Hartford LMA (1Q 2016) |
All Industry |
Estimated employment | 400 |
Mean wage | $69,341 |
Entry wage | $54,752 |
10th percentile wage | $51,861 |
50th percentile wage | $62,209 |
90th percentile wage | $96,519 |
 | Top Employing Industries |
Industry | Employment / Percent |
Education and Health Services | 370 | 91.6% |
Top Paying Industries |
Industry | Employment / Median Wage |
Education and Health Services | 370 | $61,114 |
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Education Teachers, Postsecondary (25-1081) |
Teach courses pertaining to education, such as counseling, curriculum, guidance, instruction, teacher education, and teaching English as a second language. Include both teachers primarily engaged in teaching and those who do a combination of both teaching and research. |
Mean Wage History |
Year | This Occupation | Compared to Occupational Group | Difference |
Current | $62208.70 | | $55604.35 |
| $6604.35 | 2015 | $60628.80 | +2.6% | $54192.18 |
+2.6% | $6436.62 | 2014 | $59493.24 | +1.9% | $53177.18 |
+1.9% | $6316.06 | 2013 | $58357.69 | +1.9% | $52162.18 |
+1.9% | $6195.51 | 2012 | $57222.13 | +2.0% | $51147.18 |
+2.0% | $6074.95 | 2011 | $56333.43 | +1.6% | $50352.83 |
+1.6% | $5980.61 | 2010 | $55345.99 | +1.8% | $49470.22 |
+1.8% | $5875.77 | 2009 | $54753.53 | +1.1% | $48940.65 |
+1.1% | $5812.88 | 2008 | $53124.25 | +3.1% | $47484.35 |
+3.1% | $5639.91 | 2007 | $51346.86 | +3.5% | $45895.65 |
+3.5% | $5451.21 |
Year | This Occupation | Compared to All Occupations | Difference |
Current | $62208.70 | | $46385.74 |
| $15822.96 | 2015 | $60628.80 | +2.6% | $45087.98 |
+2.9% | $15540.82 | 2014 | $59493.24 | +1.9% | $44123.93 |
+2.2% | $15369.32 | 2013 | $58357.69 | +1.9% | $43234.03 |
+2.1% | $15123.65 | 2012 | $57222.13 | +2.0% | $42492.45 |
+1.7% | $14729.68 | 2011 | $56333.43 | +1.6% | $41825.03 |
+1.6% | $14508.40 | 2010 | $55345.99 | +1.8% | $41120.53 |
+1.7% | $14225.46 | 2009 | $54753.53 | +1.1% | $40564.35 |
+1.4% | $14189.18 | 2008 | $53124.25 | +3.1% | $39526.14 |
+2.6% | $13598.12 | 2007 | $51346.86 | +3.5% | $38265.45 |
+3.3% | $13081.41 |
Reference Date: 1st Quarter 2016 |
Top Areas For This Occupation |
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