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Labor Market Information - Site Map
  Labor Market Information - Site Map Last Updated: January 11, 2011 
 Job Seekers
Labor Market Information (LMI) is a key ingredient to understanding the workplace and the dynamics which influence job search and career choices. Labor Market Information can help you to evaluate options and consider opportunities. That information, coupled with an awareness of your own interests, likes, and dislikes, will give you a sense of direction. You can further define that direction into a goal by identifying the skills you have or are willing to develop.
The Connecticut Department of Labor and its Office of Research offer many valuable services for businesses, including the production of Labor Market Information. LMI includes professionally compiled and analyzed economic and labor market data. For businesses, this information is useful in product marketing, new location studies, wage analyses, and economic research. It is helpful in making better-informed decisions on expansion, investment, hiring, and other aspects of business management.
The Connecticut Department of Labor's Office of Research has long been recognized as a reliable, professional resource for economic data. Often referred to as Labor Market Information (LMI), that data is gathered and compiled for use by a wide audience for a variety of purposes. Those in our audience who are economists, researchers, planners, and policy makers often use our data to support conclusions and to inform and advise decision makers. These can affect the conduct of business and government, as well as the development of educational and other training opportunities.
This section of our Web site is aimed primarily at students, teachers, counselors, parents, and other individuals looking for information on occupations, educational and training opportunities, and job opportunities in Connecticut. Labor Market Information (LMI) can help you to discover opportunities and make informed career decisions. There are many sources of information available to help you. Those included here are only a fraction of the possibilities. This information is available through various electronic and print media, in high school guidance offices, colleges, libraries, Connecticut Works Centers, and many other locations throughout Connecticut. The following resources will aid you as you proceed through the career exploration, career development and job-seeking activities of your life.
 State of Connecticut Employer Search
Search for Connecticut Employers by industry, geography, occupation or company name. Find the largest companies in Connecticut or search all by region, WIA, or town. Click on a company name to view more information about that employer.This employer information is provided by InfoUSA®.
 Connecticut Job & Career ConneCTion
Identify occupations that may be a good match for your skills, interests, personality and provides you with detailed information on these occupations. Find appropriate education and training opportunities and identify employers who may hire people for those occupations. It will also provide tools to help you get the job that is right for you. Including help in writing a résumé, getting through the job interview, and finding day care for your children.
 Connecticut Education & Training ConneCTion
Intended for use by students, teachers, counselors, job seekers, job developers, and others in need of information on education and training. It offers several search options to explore the world of Education & Training in Connecticut - find providers in your area, locate providers that offer the program or course you are interested in, or find out which programs or courses are related to the occupation you are interested in.
 Training and Education Planning System
TEPS is a tool designed to aid the analysis and discussion of the demand and supply of talent in Connecticut’s workforce. It is intended to help identify where there may be skill shortages or surpluses in the labor market, and thereby guide investments in education and training programs by program planners and administrators, as well as by individuals considering career options.
 Connecticut Workforce Employment Dynamics
An innovative program initiated by the Office of Research. Its purpose is to provide information on the characteristics of CT’s jobholders, including detailed breakdowns by age, gender, industry, geographic region and wages earned. WED data will be useful for any initiative that relies on an understanding of the labor market, but can be especially valuable for workforce development policy formulation and planning.
 Office of Research's Occasional Papers & Reports
The Office of Research occasionally undertakes special studies and projects of importance to the State on topics relevant to the labor market, workforce, and the workforce development system. Listed below are the occasional papers and reports by year that are currently available.
 Other Products & Services from the Office of Research
The Office of Research offers more than just Labor Market Information. Listed below are some of our additional Products & Services that we have developed to better serve Connecticut workers and businesses.
 Connecticut Labor Market Information Data
The Connecticut Department of Labor's Office of Research gathers, analyzes, and disseminates information on the economy, workforce and careers that is used to evaluate the economic health of Connecticut, to support and promote state workforce development activities, and to assist students and job seekers in making career choices. We recognize that the employment, occupational, and other data we collect, develop and transform into useful information, commonly referred to as Labor Market Information (LMI), are essential for career decision-making and for establishing workforce-training opportunities.
 Connecticut Labor Market Information Publications
The following list identifies publications that are available through the Office of Research. Use the titles in the list to link to a brief description of that publication.
LMI News:A chronological list of the latest LMI News items
Glossary of Terms:A glossary of Labor Market Information terms, common acronyms, and Geographic Area Definitions
Calendar of Events:Scheduled Job Fairs, Conferences, Publication Release Dates, etc.
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