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Labor Market Information - Connecticut Career Resource Network Update (CCRN)
State of Connecticut Career Resource Network (CCRN) Connecticut Learns and Works
Connecticut Learns and Works Conferences
The objective of the Connecticut Career Resource Network is to acquaint users with resources that keep the education community connected to the workforce community.

The goal of the Connecticut Career Resource Network is to promote improved career decision-making by students and other individuals, and to support life-long learning. Information is provided through publications, workshops and conferences, web-based information systems, training, and marketing of career-related materials.

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Current CT LMI presentation (PDF) (4/05/2024)
Helpful Publications
Download Connecticut Career Paths PDFConnecticut Career Paths Narrative descriptions of over 360 occupations with number employed, job openings, training required, education and training sites and salary information.
Connecticut Career Resource Network UpdateCT Career Resource Network Update
Provides individuals in the educational and occupational training communities with information on resources and upcoming events. Articles include reviews of new Web sites and books, occupational descriptions, announcements of conferences and job fairs, and other articles of interest.
Download Connecticut STEM and Manufacturing Jobs PDFSTEM and Manufacturing Jobs
Jobs for people who want to find work in the Science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) occupations and manufacturing jobs.
Download Connecticut’s Manufacturing and Other Middle-skills Jobs PDFMiddle-Skills Jobs
Jobs for people who want or need to find work immediately in the field of manufacturing and other middle-skills jobs.
Download A Look at Connecticut's Entry-Level Occupations PDFEntry-Level Occupations
A look at Connecticut's entry-level occupations for people who want or need to find work immediately, but don’t know where to start.
Download Connecticut Career Posters 11x17 PDFConnecticut Career Posters
Colorful, at-a-glance illustrations of job journeys in each of CT's 16 career clusters. Each poster includes information on some of Connecticut's in-demand occupations within each career cluster, grouped by level of education or training required and average annual wage.

Google IT Support Certificates
With access to free certificate programs in technology, data analytics and project management, Connecticut veterans & spouses can prepare for, find & retain good jobs in growing industries.

College Navigator
Free tool for students, parents, high school counselors, and others to get information about over 7,000 postsecondary institutions in the United States.
Career Outlook
Career Outlook articles provide data and information on a variety of topics—including occupations and industries, pay and benefits, and more. These articles are helpful for students, career counselors, jobseekers, and others planning careers.
Occupational Outlook Handbook (OOH)
Provides information on what workers do; the work environment; education, training, and other qualifications; pay; the job outlook; information on state and area data; similar occupations; and sources of additional information, for 325 occupational profiles, covering about 4 out of 5 jobs in the economy.
My Next Move
Interactive tool for job seekers and students to learn more about their career options. My Next Move has tasks, skills, salary information, and more for over 900 different careers.
My Next Move for Veterans
Veterans can find careers through keyword search; by browsing industries that employ different types of workers; or by discovering civilian careers that are similar to their job in the military.
Perkins Collaborative Resource Network
Perkins Act programs provide students with career training and technical opportunities that help students actively acquire the 21st century knowledge and skills they need for future employment.

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State of Connecticut Department of Labor - Office of Research, 200 Folly Brook Boulevard, Wethersfield, CT 06109
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