Employment and Wages by Industry - Litchfield County  |
 Employer Search - Litchfield County  |
The QCEW program produces a comprehensive tabulation of employment and wage information for workers covered by CT Unemployment Insurance. Data on the number of establishments, employment & wages are reported by industry for state, county, town and labor market areas. |
Search for Litchfield County employers by industry, occupation or company name. Find the largest Litchfield County companies. Click on a company name to view more information about an employer. Data provided by InfoGroup®. |



 Local Area Unemployment Statistics - Litchfield County  |
 Education & Training ConneCTion - Litchfield County
The LAUS produces monthly employment, unemployment and labor force data for Census regions, divisions, States, counties, metropolitan areas. A major source of labor force data estimates, survey includes a sample of over 600 households each month regarding the status of their occupants. |
Intended for use by students, teachers, counselors, job seekers, job developers, and others in need of information on education and training. Explore the world of Education & Training in Connecticut - find providers in your area that offer the program or course you are interested in. |