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Labor Market Information - Construction Sector State of Connecticut
Last Updated:November 18, 2024
  Construction Sector ~ State of Connecticut Select Industry  
line 191: 61.9
1 Month Ago 1 Year Ago January 2010 Recession Trough March 2008 Employment Peak
Change Rate % Oct
Change Rate % Oct
Change Rate % Oct
Change Rate %
61,900 61,900 0 0.0% 61,900 62,700 -800 -1.3% 61,900 48,600 13,300 27.4% 61,900 68,600 -6,700 -9.8%
The construction sector comprises establishments primarily engaged in the construction of buildings or engineering projects (e.g., highways and utility systems). Establishments primarily engaged in the preparation of sites for new construction and establishments primarily engaged in subdividing land for sale as building sites also are included in this sector. Construction work done may include new work, additions, alterations, or maintenance and repairs. Activities of these establishments generally are managed at a fixed place of business, but they usually perform construction activities at multiple project sites. Download Construction Employment (1990-Current) .xls
 Month  2015 Y/Y 2016 Y/Y 2017 Y/Y 2018 Y/Y 2019 Y/Y 2020 Y/Y 2021 Y/Y 2022 Y/Y 2023 Y/Y 2024 Y/Y
 Jan 56,800 59,600 58,500 57,800 60,000 58,800 58,600 60,700 63,100 61,700
 Feb 57,000 59,300 58,300 58,200 59,900 59,200 58,500 61,100 62,700 62,700
 Mar 56,700 60,000 58,100 57,900 59,600 59,300 58,900 61,500 62,500 63,400
 Apr 57,500 59,700 58,200 57,800 60,300 49,300 58,900 61,700 62,300 64,400
 May 58,100 59,200 58,400 58,300 60,000 53,800 58,900 61,100 62,100 63,100
 Jun 58,400 59,000 58,600 58,600 59,700 55,900 59,000 60,700 62,000 62,900
 Jul 57,900 59,100 58,500 58,700 59,900 56,600 59,400 60,700 62,000 63,000
 Aug 57,800 59,200 58,400 59,000 59,800 57,400 59,600 60,900 62,000 62,600
 Sep 58,000 58,800 58,500 59,400 59,800 57,700 59,900 61,000 62,000 61,900
 Oct 58,500 58,500 58,500 59,900 59,700 58,100 60,300 61,200 62,700 61,900
 Nov 58,700 58,600 58,100 59,900 59,900 58,500 60,300 61,200 62,300
 Dec 59,400 58,500 57,400 60,000 58,300 58,600 60,700 61,300 61,500
 Month  2005 Y/Y 2006 Y/Y 2007 Y/Y 2008 Y/Y 2009 Y/Y 2010 Y/Y 2011 Y/Y 2012 Y/Y 2013 Y/Y 2014 Y/Y
 Jan 66,800 66,700 68,500 69,000 58,900 48,600 50,200 51,900 52,600 53,400
 Feb 66,500 67,500 67,700 69,000 57,900 47,900 50,700 52,000 52,800 53,900
 Mar 66,300 67,600 68,100 68,600 56,700 47,900 50,500 51,900 52,900 53,700
 Apr 66,400 67,100 68,300 67,600 55,000 50,500 51,400 51,200 53,200 54,900
 May 66,000 66,900 68,900 66,600 55,100 50,400 51,500 50,700 53,400 55,400
 Jun 66,100 67,000 69,100 65,800 54,600 50,400 51,800 50,900 53,500 55,700
 Jul 66,100 67,100 68,900 65,200 53,800 50,400 51,900 50,900 53,700 56,000
 Aug 65,900 67,100 68,900 64,600 53,400 50,500 51,800 51,100 53,800 56,300
 Sep 65,800 67,000 68,500 63,700 53,200 50,400 51,900 51,100 54,000 56,400
 Oct 65,400 67,300 68,900 62,800 52,600 50,500 51,800 51,800 53,700 56,600
 Nov 65,600 67,200 69,000 61,500 52,300 50,600 52,100 51,500 53,800 56,600
 Dec 65,200 67,500 68,700 60,300 52,000 50,800 51,900 52,300 53,600 56,900
 Month  1995 Y/Y 1996 Y/Y 1997 Y/Y 1998 Y/Y 1999 Y/Y 2000 Y/Y 2001 Y/Y 2002 Y/Y 2003 Y/Y 2004 Y/Y
 Jan 51,700 48,400 54,100 57,500 60,600 64,100 65,000 65,300 61,500 62,900
 Feb 50,900 49,500 54,700 58,000 60,700 63,600 65,200 65,500 60,700 63,000
 Mar 51,200 50,600 54,600 58,000 60,500 65,600 65,300 65,800 60,700 64,400
 Apr 51,000 51,500 55,300 58,100 60,000 64,100 65,500 64,600 60,300 65,500
 May 50,500 52,300 55,800 58,000 59,800 64,200 65,800 63,800 61,200 65,800
 Jun 50,500 53,100 56,300 58,300 60,000 64,300 65,800 63,700 61,300 65,800
 Jul 50,100 53,500 55,900 58,400 60,400 64,300 65,900 63,000 62,100 65,800
 Aug 50,000 53,600 56,000 58,900 60,600 64,400 65,900 62,700 62,400 66,200
 Sep 50,100 53,500 56,300 59,000 60,500 64,800 65,500 62,400 62,500 66,700
 Oct 50,100 54,200 56,500 59,000 61,900 65,000 65,200 62,100 62,900 67,000
 Nov 50,500 54,400 56,600 59,400 62,500 65,200 64,700 61,900 63,600 67,100
 Dec 50,300 54,400 57,200 59,800 63,100 65,600 65,000 61,300 63,300 67,200
State of Connecticut Department of Labor - Office of Research, 200 Folly Brook Boulevard, Wethersfield, CT 06109
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