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How Can Assessment Tests Help Me?

Question: Why should I take an assessment test?

Answer: There are three basic reasons to take career-related tests and assessments:
  1. They tell you about yourself.
  2. They tell counselors about you.
  3. They tell employers about you.

Tests can help you better understand your strengths by identifying areas in which you already have skills, abilities, and interests. They can also alert you to areas for which you need to develop your strengths. You can make decisions about your career path with more confidence if you understand what you like (and don't like), as well as what you do well (and not-so-well). A test that steers you away from one kind of job or training program can also help steer you toward another.

There are a lot of situations in which assessments can help on your career path:

  • You may just be entering the job market and are unsure of the type of training you need to help you get a good job, or even what type of job you would like. Assessments can help you focus your search for training or a career.

  • You may be receiving some financial assistance for your training from an agency. The agency may want to assess your capabilities so they can help provide you with the right type of training.

  • You may have been looking for a job, but you haven't been successful because you don't have a diploma or the required certificate. You can take tests to get a certificate or a diploma.

  • You may have a job that you don't like, but you don't know where else to look for another one. Assessments can help you identify careers with a future.

  • You may be in an industry using new technology. Your job has disappeared, and you need to retrain and upgrade your skills. Tests can help you identify your particular training needs for high technology jobs.

  • You expect layoffs at your company, and you are interested in exploring other career options. Assessments can help direct you toward other jobs that might suit you.

  • You may be re-entering the job market, and you want to identify and improve your skills. You want to learn how your skills match with the new "World of Work." Tests and other assessments can help.

  • You are up for a promotion. Taking an examination is a common part of the promotions procedure. As you can see, there are many "employment situations" in which assessments can help provide important information.
State of Connecticut Department of Labor - Office of Research, 200 Folly Brook Boulevard, Wethersfield, CT 06109
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