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State of Connecticut
All Industry
Estimated employment170
Mean wage$67,836
Entry wage$47,217
10th percentile wage$43,210
50th percentile wage$63,870
90th percentile wage$95,213
 Top Employing Industries
 Industry Employment  Percent 
Education and Health Services17098.2%
 Best Paying Industries
 Industry Employment  Median Wage 
Education and Health Services17068,304
Special Education Teachers, Preschool (25-2051)
Median Wage History
YearThis OccupationCompared to Occupational Group  Difference 
Current$67835.52 $59043.72  $8791.81
2013$67611.09+.3%$58848.37 +.3%$8762.72
2012$66320.59+1.9%$57725.12 +1.9%$8595.46
2011$65030.08+2.0%$56601.87 +2.0%$8428.21
2010$64020.13+1.6%$55722.81 +1.6%$8297.31
2009$62897.95+1.8%$54746.08 +1.8%$8151.87
2008$62224.64+1.1%$54160.03 +1.1%$8064.61
2007$60373.05+3.1%$52548.42 +3.1%$7824.64
2006$58353.14+3.5%$50790.29 +3.5%$7562.85
2005$56108.79+4.0%$48836.82 +4.0%$7271.97
YearThis OccupationCompared to All Occupations  Difference 
Current$67835.52 $54962.85  $12872.67
2013$67611.09+.3%$54824.64 +.3%$12786.45
2012$66320.59+1.9%$53718.93 +2.1%$12601.65
2011$65030.08+2.0%$52797.51 +1.7%$12232.57
2010$64020.13+1.6%$51968.23 +1.6%$12051.90
2009$62897.95+1.8%$51092.88 +1.7%$11805.07
2008$62224.64+1.1%$50401.81 +1.4%$11822.83
2007$60373.05+3.1%$49111.82 +2.6%$11261.23
2006$58353.14+3.5%$47545.40 +3.3%$10807.74
2005$56108.79+4.0%$46071.13 +3.2%$10037.66

Note:The mid-wage is the median wage. The average wage is the mean wage. The entry-level wage is equal to the average of the lower third of reported wages for the occupation. The wage range consists of the 10th and 90th percentiles; 80 percent of workers earn between this wage range, 10 percent earn less while 10 percent earn more.

Reference Date: 1st Quarter 2014
State of Connecticut, Department of Labor - Office of Research
200 Folly Brook Boulevard, Wethersfield, CT 06109 / Phone: 860-263-6000
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