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Login/Registration Process
 Login Basics
 Verify Registration Screen
 Registration Step 1: Questions to Determine Registration Requirements
 Registration Step 2: Complete Registration Information
 New Hire
 State UI Number (UI#)
 New Hire Contact Information
 Payroll/Child Support Withholding Address Information
   Employee Information
    This is the information about your new employee.
    Employee First Name :
    The new employee's first name.
    Employee Middle Initial:
    The new employee's middle initial, if they have one.
    Employee Last Name:
    The new employee's last name.
    Employee Social Security Number:
    The new employee's social security number.
    Employee Job Title:
    The new employee's job title.
    Employee Home Street 1:
    The first line of the new employee's home street address.
    Employee Home Street 2:
    The second line of the new employee's home street address (if needed).
    Employee Zip:
    The new employee's home zip code. This must be a valid zip code.
    Work Location Information:
    This is the physical location of where the new employee works.
    Once this data has been entered into our system, it will be available in a drop down box for future submittals. Additional work locations may be added.
    Work Location Street 1:
    The first line of the street location where new employee works. This cannot be a post office box (P.O. Box).
    Work Location Street 2:
    The second line of the street location where new employee works (if needed). This cannot be a post office box (P.O. Box).
    Work Location Zip:
    The zip code where the new employee works. This must be a valid Zip Code.
    Employee Hire Date:
    The first day compensated services are performed by an employee. If this is a re-hired employee, you do not need to report the re-hire if it is less than 60 days since the employee last worked for you. All new hires must be reported within 20 days of the hire date per Connecticut General Statute 31-254(b).
Errors/How to Correct Errors
  All data is edited prior to submittal to ensure completeness and accuracy. If any required data is missing or fails a validity check, you will need to correct the data before the new hire can be submitted.
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