Bridgeport-Stamford LMA (1Q 2016) |
All Industry |
Estimated employment | 1,700 |
Mean wage | $51.38 |
Entry wage | $36.98 |
10th percentile wage | $33.31 |
50th percentile wage | $49.16 |
90th percentile wage | $73.99 |
Top Employing Industries |
Industry | Employment / Percent |
Professional & Business Services | 740 | 43.5% |
Information | 640 | 37.3% |
Financial Activities | 130 | 7.6% |
Manufacturing | | |
Trade, Transportation and Utilities | | |
Top Paying Industries |
Industry | Employment / Median Wage |
Professional & Business Services | 740 | $50.41 |
Information | 640 | $49.45 |
Financial Activities | 130 | $48.03 |
Manufacturing | | $47.76 |
Trade, Transportation and Utilities | | $38.43 |