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Occupation Description:
  Operate subway or elevated suburban trains with no separate locomotive, or electric-powered streetcar, to transport passengers. May handle fares.
Career Video:
  Video Icon  Subway and Streetcar Operators
  Open-captioning or video transcript included for the hearing impaired. Career videos brought to you by CareerOneStop. Copyright © 2017 All Rights Reserved.
Typical Tasks:
  • Operate controls to open and close transit vehicle doors.
  • Drive and control rail-guided public transportation, such as subways, elevated trains, and electric-powered streetcars, trams, or trolleys, to transport passengers.
  • Monitor lights indicating obstructions or other trains ahead and watch for car and truck traffic at crossings to stay alert to potential hazards.
  • Direct emergency evacuation procedures.
  • Regulate vehicle speed and the time spent at each stop to maintain schedules.
  • Report delays, mechanical problems, and emergencies to supervisors or dispatchers, using radios.
  • Make announcements to passengers, such as notifications of upcoming stops or schedule delays.
  • Transportation - Knowledge of principles and methods for moving people or goods by air, rail, sea, or road, including the relative costs and benefits..
  • Public Safety and Security - Knowledge of relevant equipment, policies, procedures, and strategies to promote effective local, state, or national security operations for the protection of people, data, property, and institutions..
  • Customer and Personal Service - Knowledge of principles and processes for providing customer and personal services. This includes customer needs assessment, meeting quality standards for services, and evaluation of customer satisfaction..
  • English Language - Knowledge of the structure and content of the English language including the meaning and spelling of words, rules of composition, and grammar..
  • Telecommunications - Knowledge of transmission, broadcasting, switching, control, and operation of telecommunications systems..
  • Education and Training - Knowledge of principles and methods for curriculum and training design, teaching and instruction for individuals and groups, and the measurement of training effects..
  • Mechanical - Knowledge of machines and tools, including their designs, uses, repair, and maintenance..
Search for Jobs on CareerOneStop:
  Search for Subway and Streetcar Operators Jobs
  (Please note that some searches may not produce any results.)
Education & Training:
  Moderate-term on-the-job training (1 to 12 months)
Wage Information:
  Sorry, wage information is not available for this occupation.
Occupation Outlook:
  Sorry, outlook information is not available for this occupation.
Similar Occupations:
State of Connecticut Department of Labor - Office of Research, 200 Folly Brook Boulevard, Wethersfield, CT 06109
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