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Sample: Electronic Résumé

An electronic résumé should be plain text. Bold or underlined words, bullets and lines should not be used. Keywords in the actual job posting should be repeated as often as possible, as this sample résumé does in response to the ad below. Note that as an older jobseeker, Gerald chose to omit his graduation dates in order to avoid age discrimination.

WANTED: Seminar Coordinator for ABC, Inc., an international pharmaceutical firm. Responsible for in-house training, the right applicant should have advanced communication skills, familiar with ACCESS and Excel, and a willingness to travel. Please mail scannable résumés only.

Gerald White
1399 Sesame Street
Wapping, CT 06074

Seeking advanced challenge and responsibility to employ my management and communication skills as a training manager within an international pharmaceutical firm.

Proficient in Excel and ACCESS, willing to travel globally, advanced verbal and written communication skills, seven years management and training experience.

Statewide Manager, Feel Good Pharmacy, 1987 - present
+ Utilized ACCESS and Excel software to organize employees' records
+ Traveled to local stores for in-house training of new managers
+ Created written materials, including handbooks and reference guides, for training purposes
+ Organized annual training seminars for current employees
+ Managed a staff of twelve for five years
+ Decreased turnover rate of managers by two years
+ Recruited new staff

Store Manager, Quickease Pharmacy, 1977 - 1987
+ Increased sales by 25% in first year of management
+ Managed and scheduled a staff of fifteen employees
+ Documented and processed payroll using Excel
+ Interviewed, hired and trained all new employees
+ Wrote quarterly reports of financial progress
+ Verbally communicated customer and employee requests to statewide manager

American Red Cross volunteer, 1998 - present
Big Brothers/Big Sisters volunteer, 1996 - present

B.A. in Business Management, Central Connecticut State University
A.A. in Business Management, Manchester Community College

State of Connecticut Department of Labor - Office of Research, 200 Folly Brook Boulevard, Wethersfield, CT 06109
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