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State of Connecticut
All Industry
Estimated employment290
Mean wage21.78
Entry wage15.41
10th percentile wage14.00
50th percentile wage20.96
90th percentile wage31.56
 Top Employing Industries
 Industry Employment  Percent 
Financial Activities15051.2%
Trade, Transportation,, and Utilities8026.0%
Professional and Business Services6019.3%
 Best Paying Industries
 Industry Employment  Median Wage 
Trade, Transportation,, and Utilities8023.03
Professional and Business Services6022.18
Financial Activities15020.88
Credit Authorizers, Checkers, and Clerks (43-4041)
Authorize credit charges against customers' accounts. Investigate history and credit standing of individuals or business establishments applying for credit. May interview applicants to obtain personal and financial data; determine credit worthiness; process applications; and notify customers of acceptance or rejection of credit.
Median Wage History
YearThis OccupationCompared to Occupational Group  Difference 
Current$21.78 $19.79  $1.99
2013$21.65+.6%$19.67 +.6%$1.98
2012$21.22+2.0%$19.28 +2.0%$1.94
2011$20.86+1.7%$18.95 +1.7%$1.91
2010$20.48+1.8%$18.61 +1.8%$1.88
2009$20.16+1.6%$18.31 +1.6%$1.85
2008$19.78+1.9%$17.97 +1.9%$1.81
2007$19.24+2.8%$17.48 +2.8%$1.76
2006$18.63+3.3%$16.92 +3.3%$1.71
2005$18.03+3.3%$16.38 +3.3%$1.65
YearThis OccupationCompared to All Occupations  Difference 
Current$21.78 $26.43  -$4.64
2013$21.65+.6%$26.36 +.3%-$4.70
2012$21.22+2.0%$25.83 +2.1%-$4.60
2011$20.86+1.7%$25.38 +1.7%-$4.52
2010$20.48+1.8%$24.99 +1.6%-$4.50
2009$20.16+1.6%$24.57 +1.7%-$4.40
2008$19.78+1.9%$24.23 +1.4%-$4.45
2007$19.24+2.8%$23.61 +2.6%-$4.37
2006$18.63+3.3%$22.86 +3.3%-$4.23
2005$18.03+3.3%$22.15 +3.2%-$4.12

Note:The mid-wage is the median wage. The average wage is the mean wage. The entry-level wage is equal to the average of the lower third of reported wages for the occupation. The wage range consists of the 10th and 90th percentiles; 80 percent of workers earn between this wage range, 10 percent earn less while 10 percent earn more.

Reference Date: 1st Quarter 2014
State of Connecticut, Department of Labor - Office of Research
200 Folly Brook Boulevard, Wethersfield, CT 06109 / Phone: 860-263-6000
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