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Internet Job Search

The Internet is a global electronic community - a network of networks. Nearly everything found in a real community can be found in cyberspace. There are businesses, social organizations, government agencies, educational institutions, and individual residences. Every idea, ideology and interest is represented. For every major job search strategy there is a cyberspace counterpart. The Internet is a virtual gold mine of employment resources that will only get better in the future.

The Internet is a tool, and like all tools it is only as good as the skill of the user. Learning to use the Internet productively takes time and effort. Many new users become overwhelmed. One frustration is that the Internet is huge and there is no single manual or help desk. Another is that it is constantly changing. What's there today may be gone, moved or changed tomorrow.

It is said that patience is a virtue - on the Internet it is a necessity! A dedication to continuous learning is a must. For those who master this tool, the rewards are great. The Internet will open up a whole new world of opportunities.

A list of useful Job Search links can be found in Step 4.

Cyber Résumés

Once you have mastered the paper résumé, you can add plain text and hypertext résumés to your resources. There are numerous opportunities to present your résumé to potential employers. You can post your résumé on news groups or in résumé databases. You can send your résumé direct through e-mail. You can even set up a professional website using your résumé information.

Plain Text Résumés: E-mail, news groups and most résumé databases require your résumé to be in a basic text format. Plain text résumés have the advantage of being read by most computer programs. The major disadvantage is the loss of fancy formatting. The content of the résumé should follow the same standards as a paper résumé. Many plain text résumés will be managed in a database so special attention should be given to keywords.

Hypertext Résumés: Hypertext résumés take advantage of the features of the World Wide Web. They may include graphics, video, sound, hypertext links and direct e-mail. Some sites that post résumés require them to be formatted in Hypertext Markup Language (HTML).

Many progressive job seekers are creating professional websites which include their résumé information. A good professional website should follow the publishing standards of the World Wide Web and most of the standards of good résumé writing. However, a website should be more than just an on-line résumé. There are numerous resources on the Internet, in bookstores and libraries to help in this effort.

Electronic Networking

Would you like to network with professionals in your industry, from all over the world without traveling great distances to attend expensive conferences? Looking for another way to make direct contact with potential employers? In cyberspace you can! The Internet is a networker's paradise.

Electronic networking uses three basic Internet tools - news groups, e-mail and live chat. To master these tools requires specialized communication skills. To be successful in this media requires preparation and practice. Many of the standards that apply to good telephone communication apply to the Internet.

Labor Market and Employer Research

The Internet originated as a research tool, so there should be no surprise that it offers incredible resources for employment research. There are volumes of labor market and employer information. Many employers post information about themselves on the Internet. Internet research requires a mastery of search tools and strategies.

Advertised Jobs

There are too many advertised jobs on the Internet to even begin to count. More and more employers are listing job openings on their web pages, in news groups and with Internet employment service providers.

Employment Services

There are hundreds of businesses specializing in providing employment services. Some are merely advertisements but many provide services directly on-line. These services include career counseling, résumé writing, placement assistance and job matching. Some sites match job seekers with employers directly on-line.

America's Job Bank

America's Job Bank (AJB) is the largest national database of job openings along with an electronic résumé system. This system allows you to search for jobs from pre-selected job titles, keywords or special codes. Hundreds of new jobs are posted every day so be sure to check back often.

Employers and private employment agencies can access résumés and view your qualifications in relationship to their job openings. If interested, employers will contact you directly. This service will expose your qualifications to a large audience of potential employers.

There are step-by-step instructions for easy use of the system. You have the personal control of updating or removing your résumé. Your résumé will be done in an attractive and standardized format. There will also be other links to job-related websites for career and job search information, and other local services and information. There is no charge for this service. If you do not have Internet access, you can visit your local public library, school, university, or local Job Center.

State of Connecticut Department of Labor - Office of Research, 200 Folly Brook Boulevard, Wethersfield, CT 06109
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