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Occupational Employment and Wage Statistics (1Q 2023): State of Connecticut
Connecticut Occupational Employment and Wage Statistics provides accurate and meaningful wage information to employers, job seekers, counselors, students, planners of vocational education programs, economic developers, Regional Workforce Development Boards, and others. Employers may find the data useful as a guide in analyzing pay scales; job seekers and students could utilize the information in making employment and career decisions; program planners should be aware of employment and wage levels in determining training programs to be offered.

The Connecticut Occupational Employment and Wage Statistics data provides employment and wage data by occupation and is based on the results of the Occupational Employment Statistics (OEWS) survey. The OEWS program conducts a bi-annual mail survey designed to produce estimates of employment and wages for over 800 occupations. These estimates are generated at the national, state, and metropolitan area levels. See OES Methodology and Occupational Employment Sample Survey.

The current estimates have a reference date of the First Quarter of 2024. National estimates are derived from responses from 1,200,000 business establishments, while state estimates are based on approximately 21,000 sampled establishments.

For the latest wage files, Click on the respective map:
Connecticut Statewide Connecticut Statewide - Across Industries Workforce Development Areas (WDA) Labor Market Areas (LMA)
Statewide Statewide Across Industries Workforce Development Areas Map Northwest WDA North Central WDA Eastern WDA South Central WDA Southwest WDA

Labor Market Areas Map Torrington LMA Hartford LMA Danbury LMA Norwich/New London LMA Waterbury LMA New Haven LMA Bridgeport/Stamford LMA

State of Connecticut Department of Labor - Office of Research, 200 Folly Brook Boulevard, Wethersfield, CT 06109
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