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2010-2020 CT Employment Projections for Transportation and Material Moving Occupations
 Transportation and Material Moving Occupations - Employment Projections (2010-2020)

Group Title / Job Title / Green Info
Employment Projections 2010-2020 Annual Openings 2012 Wages Education/Requirements Employment
2010 2020 Change % Growth Total Hot Jobs Hourly Annual All Work Exp/Programs Employers/Jobs
Transportation and Material Moving Occupations89,33298,2078,8759.99023,10116.3233,935Transportation and Material Moving OccupationsEmployment and Wages
Supervisors of Transportation and Material Moving Workers4,3134,92461114.261150
First-Line Supervisors of Helpers, Laborers, and Material Movers, Hand job descriptionFirst-Line Supervisors of Helpers, Laborers, and Material Movers, HandONET Green Job description2,2642,72045620.1%4693Top Occupations by growth25.0252,048Connecticut First-Line Supervisors of Helpers, Laborers, and Material Movers, Hand Occupational Employment and WagesHS1-5yrs Available training programsSearch for employers using InfoGroupSearch for employment using CT Job Central
First-Line Supervisors of Transportation and Material-Moving Machine and Vehicle Operators job descriptionFirst-Line Supervisors of Transportation and Material-Moving Machine and Vehicle Operators2,0012,1511507.5%155629.8862,149Connecticut First-Line Supervisors of Transportation and Material-Moving Machine and Vehicle Operators Occupational Employment and WagesHS1-5yrs Available training programsSearch for employers using InfoGroupSearch for employment using CT Job Central
Air Transportation Workers657701446.7529
Airline Pilots, Copilots, and Flight Engineers job descriptionAirline Pilots, Copilots, and Flight Engineers184201179.2%2983,873Connecticut Airline Pilots, Copilots, and Flight Engineers Occupational Employment and WagesBachelors1-5yrsMAvailable training programsSearch for employers using InfoGroupSearch for employment using CT Job Central
Commercial Pilots job descriptionCommercial Pilots317338216.6%214114,593Connecticut Commercial Pilots Occupational Employment and WagesPostsecondaryAvailable training programsSearch for employers using InfoGroupSearch for employment using CT Job Central
Air Traffic Controllers job descriptionAir Traffic Controllers8784-3-3.5%0345.6294,887Connecticut Air Traffic Controllers Occupational Employment and WagesAssociatesLong-TermAvailable training programsSearch for employers using InfoGroupSearch for employment using CT Job Central
Motor Vehicle Operators41,84646,3334,48710.74491,240
Bus Drivers, Transit and Intercity job descriptionBus Drivers, Transit and Intercity1,5331,68715410.1%154516.4934,300Connecticut Bus Drivers, Transit and Intercity Occupational Employment and WagesHSModerateAvailable training programsSearch for employers using InfoGroupSearch for employment using CT Job Central
Bus Drivers, School or Special Client job descriptionBus Drivers, School or Special Client7,0818,2881,20717.0%121258Hot Job14.4730,091Connecticut Bus Drivers, School or Special Client Occupational Employment and WagesHSModerateAvailable training programsSearch for employers using InfoGroupSearch for employment using CT Job Central
Driver/Sales Workers job descriptionDriver/Sales Workers3,8434,1873448.9%34110Top Occupation by Openings14.8530,882Connecticut Driver/Sales Workers Occupational Employment and WagesHSShort-TermAvailable training programsSearch for employers using InfoGroupSearch for employment using CT Job Central
Heavy and Tractor-Trailer Truck Drivers job descriptionHeavy and Tractor-Trailer Truck DriversONET Green Job description12,60913,8631,2549.9%125376Hot Job20.4542,525Connecticut Heavy and Tractor-Trailer Truck Drivers Occupational Employment and WagesHS1-5yrsSAvailable training programsSearch for employers using InfoGroupSearch for employment using CT Job Central
Light Truck or Delivery Services Drivers job descriptionLight Truck or Delivery Services Drivers11,40312,2608577.5%86313Hot Job16.7234,797Connecticut Light Truck or Delivery Services Drivers Occupational Employment and WagesHSShort-TermAvailable training programsSearch for employers using InfoGroupSearch for employment using CT Job Central
Taxi Drivers and Chauffeurs job descriptionTaxi Drivers and Chauffeurs4,8355,43159612.3%60120Top Occupation by Openings14.2429,624Connecticut Taxi Drivers and Chauffeurs Occupational Employment and Wages< HS >Short-TermAvailable training programsSearch for employers using InfoGroupSearch for employment using CT Job Central
Rail Transportation Workers1,1831,34316013.51656
Locomotive Engineers job descriptionLocomotive EngineersONET Green Job description79291312115.3%1240Connecticut Locomotive Engineers Occupational Employment and WagesHS1-5yrsMAvailable training programsSearch for employers using InfoGroupSearch for employment using CT Job Central
Railroad Conductors and Yardmasters job descriptionRailroad Conductors and YardmastersONET Green Job description1882152714.4%39Connecticut Railroad Conductors and Yardmasters Occupational Employment and WagesHSModerateAvailable training programsSearch for employers using InfoGroupSearch for employment using CT Job Central
Rail Transportation Workers, All Other job descriptionRail Transportation Workers, All Other16517495.4%16Connecticut Rail Transportation Workers, All Other Occupational Employment and WagesHSModerateAvailable training programsSearch for employers using InfoGroupSearch for employment using CT Job Central
Water Transportation Workers688753659.4634
