Archived Information for Workforce Investment Planning Documents |
This publication contains a variety of data on Connecticut and each of the state’s five Workforce Development Areas including population and population density, labor force, employment and wages by industry sector, and new housing permits. In addition, detailed information on residents in need of workforce investment services such as high school dropouts, Medicaid recipients, adult probationers, Temporary Family Assistance (TFA) recipients, and other residents with barriers to employment is included. The 2016 Information for Workforce Investment Planning also includes appendix tables and historical data on the aforementioned topics for comparisons and trends analysis.
This publication contains a variety of data on Connecticut and each of the state’s five Workforce Development Areas including population and population density, labor force, employment and wages by industry sector, and new housing permits. In addition, detailed information on residents in need of workforce investment services such as high school dropouts, Medicaid recipients, adult probationers, Temporary Family Assistance (TFA) recipients, and other residents with barriers to employment is included. The 2016 Information for Workforce Investment Planning also includes appendix tables and historical data on the aforementioned topics for comparisons and trends analysis.
This publication contains a variety of data on Connecticut and each of the state’s five Workforce Development Areas including population and population density, labor force, employment and wages by industry sector, and new housing permits. In addition, detailed information on residents in need of workforce investment services such as high school dropouts, Medicaid recipients, adult probationers, Temporary Family Assistance (TFA) recipients, and other residents with barriers to employment is included. The 2015 Information for Workforce Investment Planning also includes appendix tables and historical data on the aforementioned topics for comparisons and trends analysis. |
This publication contains a variety of data on Connecticut and each of the state’s five Workforce Investment Areas including population and population density, labor force, employment and wages by industry sector, and new housing permits. In addition, detailed information on residents in need of workforce investment services such as high school dropouts, Medicaid recipients, adult probationers, Temporary Family Assistance (TFA) recipients, and other residents with barriers to employment is included. Includes appendix tables and historical data on the aforementioned topics for comparisons and trends analysis. |
This publication contains a variety of data on Connecticut and each of the states five Workforce Investment Areas including population and population density, labor force,
employment and wages by industry sector, and new housing permits. In addition, detailed information on
residents in need of workforce investment services such as high school dropouts, Medicaid recipients,
adult probationers, Temporary Family Assistance (TFA) recipients, and other residents with barriers to
employment is included. Includes appendix tables and historical data on the aforementioned topics for comparisons and trends analysis. |
This publication contains a variety of data on Connecticut and each of the states five Workforce Investment Areas including population and population density, labor force,
employment and wages by industry sector, and new housing permits. In addition, detailed information on
residents in need of workforce investment services such as high school dropouts, Medicaid recipients,
adult probationers, Temporary Family Assistance (TFA) recipients, and other residents with barriers to
employment is included. Includes appendix tables and historical data on the aforementioned topics for comparisons and trends analysis.
publication contains a variety of data on Connecticut and each of the states five Workforce Investment Areas including population and population density, labor force, employment and wages by industry sector, and new housing permits. In addition, detailed information on residents in need of workforce investment services such as high school dropouts, Medicaid recipients, adult probationers, Temporary Family Assistance (TFA) recipients, and other residents with barriers to employment is included. New this year is information on commuting patterns, long-term unemployment insurance claimants, and a work area profile for each WIA.
- Eastern (pdf, 1,720KB)
- North Central (pdf, 1,613KB)
- Northwest (pdf, 1,769KB)
- South Central (pdf, 1,555KB)
- Southwest (pdf, 1,443KB)
contains a variety of data on Connecticut and each of the states five Workforce Investment Areas including population and population density, labor force, employment and wages by industry sector, and new housing permits. In addition, detailed information on residents in need of workforce investment services such as high school dropouts, Medicaid recipients, adult probationers, Temporary Family Assistance (TFA) recipients, and other residents with barriers to employment.
