Economic Indicator Scorecards - taken together, these groups of economic indicators present an overall picture of the current conditions in the Connecticut labor market, business climate, consumer sector and the current/future overall. You can find charts, trends, year-to-year changes and data for twenty-four econcomic indicators from 2001 to current.
Training and Education Planning System (TEPS) is a tool designed to aid the analysis and discussion of the demand and supply of talent in Connecticut’s workforce. It is intended to help identify where there may be skill shortages or surpluses in the labor market, and thereby guide investments in education and training programs by program planners and administrators, as well as by individuals considering career options.
Our LMI Publications page, where you will see the
titles of all our publications, is another resource to support your plan. You can read these publications at our
centers or order them for your continued use. They contain data (tables or charts along with text) which have been
collected, analyzed, and organized especially for the convenience of our readers. Also, you can find a complete listing of available data on our LMI Data page.
The Office of Research occasionally undertakes special studies and projects of importance to the State on topics
relevant to the labor market, workforce, and the workforce development system. See Occasional Papers & Reports for a complete listing.