Sailors and Marine Oilers job descriptionSailors and Marine Oilers295321268.8%31616.5434,411Connecticut Sailors and Marine Oilers Occupational Employment and Wages< HS >Short-TermAvailable training programsSearch for employers using InfoGroupSearch for employment using CT Job Central
Captains, Mates, and Pilots of Water Vessels job descriptionCaptains, Mates, and Pilots of Water Vessels2903233311.4%31433.5069,674Connecticut Captains, Mates, and Pilots of Water Vessels Occupational Employment and WagesBachelors  Available training programsSearch for employers using InfoGroupSearch for employment using CT Job Central
Other Transportation Workers3,2843,4531695.219116
Parking Lot Attendants job descriptionParking Lot Attendants1,6141,597-17-1.0%04811.0923,063Connecticut Parking Lot Attendants Occupational Employment and Wages< HS >Short-TermAvailable training programsSearch for employers using InfoGroupSearch for employment using CT Job Central
Automotive and Watercraft Service Attendants job descriptionAutomotive and Watercraft Service Attendants1,0271,14812111.8%124610.9622,799Connecticut Automotive and Watercraft Service Attendants Occupational Employment and Wages< HS >Short-TermAvailable training programsSearch for employers using InfoGroupSearch for employment using CT Job Central
Transportation Inspectors job descriptionTransportation InspectorsONET Green Job description185195105.4%1535.0372,859Connecticut Transportation Inspectors Occupational Employment and WagesCollegeShort-TermAvailable training programsSearch for employers using InfoGroupSearch for employment using CT Job Central
Transportation Attendants, Except Flight Attendants job descriptionTransportation Attendants, Except Flight Attendants3203563611.3%41011.1923,276Connecticut Transportation Attendants, Except Flight Attendants Occupational Employment and WagesHSShort-TermAvailable training programsSearch for employers using InfoGroupSearch for employment using CT Job Central
Transportation Workers, All Other job descriptionTransportation Workers, All Other1041201615.4%2518.5238,529Connecticut Transportation Workers, All Other Occupational Employment and WagesHSShort-TermAvailable training programsSearch for employers using InfoGroupSearch for employment using CT Job Central
Material Moving Workers37,36140,7003,3398.93461,476
Conveyor Operators and Tenders job descriptionConveyor Operators and Tenders156155-1-0.6%0518.4538,377Connecticut Conveyor Operators and Tenders Occupational Employment and Wages< HS >Short-TermAvailable training programsSearch for employers using InfoGroupSearch for employment using CT Job Central
Crane and Tower Operators job descriptionCrane and Tower Operators219238198.7%2829.6561,683Connecticut Crane and Tower Operators Occupational Employment and Wages< HS >1-5yrsLAvailable training programsSearch for employers using InfoGroupSearch for employment using CT Job Central
Excavating and Loading Machine and Dragline Operators job descriptionExcavating and Loading Machine and Dragline Operators2032363316.3%3921.1543,985Connecticut Excavating and Loading Machine and Dragline Operators Occupational Employment and Wages< HS >1-5yrsMAvailable training programsSearch for employers using InfoGroupSearch for employment using CT Job Central
Industrial Truck and Tractor Operators job descriptionIndustrial Truck and Tractor OperatorsONET Green Job description2,9813,2142337.8%23107Top Occupation by Openings16.6934,716Connecticut Industrial Truck and Tractor Operators Occupational Employment and Wages< HS >1YrSAvailable training programsSearch for employers using InfoGroupSearch for employment using CT Job Central
Cleaners of Vehicles and Equipment job descriptionCleaners of Vehicles and Equipment2,5552,7862319.0%239912.4125,821Connecticut Cleaners of Vehicles and Equipment Occupational Employment and Wages< HS >Short-TermAvailable training programsSearch for employers using InfoGroupSearch for employment using CT Job Central
Laborers and Freight, Stock, and Material Movers, Hand job descriptionLaborers and Freight, Stock, and Material Movers, HandONET Green Job description22,28724,5202,23310.0%223935Hot Job13.9929,087Connecticut Laborers and Freight, Stock, and Material Movers, Hand Occupational Employment and Wages< HS >Short-TermAvailable training programsSearch for employers using InfoGroupSearch for employment using CT Job Central
Machine Feeders and Offbearers job descriptionMachine Feeders and Offbearers972854-118-12.1%01513.0027,038Connecticut Machine Feeders and Offbearers Occupational Employment and Wages< HS >Short-TermAvailable training programsSearch for employers using InfoGroupSearch for employment using CT Job Central
Packers and Packagers, Hand job descriptionPackers and Packagers, Hand6,3416,8154747.5%47228Top Occupation by Openings12.0725,101Connecticut Packers and Packagers, Hand Occupational Employment and Wages< HS >Short-TermAvailable training programsSearch for employers using InfoGroupSearch for employment using CT Job Central
Refuse and Recyclable Material Collectors job descriptionRefuse and Recyclable Material CollectorsONET Green Job description1,3551,55820315.0%206016.3033,904Connecticut Refuse and Recyclable Material Collectors Occupational Employment and Wages< HS >Short-TermAvailable training programsSearch for employers using InfoGroupSearch for employment using CT Job Central
Material Moving Workers, All Other job descriptionMaterial Moving Workers, All Other2312602912.6%3516.0033,286Connecticut Material Moving Workers, All Other Occupational Employment and Wages< HS >Short-TermAvailable training programsSearch for employers using InfoGroupSearch for employment using CT Job Central
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