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Labor Market Information - 2000 Equal Employment Opportunity Special Tabulation Files
  2000 Equal Employment Opportunity Special Tabulation Files - State of Connecticut Last Updated: May 11, 2010
The 2000 Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Special Tabulation contains data that will assist employers in completing required Affirmative Action Plans that need to be submitted to either the Office of Federal Contract Compliance or the Connecticut Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities. This information is based on the 2000 Census, Equal Employment Opportunity Special Tabulation.

The tables in this EEO Special Tabulation provide breakouts for the eight counties and seven metropolitan statistical areas (MSA's) within the state of Connecticut. (The MSA's shown were those established following the 1990 Census since this is the way the data were provided on the EEO Special Tabulation) Because most employers recruit their workers within specific areas, maps of each the counties and statistical areas are included.

Tables 1 through 4, Total Population by Gender and Race/Ethnicity, provide summary data for the State as a whole, for all eight counties, and eleven MSAs within the state, and also express these data in percentages. These counts were taken from the 2000 Census of Population and Housing and are based on a complete count of the population.

Connecticut Occupational Statistics is a listing, by occupation, of male, female, and minority members of the labor force (those who are 16 years and over, noninstitutionalized, and who indicated an occupational attachment to the labor force) at the time of the Census in 2000. These data, presented by county and MSA, were derived from a sample of the population with the results being estimates of actual figures.

If you need assistance interpreting the data provided on these tables, please contact the Connecticut Department of Labor, Office of Research, at (860)263-6302.

If you are completing an Affirmative Action Plan for a private company and you require regulations/guidelines to assist you in setting up your plan, please contact the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) at (860)240-4277.

If you are completing an Affirmative Action Plan for a state agency, municipality, or any political subdivision, and you require regulations/guidelines for setting up your plan, please contact the Connecticut Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities (CHRO) at (860)541-3449.

To order Equal Employment Opportunity posters at no charge, contact either the OFCCP or the CHRO at the numbers listed above.

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This workforce product was funded by a grant awarded by the U.S. Department of Labor's Employment and Training Administration. (more)
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