- Eastern (pdf, 1,642KB)
- North Central (pdf, 1,590KB)
- Northwest (pdf, 1,664KB)
- South Central (pdf, 1,585KB)
- Southwest (pdf, 1,483KB)
Includes a variety of data on Connecticut and each of the states five Workforce Investment Areas including population and population density, labor force,
employment and wages by industry sector, and new housing permits. In addition, detailed information on residents in need of workforce investment services such
as high school dropouts, Medicaid recipients, adult probationers, Temporary Family Assistance (TFA) recipients, and other residents with barriers to
- Eastern (pdf, 1,753KB)
- North Central (pdf, 1,661KB)
- Northwest (pdf, 1,669KB)
- South Central (pdf, 1,651KB)
- Southwest (pdf, 1,505KB)
Includes data on Connecticuts population, the labor force, industry employment and wages, employment by townwhich includes each towns top employing industry (new this year), and
on persons with barriers to employment. In this current edition, weve added highlights of Connecticuts statewide occupational forecast, 2006 to 2016, along with additional historical data for
comparisons and trends.
- Eastern (pdf, 2,237KB)
- North Central (pdf, 1,968KB)
- Northwest (pdf, 2,192KB)
- South Central (pdf, 2,150KB)
- Southwest (pdf, 1,972KB)
Includes data on Connecticuts population, its labor force, industry employment and wages, employment by town, and on persons with barriers
to employment. In this current edition, weve added 2006 data on employment by industry clusters and their relative importance statewide and for each workforce
investment area; home sales and median home prices, housing inventory and fair market rents; highlights of Connecticuts regional occupational forecast, 2004
to 2014; along with additional historical data for comparisons and trends.
- Eastern (pdf, 2,159KB)
- North Central (pdf, 1,958KB)
- Northwest (pdf, 2,005KB)
- South Central (pdf, 2,137KB)
- Southwest (pdf, 2,094KB)
This publication includes data on the labor force, industry employment and wages, population, and on persons with barriers to employment. Also included
this year are highlights of Connecticuts regional occupational forecast, 2002 2012, and the statewide occupational outlook, 2004 2014. We believe this
information will be useful for the Workforce Investment Board planners and policy makers who make critical workforce system decisions.
In addition to data on the labor force, industry employment and wages, population, and persons with barriers to employment, this years publication
contains several new data items, including: Occupations in Demand, based on Connecticut Occupational Forecast, 2002 - 2012, Connecticut and WIA Industry
Clusters, Home Ownership (Owner/Renter-Occupied Housing), and Youth Population. We believe these additional data items will be extremely useful for the
Workforce Investment Board planners and policy makers who make critical workforce system decisions.
- Eastern (pdf, 1,481KB)
- North Central (pdf, 1,382KB)
- Northwest (pdf, 1,408KB)
- South Central (pdf, 1,424KB)
- Southwest (pdf, 1,379KB)
In addition to data on the labor force, industry employment and wages, population, and persons with barriers to employment, this years publication
contains several new data items, including: Commuting Patterns, Poverty Status by Town and Workforce Investment Area, Education Levels and Languages Spoken At
Home, and the Characteristics of the CTWorks Clients by Jobs First Employment Services (JFES), Wagner-Peyser and Workforce Investment Act. We believe these
additional data items will be extremely useful for the Workforce Investment Board planners and policy makers who make critical workforce system decisions.
Included are labor force data, employment and wages by industry, occupational employment trends, population changes, data on public aid recipients, high
school dropout rates, and persons with other barriers to employment. The data is based on information from several State agencies, as well as the Connecticut
Department of Labor. The Information for Workforce Investment Planning 2003 has been updated and redesigned to include bar charts and additional data
tables. Lengthy narratives were replaced with more effective data bullets. We believe this easy-to-use format will enable the Workforce Investment Board
planners to more efficiently find pertinent information.
- Eastern (pdf, 2,599KB)
- North Central (pdf, 2,668KB)
- Northwest (pdf, 3,135KB)
- South Central (pdf, 3,146KB)
- Southwest (pdf, 3,239KB)
Data on residents in need of workforce investment services, including public aid recipients, high school dropout rates, and persons with other barriers to
employment, are based on information from several State agencies, as well as the Connecticut Department of Labor. A number of changes are taking place in the
collection of labor market information and how the data is reported. Major coding system changes include the shift in industry classification from the
Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) system to the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). This is the last year that employment data is
being provided using the SIC, a system last updated in 1987. Employment data is now being collected, and will be reported, under NAICS.
- Eastern (pdf, 1,382KB)
- North Central (pdf, 1,431KB)
- Northwest (pdf, 1,213KB)
- South Central (pdf, 1,196KB)
- Southwest (pdf, 1,189KB)
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