CT.Gov Home Connecticut LMI 1Q 2017 Connecticut Occupational Employment & Wages Home
Bridgeport-Stamford LMA (1Q 2017)
All Industry
Estimated employment410
Mean wage$117.50
Entry wage$62.82
10th percentile wage$47.50
50th percentile wageN/A
90th percentile wageN/A
Top Employing Industries
 IndustryEmployment / Percent
Professional and Business Services14035.7%
Financial Activities9021.1%
Trade, Transportation and Utilities6013.7%
Top Paying Industries
 IndustryEmployment / Median Wage
Trade, Transportation and Utilities6082.58
Public Administration1068.35
Chief Executives (11-1011)
Determine and formulate policies and provide the overall direction of companies or private and public sector organizations within the guidelines set up by a board of directors or similar governing body. Plan, direct, or coordinate operational activities at the highest level of management with the help of subordinate executives and staff managers.
Median Wage History
Compared to
Occupational Group
Current$0.00 $138236.87  -$138236.87
2016$0.00NaN$134299.41 +2.9%-$134299.40
2015$0.00NaN$130574.78 +2.9%-$130574.78
2014$0.00NaN$127488.66 +2.4%-$127488.66
2013$0.00NaN$124402.54 +2.5%-$124402.54
2012$0.00NaN$122380.60 +1.7%-$122380.60
2011$0.00NaN$120465.08 +1.6%-$120465.07
2010$0.00NaN$117911.05 +2.2%-$117911.04
2009$0.00NaN$117059.71 +.7%-$117059.70
2008$0.00NaN$113441.50 +3.2%-$113441.49
Compared to
All Occupations
Current$0.00 $48908.65  -$48908.65
2016$0.00NaN$47345.71 +3.3%-$47345.70
2015$0.00NaN$46354.57 +2.1%-$46354.57
2014$0.00NaN$45363.44 +2.2%-$45363.43
2013$0.00NaN$44448.55 +2.1%-$44448.54
2012$0.00NaN$43686.14 +1.7%-$43686.13
2011$0.00NaN$42999.97 +1.6%-$42999.96
2010$0.00NaN$42275.68 +1.7%-$42275.67
2009$0.00NaN$41703.87 +1.4%-$41703.86
2008$0.00NaN$40636.49 +2.6%-$40636.49
Note: The mid-wage is the median wage. The average wage is the mean wage. The entry-level wage is equal to the average of the lower third of reported wages for the occupation. The wage range consists of the 10th and 90th percentiles; 80% of workers earn between this wage range, 10% earn less while 10% earn more.
Reference Date: 1st Quarter 2017
Top Areas For This Occupation
Best Pay
Median Wage / Employment
Norwich-New London$95.0050
New Haven$71.11210
Highest Employment
Median Wage / Employment
New Haven$71.11210
Norwich-New London$95.0050