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Employment & Wages by Industry Covered by Unemployment Insurance - Employment by Size Class - QCEW
  Employment by Size Class (Size of Businesses) QCEW - State of Connecticut Last Updated: Januuary 25, 2024
Worksites is a count of firms, excluding government, that have only one location, plus a count of each location of firms that have operations in more than one location. The sum of the substate areas is less than the statewide total because some multi-location firms and others that don't have a physical location are coded as statewide and therefore have no substate area designation. Size class 1 includes firms that reported having no employees during the third month of the quarter.
The Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW) more information  program serves as a near census of employment and wage information. The program produces a comprehensive tabulation of employment and wage information for workers covered by Connecticut Unemployment Insurance (UI) laws and Federal workers covered by the Unemployment Compensation for Federal Employees (UCFE) program. Data on the number of establishments, employment, and wages are reported by industry for Connecticut and for the counties, towns and Labor Market Areas (LMAs) and Workforce Investment Areas (WIAs).
Worksites/Firms by Size Class

*= non-disclosable nd=no data/empty set
State of Connecticut Department of Labor - Office of Research, 200 Folly Brook Boulevard, Wethersfield, CT 06109
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