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Login/Registration Process
 Login Basics
   Verify Registration Screen
    Most Connecticut employers are already registered with the Department of Labor for Unemployment Insurance (UI) purposes. The UI# (XX-XXX-XX) and Password that were issued to you for those purposes also act as the User ID and Password needed to access this New Hire Reporting System. Your UI# and Password can be found on your Quarterly Contribution Return (Conn. UC-2).
    Employers can Verify Registration with the Department of Labor by entering their Federal Identification Number (FEIN). If not already registered, information is provided on how to register to obtain your UserID and Password.
 Registration Step 1: Questions to Determine Registration Requirements
 Registration Step 2: Complete Registration Information
 New Hire
 State UI Number (UI#)
 New Hire Contact Information
 Payroll/Child Support Withholding Address Information
 Employee Information
Errors/How to Correct Errors
  All data is edited prior to submittal to ensure completeness and accuracy. If any required data is missing or fails a validity check, you will need to correct the data before the new hire can be submitted.
General Design and Navigation Features
 Left-Side Menu Bar
 Information button  Information Button
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