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State of Connecticut Occupational Projections: 2008-2018 Employment Information
Job Description / Job Title / Green Job
Detailed job description using our Connecticut Job & Career ConneCTionConnecticut Job & Career ConneCTion - Identify occupations that may be a good match for your skills, interests, personality and provides you with detailed information on these occupations. Find appropriate education and training opportunities and identify employers who may hire people for those occupations. It will also provide tools to help you get the job that is right for you.
Green Enhanced SkillsConnecticut Green Jobs - The National Center for O*NET Development, as part of its efforts to keep up with the changing world of work, investigated the impact of green economy activities and technologies on occupational requirements and the development of New and Emerging (N&E) occupations. Results of the research led to the identification of green economic sectors, green increased demand occupations, green enhanced skills occupations, and green new and emerging (N&E) occupations. These occupations are now reflected in the O*NET-SOC system.
Projected Employment: 2008-2018
2008 - Base Year Employment - Number employed in the base year.
2018 - Projected Year Employment - Number forecast to be employed in the projected year.
Growth % - Projected Year Employment minus Base Year Employment) divided by the Base Year Employment.
Annual Openings: 2008-2018
TotalThe sum of Growth plus the expected number of Replacement Workers (workers needed to replace those who leave the workforce due to retirement, health, family reasons, or those who may switch careers) needed to fill those openings and then annualized.
GrowthProjected Year Employment minus Base Year Employment divided by 10 to achieve an annual figure.
Top Occupation by OpeningsConnecticut Top Occupations by Openings
Top Occupation by GrowthConnecticut Top Occupations by Growth
Top Occupation by Opening/GrowthConnecticut Top Occupations by Opening and Growth
2010 Connecticut Occupational Employment & Wage Statistics
Connecticut Occupational Employment & Wage StatisticsConnecticut Occupational Employment & Wage Statistics provides accurate and meaningful wage information to employers, job seekers, counselors, students, planners of vocational education programs, economic developers, Regional Workforce Development Boards, and others. Employers may find the data useful as a guide in analyzing pay scales; job seekers and students could utilize the information in making employment and career decisions; program planners should be aware of employment and wage levels in determining training programs to be offered.
Minimum Education Required
First Professional Degree - Completion of the academic program usually requires at least six years of full-time equivalent academic study, including college study prior to entering the professional degree program.
Doctoral Degree - Completion of the degree program usually requires at least three years of full-time equivalent academic work beyond the bachelor’s degree.
Master’s Degree - Completion of the degree program usually requires one or two years of full-time equivalent study beyond the bachelor’s degree.
Work Experience, plus Bachelor’s or Higher Degree - Most occupations in this category are managerial occupations that require experience in a related non-managerial position.
Bachelor’s Degree - Completion of the degree program generally requires at least four years but not more than five years of full-time equivalent academic work.
Associate Degree - Completion of the degree program usually requires at least two years of full-time equivalent academic study.
Postsecondary Vocational Training - Some programs last only a few weeks while others may last more than a year. In some occupations, a license is needed that requires passing an examination after completion of the training.
Work Experience in a Related Occupation - Some occupations requiring work experience are supervisory or managerial occupations.
Long-Term On-The-Job Training - This category includes occupations that generally require more than 12 months of on-the-job training or combined work experience and formal classroom instruction for workers to develop the skills needed for average job performance. This category includes formal and informal apprenticeships that may last up to four years, and short-term intensive employer-sponsored training that workers must successfully complete. Individuals undergoing training are generally considered to be employed in the occupation. This category includes occupations in which workers may gain experience in non-work activities, such as professional athletes who gain experience through participation in athletic programs in academic institutions.
Moderate-Term On-The-Job Training - This category includes occupations in which workers can develop the skills needed for average job performance after one to 12 months of combined on-the-job experience and informal training.
Short-Term On-The-Job Training - This category covers occupations in which workers can develop the skills needed for average job performance after a short demonstration or up to one month of on-the-job experience or instruction.
Training Courses Available in Connecticut
Click for available training programs using our Connecticut Education & Training ConneCTion Intended for use by students, teachers, counselors, job seekers, job developers, and others in need of information on education and training. It offers several search options to explore the world of Education & Training in Connecticut - find providers in your area, locate providers that offer the program or course you are interested in, or find out which programs or courses are related to the occupation you are interested in.
Search for employers using InfoGroupConnecticut Employer Search - Search for Connecticut Employers by industry, geography, occupation or company name. Find the largest companies in Connecticut or search all by region, WIA, or town. Click on a company name to view more information about that employer. This employer information is provided by InfoGroup®.
Search for employment using CT Job CentralConnecticut Job Central - Search for employment using Connecticut Job Central
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