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Login/Registration Process
 Login Basics
 Verify Registration Screen
 Registration Step 1: Questions to Determine Registration Requirements
 Registration Step 2: Complete Registration Information
 New Hire
 State UI Number (UI#)
 New Hire Contact Information
 Payroll/Child Support Withholding Address Information
 Employee Information
Errors/How to Correct Errors
  All data is edited prior to submittal to ensure completeness and accuracy. If any required data is missing or fails a validity check, you will need to correct the data before the new hire can be submitted.
    If the data has not been submitted to our system:
    Your new hire data cannot be submitted to our system if there are errors present. Please correct any errors that are identified and try the submittal again.
    If your data has passed all validity checks, a confirmation page will appear displaying the data you entered. Your data has not been submitted to our system at this point. Please review the data for accuracy. If you discover that you made an error, you can return to the data entry screen to correct the data by hitting the Edit button. When you are sure that the data is correct, hit the Confirm button and your data will be submitted to our system.
    If the data has been submitted to the database:
    You cannot correct errors after a new hire has been submitted to our system. If you discover that you have made an error after the data has been submitted, you will need to submit the entire new hire again.
General Design and Navigation Features
 Left-Side Menu Bar
 Information button  Information Button
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