Connecticut Career Paths
56-page guide is well organized for quick references that include the locations and contact information for the American Job Centers, Labor Department’s Job Bank-CTHires.com, Career and Educational Resources, and Government Resources in Connecticut. Articles in the guide also provide information on advanced manufacturing, apprenticeship, core components of student success plans, employment of minors, résumé design basics, and steps to become a teacher. It also contains data on more than 360 occupations in the state, including narrative descriptions, number of individuals currently employed, annual job openings, salary information, required training and basic skills sought by employers. |
Connecticut STEM and Manufacturing Jobs
The Connecticut Department of Labor’s Office of Research has prepared Connecticut STEM and Manufacturing Jobs for people who want to find work in the Science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) occupations and manufacturing jobs. This publication contains information about STEM occupations, earnings, educational requirements, and job prospects. There are also suggestions on how to prepare for a STEM career and where to find more information. |
Connecticut’s Manufacturing and Other Middle-skills Jobs
The Connecticut Department of Labor’s Office of Research has prepared Connecticut’s Manufacturing and Other Middle-skills Jobs for people who want or need to find work immediately in the field of manufacturing and other middle-skills jobs. |
A Look at Connecticut's Entry-Level Occupations
The Connecticut Department of Labor’s Office of Research has prepared A Look at Connecticut's Entry-Level Occupations for people who want or need to find work immediately, but don’t know where to start. |
Connecticut Career Posters
Colorful, at-a-glance illustrations of job journeys in each of CT's 16 career clusters. Each poster includes information on some of Connecticut's in-demand occupations within each career cluster,
grouped by level of education or training required and average annual wage. |
Conference Board Help Wanted OnLine Data Series
HWOL measures the number of new, first-time online jobs and jobs reposted from the previous month for over 16,000 Internet job boards, corporate boards and smaller job sites that serve niche markets and smaller geographic areas. The data can be used as a real-time measure of labor demand.