,700 30,600
 Sep 32,600 32,500 31,600 31,500 31,600 28,700 30,200 31,600 30,700
 Oct 32,800 32,500 31,400 31,800 31,500 29,300 30,700 31,400 30,400
 Nov 32,600 32,300 31,500 31,500 31,600 28,800 31,100 31,300 30,200
 Dec 32,500 32,100 31,500 31,500 31,400 29,000 31,400 31,400 30,200
 Month  2005 Y/Y 2006 Y/Y 2007 Y/Y 2008 Y/Y 2009 Y/Y 2010 Y/Y 2011 Y/Y 2012 Y/Y 2013 Y/Y 2014 Y/Y
 Jan 38,800 38,200 37,800 38,200 36,600 32,000 31,800 31,500 31,800 32,100
 Feb 38,900 38,000 38,000 38,300 36,500 31,900 31,700 31,500 32,300 31,900
 Mar 38,500 38,200 38,000 38,200 35,800 31,800 31,700 31,100 32,200 32,200
 Apr 38,400 38,000 38,200 38,800 35,200 31,700 31,600 31,100 31,800 32,200
 May 38,400 37,900 39,100 38,700 34,700 31,800 31,300 31,300 32,200 32,100
 Jun 38,400 37,800 38,500 38,600 34,500 31,600 31,400 31,100 32,300 32,100
 Jul 38,200 38,000 38,800 37,900 34,200 31,500 31,400 31,100 32,400 32,200
 Aug 37,900 37,900 38,700 37,900 33,800 31,800 31,200 31,400 32,100 32,100
 Sep 37,900 38,000 39,400 37,200 33,400 32,000 31,300 31,500 32,000 31,900
 Oct 37,700 38,000 39,300 37,200 33,000 31,900 31,300 31,700 32,100 31,700
 Nov 37,700 38,100 38,100 36,900 32,800 31,700 31,300 31,800 32,000 32,500
 Dec 37,800 38,200 38,100 36,900 32,200 31,900 31,200 31,400 32,100 32,500
 Month  1995 Y/Y 1996 Y/Y 1997 Y/Y 1998 Y/Y 1999 Y/Y 2000 Y/Y 2001 Y/Y 2002 Y/Y 2003 Y/Y 2004 Y/Y
 Jan 41,300 41,600 44,400 44,400 44,700 45,600 46,700 42,500 40,300 39,400
 Feb 41,300 42,100 44,900 44,400 44,600 45,700 46,600 42,100 40,200 39,100
 Mar 41,300 42,500 45,000 44,600 44,500 45,900 46,200 42,000 40,000 39,100
 Apr 41,700 43,000 45,000 44,600 44,500 45,900 45,700 41,800 39,900 39,200
 May 41,700 43,300 44,800 44,900 44,500 46,100 45,400 41,600 39,700 39,200
 Jun 41,800 43,700 44,800 45,000 44,300 46,400 44,900 41,300 39,600 39,200
 Jul 41,500 43,300 44,800 44,900 44,800 47,000 44,200 41,000 39,600 39,200
 Aug 41,600 43,700 44,900 45,000 44,900 47,000 44,200 40,700 39,500 39,300
 Sep 41,500 44,000 45,100 39,500 44,800 47,300 43,800 40,400 39,300 39,100
 Oct 42,200 44,200 43,900 45,200 45,100 47,200 43,400 40,200 39,500 38,800
 Nov 41,500 44,600 43,800 45,000 45,300 47,200 43,100 39,800 39,400 38,900
 Dec 41,700 44,400 43,800 45,000 45,500 47,100 42,900 39,700 39,300 38,800
State of Connecticut Department of Labor - Office of Research, 200 Folly Brook Boulevard, Wethersfield, CT 06109
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