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Labor Market Information - Connecticut Statewide Information
  Connecticut Statewide - Labor Market Information Last Updated: July 19, 2024
Current Employment Statistics Home CES: Current Employment Statistics - State of Connecticutmore information Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates Home OEWS: Occupational Employment & Wage Statistics - Connecticut 1Q2023more information
CES program provides the most current estimates of nonfarm employment, hours and earnings data by industry (place of work) for the nation, all states, and most major metro areas. Over 4,000 employers are surveyed each month to determine the number of the jobs in Connecticut. OEWS provides accurate, meaningful wage information to employers, job seekers, students, counselors, education program planners, economic developers and others. Useful guide for analyzing pay scales, making employment & career decisions and determining training.
Current Employment Statistics Historical Employment Statistics  - SA Select by Job Title to view employment and wage estimates
Industry Sector Employment Historical Nonfarm Employment - NSA Select by Occupational Group to view employment and wage estimates
Production/All Employee Hours & Earnings Select by Table of Contents to view employment and wage estimates
QCEW HomeQCEW: Employment and Wages by Industry - State of Connecticutmore information Employer Search HomeEmployer Search - State of Connecticutmore information
QCEW program produces a comprehensive tabulation of employment and wage information for workers covered by CT Unemployment Insurance. Data on the number of establishments, employment & wages are reported by industry for state, county, town and labor market areas. Search for State of Connecticut employers by industry, occupation or company name. Find the largest State of Connecticut companies. Click on a company name to view more information about an employer. Data provided by InfoGroup®.
Quarterly Employment & Wages by Industry Worksites by Size Class Search for Connecticut Employers by Region List Top Regional Employers
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Annual Employment & Wages by Industry Worksites by Size Class Search for Connecticut Employers by Region
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Connecticut LAUS HomeLAUS: Local Area Unemployment Statistics - State of Connecticutmore information Connecticut Economic Sector ScorecardsConnecticut Economic Sector Scorecardsmore information
LAUS produces monthly employment, unemployment and labor force data for Census regions, divisions, States, counties, metropolitan areas. A major source of labor force data estimates, survey includes a sample of over 600 households each month regarding the status of occupants. These groups of economic indicators present an overall picture of the current conditions in the Connecticut labor market, business climate, consumer sector and overall. Find charts, trends, year-to-year changes and data for 24 econcomic indicators from 2001 to current.
Current Local Area Unemployment Statistics Business Scorecards Economic Sector Charts, Trends, Data
Historical Local Area Unemployment Statistics Workforce Scorecards Economic Sector Historical Totals
Historical Local Area Unemployment Statistics Workforce Scorecards
Connecticut Employment ProjectionsConnecticut Employment Projectionsmore information Connecticut Job Central - The State Labor Exchange HomeCT.HIRES - The State Labor Exchangemore information
Technology and growth will continue to affect our industrial make-up and the types of careers in demand over the next decade. Employment and training specialists, counselors, students and others need information on future employment to make informed career choices. Make your resume available to leading U.S. employers. Save your searches, for the next time you search on CT.HIRES. Schedule Job Search Agents to search for new matches automatically on a desired schedule. Search Connecticut online job postings on CT.HIRES.
Current Local Area Unemployment Statistics Search for Related Occupations
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State of Connecticut Department of Labor - Office of Research, 200 Folly Brook Boulevard, Wethersfield, CT 06109
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