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Labor Market Information - State of Connecticut Most Recent Labor Force Data by Labor Market Area (LMA)
   Current Labor Force Data for Labor Market Area (LMA) - State of Connecticut Last Updated:August 16, 2024
July 2024 - Current Monthly Data (Not Seasonally Adjusted)

BRIDGEPORT-STAMFORD L.F 465,300 466,500 469,700 462,600 474,100 472,000 473,700
EMP 441,200 440,300 449,500 446,100 453,500 458,100 456,600
UNEMP 24,100 26,200 20,300 16,500 20,600 13,900 17,100
% 5.2 5.6 4.3 3.6 4.4 2.9 3.6
DANBURY L.F 106,300 105,900 107,000 105,200 107,700 107,700 107,100
EMP 101,500 100,600 103,000 102,100 103,800 105,100 103,800
UNEMP 4,800 5,300 4,100 3,100 3,900 2,600 3,300
% 4.6 5.0 3.8 2.9 3.6 2.4 3.0
DANIELSON-NORTHEAST L.F 43,200 43,100 43,200 42,600 43,400 43,600 43,400
EMP 41,100 40,800 41,400 41,200 41,700 42,500 42,000
UNEMP 2,100 2,300 1,800 1,400 1,700 1,100 1,400
% 4.9 5.3 4.1 3.3 3.8 2.5 3.2
ENFIELD L.F 49,000 48,900 49,200 48,400 49,100 49,300 49,100
EMP 46,700 46,400 47,200 46,700 47,200 48,000 47,500
UNEMP 2,300 2,500 2,000 1,600 1,900 1,200 1,500
% 4.7 5.1 4.0 3.4 3.8 2.5 3.1
HARTFORD L.F 623,500 621,400 624,800 614,700 627,600 625,100 620,600
EMP 593,000 588,900 599,100 592,700 602,300 607,800 599,100
UNEMP 30,500 32,600 25,700 22,000 25,400 17,300 21,500
% 4.9 5.2 4.1 3.6 4.0 2.8 3.5
NEW HAVEN L.F 335,800 336,700 339,100 334,000 340,400 338,100 337,700
EMP 320,100 320,000 325,900 323,100 327,100 329,100 326,500
UNEMP 15,700 16,700 13,100 10,900 13,300 9,000 11,200
% 4.7 5.0 3.9 3.3 3.9 2.7 3.3
NORWICH-NEW LONDON L.F 139,900 138,700 139,800 137,800 140,800 140,900 141,400
EMP 133,100 131,500 134,200 133,000 135,200 137,100 136,600
UNEMP 6,800 7,300 5,600 4,800 5,500 3,900 4,800
% 4.8 5.2 4.0 3.5 3.9 2.7 3.4
TORRINGTON-NORTHWEST L.F 46,800 46,700 46,800 46,300 47,700 47,700 47,300
EMP 44,500 44,100 44,800 44,900 46,000 46,700 45,900
UNEMP 2,300 2,500 1,900 1,400 1,700 1,100 1,400
% 4.9 5.4 4.1 3.1 3.5 2.2 2.9
WATERBURY  L.F 111,200 110,500 111,200 108,700 111,200 110,200 110,100
EMP 104,100 103,000 105,000 103,900 105,700 106,400 105,300
UNEMP 7,200 7,500 6,200 4,800 5,500 3,800 4,800
% 6.4 6.8 5.5 4.4 5.0 3.4 4.3
STATEWIDE L.F 1,904,500 1,902,100 1,914,300 1,884,200 1,925,500 1,918,000 1,913,500
EMP 1,809,500 1,800,100 1,834,400 1,818,100 1,846,600 1,864,800 1,847,400
UNEMP 95,000 101,900 79,900 66,100 78,900 53,200 66,100
% 5.0 5.4 4.2 3.5 4.1 2.8 3.5
The Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS) program produces monthly employment, unemployment, and labor force data for Census regions and divisions, States, counties, metropolitan areas, and many cities, by place of residence. The LAUS program is a federal-state cooperative endeavor in which states develop state and sub-state data using concepts, definitions, and technical procedures prescribed by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). A major source of labor force data estimates, the Current Population Survey (CPS) includes a sample of over 600 Connecticut households each month regarding the labor force status of their occupants.

Labor force measures are based on the civilian noninstitutional population 16 years old and over. People with jobs are counted as employed. People who are jobless, looking for jobs, and available for work are regarded as unemployed, and people who are neither employed nor unemployed are considelightblue not in the labor force. The unemployment rate represents the percentage of the labor force that is unemployed. Annual average data is published after benchmark revisions are made.

State of Connecticut Department of Labor - Office of Research, 200 Folly Brook Boulevard, Wethersfield, CT 06109
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