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Connecticut Labor Market Information - State of Connecticut Nonfarm Employment
  State of Connecticut Employment - Current Employment Statistics (CES) Last Updated: January 27, 2025
State of Connecticut Employment - Not Seasonally Adjusted December
Y-to-Y Change November
# %
TOTAL NONFARM EMPLOYMENT……………………………………… 1,730,700 1,708,400 22,300 1.3 1,732,100
TOTAL PRIVATE……………………………………… 1,492,200 1,470,000 22,200 1.5 1,491,700
  GOODS PRODUCING INDUSTRIES………………………………. 220,800 219,800 1,000 0.5 223,000
    CONSTRUCTION, NAT. RES. & MINING.…….. 62,200 61,200 1,000 1.6 65,000
    MANUFACTURING………………………………. 158,600 158,600 0 0.0 158,000
      Durable Goods…………………………………. 124,200 124,100 100 0.1 123,900
        Fabricated Metal………………………………. 27,800 27,400 400 1.5 27,700
        Machinery……………………………………….. 13,700 13,800 -100 -0.7 13,600
        Computer and Electronic Product…………………. 10,600 10,500 100 1.0 10,600
        Transportation Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48,000 47,300 700 1.5 47,900
          Aerospace Product and Parts……………………………………………… 29,600 29,600 0 0.0 29,500
      Non-Durable Goods…………………………… 34,400 34,500 -100 -0.3 34,100
        Chemical……………………………………….. 7,900 8,000 -100 -1.3 7,800
  SERVICE PROVIDING INDUSTRIES……………………………… 1,509,900 1,488,600 21,300 1.4 1,509,100
    TRADE, TRANSPORTATION, UTILITIES….. 311,800 311,400 400 0.1 305,700
      Wholesale Trade……………………………… 63,000 61,300 1,700 2.8 62,600
      Retail Trade………………………………………. 170,700 171,200 -500 -0.3 167,100
        Motor Vehicle and Parts Dealers……………… 21,500 21,700 -200 -0.9 21,200
        Building Material………………………………….. 15,000 15,200 -200 -1.3 15,100
        Food and Beverage Stores…………………….. 42,000 41,700 300 0.7 41,400
        General Merchandise Stores…………………….. 31,600 31,600 0 0.0 30,800
      Transportation, Warehousing, & Utilities………………………………………. 78,100 78,900 -800 -1.0 76,000
        Utilities……………………………………………… 5,200 5,200 0 0.0 5,100
        Transportation and Warehousing……………………………………………… 72,900 73,700 -800 -1.1 70,900
    INFORMATION……………………………………… 29,900 30,200 -300 -1.0 29,800
      Telecommunications………………………….. 5,900 6,000 -100 -1.7 5,900
    FINANCIAL ACTIVITIES……………………………………… 120,700 117,800 2,900 2.5 119,900
      Finance and Insurance………………………….. 100,400 98,100 2,300 2.3 99,800
        Credit Intermediation and Related……………………………………………… 20,000 20,000 0 0.0 19,900
        Financial Investments and Related……………………………………………… 23,600 22,800 800 3.5 23,500
        Insurance Carriers & Related Activities……………………………………………… 56,800 55,300 1,500 2.7 56,400
      Real Estate and Rental and Leasing……………………………………………… 20,300 19,700 600 3.0 20,100
    PROFESSIONAL & BUSINESS SERVICES 217,200 218,900 -1,700 -0.8 220,000
      Professional, Scientific………………………….. 100,700 100,600 100 0.1 101,700
        Legal Services…………………………………….. 12,300 11,900 400 3.4 12,400
        Computer Systems Design…………………………………….. 22,100 22,000 100 0.5 22,200
      Management of Companies…………………………………….. 31,800 31,700 100 0.3 31,600
      Administrative and Support…………………………………….. 84,700 86,600 -1,900 -2.2 86,700
        Employment Services……………………………………………… 24,100 25,500 -1,400 -5.5 24,400
    EDUCATION AND HEALTH SERVICES……. 375,800 359,700 16,100 4.5 375,800
      Educational Services………………………….. 77,100 73,800 3,300 4.5 79,200
      Health Care and Social Assistance………………………….. 298,700 285,900 12,800 4.5 296,600
        Hospitals……………………………………………… 64,200 62,600 1,600 2.6 64,000
        Nursing & Residential Care Facilities……………………………………………… 58,600 55,400 3,200 5.8 58,100
        Social Assistance……………………………………………… 72,000 70,900 1,100 1.6 71,400
    LEISURE AND HOSPITALITY…………………… 151,300 147,500 3,800 2.6 152,800
      Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation………………………….. 26,000 24,400 1,600 6.6 27,400
      Accommodation and Food Services………………………….. 125,300 123,100 2,200 1.8 125,400
        Food Serv., Restaurants, Drinking Places……………………………………………… 116,000 113,900 2,100 1.8 116,100
    OTHER SERVICES……………………………….. 64,700 64,700 0 0.0 64,700
    GOVERNMENT …………………………………….. 238,500 238,400 100 0.0 240,400
      Federal Government…………………………….. 18,700 18,900 -200 -1.1 18,700
      State Government…………………………….. 72,500 74,300 -1,800 -2.4 73,600
      Local Government**…………………………….. 147,300 145,200 2,100 1.4 148,100
*Includes Indian tribal government employment.
Current month's data are preliminary. Prior months' data have been revised. All data are benchmarked to March 2024.
More industry detail data is available for the State and its labor market areas at: The data published there differ from the data in the preceding tables, in that they are collected from a near-universe count of Connecticut employers covered by unemployment insurance (UI) programs, while the data here is sample-based.The Web site data does not contain estimates of employment not covered by UI programs, and is lagged several months behind the current employment estimates presented here.
State of Connecticut Department of Labor - Office of Research, 200 Folly Brook Boulevard, Wethersfield, CT 06109
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