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Graduates Employed in 3rd Qtr After Graduation by Industry Sector
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NAICSSector Title (NAICS)Employed GraduatesPercentage Employed GradsQuarterly Wages
00Total - All Industries 4,994 100.0% $11,607
11Agriculture, forestry, fishing, & hunting 13 0.3% $6,838
22Utilities Suppressed Suppressed Suppressed
24Construction/Mining 89 1.8% $13,254
31Manufacturing 269 5.4% $15,752
42Wholesale Trade 91 1.8% $13,453
44Retail Trade 409 8.2% $7,330
48Transportation and Warehousing 86 1.7% $9,165
51Information 77 1.5% $12,134
52Finance and Insurance 307 6.1% $15,625
53Real Estate and Rental and Leasing 49 1.0% $11,976
54Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services 383 7.7% $12,811
55Management of Companies & Enterprises 63 1.3% $16,810
56Admin., Support, Waste Mgmt, and Remediation 226 4.5% $9,922
61Educational Services 1,116 22.3% $10,511
62Health Care and Social Assistance 1,186 23.7% $13,083
71Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation 101 2.0% $6,478
72Accommodation and Food Services 250 5.0% $7,040
81Other Services 86 1.7% $8,463
92Government 159 3.2% $12,711
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This workforce product was funded by a grant awarded by the U.S. DOL's Employment and Training Administration. (more)
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